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#ifndef MATRIX_HPP
#define MATRIX_HPP
#include <vector>
#include <numeric> // accumulate()
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // setw(), setprecision(), fixed
#include <stdexcept> // out_of_range, invalid_argument
#include <utility> // swap()f
* \brief The Matrix class is a generic class to store data in a matrix.
* The matrix dimensionality can be any value : 1 is a vector, 2 is a regular
* 2D matrix, 3 is a 3D matrix, etc.
* In order to store the data properly and to perform all operations smoothly, the
* internal representation format differs from the "usual format". That is : the user
* provides coordinates as (x,y,z,...) where x referes to the row number, y to
* the column number, z the the z slice, etc.
* Internally however, x corresponds to the column number and y to the row number.
* Every other dimension has the same meaning.
* Internal representation :
* Here is an example of a 2x3 matrix (2D)
* {0,1,2,3,4,5} vector is turned to
* X
* ---------->
* 0 1 2 |
* 3 4 5 | Y
* \|/
* dimensions are stored as {nx, ny} which corresponds to {ncol, nrow}. Coordinates
* are given using the universal format coord=(x,y) which are interpreted as {row, col}.
* Thus a simple swap(coord[0],coord[1]) should be performed to ensurethat the user given
* coordinates can be used in this referencial.
* Here is an example of a 2x3x2x2 matrix(4D)
* {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23} is turned to
* X
* -----------> | |
* 0 1 2 | | |
* 3 4 5 | Y | |
* \|/ | Z |
* 6 7 8 | | |
* 9 10 11 | Y | |
* \|/ \|/ |
* | A
* 12 13 14 | | |
* 15 16 17 | Y | |
* \|/ | Z |
* 18 19 20 | | |
* 21 22 23 | Y | |
* \|/ \|/ \|/
* dimensions are stored as {nx, ny, nz, na} which corredponds to {ncol, nrow, nz, na}.
* Coordinates are given using the universal format coord=(x,y,z,a) which are interpreted
* as {row, col, z, a}. Thus a simple swap(coord[0],coord[1]) should be performed to ensure
* that the user given coordinates can be used in this referencial.
template <class T>
class Matrix
// constructors
Matrix() = default ;
* \brief Constructs an matrix with the given dimension with
* 0 values.
* \param dim the dimensions.
Matrix(const std::vector<size_t>& dim) ;
* \brief Constructs a matrix with the given dimensions and
* initialize the values to the given value.
* \param dim the dimensions.
* \param value the value to initialize the matrix content
* with.
Matrix(const std::vector<size_t>& dim, T value) ;
* \brief Copy constructor.
* \param other the matrix to copy.
Matrix (const Matrix& other) ;
* \brief Destructor.
virtual ~Matrix() = default ;
// methods
* \brief Gets the element at the given offset.
* \param offset the offset of the element to get.
* \throw std::out_of_range exception if the offset
* is out of range.
* \return the element.
T get(size_t offset) const ;
* \brief Gets the element at the given coordinates.
* \param coord the coordinates of the element to get.
* \throw std::out_of_range exception if the coordinates
* are out of range.
* \return the element.
T get(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const ;
* \brief Sets the element at the given offset
* to the given value.
* \param offset the offset of the element to set.
* \param value the new value.
* \throw std::out_of_range exception if the offset
* is out of range.
void set(size_t offset, T value) ;
* \brief Sets the element at the given coordinates
* to the given value.
* \param coord the coordinates of the element to set.
* \param value the new value.
* \throw std::out_of_range exception if the coordinates
* are out of range.
void set(const std::vector<size_t>& coord, T value) ;
* \brief Gets the matrix dimensions.
* \return the dimensions.
std::vector<size_t> get_dim() const ;
* \brief Gets the data vector.
* \return a a vector containing the data.
std::vector<T> get_data() ;
* \brief Gets the number of dimensions (the length
* of the dimension vector).
* \return the number of dimensions
size_t get_dim_size() const ;
* \brief Gets the number of elements contained in the
* matrix.
* \return the number of element contained in the
* matrix.
size_t get_data_size() const ;
* \brief Returns the partial products of the dimensions.
* \return the partial products of the dimensions.
std::vector<size_t> get_dim_product() const ;
* \brief Produces a nice representation of the matrix on the given
* stream.
* \param stream the stream.
* \param precision the rounding precision.
* \param width the column width in number of characters.
* \param sep the character separator.
virtual void print(std::ostream& stram, size_t precision=4, size_t width=8, char sep=' ') const ;
// operator
* \brief Assignment operator.
