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Sun, Jun 9, 10:18


#include <EMConsensusSequenceApplication.hpp>
#include <EMConsensusSequence.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility> // std::move()
#include <stdexcept> // std::invalid_argument
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <Matrix2D.hpp>
#include <Matrix4D.hpp>
#include <matrix_utility.hpp>
#include <KmersStatistics.hpp> // kmer::compute_kmer_pvalue()
#include <sorting_utility.hpp> // order()
namespace po = boost::program_options ;
EMConsensusSequenceApplication::EMConsensusSequenceApplication(int argn, char** argv)
: file_consseq(""), file_filter(""), file_out(""),
n_class(0), n_iter(0), n_shift(0), flip(false), bckg_class(false),
n_threads(0), seed(""), runnable(true)
// parse command line options and set the fields
this->parseOptions(argn, argv) ;
int EMConsensusSequenceApplication::run()
{ if(this->runnable)
{ EMConsensusSequence* em(nullptr) ;
// row filter
std::vector<size_t> filter ;
if(this->file_filter != "")
{ // it is a column vector, easier to use the Matrix2D interface
// to read it rather than coding a function for :)
filter = Matrix2D<size_t>(this->file_filter).get_data() ;
std::sort(filter.begin(), filter.end()) ;
// data
Matrix3D<double> data ;
data.load(this->file_consseq) ;
// filter out some rows if needed
{ data = filter_rows(filter, data) ; }
// seeds motifs randomly
if(this->seed != "")
{ em = new EMConsensusSequence(std::move(data),
this->n_threads) ;
// seeds from enriched kmers
{ size_t model_ncol = data.get_dim()[1] - this->n_shift + 1 ;
Matrix3D<double> model = this->init_model_kmer(model_ncol,
data) ;
em = new EMConsensusSequence(std::move(data),
this->n_threads) ;
// classify
em->classify() ;
em->get_post_prob().save(this->file_out) ;
// clean
delete em ;
em = nullptr ;
{ return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
void EMConsensusSequenceApplication::parseOptions(int argn, char** argv)
// no option to parse
if(argv == nullptr)
{ std::string message = "no options to parse!" ;
throw std::invalid_argument(message) ;
// help messages
std::string desc_msg = "\n"
"EMConsensusSequence is a probabilistic partitioning algorithm that \n"
"sofetly assigns consensus sequences to classes given their motif\n"
"The assignment probabilities are written in binary format as a 4D "
"matrix.\n\n" ;
std::string opt_help_msg = "Produces this help message." ;
std::string opt_thread_msg = "The number of threads dedicated to parallelize the computations,\n "
"by default 0 (no parallelization)." ;
std::string opt_consseq_msg = "The path to the file containing the consensus sequences" ;
std::string opt_filter_msg = "Optional. The path to a single column text file containing the 0-based\n"
"indices of rows to filter out in the data." ;
std::string opt_file_out_msg = "A path to a file in which the assignment probabilities will be saved\n"
"in binary format." ;
std::string opt_iter_msg = "The number of iterations." ;
std::string opt_class_msg = "The number of classes to find." ;
std::string opt_shift_msg = "Enables this number of column of shifting freedom to realign\n"
"the data. By default, shifting is disabled (equivalent to\n"
"--shift 1)." ;
std::string opt_flip_msg = "Enables flipping to realign the data.";
std::string opt_bckg_msg = "Adds a class to model the sequence background. This class\n"
"contains the sequence background probabilities at each position\n"
"and is never updated." ;
std::string opt_seed_msg = "A value to seed the random number generator.";
// option parser
boost::program_options::variables_map vm ;
boost::program_options::options_description desc(desc_msg) ;
std::string seeding_tmp ;
("help,h", opt_help_msg.c_str())
("consseq", po::value<std::string>(&(this->file_consseq)), opt_consseq_msg.c_str())
("filter", po::value<std::string>(&(this->file_filter)), opt_filter_msg.c_str())
