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import math
from types import SimpleNamespace
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pypulseq.Sequence.test_report
import pypulseq.check_timing
from pypulseq.Sequence import block
from pypulseq.Sequence.read_seq import read
from pypulseq.Sequence.write_seq import write
from pypulseq.calc_duration import calc_duration
from pypulseq.calc_rf_center import calc_rf_center
from pypulseq.decompress_shape import decompress_shape
from pypulseq.event_lib import EventLibrary
from pypulseq.opts import Opts
from pypulseq.points_to_waveform import points_to_waveform
class Sequence:
def __init__(self, system=Opts()):
self.version_major = 1
self.version_minor = 2
self.version_revision = 0
self.system = system
self.definitions = dict()
self.grad_library = EventLibrary()
self.shape_library = EventLibrary()
self.rf_library = EventLibrary()
self.adc_library = EventLibrary()
self.delay_library = EventLibrary()
self.block_events = {}
self.rf_raster_time = self.system.rf_raster_time
self.grad_raster_time = self.system.grad_raster_time
def __str__(self):
s = "Sequence:"
s += "\nshape_library: " + str(self.shape_library)
s += "\nrf_library: " + str(self.rf_library)
s += "\ngrad_library: " + str(self.grad_library)
s += "\nadc_library: " + str(self.adc_library)
s += "\ndelay_library: " + str(self.delay_library)
s += "\nrf_raster_time: " + str(self.rf_raster_time)
s += "\ngrad_raster_time: " + str(self.grad_raster_time)
s += "\nblock_events: " + str(len(self.block_events))
return s
def duration(self):
Get duration of this sequence.
duration : float
Duration of this sequence in millis.
num_blocks : int
Number of blocks in this sequence.
event_count : int
Number of events in this sequence.
num_blocks = len(self.block_events)
event_count = np.zeros(len(self.block_events[1]))
duration = 0
for i in range(num_blocks):
block = self.get_block(i + 1)
event_count += self.block_events[i + 1] > 0
duration += calc_duration(block)
return duration, num_blocks, event_count
def check_timing(self):
Check timing of the events in each block based on grad raster time system limit.
is_ok : bool
Boolean flag indicating timing errors.
error_report : str
Error report in case of timing errors.
num_blocks = len(self.block_events)
is_ok = True
error_report = []
for i in range(num_blocks):
block = self.get_block(i + 1)
event_names = ['rf', 'gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'adc', 'delay']
ind = [hasattr(block, 'rf'), hasattr(block, 'gx'), hasattr(block, 'gy'), hasattr(block, 'gz'),
hasattr(block, 'adc'), hasattr(block, 'delay')]
ev = [getattr(block, event_names[i]) for i in range(len(event_names)) if ind[i] == 1]
res, rep = pypulseq.check_timing.check_timing(self, *ev)
is_ok = is_ok and res
if len(rep) != 0:
error_report.append(f'Block: {i} - {rep}\n')
return is_ok, error_report
def test_report(self):
Analyze the sequence and return a text report.
return pypulseq.Sequence.test_report.test_report(self)
def set_definition(self, key: str, val: str):
Sets custom definition to the `Sequence`.
key : str
Definition key.
val : str
Definition value.
self.definitions[key] = val
def get_definition(self, key: str) -> str:
Retrieves definition identified by `key` from `Sequence`. Returns `None` if no matching definition is found.
key : str
Key of definition to retrieve.
Definition identified by `key` if found, else returns `None`.
if key in self.definitions:
return self.definitions[key]
return None
def add_block(self, *args):
Adds event(s) as a block to `Sequence`.
Event or list of events to be added as a block to `Sequence`.
block.add_block(self, len(self.block_events) + 1, *args)
def get_block(self, block_index: int) -> SimpleNamespace:
Retrieves block of events identified by `block_index` from `Sequence`.
block_index : int
Index of block to be retrieved from `Sequence`.
Block identified by `block_index`.
return block.get_block(self, block_index)
def read(self, file_path: str):
Read `.seq` file from `file_path`.
file_path : str
Path to `.seq` file to be read.
read(self, file_path)
def write(self, name: str):
Writes the calling `Sequence` object as a `.seq` file with filename `name`.
name :str
Filename of `.seq` file to be written to disk.
write(self, name)
def rf_from_lib_data(self, lib_data):
Construct RF object from `lib_data`.
lib_data : list
RF envelope.
rf : SimpleNamespace
RF object constructed from lib_data.