* \param other an other matrix to copy the values from.
* \return a reference to the current instance.
Matrix& operator = (const Matrix<T>& other) ;
* \brief Adds value to each element.
* \param value the value to add.
* \return a reference to the instance.
Matrix& operator += (T value) ;
* \brief Substracts value to each element.
* \param value the value to substract.
* \return a reference to the instance.
Matrix& operator -= (T value) ;
* \brief Multiplies each element by value.
* \param value the value to multiply the elements by.
* \return a reference to the instance.
Matrix& operator *= (T value) ;
* \brief Divides each element by value.
* \param value the value to multiply the elements by.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if value is 0.
* \return a reference to the instance.
Matrix& operator /= (T value) ;
* \brief Comparison operator, returns true if
* both matrices are identical, that is do not
* have the same data and dimensions.
* \param other an other matrix.
* \return true if both matrices have the same
* data and dimensions.
bool operator == (const Matrix<T>& other) const ;
* \brief Comparison operator, returns true if
* both matrices are different, that is do not
* have the same data and dimensions.
* \param other an other matrix.
* \return true if both matrices are different.
bool operator != (const Matrix& other) const ;
* \brief Returns a reference to the corrresponding
* element. This method does not perform any check on
* the coordinates.
* \param coord coord the coordinates of the element to get.
* \return a reference to this element.
T& operator () (const std::vector<size_t>& coord) ;
* \brief Returns a const reference to the corrresponding
* element. This method does not perform any check on
* the coordinates.
* \param coord coord the coordinates of the element to get.
* \return a const reference to this element.
const T& operator () (const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const ;
// methods
* \brief Computes the partial dimension products and fills
* this->dim_prod according to the current values of
* this->_dim and this->dim_size.
void compute_dim_product() ;
* \brief Given a vector of at least 2 dimensional coordinates,
* it simply swaps the elements at index 0 (row number) and 1
* (column number) to make them fit the x,y,... matrix
* reprensetation (x:number of columns, y:number of rows).
* \param coord a vector of coordinates (row, column, ...).
* \return a vector of coordinates corresponding to (x,y,...).
std::vector<size_t> swap_coord(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const ;
* \brief Complementary function of convert_coord(). Given
* a vector of coordinates in (x,y,...) format, it turns it
* into (row,col,...) format.
* \param coord a vector of coordinates (x,y, ...).
* \return a vector of coordinates corresponding to (row,col,...).
std::vector<size_t> convert_coord_back(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const ;
* \brief Checks whether a given offset is a valid offset or
* whether it is out of range.
* \param offset the offset to check.
* \return whether the offset is valid.
bool is_valid(size_t offset) const ;
* \brief Checks whether coordinates in (x,y,...) format are
* valid or whether they are out of range.
* \param offset the offset to check.
* \return whether the offset is valid.
bool is_valid(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const ;
* \brief Converts a vector of VALID (x,y,...) coordinates to a
* the corresponding offset allowing to get an element in the
* data vector.
* If the coordinate vector has a (row, column, ...) format, the
* result will be wrong.
* \param coord a vector of coordinates with (x,y,...) format.
* \return the corresponding offset.
size_t convert_to_offset(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const ;
* \brief Complementary function of convert_to_offset(). Given an
* offset, this function returns the corresponding coordinate
* vector in (x,y,...) format.
* \param offset a given offset.
* \return the corresponding vector of (x,y,..) coordinates.
std::vector<size_t> convert_to_coord(size_t offset) const ;
// fields
* \brief The dimensions values.
std::vector<size_t> _dim ;
* \brief Stores the data.
std::vector<T> _data ;
* \brief The number of dimensions.
size_t _dim_size ;
* \brief The number of data elements stored.
size_t _data_size ;
* \brief Contains the partial product of the dimensions. That is,
* the ith element contains the product of all the i-1 precedent
* dimensions :
* element 0 : 1, element 1 : x, element 2 : x*y, element 3 : x*y*z,
* and so one.
* This is used for coordinates to offset and offset to coordinates
* conversions.
std::vector<size_t> _dim_prod ;
} ;
// operators
* \brief Addition operator.
* \param m the matrix of interest
* \param value the value to add to each element.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix<T> operator + (Matrix<T> m, T value)
{ Matrix<T> other(m) ;
other += value ;
return other ;
* \brief Substraction operator
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \param value the value to substract to each element.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix<T> operator - (Matrix<T> m, T value)
{ Matrix<T> other(m) ;
other -= value ;
return other ;
* \brief Multiplication operator.
