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#include <seqan/bam_io.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
* \brief The GenomeRegion class models a segment along
* a genome. It encompasses one or more base pairs.
* It is characterized by a pair of start/end positions
* defining an open range [start,end) with start being the
* 1st position within the region and end the 1st position
* outside. All coordinates are expected to be 0-based.
* A genome region is unoriented - no strand information - and
* as such, the starting coordinate should always be smaller
* than the end coordinate.
class GenomeRegion
* \brief Returns an object corresponding to
* the sequenced read.
* The read is assumed to be of proper quality. No check
* is performed.
* \param record an alignment read from a BAM file.
* \param bam_file an open stream to the corresponding
* BAM file.
* \return a region covering the sequenced read alignment.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if a position
* is negative of if end is smaller or equal
* to start.
static GenomeRegion constructRead(const seqan::BamAlignmentRecord& record,
const seqan::BamFileIn& bam_file) ;
* \brief Returns an object corresponding to the
* transposition site for ATAC-seq data. It corresponds
* to the primary read start position shifted by +4bp (to the
* right) for reads on the + strand and -5bp (to the left)
* for reads on the - strand.
* The read is assumed to be of proper quality. No check
* is performed.
* \\param record an alignment read from a BAM file.
* \param bam_file an open stream to the corresponding
* BAM file.
* \return a region corresponding to the transposition
* site for ATAC-seq reads.
static GenomeRegion constructReadATAC(const seqan::BamAlignmentRecord& record,
const seqan::BamFileIn& bam_file) ;
* \brief Returns an object corresponding to the
* starting edge of the read.
* The read is assumed to be of proper quality. No check
* is performed.
* \\param record an alignment read from a BAM file.
* \param bam_file an open stream to the corresponding
* BAM file.
* \return a region corresponding to the edgeof the
* read.
static GenomeRegion constructReadEdge(const seqan::BamAlignmentRecord& record,
const seqan::BamFileIn& bam_file) ;
* \brief Returns an object corresponding to
* the fragment contained by the two sequenced
* reads of the pair (the BAM file should contain
* paired-end reads).
* The read is assumed to be properly paired with
* another reads and no check is performed.
* \param record an alignment read from a BAM file.
* \param bam_file an open stream to the corresponding
* BAM file.
* \return a region covering the sequenced fragment
* alignment.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if a position
* is negative of if end is smaller or equal
* to start.
static GenomeRegion constructFragment(const seqan::BamAlignmentRecord& record,
const seqan::BamFileIn& bam_file) ;
* \brief Returns an object corresponding to
* the central position of the fragment contained
* by the two sequenced reads of the pair (the BAM
* file should contain paired-end reads).
* The read is assumed to be properly paired with
* another reads and no check is performed.
* \param record an alignment read from a BAM file.
* \param bam_file an open stream to the corresponding
* BAM file.
* \return a region covering the central position of the
* sequenced fragment alignment.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if a position
* is negative of if end is smaller or equal
* to start.
static GenomeRegion constructFragmentCenter(const seqan::BamAlignmentRecord& record,
const seqan::BamFileIn& bam_file) ;
* Constructs an empty object.
GenomeRegion() = default ;
* \brief Copy constructor.
* \param other the other genomic region
GenomeRegion(const GenomeRegion& other) ;
* \brief Creates a genomic region at the
* given position.
* \param chromosome the name of the
* chromosome on which the region is.
* \param start the 1st position, 0 based,
* in the region.
* \param end the 1st position, 0 based,
* after the region.
* \param chromosome_idx the index of the
* chromosome on which the region is.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if a position
* is negative of if end is smaller or equal
* to start.
GenomeRegion(const std::string& chromosome,
int chromosome_idx,
int start,
int end) ;
* \brief Returns whether both regions
* overlap by at least one position.
* \param other the second region.
* \return whether there is an overlap.
bool overlap(const GenomeRegion& other) const ;
* \brief Returns the length of the overlap
* between both regions.
* \param other the second region.
* \return the length of the overlap
* between both regions.
int overlap_len(const GenomeRegion& other) const ;
* \brief Assignment operator.
* \param rhs the other region.
* \return a reference to the current object.
GenomeRegion& operator = (const GenomeRegion& rhs) ;
* \brief Move assignment operator.
* \param rhs the other region.
* \return a reference to the current object.
GenomeRegion& operator = (GenomeRegion&& rhs) ;
* \brief Checks equality.
* \param rhs the other object.
* \return whether both objects are the
* same.
bool operator == (const GenomeRegion& rhs) const ;
* \brief Overlap operator.
* Returns whether both regions
* overlap by at least one position.
* \param other the other region.
* \return whether there is an overlap.
bool operator | (const GenomeRegion& rhs) const ;
* \brief Is upstream operator.
* Checks if the current object is
* located stricly upstream (no overlap)
* of the other region.
* The chromosome index values are also
* tested. A smaller chromosome value is
* interpreted as upstream.
* \param rhs the other region.
* \return if the current region is upstream,
* without overlapping the other region.
bool operator < (const GenomeRegion& rhs) const ;
* \brief Is downstream operator.
* Checks if the current object is
* located stricly downstream (no overlap)
* of the other region.
* The chromosome index values are also
* tested. A smaller chromosome value is
* interpreted as upstream.
* \param rhs the other region.
* \return if the current region is downstream,
* without overlapping the other region.
bool operator > (const GenomeRegion& rhs) const ;
* \brief The chromosome name on which the
* region is. This field is present for
* representations aesthetic only and is
* never used otherwise.
std::string chromosome ;
* \brief The index of the chromosome on which the
* region is. Indexes are used for sorting per
* position. Chromosomes with smaller indexes
* are considered upstream to chromosomes with
* higher indexes.
int chromosome_idx ;
* \brief The 1st position, 0 based, within the region.
int start ;
* \brief The 1st position, 0 based, after the region.
int end ;
* \brief The number of positions within the region.
int length ;
} ;
* \brief Sends a representation of the region to the given
* stream.
* \param stream the stream of interest.
* \param region the region of interest.
* \return a reference to the stream.
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const GenomeRegion& region) ;

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