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final class PhabricatorAWSConfigOptions
extends PhabricatorApplicationConfigOptions {
public function getName() {
return pht('Amazon Web Services');
public function getDescription() {
return pht('Configure integration with AWS (EC2, SES, S3, etc).');
public function getFontIcon() {
return 'fa-server';
public function getGroup() {
return 'core';
public function getOptions() {
return array(
$this->newOption('amazon-ses.access-key', 'string', null)
->setDescription(pht('Access key for Amazon SES.')),
$this->newOption('amazon-ses.secret-key', 'string', null)
->setDescription(pht('Secret key for Amazon SES.')),
$this->newOption('amazon-s3.access-key', 'string', null)
->setDescription(pht('Access key for Amazon S3.')),
$this->newOption('amazon-s3.secret-key', 'string', null)
->setDescription(pht('Secret key for Amazon S3.')),
$this->newOption('amazon-s3.region', 'string', null)
'Amazon S3 region where your S3 bucket is located. When you '.
'specify a region, you should also specify a corresponding '.
'endpoint with `amazon-s3.endpoint`. You can find a list of '.
'available regions and endpoints in the AWS documentation.'))
->addExample('us-west-1', pht('USWest Region')),
$this->newOption('amazon-s3.endpoint', 'string', null)
'Explicit S3 endpoint to use. This should be the endpoint '.
'which corresponds to the region you have selected in '.
'`amazon-s3.region`. Phabricator can not determine the correct '.
'endpoint automatically because some endpoint locations are '.
pht('Use specific endpoint')),
$this->newOption('amazon-ec2.access-key', 'string', null)
->setDescription(pht('Access key for Amazon EC2.')),
$this->newOption('amazon-ec2.secret-key', 'string', null)
->setDescription(pht('Secret key for Amazon EC2.')),

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