#Text file with the options to execute the Conjugate Gradient Solver #Authors: Sergio Daniel Hernandez Charpak #=========================================== #----------------Format--------------------- #-To comment just start a line with the '#' character #The format goes by: key=value with no spaces. #For keys with several values these are separated with the ',' character #Keys are unique #=========================================== #----------------Initial-Conditions------------- #-Be careful to write the path with no quotes #-Can be: #-a Plummer Sphere:'Plummer' #-a two body Kepler problem:'2Kepler' #-a four body Kepler problem:'4Kepler' type_input=Plummer #----------------General-Physics---------------- newton_g=0.0044995611 timestep=0.1 box_size=50 softening=10.0 tree_thres=1.5 display_f=10 n_particles=200 scale_radius=10.0 n_time_steps=100 #----------------Output-Files---------------- #-Be careful to write the path with no quotes #-Can be: #-a text File:'text' #-a binary file:'bin' type_output=text outputFile=testing_1 number_outputs=1 #----------------End----------------