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abstract class ReleephFieldSpecification
extends PhabricatorCustomField
implements PhabricatorMarkupInterface {
// TODO: This is temporary, until ReleephFieldSpecification is more conformant
// to PhabricatorCustomField.
private $requestValue;
public function readValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$this->requestValue = $request->getStr($this->getRequiredStorageKey());
return $this;
public function shouldAppearInPropertyView() {
return true;
public function renderPropertyViewLabel() {
return $this->getName();
public function renderPropertyViewValue(array $handles) {
$key = $this->getRequiredStorageKey();
$value = $this->getReleephRequest()->getDetail($key);
if ($value === '') {
return null;
return $value;
abstract public function getName();
/* -( Storage )------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function getStorageKey() {
return null;
public function getRequiredStorageKey() {
$key = $this->getStorageKey();
if ($key === null) {
throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this);
if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) {
* Storage keys are reused for form controls, and periods in form control
* names break HTML forms.
throw new Exception(
"You can't use '.' in storage keys!");
return $key;
public function shouldAppearInEditView() {
return $this->isEditable();
final public function isEditable() {
return $this->getStorageKey() !== null;
final public function getValue() {
if ($this->requestValue !== null) {
return $this->requestValue;
$key = $this->getRequiredStorageKey();
return $this->getReleephRequest()->getDetail($key);
final public function setValue($value) {
$key = $this->getRequiredStorageKey();
return $this->getReleephRequest()->setDetail($key, $value);
* @throws ReleephFieldParseException, to show an error.
public function validate($value) {
* Turn values as they are stored in a ReleephRequest into a text that can be
* rendered as a transactions old/new values.
public function normalizeForTransactionView(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction,
$value) {
return $value;
/* -( Conduit )------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function getKeyForConduit() {
return $this->getRequiredStorageKey();
public function getValueForConduit() {
return $this->getValue();
public function setValueFromConduitAPIRequest(ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$value = idx(
$request->getValue('fields', array()),
/* -( Arcanist )----------------------------------------------------------- */
public function renderHelpForArcanist() {
return '';
/* -( Context )------------------------------------------------------------ */
private $releephProject;
private $releephBranch;
private $releephRequest;
private $user;
final public function setReleephProject(ReleephProject $rp) {
$this->releephProject = $rp;
return $this;
final public function setReleephBranch(ReleephBranch $rb) {
$this->releephRequest = $rb;
return $this;
final public function setReleephRequest(ReleephRequest $rr) {
$this->releephRequest = $rr;
return $this;
final public function setUser(PhabricatorUser $user) {
$this->user = $user;
return $this;
final public function getReleephProject() {
if (!$this->releephProject) {
return $this->getReleephBranch()->getProduct();
return $this->releephProject;
final public function getReleephBranch() {
if (!$this->releephBranch) {
return $this->getReleephRequest()->getBranch();
return $this->releephBranch;
final public function getReleephRequest() {
if (!$this->releephRequest) {
return $this->getObject();
return $this->releephRequest;
final public function getUser() {
if (!$this->user) {
return $this->getViewer();
return $this->user;
/* -( Commit Messages )---------------------------------------------------- */
public function shouldAppearOnCommitMessage() {
return false;
public function renderLabelForCommitMessage() {
throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this);
public function renderValueForCommitMessage() {
throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this);
public function shouldAppearOnRevertMessage() {
return false;
public function renderLabelForRevertMessage() {
return $this->renderLabelForCommitMessage();
public function renderValueForRevertMessage() {
return $this->renderValueForCommitMessage();
/* -( Markup Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */
const MARKUP_FIELD_GENERIC = 'releeph:generic-markup-field';
private $engine;
* @{class:ReleephFieldSpecification} implements much of
* @{interface:PhabricatorMarkupInterface} for you. If you return true from
* `shouldMarkup()`, and implement `getMarkupText()` then your text will be
* rendered through the Phabricator markup pipeline.
* Output is retrievable with `getMarkupEngineOutput()`.
public function shouldMarkup() {
return false;
public function getMarkupText($field) {
throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this);
final public function getMarkupEngineOutput() {
return $this->engine->getOutput($this, self::MARKUP_FIELD_GENERIC);
final public function setMarkupEngine(PhabricatorMarkupEngine $engine) {
$this->engine = $engine;
$engine->addObject($this, self::MARKUP_FIELD_GENERIC);
return $this;
final public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) {
return sprintf(
final public function newMarkupEngine($field) {
return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDifferentialMarkupEngine();
final public function didMarkupText(
PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) {
return $output;
final public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) {
return true;

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