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File Metadata

Thu, Oct 17, 00:40


final class DiffusionBrowseQueryConduitAPIMethod
extends DiffusionQueryConduitAPIMethod {
public function getAPIMethodName() {
return 'diffusion.browsequery';
public function getMethodDescription() {
return pht(
'File(s) information for a repository at an (optional) path and '.
'(optional) commit.');
protected function defineReturnType() {
return 'array';
protected function defineCustomParamTypes() {
return array(
'path' => 'optional string',
'commit' => 'optional string',
'needValidityOnly' => 'optional bool',
'limit' => 'optional int',
'offset' => 'optional int',
protected function getResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$result = parent::getResult($request);
return $result->toDictionary();
protected function getGitResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
$repository = $drequest->getRepository();
$path = $request->getValue('path');
$commit = $request->getValue('commit');
$offset = (int)$request->getValue('offset');
$limit = (int)$request->getValue('limit');
$result = $this->getEmptyResultSet();
if ($path == '') {
// Fast path to improve the performance of the repository view; we know
// the root is always a tree at any commit and always exists.
$stdout = 'tree';
} else {
try {
list($stdout) = $repository->execxLocalCommand(
'cat-file -t %s:%s',
} catch (CommandException $e) {
$stderr = $e->getStderr();
if (preg_match('/^fatal: Not a valid object name/', $stderr)) {
// Grab two logs, since the first one is when the object was deleted.
list($stdout) = $repository->execxLocalCommand(
'log -n2 --format="%%H" %s -- %s',
$stdout = trim($stdout);
if ($stdout) {
$commits = explode("\n", $stdout);
->setDeletedAtCommit(idx($commits, 0))
->setExistedAtCommit(idx($commits, 1));
return $result;
return $result;
} else {
throw $e;
if (trim($stdout) == 'blob') {
return $result;
if ($this->shouldOnlyTestValidity($request)) {
return $result;
list($stdout) = $repository->execxLocalCommand(
'ls-tree -z -l %s:%s',
$submodules = array();
if (strlen($path)) {
$prefix = rtrim($path, '/').'/';
} else {
$prefix = '';
$count = 0;
$results = array();
$lines = empty($stdout)
? array()
: explode("\0", rtrim($stdout));
foreach ($lines as $line) {
// NOTE: Limit to 5 components so we parse filenames with spaces in them
// correctly.
// NOTE: The output uses a mixture of tabs and one-or-more spaces to
// delimit fields.
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $line, 5);
if (count($parts) < 5) {
throw new Exception(
'Expected "<mode> <type> <hash> <size>\t<name>", for ls-tree of '.
'"%s:%s", got: %s',
list($mode, $type, $hash, $size, $name) = $parts;
$path_result = new DiffusionRepositoryPath();
if ($type == 'tree') {
$file_type = DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY;
} else if ($type == 'commit') {
$file_type = DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SUBMODULE;
$submodules[] = $path_result;
} else {
$mode = intval($mode, 8);
if (($mode & 0120000) == 0120000) {
$file_type = DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK;
} else {
$file_type = DifferentialChangeType::FILE_NORMAL;
if ($count >= $offset) {
$results[] = $path_result;
if ($limit && $count >= ($offset + $limit)) {
// If we identified submodules, lookup the module info at this commit to
// find their source URIs.
if ($submodules) {
// NOTE: We need to read the file out of git and write it to a temporary
// location because "git config -f" doesn't accept a "commit:path"-style
// argument.
// NOTE: This file may not exist, e.g. because the commit author removed
// it when they added the submodule. See T1448. If it's not present, just
// show the submodule without enriching it. If ".gitmodules" was removed
// it seems to partially break submodules, but the repository as a whole
// continues to work fine and we've seen at least two cases of this in
// the wild.
list($err, $contents) = $repository->execLocalCommand(
'cat-file blob %s:.gitmodules',
if (!$err) {
$tmp = new TempFile();
Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $contents);
list($module_info) = $repository->execxLocalCommand(
'config -l -f %s',
$dict = array();
$lines = explode("\n", trim($module_info));
foreach ($lines as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $line, 2);
$parts = explode('.', $key);
$dict[$key] = $value;
foreach ($submodules as $path) {
$full_path = $path->getFullPath();
$key = 'submodule.'.$full_path.'.url';
if (isset($dict[$key])) {
return $result->setPaths($results);
protected function getMercurialResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
$repository = $drequest->getRepository();
$path = $request->getValue('path');
$commit = $request->getValue('commit');
$offset = (int)$request->getValue('offset');
$limit = (int)$request->getValue('limit');
$result = $this->getEmptyResultSet();
$entire_manifest = id(new DiffusionLowLevelMercurialPathsQuery())
$results = array();
$match_against = trim($path, '/');
$match_len = strlen($match_against);
// For the root, don't trim. For other paths, trim the "/" after we match.
// We need this because Mercurial's canonical paths have no leading "/",
// but ours do.
