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final class HeraldEngine extends Phobject {
protected $rules = array();
protected $results = array();
protected $stack = array();
protected $activeRule;
protected $transcript;
protected $fieldCache = array();
protected $object;
private $dryRun;
private $forbiddenFields = array();
private $forbiddenActions = array();
private $skipEffects = array();
public function setDryRun($dry_run) {
$this->dryRun = $dry_run;
return $this;
public function getDryRun() {
return $this->dryRun;
public function getRule($phid) {
return idx($this->rules, $phid);
public function loadRulesForAdapter(HeraldAdapter $adapter) {
return id(new HeraldRuleQuery())
public static function loadAndApplyRules(HeraldAdapter $adapter) {
$engine = new HeraldEngine();
$rules = $engine->loadRulesForAdapter($adapter);
$effects = $engine->applyRules($rules, $adapter);
$engine->applyEffects($effects, $adapter, $rules);
return $engine->getTranscript();
public function applyRules(array $rules, HeraldAdapter $object) {
assert_instances_of($rules, 'HeraldRule');
$t_start = microtime(true);
// Rules execute in a well-defined order: sort them into execution order.
$rules = msort($rules, 'getRuleExecutionOrderSortKey');
$rules = mpull($rules, null, 'getPHID');
$this->transcript = new HeraldTranscript();
$this->fieldCache = array();
$this->results = array();
$this->rules = $rules;
$this->object = $object;
$effects = array();
foreach ($rules as $phid => $rule) {
$this->stack = array();
$is_first_only = $rule->isRepeatFirst();
try {
if (!$this->getDryRun() &&
$is_first_only &&
$rule->getRuleApplied($object->getPHID())) {
// This is not a dry run, and this rule is only supposed to be
// applied a single time, and it's already been applied...
// That means automatic failure.
'This rule is only supposed to be repeated a single time, '.
'and it has already been applied.'));
$rule_matches = false;
} else {
if ($this->isForbidden($rule, $object)) {
'Object state is not compatible with rule.'));
$rule_matches = false;
} else {
$rule_matches = $this->doesRuleMatch($rule, $object);
} catch (HeraldRecursiveConditionsException $ex) {
$names = array();
foreach ($this->stack as $rule_phid => $ignored) {
$names[] = '"'.$rules[$rule_phid]->getName().'"';
$names = implode(', ', $names);
foreach ($this->stack as $rule_phid => $ignored) {
"Rules %s are recursively dependent upon one another! ".
"Don't do this! You have formed an unresolvable cycle in the ".
"dependency graph!",
$rule_matches = false;
$this->results[$phid] = $rule_matches;
if ($rule_matches) {
foreach ($this->getRuleEffects($rule, $object) as $effect) {
$effects[] = $effect;
$object_transcript = new HeraldObjectTranscript();
$t_end = microtime(true);
$this->transcript->setDuration($t_end - $t_start);
return $effects;
public function applyEffects(
array $effects,
HeraldAdapter $adapter,
array $rules) {
assert_instances_of($effects, 'HeraldEffect');
assert_instances_of($rules, 'HeraldRule');
if ($this->getDryRun()) {
$xscripts = array();
foreach ($effects as $effect) {
$xscripts[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript(
pht('This was a dry run, so no actions were actually taken.'));
} else {
$xscripts = $adapter->applyHeraldEffects($effects);
assert_instances_of($xscripts, 'HeraldApplyTranscript');
foreach ($xscripts as $apply_xscript) {
// For dry runs, don't mark the rule as having applied to the object.
if ($this->getDryRun()) {
// Update the "applied" state table. How this table works depends on the
// repetition policy for the rule.
// REPEAT_EVERY: We delete existing rows for the rule, then write nothing.
// This policy doesn't use any state.
// REPEAT_FIRST: We keep existing rows, then write additional rows for
// rules which fired. This policy accumulates state over the life of the
// object.
// REPEAT_CHANGE: We delete existing rows, then write all the rows which
// matched. This policy only uses the state from the previous run.
