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Wed, Jul 17, 08:12


final class ManiphestTaskAssignOtherHeraldAction
extends ManiphestTaskAssignHeraldAction {
const ACTIONCONST = 'maniphest.assign.other';
public function getHeraldActionName() {
return pht('Assign task to');
public function supportsRuleType($rule_type) {
return ($rule_type != HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL);
public function applyEffect($object, HeraldEffect $effect) {
return $this->applyAssign($effect->getTarget());
public function getHeraldActionStandardType() {
return self::STANDARD_PHID_LIST;
protected function getDatasource() {
// TODO: Eventually, it would be nice to get "limit = 1" exported from here
// up to the UI.
return new PhabricatorPeopleDatasource();
public function renderActionDescription($value) {
return pht('Assign task to: %s.', $this->renderHandleList($value));

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