("out", po::value<std::string>(&(this->file_out)), opt_file_out_msg.c_str())
("iter,i", po::value<size_t>(&(this->n_iter)), opt_iter_msg.c_str())
("class,c", po::value<size_t>(&(this->n_class)), opt_class_msg.c_str())
("shift,s", po::value<size_t>(&(this->n_shift)), opt_shift_msg.c_str())
("flip", opt_flip_msg.c_str())
("bgclass", opt_bckg_msg.c_str())
("seed", po::value<std::string>(&(this->seed)), opt_seed_msg.c_str())
("thread", po::value<std::size_t>(&(this->n_threads)), opt_thread_msg.c_str()) ;
// parse
{ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argn, argv, desc), vm) ;
po::notify(vm) ;
catch(std::invalid_argument& e)
{ std::string msg = std::string("Error! Invalid option given!\n") + std::string(e.what()) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
{ throw std::invalid_argument("An unknown error occured while parsing the options") ; }
bool help = vm.count("help") ;
// checks unproper option settings
if(this->file_consseq == "" and
(not help))
{ std::string msg("Error! No data were given (--seq)!") ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
if(this->file_out == "" and
(not help))
{ std::string msg("Error! No output file given (--out)!") ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
// no iter given -> 1 iter
if(this->n_iter == 0)
{ this->n_iter = 1 ; }
// no shift class given -> 1 class
if(this->n_class == 0)
{ this->n_class = 1 ; }
// no shift given, value of 1 -> no shift
if(this->n_shift == 0)
{ this->n_shift = 1 ; }
// set flip
{ this->flip = true ; }
// set background class
{ this->bckg_class = true ; }
// help invoked, run() cannot be invoked
{ std::cout << desc << std::endl ;
this->runnable = false ;
return ;
// everything fine, run() can be called
{ this->runnable = true ;
return ;
Matrix3D<double> EMConsensusSequenceApplication::init_model_kmer(size_t l_model,
const Matrix3D<double>& data) const
// leave space for 2N's on each side
size_t l_kmer = l_model ;
size_t n_n = 0 ; // so far, 0 N's added
if(l_model > 4)
{ n_n = 2 ; // 2 N's on each side
l_kmer -= (2*n_n) ;
// compute the pvalue associated to each kmer
auto kmers_pvalues = kmers::compute_kmer_pvalue(data, l_kmer) ;
// sort kmers by ascending pvalue
std::vector<size_t> index = order(kmers_pvalues.second, true) ;
// get most significant
std::vector<std::string> kmers(this->n_class) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; i++)
{ size_t idx = index[i] ;
kmers[i] = kmers_pvalues.first[idx] ;
std::cerr << kmers_pvalues.first[idx] << " " << kmers_pvalues.second[idx] << std::endl ;
// turn to motifs
double p_base = 0.7 ; // the prob of the base matching these of the kmer
double p_nbase = 0.1 ; // the prob of the bases not matching these of the kmer
double p_n = 0.25 ; // the prob of N
// only N's for now
Matrix3D<double> model(this->n_class,
p_n) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<kmers.size(); i++)
{ for(size_t j_kmer=0, j_model=n_n; j_kmer<l_kmer; j_kmer++)
{ // A
if(kmers[i][j_kmer] == '0')
{ model(i,j_model, 0) = p_base ;
model(i,j_model, 1) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 2) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 3) = p_nbase ;
// C
else if(kmers[i][j_kmer] == '1')
{ model(i,j_model, 0) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 1) = p_base ;
model(i,j_model, 2) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 3) = p_nbase ;
// G
else if(kmers[i][j_kmer] == '2')
{ model(i,j_model, 0) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 1) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 2) = p_base ;
model(i,j_model, 3) = p_nbase ;
// T
else if(kmers[i][j_kmer] == '3')
{ model(i,j_model, 0) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 1) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 2) = p_nbase ;
model(i,j_model, 3) = p_base ;
return model ;
int main(int argn, char** argv)
{ EMConsensusSequenceApplication app(argn, argv) ;
return ;

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