$rules = mpull($rules, null, 'getID');
$rule_ids = mpull($xscripts, 'getRuleID');
$delete_ids = array();
foreach ($rules as $rule_id => $rule) {
if ($rule->isRepeatFirst()) {
$delete_ids[] = $rule_id;
$applied_ids = array();
foreach ($rule_ids as $rule_id) {
if (!$rule_id) {
// Some apply transcripts are purely informational and not associated
// with a rule, e.g. carryover emails from earlier revisions.
$rule = idx($rules, $rule_id);
if (!$rule) {
if ($rule->isRepeatFirst() || $rule->isRepeatOnChange()) {
$applied_ids[] = $rule_id;
// Also include "only if this rule did not match the last time" rules
// which matched but were skipped in the "applied" list.
foreach ($this->skipEffects as $rule_id => $ignored) {
$applied_ids[] = $rule_id;
if ($delete_ids || $applied_ids) {
$conn_w = id(new HeraldRule())->establishConnection('w');
if ($delete_ids) {
'DELETE FROM %T WHERE phid = %s AND ruleID IN (%Ld)',
if ($applied_ids) {
$sql = array();
foreach ($applied_ids as $id) {
$sql[] = qsprintf(
'(%s, %d)',
implode(', ', $sql));
public function getTranscript() {
return $this->transcript;
public function doesRuleMatch(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldAdapter $object) {
$phid = $rule->getPHID();
if (isset($this->results[$phid])) {
// If we've already evaluated this rule because another rule depends
// on it, we don't need to reevaluate it.
return $this->results[$phid];
if (isset($this->stack[$phid])) {
// We've recursed, fail all of the rules on the stack. This happens when
// there's a dependency cycle with "Rule conditions match for rule ..."
// conditions.
foreach ($this->stack as $rule_phid => $ignored) {
$this->results[$rule_phid] = false;
throw new HeraldRecursiveConditionsException();
$this->stack[$phid] = true;
$all = $rule->getMustMatchAll();
$conditions = $rule->getConditions();
$result = null;
$local_version = id(new HeraldRule())->getConfigVersion();
if ($rule->getConfigVersion() > $local_version) {
$reason = pht(
'Rule could not be processed, it was created with a newer version '.
'of Herald.');
$result = false;
} else if (!$conditions) {
$reason = pht(
'Rule failed automatically because it has no conditions.');
$result = false;
} else if (!$rule->hasValidAuthor()) {
$reason = pht(
'Rule failed automatically because its owner is invalid '.
'or disabled.');
$result = false;
} else if (!$this->canAuthorViewObject($rule, $object)) {
$reason = pht(
'Rule failed automatically because it is a personal rule and its '.
'owner can not see the object.');
$result = false;
} else if (!$this->canRuleApplyToObject($rule, $object)) {
$reason = pht(
'Rule failed automatically because it is an object rule which is '.
'not relevant for this object.');
$result = false;
} else {
foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
try {
$this->getConditionObjectValue($condition, $object);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$reason = pht(
'Field "%s" does not exist!',
$result = false;
$match = $this->doesConditionMatch($rule, $condition, $object);
if (!$all && $match) {
$reason = pht('Any condition matched.');
$result = true;
if ($all && !$match) {
$reason = pht('Not all conditions matched.');
$result = false;
if ($result === null) {
if ($all) {
$reason = pht('All conditions matched.');
$result = true;
} else {
$reason = pht('No conditions matched.');
$result = false;
// If this rule matched, and is set to run "if it did not match the last
// time", and we matched the last time, we're going to return a match in
// the transcript but set a flag so we don't actually apply any effects.
// We need the rule to match so that storage gets updated properly. If we
// just pretend the rule didn't match it won't cause any effects (which
// is correct), but it also won't set the "it matched" flag in storage,
// so the next run after this one would incorrectly trigger again.
$is_dry_run = $this->getDryRun();
if ($result && !$is_dry_run) {
$is_on_change = $rule->isRepeatOnChange();
if ($is_on_change) {
$did_apply = $rule->getRuleApplied($object->getPHID());
if ($did_apply) {
$reason = pht(
'This rule matched, but did not take any actions because it '.
