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#include <ReadLayer.hpp>
#include <stdexcept> // std::invalid_argument
#include <limits> // numeric_limits
#include <cmath> // log(), exp(), pow()
#include <vector>
#include <Statistics.hpp> // beta_pmf(), poisson_pmf()
#include <Random.hpp> // rand_real_uniform(), rand_int_uniform()
#include <matrices.hpp>
ReadLayer::ReadLayer(const matrix2d_i& data,
size_t n_class,
size_t n_shift,
bool flip)
: DataLayer(data, n_class, n_shift, flip),
vector_d(n_shift, 0.))
{ this->n_category = 1 ;
// initialise the empty model
this->model = matrix3d_d(this->n_class,
vector_d(this->n_category, 0))) ;
// compute window means
this->compute_window_means() ;
ReadLayer::ReadLayer(const matrix2d_i& data,
const matrix3d_d& model,
bool flip)
: DataLayer(data, model, flip),
vector_d(n_shift, 0.))
{ // check that the model only has one category
if(this->n_category > 1)
{ char msg[4096] ;
"Error! model is expected to have length 1 on "
"3rd dimension, not %zu",
this->n_category) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
// compute window means
this->compute_window_means() ;
void ReadLayer::seed_model_randomly()
// get random values from a beta distribution cannot be done using boost so
// i) generate random number [0,1] x
// ii) compute f(x) where f is beta distribution
matrix2d_d prob(this->n_row, vector_d(this->n_class, 0.)) ;
vector_d prob_class(this->n_class, 0.) ;
double tot_sum = 0. ;
// sample the prob
// beta distribution parameters
double alpha = pow(this->n_row, -0.5) ;
double beta = 1. ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_row; i++)
{ double row_sum = 0. ;
for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_class; j++)
{ double x = rand_real_uniform(0., 1.0) ;
double p = std::max(ReadLayer::p_min, beta_pmf(x, alpha, beta)) ;
prob[i][j] = p ;
prob_class[j] += p ;
tot_sum += p ;
row_sum += p ;
// normalize
for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_class; j++)
{ prob[i][j] /= row_sum ; }
// class prob
for(auto& p : prob_class)
{ p /= tot_sum ; }
// compute the refererences
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t j_ref=0, j_dat=this->n_shift/2; j_ref<this->l_model; j_ref++, j_dat++)
{ this->model[j][j_ref][0] += (this->data[i][j_dat] * prob[i][j]) ; }
// normalize
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<this->l_model; j++)
{ this->model[i][j][0] ; }
void ReadLayer::seed_model_sampling()
{ std::vector<bool> choosen(this->n_row, false) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; )
{ size_t index = rand_int_uniform(size_t(0), size_t(this->n_row-1)) ;
// already choose
{ ; }
// not yet choosen as reference
{ for(size_t j_ref=0, j_dat=this->n_shift/2; j_ref<this->l_model; j_ref++, j_dat++)
{ this->model[i][j_ref][0] = this->data[index][j_dat] ; }
choosen[index] = true ;
i++ ;
void ReadLayer::seed_model_toy()
{ // sample data to initialise the references
std::vector<bool> choosen(this->n_row, false) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; )
{ size_t index = i ;
// already choose
{ ; }
// not yet choosen as reference
{ for(size_t j_ref=0, j_dat=this->n_shift/2; j_ref<this->l_model; j_ref++, j_dat++)
{ this->model[i][j_ref][0] = this->data[index][j_dat] ; }
choosen[index] = true ;
i++ ;
void ReadLayer::compute_loglikelihoods(matrix4d_d& loglikelihood,
vector_d& loglikelihood_max) const
{ // dimension checks
this->check_loglikelihood_dim(loglikelihood) ;
this->check_loglikelihood_max_dim(loglikelihood_max) ;
// normalize the models
matrix3d_d model_norm = this->model ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_class; i++)
{ double mean = 0. ;
for(size_t j=0; j<this->l_model; j++)
{ mean += model_norm[i][j][0] ; }
mean /= this->l_model ;
for(size_t j=0; j<this->l_model; j++)
{ model_norm[i][j][0] /= mean ; }
// compute log likelihood
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_row; i++)
// set max to min possible value
loglikelihood_max[i] = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() ;
