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Sun, Sep 29, 16:47


final class DifferentialRevisionPlanChangesTransaction
extends DifferentialRevisionActionTransaction {
const TRANSACTIONTYPE = 'differential.revision.plan';
const ACTIONKEY = 'plan-changes';
protected function getRevisionActionLabel() {
return pht('Plan Changes');
protected function getRevisionActionDescription(
DifferentialRevision $revision) {
return pht(
'This revision will be removed from review queues until it is revised.');
public function getIcon() {
return 'fa-headphones';
public function getColor() {
return 'red';
protected function getRevisionActionOrder() {
return 200;
public function getActionName() {
return pht('Planned Changes');
public function getCommandKeyword() {
return 'planchanges';
public function getCommandAliases() {
return array(
public function getCommandSummary() {
return pht('Plan changes to a revision.');
public function generateOldValue($object) {
return $object->isChangePlanned();
public function applyInternalEffects($object, $value) {
$status_planned = DifferentialRevisionStatus::CHANGES_PLANNED;
protected function validateAction($object, PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
if ($object->isDraft()) {
// See PHI346. Until the "Draft" state fully unprototypes, allow drafts
// to be moved to "changes planned" via the API. This preserves the
// behavior of "arc diff --plan-changes". We still prevent this
// transition from the web UI.
// TODO: Remove this once drafts leave prototype.
$editor = $this->getEditor();
$type_web = PhabricatorWebContentSource::SOURCECONST;
if ($editor->getContentSource()->getSource() == $type_web) {
throw new Exception(
pht('You can not plan changes to a draft revision.'));
if ($object->isChangePlanned()) {
throw new Exception(
'You can not request review of this revision because this '.
'revision is already under review and the action would have '.
'no effect.'));
if ($object->isClosed()) {
throw new Exception(
'You can not plan changes to this this revision because it has '.
'already been closed.'));
if (!$this->isViewerRevisionAuthor($object, $viewer)) {
throw new Exception(
'You can not plan changes to this revision because you do not '.
'own it. Only the author of a revision can plan changes to it.'));
public function getTitle() {
if ($this->isDraftDemotion()) {
return pht(
'%s returned this revision to the author for changes because remote '.
'builds failed.',
} else {
return pht(
'%s planned changes to this revision.',
public function getTitleForFeed() {
return pht(
'%s planned changes to %s.',
private function isDraftDemotion() {
return (bool)$this->getMetadataValue('draft.demote');
public function getTransactionTypeForConduit($xaction) {
return 'plan-changes';
public function getFieldValuesForConduit($object, $data) {
return array();

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