'is configured to act only if it did not match the last time.');
$this->skipEffects[$rule->getID()] = true;
return $result;
protected function doesConditionMatch(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldCondition $condition,
HeraldAdapter $object) {
$object_value = $this->getConditionObjectValue($condition, $object);
$transcript = $this->newConditionTranscript($rule, $condition);
try {
$result = $object->doesConditionMatch(
} catch (HeraldInvalidConditionException $ex) {
$result = false;
return $result;
protected function getConditionObjectValue(
HeraldCondition $condition,
HeraldAdapter $object) {
$field = $condition->getFieldName();
return $this->getObjectFieldValue($field);
public function getObjectFieldValue($field) {
if (!array_key_exists($field, $this->fieldCache)) {
$this->fieldCache[$field] = $this->object->getHeraldField($field);
return $this->fieldCache[$field];
protected function getRuleEffects(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldAdapter $object) {
$rule_id = $rule->getID();
if (isset($this->skipEffects[$rule_id])) {
return array();
$effects = array();
foreach ($rule->getActions() as $action) {
$effect = id(new HeraldEffect())
$name = $rule->getName();
$id = $rule->getID();
'Conditions were met for %s',
"H{$id} {$name}"));
$effects[] = $effect;
return $effects;
private function canAuthorViewObject(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldAdapter $adapter) {
// Authorship is irrelevant for global rules and object rules.
if ($rule->isGlobalRule() || $rule->isObjectRule()) {
return true;
// The author must be able to create rules for the adapter's content type.
// In particular, this means that the application must be installed and
// accessible to the user. For example, if a user writes a Differential
// rule and then loses access to Differential, this disables the rule.
$enabled = HeraldAdapter::getEnabledAdapterMap($rule->getAuthor());
if (empty($enabled[$adapter->getAdapterContentType()])) {
return false;
// Finally, the author must be able to see the object itself. You can't
// write a personal rule that CC's you on revisions you wouldn't otherwise
// be able to see, for example.
$object = $adapter->getObject();
return PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability(
private function canRuleApplyToObject(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldAdapter $adapter) {
// Rules which are not object rules can apply to anything.
if (!$rule->isObjectRule()) {
return true;
$trigger_phid = $rule->getTriggerObjectPHID();
$object_phids = $adapter->getTriggerObjectPHIDs();
if ($object_phids) {
if (in_array($trigger_phid, $object_phids)) {
return true;
return false;
private function newRuleTranscript(HeraldRule $rule) {
$xscript = id(new HeraldRuleTranscript())
return $xscript;
private function newConditionTranscript(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldCondition $condition) {
$xscript = id(new HeraldConditionTranscript())
return $xscript;
private function newApplyTranscript(
HeraldAdapter $adapter,
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldActionRecord $action) {
$effect = id(new HeraldEffect())
$xscript = new HeraldApplyTranscript($effect, false);
return $xscript;
private function isForbidden(
HeraldRule $rule,
HeraldAdapter $adapter) {
$forbidden = $adapter->getForbiddenActions();
if (!$forbidden) {
return false;
$forbidden = array_fuse($forbidden);
$is_forbidden = false;
foreach ($rule->getConditions() as $condition) {
$field_key = $condition->getFieldName();
if (!isset($this->forbiddenFields[$field_key])) {
$reason = null;
try {
$states = $adapter->getRequiredFieldStates($field_key);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$states = array();
foreach ($states as $state) {
if (!isset($forbidden[$state])) {
$reason = $adapter->getForbiddenReason($state);
$this->forbiddenFields[$field_key] = $reason;
$forbidden_reason = $this->forbiddenFields[$field_key];
if ($forbidden_reason !== null) {
$this->newConditionTranscript($rule, $condition)
$is_forbidden = true;
foreach ($rule->getActions() as $action_record) {
$action_key = $action_record->getAction();
if (!isset($this->forbiddenActions[$action_key])) {
$reason = null;
try {
$states = $adapter->getRequiredActionStates($action_key);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$states = array();
foreach ($states as $state) {
if (!isset($forbidden[$state])) {
$reason = $adapter->getForbiddenReason($state);
$this->forbiddenActions[$action_key] = $reason;
$forbidden_reason = $this->forbiddenActions[$action_key];
if ($forbidden_reason !== null) {
$this->newApplyTranscript($adapter, $rule, $action_record)
'type' => HeraldAction::DO_STANDARD_FORBIDDEN,
'data' => $forbidden_reason,
$is_forbidden = true;
return $is_forbidden;

Event Timeline