rf = SimpleNamespace()
rf.type = 'rf'
amplitude, mag_shape, phase_shape = lib_data[0], lib_data[1], lib_data[2]
shape_data =[mag_shape]
compressed = SimpleNamespace()
compressed.num_samples = shape_data[0] = shape_data[1:]
mag = decompress_shape(compressed)
shape_data =[phase_shape]
compressed.num_samples = shape_data[0] = shape_data[1:]
phase = decompress_shape(compressed)
rf.signal = 1j * 2 * np.pi * phase
rf.signal = amplitude * mag * np.exp(rf.signal)
rf.t = np.arange(1, max(mag.shape) + 1) * self.rf_raster_time
rf.delay = lib_data[3]
rf.freq_offset = lib_data[4]
rf.phase_offset = lib_data[5]
if max(lib_data.shape) < 6:
lib_data = np.append(lib_data, 0)
rf.dead_time = lib_data[5]
if max(lib_data.shape) < 7:
lib_data = np.append(lib_data, 0)
rf.ringdown_time = lib_data[6]
if max(lib_data.shape) < 8:
lib_data = np.append(lib_data, 0)
use_cases = {1: 'excitation', 2: 'refocusing', 3: 'inversion'}
if lib_data[7] in use_cases:
rf.use = use_cases[lib_data[7]]
return rf
def calculate_kspace(self, trajectory_delay: int = 0):
Calculates the k-space trajectory of the entire pulse sequence.
trajectory_delay : int
Compensation factor in millis to align ADC and gradients in the reconstruction.
k_traj_adc : numpy.ndarray
K-space trajectory sampled at `t_adc` timepoints.
k_traj : numpy.ndarray
K-space trajectory of the entire pulse sequence.
t_excitation : numpy.ndarray
Excitation timepoints.
t_refocusing : numpy.ndarray
Refocusing timepoints.
t_adc : numpy.ndarray
Sampling timepoints.
c_excitation = 0
c_refocusing = 0
c_adc_samples = 0
for i in range(len(self.block_events)):
block = self.get_block(i + 1)
if hasattr(block, 'rf'):
if not hasattr(block.rf, 'use') or block.rf.use != 'refocusing':
c_excitation += 1
c_refocusing += 1
if hasattr(block, 'adc'):
c_adc_samples += int(block.adc.num_samples)
t_excitation = np.zeros(c_excitation)
t_refocusing = np.zeros(c_refocusing)
k_time = np.zeros(c_adc_samples)
current_dur = 0
c_excitation = 0
c_refocusing = 0
k_counter = 0
traj_recon_delay = trajectory_delay
for i in range(len(self.block_events)):
block = self.get_block(i + 1)
if hasattr(block, 'rf'):
rf = block.rf
rf_center, _ = calc_rf_center(rf)
t = rf.delay + rf_center
if not hasattr(block.rf, 'use') or block.rf.use != 'refocusing':
t_excitation[c_excitation] = current_dur + t
c_excitation += 1
t_refocusing[c_refocusing] = current_dur + t
c_refocusing += 1
if hasattr(block, 'adc'):
k_time[k_counter:k_counter + block.adc.num_samples] = np.arange(
block.adc.num_samples) * block.adc.dwell + block.adc.delay + current_dur + traj_recon_delay
k_counter += block.adc.num_samples
current_dur += calc_duration(block)
gw = self.gradient_waveforms()
i_excitation = np.round(t_excitation / self.grad_raster_time)
i_refocusing = np.round(t_refocusing / self.grad_raster_time)
k_traj = np.zeros(gw.shape)
k = [0, 0, 0]
for i in range(gw.shape[1]):
k += gw[:, i] * self.grad_raster_time
k_traj[:, i] = k
if len(np.where(i_excitation == i + 1)[0]) >= 1:
k = 0
k_traj[:, i] = np.nan
if len(np.where(i_refocusing == i + 1)[0]) >= 1:
k = -k
k_traj_adc = []
for i in range(k_traj.shape[0]):
k_traj_adc.append(np.interp(k_time, np.arange(1, k_traj.shape[1] + 1) * self.grad_raster_time, k_traj[i]))
k_traj_adc = np.asarray(k_traj_adc)
t_adc = k_time
return k_traj_adc, k_traj, t_excitation, t_refocusing, t_adc
def gradient_waveforms(self) -> np.ndarray:
Decompress the entire gradient waveform. Returns an array of shape `gradient_axesxtimepoints`.
`gradient_axes` is typically 3.
grad_waveforms : numpy.ndarray
Decompressed gradient waveform.