for(size_t j=0; j<this->n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t s_fw=0, s_rev=this->n_shift-1;
s_fw<this->n_shift; s_fw++, s_rev--)
{ // slice is [from_fw,to)
// from_dat_fw to_dat_fw [from_dat_fw, to_dat_fw]
// fw |---------->>>----------|
// ----------------------------------> data
// rev |----------<<<----------| [from_dat_rev, to_dat_rev]
// to_dat_rev can be -1 -> int
// to_dat_rev from_dat_rev
// log likelihood
double ll_fw = 0. ;
double ll_rev = 0. ;
// --------------- forward ---------------
size_t from_dat_fw = s_fw ;
size_t to_dat_fw = from_dat_fw + this->l_model - 1 ;
// --------------- reverse ---------------
size_t from_dat_rev = this->n_col - 1 - s_fw ;
// size_t to_dat_rev = from_dat_rev - (this->l_model - 1) ;
for(size_t j_dat_fw=from_dat_fw,j_ref_fw=0, j_dat_rev=from_dat_rev;
j_dat_fw++, j_ref_fw++, j_dat_rev--)
double ll ;
// --------------- forward ---------------
ll = log(poisson_pmf(this->data[i][j_dat_fw],
this->window_means[i][s_fw])) ;
ll_fw += std::max(ll, ReadLayer::p_min_log) ;
// --------------- reverse ---------------
{ ll = log(poisson_pmf(this->data[i][j_dat_rev],
this->window_means[i][s_rev])) ;
ll_rev += std::max(ll, ReadLayer::p_min_log) ;
loglikelihood[i][j][from_dat_fw][flip_states::FORWARD] = ll_fw ;
// keep track of the max per row
if(ll_fw > loglikelihood_max[i])
{ loglikelihood_max[i] = ll_fw ; }
{ loglikelihood[i][j][from_dat_fw][flip_states::REVERSE] = ll_rev ;
// keep track of the max per row
if(ll_rev > loglikelihood_max[i])
{ loglikelihood_max[i] = ll_rev ; }
void ReadLayer::update_model(const matrix4d_d& posterior_prob)
{ // computing sum over the columns (classes)
size_t n_row = posterior_prob.size() ;
size_t n_class = posterior_prob[0].size() ;
size_t n_shift = posterior_prob[0][0].size() ;
size_t n_flip = posterior_prob[0][0][0].size() ;
vector_d colsum(n_class, 0.) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<n_shift; k++)
{ for(size_t l=0; l<n_flip; l++)
{ colsum[j] += posterior_prob[i][j][k][l] ; }
this->update_model(posterior_prob, colsum) ;
void ReadLayer::update_model(const matrix4d_d& posterior_prob,
const vector_d& posterior_prob_colsum)
{ // dimension checks
this->check_posterior_prob_dim(posterior_prob) ;
this->check_posterior_prob_colsum_dim(posterior_prob_colsum) ;
// update models
// reset the parameters
this->model = matrix3d_d(this->n_class,
vector_d(this->n_category, 0.))) ;
for(size_t n_class=0; n_class < this->n_class; n_class++)
{ for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t n_shift=0; n_shift<this->n_shift; n_shift++)
{ // --------------- forward ---------------
int from_dat_fw = n_shift ;
int to_dat_fw = from_dat_fw + this->l_model - 1 ;
for(int j_dat_fw=from_dat_fw, j_ref_fw=0;
j_dat_fw<=to_dat_fw; j_dat_fw++, j_ref_fw++)
{ this->model[n_class][j_ref_fw][0] +=
(posterior_prob[i][n_class][n_shift][flip_states::FORWARD] *
this->data[i][j_dat_fw]) /
posterior_prob_colsum[n_class] ;
// --------------- reverse ---------------
{ int from_dat_rev = this->n_col - 1 - n_shift ;
int to_dat_rev = from_dat_rev - (this->l_model - 1) ;
for(int j_dat_rev=from_dat_rev, j_ref_fw=0;
j_dat_rev >= to_dat_rev; j_dat_rev--, j_ref_fw++)
{ this->model[n_class][j_ref_fw][0] +=
(posterior_prob[i][n_class][n_shift][flip_states::REVERSE] *
this->data[i][j_dat_rev]) /
posterior_prob_colsum[n_class] ;
void ReadLayer::compute_window_means()
{ double l_window = double(this->l_model) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t from=0; from<this->n_shift; from++)
{ double sum = 0. ;
// slice is [from,to)
size_t to = from + this->l_model ;
for(size_t j=from; j<to; j++)
{ sum += this->data[i][j] ;}
this->window_means[i][from] = sum / l_window ;
void ReadLayer::check_posterior_prob_colsum_dim(const vector_d& posterior_prob_colsum) const
{ if(posterior_prob_colsum.size() != this->n_class)
{ char msg[4096] ;
"Error! posterior_class_prob matrix size is not "
"equal to model class number : %zu / %zu",
posterior_prob_colsum.size(), this->n_class) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;

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