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final class ReleephWorkNextRequestConduitAPIMethod
extends ReleephConduitAPIMethod {
private $project;
private $branch;
public function getAPIMethodName() {
return 'releephwork.nextrequest';
public function getMethodStatus() {
public function getMethodDescription() {
'Return info required to cut a branch, '.
'and pick and revert ReleephRequests';
protected function defineParamTypes() {
return array(
'branchPHID' => 'required phid',
'seen' => 'required map<string, bool>',
protected function defineReturnType() {
return '';
protected function defineErrorTypes() {
return array(
'You are not listed as a pusher for thie Releeph project!',
protected function execute(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$viewer = $request->getUser();
$seen = $request->getValue('seen');
$branch = id(new ReleephBranchQuery())
$project = $branch->getProduct();
$needs_pick = array();
$needs_revert = array();
// Load every request ever made for this branch...?!!!
$releeph_requests = id(new ReleephRequestQuery())
foreach ($releeph_requests as $candidate) {
$phid = $candidate->getPHID();
if (idx($seen, $phid)) {
$should = $candidate->shouldBeInBranch();
$in = $candidate->getInBranch();
if ($should && !$in) {
$needs_pick[] = $candidate;
if (!$should && $in) {
$needs_revert[] = $candidate;
* Sort both needs_pick and needs_revert in ascending commit order, as
* discovered by Phabricator (using the `id` column to perform that
* ordering).
* This is easy for $needs_pick as the ordinal is stored. It is hard for
* reverts, as we have to look that information up.
$needs_pick = $this->sortPicks($needs_pick);
$needs_revert = $this->sortReverts($needs_revert);
* Do reverts first in reverse order, then the picks in original-commit
* order.
* This seems like the correct thing to do, but there may be a better
* algorithm for the releephwork.nextrequest Conduit call that orders
* things better.
* We could also button-mash our way through everything that failed (at the
* end of the run) to try failed things again.
$releeph_request = null;
$action = null;
if ($needs_revert) {
$releeph_request = last($needs_revert);
$action = 'revert';
$commit_id = $releeph_request->getCommitIdentifier();
$commit_phid = $releeph_request->getCommitPHID();
} else if ($needs_pick) {
$releeph_request = head($needs_pick);
$action = 'pick';
$commit = $releeph_request->loadPhabricatorRepositoryCommit();
$commit_id = $commit->getCommitIdentifier();
$commit_phid = $commit->getPHID();
} else {
// Return early if there's nothing to do!
return array();
// Build the response
$phids = array();
$phids[] = $commit_phid;
$diff_phid = null;
$diff_rev_id = null;
$requested_object = $releeph_request->getRequestedObject();
if ($requested_object instanceof DifferentialRevision) {
$diff_rev = $requested_object;
} else {
$diff_rev = null;
if ($diff_rev) {
$diff_phid = $diff_rev->getPHID();
$phids[] = $diff_phid;
$diff_rev_id = $diff_rev->getID();
$phids[] = $releeph_request->getPHID();
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery())
$diff_name = null;
if ($diff_rev) {
$diff_name = $handles[$diff_phid]->getName();
$new_author_phid = null;
if ($diff_rev) {
$new_author_phid = $diff_rev->getAuthorPHID();
} else {
$pr_commit = $releeph_request->loadPhabricatorRepositoryCommit();
if ($pr_commit) {
$new_author_phid = $pr_commit->getAuthorPHID();
return array(
'requestID' => $releeph_request->getID(),
'requestPHID' => $releeph_request->getPHID(),
'requestName' => $handles[$releeph_request->getPHID()]->getName(),
'requestorPHID' => $releeph_request->getRequestUserPHID(),
'action' => $action,
'diffRevID' => $diff_rev_id,
'diffName' => $diff_name,
'commitIdentifier' => $commit_id,
'commitPHID' => $commit_phid,
'commitName' => $handles[$commit_phid]->getName(),
'needsRevert' => mpull($needs_revert, 'getID'),
'needsPick' => mpull($needs_pick, 'getID'),
'newAuthorPHID' => $new_author_phid,
private function sortPicks(array $releeph_requests) {
$surrogate = array();
foreach ($releeph_requests as $rq) {
// TODO: it's likely that relying on the `id` column to provide
// trunk-commit-order is thoroughly broken.
$ordinal = (int)$rq->loadPhabricatorRepositoryCommit()->getID();
$surrogate[$ordinal] = $rq;
return $surrogate;
* Sort an array of ReleephRequests, that have been picked into a branch, in
* the order in which they were picked to the branch.
private function sortReverts(array $releeph_requests) {
if (!$releeph_requests) {
return array();
// ReleephRequests, keyed by <branch-commit-id>
$releeph_requests = mpull($releeph_requests, null, 'getCommitIdentifier');
$commits = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit())
'commitIdentifier IN (%Ls)',
mpull($releeph_requests, 'getCommitIdentifier'));
// A map of <branch-commit-id> => <branch-commit-ordinal>
$surrogate = mpull($commits, 'getID', 'getCommitIdentifier');
$unparsed = array();
$result = array();
foreach ($releeph_requests as $commit_id => $releeph_request) {
$ordinal = idx($surrogate, $commit_id);
if ($ordinal) {
$result[$ordinal] = $releeph_request;
} else {
$unparsed[] = $releeph_request;
// Sort $result in ascending order
// Unparsed commits we'll just have to guess, based on time
$unparsed = msort($unparsed, 'getDateModified');
return array_merge($result, $unparsed);

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