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// Created by Arnaud Pannatier on 11.05.18.
#include <iostream>
#include "grid.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <sstream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// initialize MPI
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int prank, psize;
// Usefull to debug
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &prank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &psize);
printf("I’m process %d out of %d\n", prank+1, psize);
int size = 25;
// computation of the local size of the grid the remainder is spread equally
// on the first processors
int local_x = size / psize + (prank < size % psize ? 1 : 0);
int local_y = size;
// adding the ghosts lines if needed
if (psize > 1)
local_x += (prank == 0 || prank == psize - 1) ? 1 : 2;
// computing the offsets of the local grid in the global one
int offset_x = (size / psize) * prank + (prank < size % psize ? prank : size % psize);
int offset_y = 0;
// resizing the different grids
int x_start = (prank == 0 ? 0 : 1);
int x_end = (prank == psize - 1 ? local_x : local_x - 1);
int write_x = local_x;
int write_y = local_y;
// removing the ghosts lines if needed
if (psize > 1)
write_x -= (prank == 0 || prank == psize - 1) ? 1 : 2;
//std::cout << " Start : " << (offset_y ) + local_y* (offset_x - x_start) << std::endl;
// Grid A(local_x,local_y);
// for(std::size_t x(0);x<local_x;x++) {
// for (std::size_t y (0); y < local_y; y++) {
// double store = (offset_y + y)+ local_y* (offset_x + x - x_start);
// //std::cout << store << " " << std::endl;
// A(x,y) = store;
// }
// }
//std::vector<double> woGhost = A.RemoveGhostCellsAndPrepareToWrite(psize,prank,local_x, local_y);
//std::vector<double> toPrint = Reader::PrepareVectorForColumnMajor(woGhost, write_x, write_y);
// if(prank ==0){
// for(int x(0); x < local_x;x++){
// for(int y(0); y<local_y;y++){
// //std::cout << A(x,y) << " - - " << &A(x,y) << " - ";
// }
// }
// }
// std::cout << "YOOO : " << toPrint[1] << std::endl;
//Reader::ParallelwriteGridInColumnMajorFile (&toPrint[0],"ParallelWriting2.bin", write_x,write_y,offset_x, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//Reader::ParallelwriteGridInColumnMajorFile (&toPrint[0],"ParallelWriting5.bin", write_x,write_y,offset_x, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//Reader::writeGridInFile (A,"ParallelWriting5.bin",write_x,write_y);
//std::cout << A << std::endl;
Grid A = Reader::ParallelReadFromColumnMajorFile ("ParallelWriting4.bin", write_x, write_y, offset_x, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// std::cout << "Process : " << prank+1 << " - Start : " << A(0,0) << " - End : " << A(write_x-1, write_y-1) << std::endl;
// std::stringstream Values;
// Values << "Process : " << prank+1 <<" Values : ";
// for(std::size_t x(0);x<write_x;x++) {
// for (std::size_t y (0); y < write_y; y++) {
// Values << A(x,y) << " - ";
// }
// }
// Values << std::endl;
// std::cout << Values.str() << std::endl;
// std::cout<< "Read x :" << write_x << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Offset x : " << offset_x << std::endl;
// Grid A = Reader::ParallelReadFromColumnMajorFile("ParallelWriting.bin", write_x, write_y, offset_x, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(prank ==1) {
std::cout << A << std::endl;
// Close MPI
//Grid B = Reader::readGridFromFile ("ParallelWriting5.bin", 25,25);
//if(prank ==0)
//std::cout << B << std::endl;
return 0;

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