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final class PHUIPagerView extends AphrontView {
private $offset;
private $pageSize = 100;
private $count;
private $hasMorePages;
private $uri;
private $pagingParameter;
private $surroundingPages = 2;
private $enableKeyboardShortcuts;
public function setPageSize($page_size) {
$this->pageSize = max(1, $page_size);
return $this;
public function setOffset($offset) {
$this->offset = max(0, $offset);
return $this;
public function getOffset() {
return $this->offset;
public function getPageSize() {
return $this->pageSize;
public function setCount($count) {
$this->count = $count;
return $this;
public function setHasMorePages($has_more) {
$this->hasMorePages = $has_more;
return $this;
public function setURI(PhutilURI $uri, $paging_parameter) {
$this->uri = $uri;
$this->pagingParameter = $paging_parameter;
return $this;
public function readFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$this->uri = $request->getRequestURI();
$this->pagingParameter = 'offset';
$this->offset = $request->getInt($this->pagingParameter);
return $this;
public function willShowPagingControls() {
return $this->hasMorePages;
public function getHasMorePages() {
return $this->hasMorePages;
public function setSurroundingPages($pages) {
$this->surroundingPages = max(0, $pages);
return $this;
private function computeCount() {
if ($this->count !== null) {
return $this->count;
return $this->getOffset()
+ $this->getPageSize()
+ ($this->hasMorePages ? 1 : 0);
private function isExactCountKnown() {
return $this->count !== null;
* A common paging strategy is to select one extra record and use that to
* indicate that there's an additional page (this doesn't give you a
* complete page count but is often faster than counting the total number
* of items). This method will take a result array, slice it down to the
* page size if necessary, and call setHasMorePages() if there are more than
* one page of results.
* $results = queryfx_all(
* $conn,
* 'SELECT ... LIMIT %d, %d',
* $pager->getOffset(),
* $pager->getPageSize() + 1);
* $results = $pager->sliceResults($results);
* @param list Result array.
* @return list One page of results.
public function sliceResults(array $results) {
if (count($results) > $this->getPageSize()) {
$results = array_slice($results, 0, $this->getPageSize(), true);
return $results;
public function setEnableKeyboardShortcuts($enable) {
$this->enableKeyboardShortcuts = $enable;
return $this;
public function render() {
if (!$this->uri) {
throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('setURI');
$page = (int)floor($this->getOffset() / $this->getPageSize());
$last = ((int)ceil($this->computeCount() / $this->getPageSize())) - 1;
$near = $this->surroundingPages;
$min = $page - $near;
$max = $page + $near;
// Limit the window size to no larger than the number of available pages.
if ($max - $min > $last) {
$max = $min + $last;
if ($max == $min) {
return phutil_tag('div', array('class' => 'phui-pager-view'), '');
// Slide the window so it is entirely over displayable pages.
if ($min < 0) {
$max += 0 - $min;
$min += 0 - $min;
if ($max > $last) {
$min -= $max - $last;
$max -= $max - $last;
// Build up a list of <index, label, css-class> tuples which describe the
// links we'll display, then render them all at once.
$links = array();
$prev_index = null;
$next_index = null;
if ($min > 0) {
$links[] = array(0, pht('First'), null);
if ($page > 0) {
$links[] = array($page - 1, pht('Prev'), null);
$prev_index = $page - 1;
for ($ii = $min; $ii <= $max; $ii++) {
$links[] = array($ii, $ii + 1, ($ii == $page) ? 'current' : null);
if ($page < $last && $last > 0) {
$links[] = array($page + 1, pht('Next'), null);
$next_index = $page + 1;
if ($max < ($last - 1)) {
$links[] = array($last, pht('Last'), null);
$base_uri = $this->uri;
$parameter = $this->pagingParameter;
if ($this->enableKeyboardShortcuts) {
$pager_links = array();
$pager_index = array(
'prev' => $prev_index,
'next' => $next_index,
foreach ($pager_index as $key => $index) {
if ($index !== null) {
$display_index = $this->getDisplayIndex($index);
$pager_links[$key] = (string)$base_uri->alter(
Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-keyboard-pager', $pager_links);
// Convert tuples into rendered nodes.
$rendered_links = array();
foreach ($links as $link) {
list($index, $label, $class) = $link;
$display_index = $this->getDisplayIndex($index);
$link = $base_uri->alter($parameter, $display_index);
$rendered_links[] = id(new PHUIButtonView())
return phutil_tag(
'class' => 'phui-pager-view',
private function getDisplayIndex($page_index) {
$page_size = $this->getPageSize();
// Use a 1-based sequence for display so that the number in the URI is
// the same as the page number you're on.
if ($page_index == 0) {
// No need for the first page to say page=1.
$display_index = null;
} else {
$display_index = $page_index * $page_size;
return $display_index;

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