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final class PhabricatorAuthProviderOAuthGoogle
extends PhabricatorAuthProviderOAuth {
public function getProviderName() {
return pht('Google');
public function getConfigurationHelp() {
$login_uri = $this->getLoginURI();
return pht(
"To configure Google OAuth, create a new 'API Project' here:".
"You don't need to enable any Services, just go to **API Access**, ".
"click **Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID...**, and configure these ".
" - During initial setup click **More Options** (or after creating ".
" the client ID, click **Edit Settings...**), then add this to ".
" **Authorized Redirect URIs**: `%s`\n".
"After completing configuration, copy the **Client ID** and ".
"**Client Secret** to the fields above.",
protected function newOAuthAdapter() {
return new PhutilAuthAdapterOAuthGoogle();
protected function getLoginIcon() {
return 'Google';
public function getLoginURI() {
// TODO: Clean this up. See PhabricatorAuthOldOAuthRedirectController.
return PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/oauth/google/login/');

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