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* @task allocate Allocator
* @task resource Managing Resources
* @task lease Managing Leases
final class DrydockAllocatorWorker extends DrydockWorker {
protected function doWork() {
$lease_phid = $this->getTaskDataValue('leasePHID');
$lease = $this->loadLease($lease_phid);
/* -( Allocator )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Find or build a resource which can satisfy a given lease request, then
* acquire the lease.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return void
* @task allocator
private function allocateAndAcquireLease(DrydockLease $lease) {
$blueprints = $this->loadBlueprintsForAllocatingLease($lease);
// If we get nothing back, that means no blueprint is defined which can
// ever build the requested resource. This is a permanent failure, since
// we don't expect to succeed no matter how many times we try.
if (!$blueprints) {
throw new PhabricatorWorkerPermanentFailureException(
'No active Drydock blueprint exists which can ever allocate a '.
'resource for lease "%s".',
// First, try to find a suitable open resource which we can acquire a new
// lease on.
$resources = $this->loadResourcesForAllocatingLease($blueprints, $lease);
// If no resources exist yet, see if we can build one.
if (!$resources) {
$usable_blueprints = $this->removeOverallocatedBlueprints(
// If we get nothing back here, some blueprint claims it can eventually
// satisfy the lease, just not right now. This is a temporary failure,
// and we expect allocation to succeed eventually.
if (!$blueprints) {
// TODO: More formal temporary failure here. We should retry this
// "soon" but not "immediately".
throw new Exception(
pht('No blueprints have space to allocate a resource right now.'));
$usable_blueprints = $this->rankBlueprints($blueprints, $lease);
$exceptions = array();
foreach ($usable_blueprints as $blueprint) {
try {
$resources[] = $this->allocateResource($blueprint, $lease);
// Bail after allocating one resource, we don't need any more than
// this.
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$exceptions[] = $ex;
if (!$resources) {
// TODO: We should distinguish between temporary and permament failures
// here. If any blueprint failed temporarily, retry "soon". If none
// of these failures were temporary, maybe this should be a permanent
// failure?
throw new PhutilAggregateException(
'All blueprints failed to allocate a suitable new resource when '.
'trying to allocate lease "%s".',
// NOTE: We have not acquired the lease yet, so it is possible that the
// resource we just built will be snatched up by some other lease before
// we can. This is not problematic: we'll retry a little later and should
// suceed eventually.
$resources = $this->rankResources($resources, $lease);
$exceptions = array();
$allocated = false;
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
try {
$this->acquireLease($resource, $lease);
$allocated = true;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$exceptions[] = $ex;
if (!$allocated) {
// TODO: We should distinguish between temporary and permanent failures
// here. If any failures were temporary (specifically, failed to acquire
// locks)
throw new PhutilAggregateException(
'Unable to acquire lease "%s" on any resouce.',
* Get all the @{class:DrydockBlueprintImplementation}s which can possibly
* build a resource to satisfy a lease.
* This method returns blueprints which might, at some time, be able to
* build a resource which can satisfy the lease. They may not be able to
* build that resource right now.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return list<DrydockBlueprintImplementation> List of qualifying blueprint
* implementations.
* @task allocator
private function loadBlueprintImplementationsForAllocatingLease(
DrydockLease $lease) {
$impls = DrydockBlueprintImplementation::getAllBlueprintImplementations();
$keep = array();
foreach ($impls as $key => $impl) {
// Don't use disabled blueprint types.
if (!$impl->isEnabled()) {
// Don't use blueprint types which can't allocate the correct kind of
// resource.
if ($impl->getType() != $lease->getResourceType()) {
if (!$impl->canAnyBlueprintEverAllocateResourceForLease($lease)) {
$keep[$key] = $impl;
return $keep;
* Get all the concrete @{class:DrydockBlueprint}s which can possibly
* build a resource to satisfy a lease.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return list<DrydockBlueprint> List of qualifying blueprints.
* @task allocator
private function loadBlueprintsForAllocatingLease(
DrydockLease $lease) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$impls = $this->loadBlueprintImplementationsForAllocatingLease($lease);
if (!$impls) {
return array();
// TODO: When blueprints can be disabled, this query should ignore disabled
// blueprints.
$blueprints = id(new DrydockBlueprintQuery())
$keep = array();
foreach ($blueprints as $key => $blueprint) {
if (!$blueprint->canEverAllocateResourceForLease($lease)) {
$keep[$key] = $blueprint;
return $keep;
* Load a list of all resources which a given lease can possibly be
* allocated against.
* @param list<DrydockBlueprint> Blueprints which may produce suitable
* resources.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return list<DrydockResource> Resources which may be able to allocate
* the lease.
