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final class PhabricatorSettingsPanelOAuth
extends PhabricatorSettingsPanel {
public function getPanelKey() {
return 'oauth-'.$this->provider->getProviderKey();
public function getPanelName() {
return $this->provider->getProviderName();
public function getPanelGroup() {
return pht('Linked Accounts');
public function buildPanels() {
$panels = array();
$providers = PhabricatorOAuthProvider::getAllProviders();
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
$panel = clone $this;
$panels[] = $panel;
return $panels;
public function isEnabled() {
return $this->provider->isProviderEnabled();
private $provider;
public function setOAuthProvider(PhabricatorOAuthProvider $oauth_provider) {
$this->provider = $oauth_provider;
return $this;
private function prepareAuthForm(AphrontFormView $form) {
$provider = $this->provider;
$auth_uri = $provider->getAuthURI();
$client_id = $provider->getClientID();
$redirect_uri = $provider->getRedirectURI();
$minimum_scope = $provider->getMinimumScope();
->addHiddenInput('redirect_uri', $redirect_uri)
->addHiddenInput('client_id', $client_id)
->addHiddenInput('scope', $minimum_scope);
foreach ($provider->getExtraAuthParameters() as $key => $value) {
$form->addHiddenInput($key, $value);
return $form;
public function processRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$user = $request->getUser();
$provider = $this->provider;
$notice = null;
$provider_name = $provider->getProviderName();
$provider_key = $provider->getProviderKey();
$oauth_info = id(new PhabricatorUserOAuthInfo())->loadOneWhere(
'userID = %d AND oauthProvider = %s',
if ($request->isFormPost() && $oauth_info) {
$notice = $this->refreshProfileImage($request, $oauth_info);
$form = new AphrontFormView();
$forms = array();
$forms[] = $form;
if (!$oauth_info) {
'<p class="aphront-form-instructions">There is currently no %s '.
'account linked to your Phabricator account. You can link an '.
'account, which will allow you to use it to log into Phabricator.'.
id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
->setValue('Link '.$provider_name." Account \xC2\xBB"));
} else {
$expires = $oauth_info->getTokenExpires();
'<p class="aphront-form-instructions">Your account is linked with '.
'a %s account. You may use your %s credentials to log into '.
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
->setLabel($provider_name.' ID')
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
->setLabel($provider_name.' Name')
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
->setLabel($provider_name.' URI')
if (!$expires || $expires > time()) {
id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
->setValue('Refresh Profile Image from '.$provider_name)
if (!$provider->isProviderLinkPermanent()) {
$unlink = 'Unlink '.$provider_name.' Account';
$unlink_form = new AphrontFormView();
'<p class="aphront-form-instructions">You may unlink this account '.
'from your %s account. This will prevent you from logging in '.
'with your %s credentials.</p>',
id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
->addCancelButton('/oauth/'.$provider_key.'/unlink/', $unlink));
$forms['Unlink Account'] = $unlink_form;
if ($expires) {
if ($expires <= time()) {
$expires_text = "Expired";
} else {
$expires_text = phabricator_datetime($expires, $user);
} else {
$expires_text = 'No Information Available';
$scope = $oauth_info->getTokenScope();
if (!$scope) {
$scope = 'No Information Available';
$status = $oauth_info->getTokenStatus();
$readable_status = PhabricatorUserOAuthInfo::getReadableTokenStatus(
$rappable_status = PhabricatorUserOAuthInfo::getRappableTokenStatus(
$beat = self::getBeat();
$rap = hsprintf(
"%s Yo yo yo<br />".
'My name\'s DJ Token and I\'m here to say<br />'.
// pronounce as "dollar rappable status" for meter to work
"%s, hey hey hey hey<br />".
'I rap \'bout tokens, that might be why<br />'.
'I\'m such a cool and popular guy',
$token_form = new AphrontFormView();
'<p class="aphront-form-instructions">%s</p>',
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
->setLabel('Token Status')
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())
if ($expires <= time()) {
id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
->setValue('Refresh '.$provider_name.' Token')
$forms['Account Token Information'] = $token_form;
$panel = new AphrontPanelView();
$panel->setHeader($provider_name.' Account Settings');
foreach ($forms as $name => $form) {
if ($name) {
$panel->appendChild(hsprintf('<br /><h1>%s</h1><br />', $name));
return id(new AphrontNullView())
private function refreshProfileImage(
AphrontRequest $request,
PhabricatorUserOAuthInfo $oauth_info) {
$user = $request->getUser();
$provider = $this->provider;
$error = false;
$userinfo_uri = new PhutilURI($provider->getUserInfoURI());
$token = $oauth_info->getToken();
try {
$userinfo_uri->setQueryParam('access_token', $token);
$user_data = HTTPSFuture::loadContent($userinfo_uri);
$image = $provider->retrieveUserProfileImage();
if ($image) {
$file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData(
'name' => $provider->getProviderKey().'-profile.jpg',
'authorPHID' => $user->getPHID(),
$xformer = new PhabricatorImageTransformer();
// Resize OAuth image to a reasonable size
$small_xformed = $xformer->executeProfileTransform(
$width = 50,
$min_height = 50,
$max_height = 50);
} else {
$error = 'Unable to retrieve image.';
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof PhabricatorOAuthProviderException) {
$error = sprintf('Unable to retrieve image from %s',
} else {
$error = 'Unable to save image.';
$notice = new AphrontErrorView();
if ($error) {
->setTitle('Error Refreshing Profile Picture')
} else {
->setTitle('Successfully Refreshed Profile Picture');
return $notice;
private static function getBeat() {
// Gangsta's Paradise (karaoke version).
// Chosen because it's the only thing I listen to.
$song_id = "Gangsta's Paradise";
// Make a musical note which you can click for the beat.
$beat = hsprintf(
'<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="%s">&#9835;</a>',
jsprintf('alert(%s); return 0;', "Think about {$song_id}."));
return $beat;

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