@title Slowvote User Guide
@group userguide

Detailed dispute resolution manual.

= Overview =

Slowvote is a simple polling application for asking questions like "Where should
we order pizza from?", "Are dogs better than cats?" and "What is the optimal
strategic direction for our company?". You can use it to quickly get feedback
from people in a lightweight, structured way.

Slowvote is based on a Facebook application called Quickvote, which was pretty
good when it was originally written but went through a couple of poorly executed
rewrites and ended up being extremely slow and glitchy, often taking more than
10 seconds to load. I originally designed and implemented the entire Slowvote
application while waiting for a Quikvote to load.

= Plurality vs Approval =

When you create a poll, you can choose **plurality** or **approval** voting.

In plurality voting, users choose one option. The winning option is the one with
the most votes.

In approval voting, users choose all the options they approve of. The winning
option is the one the largest number of people accept.