* Represent a buyer or merchant account on a marketplace.
* You create these using Balanced\Marketplace->createBuyer or
* Balanced\Marketplace->createMerchant.
* <code>
* $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
* $card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
* 'street_address' => $street_address,
* 'city' => 'Jollywood',
* 'region' => 'CA',
* 'postal_code' => '90210',
* 'name' => 'Captain Chunk',
* 'card_number' => '4111111111111111',
* 'expiration_month' => 7,
* 'expiration_year' => 2015
* ));
* $buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer(
* 'buyer@example.com',
* $card->uri,
* array(
* 'my_id' => '1212121',
* )
* );
* </code>
* @see Balanced\Marketplace->createBuyer
* @see Balanced\Marketplace->createMerchant
* Credit the account.
* @param int amount Amount to credit the account in USD pennies.
* @param string description Optional description of the credit.
* @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the credit.
* @param mixed destination Optional URI of a funding destination (i.e. \Balanced\BankAccount) associated with this account to credit. If not specified the funding destination most recently added to the account is used.
* @param string appears_on_statement_as Optional description of the credit as it will appears on the customer's billing statement.
* @param int amount Amount to debit the account in USD pennies.
* @param string appears_on_statement_as Optional description of the debit as it will appears on the customer's billing statement.
* @param string description Optional description of the debit.
* @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the debit.
* @param mixed Optional funding source (i.e. \Balanced\Card) or URI of a funding source associated with this account to debit. If not specified the funding source most recently added to the account is used.
* Create a hold (i.e. a guaranteed pending debit) for account funds. You
* can later capture or void. A hold is associated with a account funding
* source (i.e. \Balanced\Card). If you don't specify the source then the
* current primary funding source for the account is used.
* @param int amount Amount of the hold in USD pennies.
* @param string Optional description Description of the hold.
* @param string Optional URI referencing the card to use for the hold.
* @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the hold.
* @return \Balanced\Hold
* Creates or associates a created card with the account. The default
* funding source for the account will be this card.
* @see \Balanced\Marketplace->createCard
* @param mixed card \Balanced\Card or URI referencing a card to associate with the account. Alternatively it can be an associative array describing a card to create and associate with the account.
* @return \Balanced\Account
* Creates or associates a created bank account with the account. The
* new default funding destination for the account will be this bank account.
* @see \Balanced\Marketplace->createBankAccount
* @param mixed bank_account \Balanced\BankAccount or URI for a bank account to associate with the account. Alternatively it can be an associative array describing a bank account to create and associate with the account.
* @return \Balanced\Account
* Promotes a role-less or buyer account to a merchant.
* @see Balanced\Marketplace::createMerchant
* @param mixed merchant Associative array describing the merchants identity or a URI referencing a created merchant.