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final class PhabricatorDaemonControl {
public function executeListCommand() {
$symbols = $this->loadAvailableDaemonClasses();
$symbols = igroup($symbols, 'library');
echo "\n";
foreach ($symbols as $library => $symbol_list) {
echo phutil_console_format("Daemons in library __%s__:\n", $library);
foreach ($symbol_list as $symbol) {
echo " ".$symbol['name']."\n";
echo "\n";
return 0;
public function executeStatusCommand() {
$daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons();
if (!$daemons) {
echo "There are no running Phabricator daemons.\n";
return 1;
$status = 0;
foreach ($daemons as $daemon) {
$name = $daemon->getName();
if (!$daemon->isRunning()) {
$status = 2;
$name = '<DEAD> '.$name;
? date('M j Y, g:i:s A', $daemon->getEpochStarted())
: null,
return $status;
public function executeStopCommand($pids = null) {
$daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons();
if (!$daemons) {
echo "There are no running Phabricator daemons.\n";
return 0;
$daemons = mpull($daemons, null, 'getPID');
$running = array();
if ($pids == null) {
$running = $daemons;
} else {
// We were given a PID or set of PIDs to kill.
foreach ($pids as $key => $pid) {
if (!preg_match('/^\d+$/', $pid)) {
echo "'{$pid}' is not a valid PID.\n";
} else if (empty($daemons[$pid])) {
echo "'{$pid}' is not Phabricator-controlled PID. Not killing.\n";
} else {
$running[] = $daemons[$pid];
if (empty($running)) {
echo "No daemons to kill.\n";
return 0;
$all_daemons = $running;
foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) {
$pid = $daemon->getPID();
$name = $daemon->getName();
echo "Stopping daemon '{$name}' ({$pid})...\n";
if (!$daemon->isRunning()) {
echo "Daemon is not running.\n";
} else {
posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
$start = time();
do {
foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) {
$pid = $daemon->getPID();
if (!$daemon->isRunning()) {
echo "Daemon {$pid} exited normally.\n";
if (empty($running)) {
} while (time() < $start + 15);
foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) {
$pid = $daemon->getPID();
echo "KILLing daemon {$pid}.\n";
posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL);
foreach ($all_daemons as $daemon) {
if ($daemon->getPIDFile()) {
public function executeHelpCommand() {
echo phutil_console_format(<<<EOHELP
**phd** - phabricator daemon launcher
Start the normal collection of daemons that Phabricator uses. This
is appropriate for most installs. If you want to customize what
is launched, you can use **launch** for fine-grained control.
Stop all running daemons, then start a standard loadout.
**stop** [PID ...]
Stop all running daemons if no PIDs are given, or a particular
PID or set of PIDs, if they are supplied.
**launch** [__n__] __daemon__ [argv ...]
**debug** __daemon__ [argv ...]
Start a daemon (or n copies of a daemon).
With **debug**, do not daemonize. Use this if you're having trouble
getting daemons working.
List available daemons.
List running daemons. This command will exit with a non-zero exit
status if any daemons are not running.
Show this help.
return 1;
public function pingConduit() {
// It's fairly common to have issues here, e.g. because Phabricator isn't
// running, isn't accessible, you put the domain in your hostsfile but it
// isn't available on the production host, etc. If any of this doesn't work,
// conduit will throw.
$conduit = new ConduitClient(PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/api/'));
$conduit->callMethodSynchronous('', array());
public function launchDaemon($daemon, array $argv, $debug = false) {
$symbols = $this->loadAvailableDaemonClasses();
$symbols = ipull($symbols, 'name', 'name');
if (empty($symbols[$daemon])) {
throw new Exception(
"Daemon '{$daemon}' is not loaded, misspelled or abstract.");
$libphutil_root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phutil'));
$launch_daemon = $libphutil_root.'/scripts/daemon/';
foreach ($argv as $key => $arg) {
$argv[$key] = escapeshellarg($arg);
$flags = array();
if ($debug || PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.trace')) {
$flags[] = '--trace';
if ($debug || PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.verbose')) {
$flags[] = '--verbose';
if (!$debug) {
$flags[] = '--daemonize';
$bootloader = PhutilBootloader::getInstance();
foreach ($bootloader->getAllLibraries() as $library) {
if ($library == 'phutil') {
// No need to load libphutil, it's necessarily loaded implicitly by the
// daemon itself.
$flags[] = csprintf(
$flags[] = csprintf('--conduit-uri=%s', PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/api/'));
if (!$debug) {
$log_file = $this->getLogDirectory().'/daemons.log';
$flags[] = csprintf('--log=%s', $log_file);
$pid_dir = $this->getPIDDirectory();
// TODO: This should be a much better user experience.
$flags[] = csprintf('--phd=%s', $pid_dir);
$command = csprintf(
'./launch_daemon.php %s %C %C',
implode(' ', $flags),
implode(' ', $argv));
if ($debug) {
// Don't terminate when the user sends ^C; it will be sent to the
// subprocess which will terminate normally.
array('PhabricatorDaemonControl', 'ignoreSignal'));
echo "\n libphutil/scripts/daemon/ \$ {$command}\n\n";
phutil_passthru('(cd %s && exec %C)', $launch_daemon, $command);
} else {
$future = new ExecFuture('exec %C', $command);
// Play games to keep 'ps' looking reasonable.
public static function ignoreSignal($signo) {
private function getControlDirectory($path) {
if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) {
list($err) = exec_manual('mkdir -p %s', $path);
if ($err) {
throw new Exception(
"phd requires the directory '{$path}' to exist, but it does not ".
"exist and could not be created. Create this directory or update ".
"'' / 'phd.log-directory' in your configuration ".
"to point to an existing directory.");
return $path;
public function getPIDDirectory() {
$path = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('');
return $this->getControlDirectory($path);
public function getLogDirectory() {
$path = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.log-directory');
return $this->getControlDirectory($path);
protected function loadAvailableDaemonClasses() {
$loader = new PhutilSymbolLoader();
return $loader
public function loadRunningDaemons() {
$results = array();
$pid_dir = $this->getPIDDirectory();
$pid_files = Filesystem::listDirectory($pid_dir);
if (!$pid_files) {
return $results;
foreach ($pid_files as $pid_file) {
$pid_data = Filesystem::readFile($pid_dir.'/'.$pid_file);
$dict = json_decode($pid_data, true);
if (!is_array($dict)) {
// Just return a hanging reference, since control code needs to be
// robust against unusual system states.
$dict = array();
$ref = PhabricatorDaemonReference::newFromDictionary($dict);
$results[] = $ref;
return $results;
protected function killDaemon(PhabricatorDaemonReference $ref) {

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