# Conjugate Gradient Solver May - June 2019 # Parallel and High Performance Computing Course Project Sergio Daniel Hernandez # Description Conjugate Gradient Solver developed in the context of the final project for the Parallel and High Performance COmputing Course (PHPC) at EPFL. # Structure * [Serial implementation](CG_Serial) * [Pure MPI implementation](CG_Parallel) # Usage Cloning the Repository ``` git clone https://c4science.ch/source/phpc_cg_sdhc.git cd phpc_cg_sdhc ``` Choosing the branch ``` git branch -a ``` Choosing the branch cluster ``` git checkout cluster git pull origin cluster ``` Running the application ``` ./EXECUTABLE input_options.txt > console_output.out ``` The EXECUTABLE in folder *CG_SERIAL* is *CG_SERIAL* and the executable in folder *CG_PARALLEL* is *CG_PARALLEL*.