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* Render the body of an application email by building it up section-by-section.
* @task compose Composition
* @task render Rendering
final class PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody extends Phobject {
private $sections = array();
private $htmlSections = array();
private $attachments = array();
private $viewer;
private $contextObject;
public function getViewer() {
return $this->viewer;
public function setViewer($viewer) {
$this->viewer = $viewer;
return $this;
public function setContextObject($context_object) {
$this->contextObject = $context_object;
return $this;
public function getContextObject() {
return $this->contextObject;
/* -( Composition )-------------------------------------------------------- */
* Add a raw block of text to the email. This will be rendered as-is.
* @param string Block of text.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addRawSection($text) {
if (strlen($text)) {
$text = rtrim($text);
$this->sections[] = $text;
$this->htmlSections[] = phutil_escape_html_newlines(
phutil_tag('div', array(), $text));
return $this;
public function addRemarkupSection($header, $text) {
try {
$engine = $this->newMarkupEngine()
$styled_text = $engine->markupText($text);
$this->addPlaintextSection($header, $styled_text);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->addTextSection($header, $text);
try {
$mail_engine = $this->newMarkupEngine()
$html = $mail_engine->markupText($text);
$this->addHTMLSection($header, $html);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->addHTMLSection($header, $text);
return $this;
public function addRawPlaintextSection($text) {
if (strlen($text)) {
$text = rtrim($text);
$this->sections[] = $text;
return $this;
public function addRawHTMLSection($html) {
$this->htmlSections[] = phutil_safe_html($html);
return $this;
* Add a block of text with a section header. This is rendered like this:
* Text is indented.
* @param string Header text.
* @param string Section text.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addTextSection($header, $section) {
if ($section instanceof PhabricatorMetaMTAMailSection) {
$plaintext = $section->getPlaintext();
$html = $section->getHTML();
} else {
$plaintext = $section;
$html = phutil_escape_html_newlines(phutil_tag('div', array(), $section));
$this->addPlaintextSection($header, $plaintext);
$this->addHTMLSection($header, $html);
return $this;
public function addPlaintextSection($header, $text, $indent = true) {
if ($indent) {
$text = $this->indent($text);
$this->sections[] = $header."\n".$text;
return $this;
public function addHTMLSection($header, $html_fragment) {
if ($header !== null) {
$header = phutil_tag('strong', array(), $header);
$this->htmlSections[] = array(
phutil_tag('div', array(), $html_fragment),
return $this;
public function addLinkSection($header, $link) {
$html = phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $link), $link);
$this->addPlaintextSection($header, $link);
$this->addHTMLSection($header, $html);
return $this;
* Add an attachment.
* @param PhabricatorMailAttachment Attachment.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addAttachment(PhabricatorMailAttachment $attachment) {
$this->attachments[] = $attachment;
return $this;
/* -( Rendering )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Render the email body.
* @return string Rendered body.
* @task render
public function render() {
return implode("\n\n", $this->sections)."\n";
public function renderHTML() {
$br = phutil_tag('br');
$body = phutil_implode_html($br, $this->htmlSections);
return (string)hsprintf('%s', array($body, $br));
* Retrieve attachments.
* @return list<PhabricatorMailAttachment> Attachments.
* @task render
public function getAttachments() {
return $this->attachments;
* Indent a block of text for rendering under a section heading.
* @param string Text to indent.
* @return string Indented text.
* @task render
private function indent($text) {
return rtrim(" ".str_replace("\n", "\n ", $text));
private function newMarkupEngine() {
$engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array())
->setConfig('viewer', $this->getViewer())
->setConfig('uri.base', PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/'));
$context = $this->getContextObject();
if ($context) {
$engine->setConfig('contextObject', $context);
return $engine;

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