$trim_len = $match_len ? $match_len + 1 : 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($entire_manifest as $path) {
if (strncmp($path, $match_against, $match_len)) {
if (!strlen($path)) {
$remainder = substr($path, $trim_len);
if (!strlen($remainder)) {
// There is a file with this exact name in the manifest, so clearly
// it's a file.
return $result;
$parts = explode('/', $remainder);
$name = reset($parts);
// If we've already seen this path component, we're looking at a file
// inside a directory we already processed. Just move on.
if (isset($results[$name])) {
if (count($parts) == 1) {
$type = DifferentialChangeType::FILE_NORMAL;
} else {
$type = DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY;
if ($count >= $offset) {
$results[$name] = $type;
if ($limit && ($count >= ($offset + $limit))) {
foreach ($results as $key => $type) {
$path_result = new DiffusionRepositoryPath();
$path_result->setFullPath(ltrim($match_against.'/', '/').$key);
$results[$key] = $path_result;
$valid_results = true;
if (empty($results)) {
// TODO: Detect "deleted" by issuing "hg log"?
$valid_results = false;
return $result
protected function getSVNResult(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
$repository = $drequest->getRepository();
$path = $request->getValue('path');
$commit = $request->getValue('commit');
$offset = (int)$request->getValue('offset');
$limit = (int)$request->getValue('limit');
$result = $this->getEmptyResultSet();
$subpath = $repository->getDetail('svn-subpath');
if ($subpath && strncmp($subpath, $path, strlen($subpath))) {
// If we have a subpath and the path isn't a child of it, it (almost
// certainly) won't exist since we don't track commits which affect
// it. (Even if it exists, return a consistent result.)
return $result;
$conn_r = $repository->establishConnection('r');
$parent_path = DiffusionPathIDQuery::getParentPath($path);
$path_query = new DiffusionPathIDQuery(
$path_map = $path_query->loadPathIDs();
$path_id = $path_map[$path];
$parent_path_id = $path_map[$parent_path];
if (empty($path_id)) {
return $result;
if ($commit) {
$slice_clause = 'AND svnCommit <= '.(int)$commit;
} else {
$slice_clause = '';
$index = queryfx_all(
'SELECT pathID, max(svnCommit) maxCommit FROM %T WHERE
repositoryID = %d AND parentID = %d
%Q GROUP BY pathID',
if (!$index) {
if ($path == '/') {
} else {
// NOTE: The parent path ID is included so this query can take
// advantage of the table's primary key; it is uniquely determined by
// the pathID but if we don't do the lookup ourselves MySQL doesn't have
// the information it needs to avoid a table scan.
$reasons = queryfx_all(
'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE repositoryID = %d
AND parentID = %d
AND pathID = %d
%Q ORDER BY svnCommit DESC LIMIT 2',
$reason = reset($reasons);
if (!$reason) {
} else {
$file_type = $reason['fileType'];
if (empty($reason['existed'])) {
if (!empty($reasons[1])) {
} else if ($file_type == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY) {
} else {
return $result;
if ($this->shouldOnlyTestValidity($request)) {
return $result;
$sql = array();
foreach ($index as $row) {
$sql[] =
'(pathID = '.(int)$row['pathID'].' AND '.
'svnCommit = '.(int)$row['maxCommit'].')';
$browse = queryfx_all(
'SELECT *, p.path pathName
FROM %T f JOIN %T p ON f.pathID =
WHERE repositoryID = %d
AND parentID = %d
AND existed = 1
AND (%Q)
ORDER BY pathName',
implode(' OR ', $sql));
$loadable_commits = array();
foreach ($browse as $key => $file) {
// We need to strip out directories because we don't store last-modified
// in the filesystem table.
if ($file['fileType'] != DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY) {
$loadable_commits[] = $file['svnCommit'];
$browse[$key]['hasCommit'] = true;
$commits = array();
$commit_data = array();
if ($loadable_commits) {
// NOTE: Even though these are integers, use '%Ls' because MySQL doesn't
// use the second part of the key otherwise!
$commits = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit())->loadAllWhere(
'repositoryID = %d AND commitIdentifier IN (%Ls)',
$commits = mpull($commits, null, 'getCommitIdentifier');
if ($commits) {
$commit_data = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData())->loadAllWhere(
'commitID in (%Ld)',
mpull($commits, 'getID'));
$commit_data = mpull($commit_data, null, 'getCommitID');
} else {
$commit_data = array();
$path_normal = DiffusionPathIDQuery::normalizePath($path);
$results = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($browse as $file) {
$full_path = $file['pathName'];
$file_path = ltrim(substr($full_path, strlen($path_normal)), '/');
$full_path = ltrim($full_path, '/');
$result_path = new DiffusionRepositoryPath();
if (!empty($file['hasCommit'])) {
$commit = idx($commits, $file['svnCommit']);
if ($commit) {
$data = idx($commit_data, $commit->getID());
if ($count >= $offset) {
$results[] = $result_path;
if ($limit && ($count >= ($offset + $limit))) {
if (empty($results)) {
return $result->setPaths($results);
private function getEmptyResultSet() {
return id(new DiffusionBrowseResultSet())
private function shouldOnlyTestValidity(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
return $request->getValue('needValidityOnly', false);

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