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Fri, Mar 7, 03:32


#include <EMBase.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept> // std::invalid_argument
#include <future> // std::promise, std::future
#include <utility> // std::pair, std::move()
#include <functional> // std::bind(), std::ref()
#include <numeric> // std::iota()
#include <random> // std::mt19937
#include <Matrix3D.hpp>
#include <Matrix4D.hpp>
#include <ThreadPool.hpp>
#include <BetaDistribution.hpp> // beta_distribution()
#include <Random.hpp> // rand_string()
#include <RandomNumberGenerator.hpp> // getRandomNumberGenerator()
#include <Statistics.hpp> // sd(), normal_pmf()
EMBase::EMBase(size_t n_row,
size_t n_col,
size_t n_class,
size_t n_iter,
size_t n_shift,
bool flip,
size_t n_threads=0)
: n_row(n_row),
l_model(n_col - n_shift + 1),
loglikelihood(n_row, n_class, n_shift, n_flip, 0.),
post_prob(n_row, n_class, n_shift, n_flip, 0.),
post_state_prob(n_class, n_shift, n_flip, 0.),
post_class_prob(n_class, 0.),
post_prob_rowsum(n_row, 0.),
post_prob_colsum(n_class, 0.),
{ // check n_shift value
if(this->n_col < this->n_shift)
{ char msg[4096] ;
sprintf(msg, "Error! Shift is bigger than data column number "
"(%zu / %zu)!",
this->n_shift, this->n_col) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
// data structures
this->loglikelihood = Matrix4D<double>(this->n_row,
0.) ;
this->post_prob = Matrix4D<double>(this->n_row,
0.) ;
this->post_state_prob = Matrix3D<double>(this->n_class,
0.) ;
this->post_class_prob = vector_d(this->n_class, 0) ;
this->post_prob_rowsum = vector_d(this->n_row, 0) ;
this->post_prob_colsum = vector_d(this->n_class, 0) ;
this->post_prob_tot = 0 ;
// threads
{ this->threads = new ThreadPool(n_threads) ; }
{ // threads
if(this->threads != nullptr)
{ this->threads->join() ;
delete this->threads ;
this->threads = nullptr ;
Matrix4D<double> EMBase::get_post_prob() const
{ return this->post_prob ; }
vector_d EMBase::get_post_class_prob() const
{ return this->post_class_prob ; }
void EMBase::set_state_prob_uniform()
{ double sum = this->n_class * this->n_shift * this->n_flip ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_shift; j++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<this->n_flip; k++)
{ this->post_state_prob(i,j,k) = 1./sum ; }
void EMBase::set_post_prob_random(const std::string& seed)
{ // set random number generator
// will be used to generate thread private seeds
getRandomGenerator(seed) ;
// don't parallelize
if(this->threads == nullptr)
{ std::promise<vector_d> promise ;
std::future<vector_d> future = promise.get_future() ;
this->set_post_prob_random_routine(0, this->n_row, seed, promise) ;
// compute the sum of post prob and the per class sum of post prob
// from the partial results computed on each slice
this->post_prob_tot = 0. ;
this->post_prob_colsum = future.get() ;
for(const auto& prob : this->post_prob_colsum)
{ this->post_prob_tot += prob ; }
// parallelize
{ size_t n_threads = this->threads->getNThread() ;
// compute the slices on which each thread will work
std::vector<std::pair<size_t,size_t>> slices =
ThreadPool::split_range(0, this->n_row,n_threads) ;
// get promises and futures
// the function run by the threads will compute
// the partial sum per class of post_prob for the given slice
// this should be used to compute the complete sum of post_prob
// and the complete sum per class of post_prob
std::vector<std::promise<vector_d>> promises(n_threads) ;
std::vector<std::future<vector_d>> futures(n_threads) ;
// private seeds
std::vector<std::string> private_seeds(n_threads) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<n_threads; i++)
{ futures[i] = promises[i].get_future() ;
private_seeds[i] = rand_string(15) ;
// distribute work to threads
// -------------------------- threads start --------------------------
for(size_t i=0; i<n_threads; i++)
{ // generate a private seed to set the random number generator
// in this thread
auto slice = slices[i] ;
std::ref(promises[i])))) ;
// wait until all threads are done working
// compute the sum of post prob and the per class sum of post prob