duration, num_blocks, _ = self.duration()
wave_length = math.ceil(duration / self.grad_raster_time)
grad_channels = 3
grad_waveforms = np.zeros((grad_channels, wave_length))
grad_channels = ['gx', 'gy', 'gz']
t0 = 0
t0_n = 0
for i in range(num_blocks):
block = self.get_block(i + 1)
for j in range(len(grad_channels)):
if hasattr(block, grad_channels[j]):
grad = getattr(block, grad_channels[j])
if grad.type == 'grad':
nt_start = round((grad.delay + grad.t[0]) / self.grad_raster_time)
waveform = grad.waveform
nt_start = round(grad.delay / self.grad_raster_time)
if abs(grad.flat_time) > np.finfo(float).eps:
t = np.cumsum([0, grad.rise_time, grad.flat_time, grad.fall_time])
trap_form = np.multiply([0, 1, 1, 0], grad.amplitude)
t = np.cumsum([0, grad.rise_time, grad.fall_time])
trap_form = np.multiply([0, 1, 0], grad.amplitude)
tn = math.floor(t[-1] / self.grad_raster_time)
t = np.append(t, t[-1] + self.grad_raster_time)
trap_form = np.append(trap_form, 0)
if abs(grad.amplitude) > np.finfo(float).eps:
waveform = points_to_waveform(t, trap_form, self.grad_raster_time)
waveform = np.zeros(tn + 1)
if waveform.size != np.sum(np.isfinite(waveform)):
raise Warning('Not all elements of the generated waveform are finite')
Matlab dynamically resizes arrays during slice assignment operation if assignment is out of bounds
Numpy does not
Following lines are a workaround
l1, l2 = int(t0_n + nt_start), int(t0_n + nt_start + max(waveform.shape))
if l2 > grad_waveforms.shape[1]:
grad_waveforms.resize((len(grad_channels), l2))
grad_waveforms[j, l1:l2] = waveform
t0 += calc_duration(block)
t0_n = round(t0 / self.grad_raster_time)
return grad_waveforms
def plot(self, type: str = 'Gradient', time_range=(0, np.inf), time_disp: str = 's'):
Plot `Sequence`.
type : str
Gradients display type, must be one of either 'Gradient' or 'Kspace'.
time_range : List
Time range (x-axis limits) for plotting the sequence. Default is 0 to infinity (entire sequence).
time_disp : str
Time display type, must be one of `s`, `ms` or `us`.
valid_plot_types = ['Gradient', 'Kspace']
valid_time_units = ['s', 'ms', 'us']
if type not in valid_plot_types:
raise Exception()
if time_disp not in valid_time_units:
raise Exception()
fig1, fig2 = plt.figure(1), plt.figure(2)
sp11 = fig1.add_subplot(311)
sp12, sp13 = fig1.add_subplot(312, sharex=sp11), fig1.add_subplot(313, sharex=sp11)
fig2_sp_list = [fig2.add_subplot(311, sharex=sp11), fig2.add_subplot(312, sharex=sp11),
fig2.add_subplot(313, sharex=sp11)]
t_factor_list = [1, 1e3, 1e6]
t_factor = t_factor_list[valid_time_units.index(time_disp)]
t0 = 0
for iB in range(1, len(self.block_events) + 1):
block = self.get_block(iB)
is_valid = time_range[0] <= t0 <= time_range[1]
if is_valid:
if hasattr(block, 'adc'):
adc = block.adc
t = adc.delay + [(x * adc.dwell) for x in range(0, int(adc.num_samples))]
sp11.plot((t0 + t), np.zeros(len(t)), 'rx')
if hasattr(block, 'rf'):
rf = block.rf
tc, ic = calc_rf_center(rf)
t = rf.t + rf.delay
tc = tc + rf.delay
sp12.plot(t_factor * (t0 + t), abs(rf.signal))
sp13.plot(t_factor * (t0 + t), np.angle(
rf.signal * np.exp(1j * rf.phase_offset) * np.exp(1j * 2 * math.pi * rf.t * rf.freq_offset)),
t_factor * (t0 + tc), np.angle(rf.signal[ic] * np.exp(1j * rf.phase_offset) * np.exp(
1j * 2 * math.pi * rf.t[ic] * rf.freq_offset)), 'xb')
grad_channels = ['gx', 'gy', 'gz']
for x in range(0, len(grad_channels)):
if hasattr(block, grad_channels[x]):
grad = getattr(block, grad_channels[x])
if grad.type == 'grad':
# In place unpacking of grad.t with the starred expression
t = grad.delay + [0, *(grad.t + (grad.t[1] - grad.t[0]) / 2),
grad.t[-1] + grad.t[1] - grad.t[0]]
waveform = np.array([grad.first, grad.last])
waveform = 1e-3 * np.insert(waveform, 1, grad.waveform)
t = np.cumsum([0, grad.delay, grad.rise_time, grad.flat_time, grad.fall_time])
waveform = 1e-3 * grad.amplitude * np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
fig2_sp_list[x].plot(t_factor * (t0 + t), waveform)
t0 += calc_duration(block)
grad_plot_labels = ['x', 'y', 'z']
sp12.set_ylabel('RF mag (Hz)')
sp13.set_ylabel('RF phase (rad)')
[fig2_sp_list[x].set_ylabel(f'G{grad_plot_labels[x]} (kHz/m)') for x in range(3)]
# Setting display limits
disp_range = t_factor * np.array([time_range[0], min(t0, time_range[1])])
[x.set_xlim(disp_range) for x in fig2_sp_list]

Event Timeline