* @task allocator
private function loadResourcesForAllocatingLease(
array $blueprints,
DrydockLease $lease) {
assert_instances_of($blueprints, 'DrydockBlueprint');
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$resources = id(new DrydockResourceQuery())
->withBlueprintPHIDs(mpull($blueprints, 'getPHID'))
$keep = array();
foreach ($resources as $key => $resource) {
$blueprint = $resource->getBlueprint();
if (!$blueprint->canAcquireLeaseOnResource($resource, $lease)) {
$keep[$key] = $resource;
return $keep;
* Remove blueprints which are too heavily allocated to build a resource for
* a lease from a list of blueprints.
* @param list<DrydockBlueprint> List of blueprints.
* @return list<DrydockBlueprint> List with blueprints that can not allocate
* a resource for the lease right now removed.
* @task allocator
private function removeOverallocatedBlueprints(
array $blueprints,
DrydockLease $lease) {
assert_instances_of($blueprints, 'DrydockBlueprint');
$keep = array();
foreach ($blueprints as $key => $blueprint) {
if (!$blueprint->canAllocateResourceForLease($lease)) {
$keep[$key] = $blueprint;
return $keep;
* Rank blueprints by suitability for building a new resource for a
* particular lease.
* @param list<DrydockBlueprint> List of blueprints.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return list<DrydockBlueprint> Ranked list of blueprints.
* @task allocator
private function rankBlueprints(array $blueprints, DrydockLease $lease) {
assert_instances_of($blueprints, 'DrydockBlueprint');
// TODO: Implement improvements to this ranking algorithm if they become
// available.
return $blueprints;
* Rank resources by suitability for allocating a particular lease.
* @param list<DrydockResource> List of resources.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return list<DrydockResource> Ranked list of resources.
* @task allocator
private function rankResources(array $resources, DrydockLease $lease) {
assert_instances_of($resources, 'DrydockResource');
// TODO: Implement improvements to this ranking algorithm if they become
// available.
return $resources;
/* -( Managing Resources )------------------------------------------------- */
* Perform an actual resource allocation with a particular blueprint.
* @param DrydockBlueprint The blueprint to allocate a resource from.
* @param DrydockLease Requested lease.
* @return DrydockResource Allocated resource.
* @task resource
private function allocateResource(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockLease $lease) {
$resource = $blueprint->allocateResource($lease);
$this->validateAllocatedResource($blueprint, $resource, $lease);
// If this resource was allocated as a pending resource, queue a task to
// activate it.
if ($resource->getStatus() == DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING) {
'resourcePHID' => $resource->getPHID(),
'objectPHID' => $resource->getPHID(),
return $resource;
* Check that the resource a blueprint allocated is roughly the sort of
* object we expect.
* @param DrydockBlueprint Blueprint which built the resource.
* @param wild Thing which the blueprint claims is a valid resource.
* @param DrydockLease Lease the resource was allocated for.
* @return void
* @task resource
private function validateAllocatedResource(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockLease $lease) {
if (!($resource instanceof DrydockResource)) {
throw new Exception(
'Blueprint "%s" (of type "%s") is not properly implemented: %s must '.
'return an object of type %s or throw, but returned something else.',
if (!$resource->isAllocatedResource()) {
throw new Exception(
'Blueprint "%s" (of type "%s") is not properly implemented: %s '.
'must actually allocate the resource it returns.',
$resource_type = $resource->getType();
$lease_type = $lease->getResourceType();
if ($resource_type !== $lease_type) {
// TODO: Destroy the resource here?
throw new Exception(
'Blueprint "%s" (of type "%s") is not properly implemented: it '.
'built a resource of type "%s" to satisfy a lease requesting a '.
'resource of type "%s".',
/* -( Managing Leases )---------------------------------------------------- */
* Perform an actual lease acquisition on a particular resource.
* @param DrydockResource Resource to acquire a lease on.
* @param DrydockLease Lease to acquire.
* @return void
* @task lease
private function acquireLease(
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
$blueprint = $resource->getBlueprint();
$blueprint->acquireLease($resource, $lease);
$this->validateAcquiredLease($blueprint, $resource, $lease);
// If this lease has been acquired but not activated, queue a task to
// activate it.
if ($lease->getStatus() == DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACQUIRED) {
'leasePHID' => $lease->getPHID(),
'objectPHID' => $lease->getPHID(),
* Make sure that a lease was really acquired properly.
* @param DrydockBlueprint Blueprint which created the resource.
* @param DrydockResource Resource which was acquired.
* @param DrydockLease The lease which was supposedly acquired.
* @return void
* @task lease
private function validateAcquiredLease(
DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
if (!$lease->isAcquiredLease()) {
throw new Exception(
'Blueprint "%s" (of type "%s") is not properly implemented: it '.
'returned from "%s" without acquiring a lease.',
$lease_phid = $lease->getResourcePHID();
$resource_phid = $resource->getPHID();
if ($lease_phid !== $resource_phid) {
// TODO: Destroy the lease?
throw new Exception(
'Blueprint "%s" (of type "%s") is not properly implemented: it '.
'returned from "%s" with a lease acquired on the wrong resource.',

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