// from the partial results computed on each slice
this->post_prob_tot = 0. ;
this->post_prob_colsum = vector_d(this->n_class, 0.) ;
for(auto& future : futures)
{ auto probs = future.get() ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; i++)
{ double prob = probs[i] ;
this->post_prob_colsum[i] += prob ;
this->post_prob_tot += prob ;
// -------------------------- threads stop ---------------------------
// compute class and state probs
this->compute_class_prob() ;
void EMBase::set_post_prob_random_routine(size_t from,
size_t to,
const std::string& seed,
std::promise<vector_d>& post_prob_colsum)
{ // random number generator
std::mt19937 generator ;
std::seed_seq seed_sequence(seed.begin(),seed.end()) ;
generator.seed(seed_sequence) ;
// this->post_prob_tot = 0. ;
// this->post_prob_colsum = vector_d(this->n_class, 0.) ;
vector_d colsums = vector_d(this->n_class, 0.) ;
vector_d rowsums(this->n_row, 0) ;
// random sampling
beta_distribution<double> beta(1, this->n_row) ;
for(size_t i=from; i<to; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<this->n_shift; k++)
{ for(size_t l=0; l<this->n_flip; l++)
{ double p = beta(generator) ;
this->post_prob(i,j,k,l) = p ;
rowsums[i] += p ;
// normalization
for(size_t i=from; i<to; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<this->n_shift; k++)
{ for(size_t l=0; l<this->n_flip; l++)
{ double p = this->post_prob(i,j,k,l) / rowsums[i] ;
this->post_prob(i,j,k,l) = p ;
// this->post_prob_tot += p ;
// this->post_prob_colsum[j] += p ;
colsums[j] += p ;
// compute class and state probs
// this->compute_class_prob() ;
post_prob_colsum.set_value(colsums) ;
void EMBase::compute_class_prob()
for(size_t n_class=0; n_class<this->n_class; n_class++)
{ // reset total
this->post_class_prob[n_class] = 0. ;
for(size_t n_shift=0; n_shift<this->n_shift; n_shift++)
{ for(size_t flip=0; flip<this->n_flip; flip++)
{ // sum
this->post_state_prob(n_class,n_shift,flip) = 0. ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_row; i++)
{ this->post_state_prob(n_class,n_shift,flip) +=
this->post_prob(i,n_class,n_shift,flip) ;
// normalize
this->post_state_prob(n_class,n_shift,flip) /= this->post_prob_tot ;
this->post_class_prob[n_class] += this->post_state_prob(n_class,n_shift,flip) ;
void EMBase::center_post_state_prob()
if(this->n_shift == 1)
{ return ; }
// the possible shift states
vector_d shifts(this->n_shift) ;
std::iota(shifts.begin(), shifts.end(), 1.) ;
// the shift probabilities and the class probabilies
// (no need to norm., class_prob sums to 1)
double shifts_prob_measured_tot = 0. ;
vector_d shifts_prob_measured(this->n_shift) ;
for(size_t s=0; s<this->n_shift; s++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<this->n_class; k++)
{ for(size_t f=0; f<this->n_flip; f++)
{ shifts_prob_measured[s] += this->post_state_prob(k,s,f) ;
shifts_prob_measured_tot += this->post_state_prob(k,s,f) ;
// the shift mean and (biased) standard deviation
double shifts_sd = sd(shifts, shifts_prob_measured, false) ;
// the shift probabilities under the assumption that is
// distributed as a gaussian centered on
// the central shift state with sd and mean as in the data
// sd as the data
vector_d shifts_prob_centered(shifts.size(), 0.) ;
double shifts_prob_centered_tot = 0. ;
for(size_t i=0; i<shifts.size(); i++)
{ shifts_prob_centered[i] = normal_pmf(shifts[i],
(this->n_shift/2)+1, shifts_sd) ;
shifts_prob_centered_tot += shifts_prob_centered[i] ;
for(size_t k=0; k<this->n_class; k++)
{ for(size_t f=0; f<this->n_flip; f++)
{ for(size_t s=0; s<this->n_shift; s++)
{ this->post_state_prob(k,s,f) = this->post_class_prob[k] *
shifts_prob_centered[s] /
(this->n_flip * shifts_prob_centered_tot) ;
// shifts_prob_measured_tot = 0. ;
shifts_prob_measured.clear() ;
shifts_prob_measured.resize(this->n_shift) ;
for(size_t s=0; s<this->n_shift; s++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<this->n_class; k++)
{ for(size_t f=0; f<this->n_flip; f++)
{ shifts_prob_measured[s] +=
this->post_state_prob(k,s,f) ;

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