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \param value the value to multiply each elements by.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix<T> operator * (Matrix<T> m, T value)
{ Matrix<T> other(m) ;
other *= value ;
return other ;
* \brief Division operator.
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \param value the value to divide each elements by.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if value is 0.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix<T> operator / (Matrix<T> m, T value)
{ if(value == static_cast<T>(0))
{ throw std::invalid_argument("division by 0!") ; }
Matrix<T> other(m) ;
other /= value ;
return other ;
* \brief Sends a representation of the matrix to the stream.
* \param stream the stream of interest.
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \return a reference to the stream.
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const Matrix<T>& m)
{ m.print(stream) ;
return stream ;
// method implementation
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(const std::vector<size_t>& dim)
: Matrix(dim, 0)
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(const std::vector<size_t>& dim, T value)
{ this->_dim_size = dim.size() ;
this->_dim = this->swap_coord(dim) ;
this->_data_size = std::accumulate(dim.begin(), dim.end(), 1, std::multiplies<size_t>()) ;
this->_data = std::vector<T>(this->_data_size, value) ;
this->compute_dim_product() ;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(const Matrix &other)
{ *this = other ; }
template<class T>
T Matrix<T>::get(size_t offset) const
{ if(not this->is_valid(offset))
{ throw std::out_of_range("offset is out of range!") ; }
return this->_data[offset] ;
template<class T>
T Matrix<T>::get(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const
{ std::vector<size_t> coord_new = this->swap_coord(coord) ;
if(not this->is_valid(coord_new))
{ throw std::out_of_range("coordinates are out of range!") ; }
return this->_data[this->convert_to_offset(coord_new)] ;
template<class T>
void Matrix<T>::set(size_t offset, T value)
{ if(not this->is_valid(offset))
{ throw std::out_of_range("offset is out of range!") ; }
this->_data[offset] = value ;
template<class T>
void Matrix<T>::set(const std::vector<size_t>& coord, T value)
{ std::vector<size_t> coord_new = this->swap_coord(coord) ;
if(not this->is_valid(coord_new))
{ throw std::out_of_range("coordinates are out of range!") ; }
this->_data[this->convert_to_offset(coord_new)] = value ;
template<class T>
std::vector<size_t> Matrix<T>::get_dim() const
{ return this->swap_coord(this->_dim) ; }
template<class T>
std::vector<T> Matrix<T>::get_data()
{ return this->_data ; }
template<class T>
size_t Matrix<T>::get_dim_size() const
{ return this->_dim_size ; }
template<class T>
size_t Matrix<T>::get_data_size() const
{ return this->_data_size ; }
template<class T>
std::vector<size_t> Matrix<T>::get_dim_product() const
{ return this->_dim_prod ; }
template<class T>
void Matrix<T>::print(std::ostream& stream, size_t precision, size_t width, char sep) const
{ stream.setf(std::ios::left) ;
stream << std::setprecision(precision) << std::fixed ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->get_data_size(); i++)
{ stream << std::setw(width) << this->get(i) << sep ; }
template<class T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator = (const Matrix<T>& other)
this->_dim = other._dim ;
this->_dim_size = other._dim_size ;
this->_data = other._data ;
this->_data_size = other._data_size ;
this->_dim_prod = other._dim_prod ;
return *this ;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator += (T value)
{ for(auto& i : this->_data)
{ i += value ; }
return *this ;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator -= (T value)
{ for(auto& i : this->_data)
{ i -= value ; }
return *this ;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator *= (T value)
{ for(auto& i : this->_data)
{ i *= value ; }
return *this ;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator /= (T value)
if(value == static_cast<T>(0))
{ throw std::invalid_argument("division by 0!") ; }
for(auto& i : this->_data)
{ i /= value ; }
return *this ;
template<class T>
bool Matrix<T>::operator == (const Matrix<T>& other) const
{ if(&other == this)
{ return true ; }
// check dim
if(this->_dim_size != other._dim_size)
{ return false ; }
for(size_t i=0; i<this->_dim_size; i++)
{ if(this->_dim[i] != other._dim[i])
{ return false ; }
// check data
if(this->_data_size != other._data_size)
{ return false ; }
for(size_t i=0; i<this->_data_size; i++)
{ if(this->_data[i] != other._data[i])
{ return false ; }
return true ;
template<class T>
bool Matrix<T>::operator !=(const Matrix<T>& other) const
{ return not ((*this) == other) ;}
template<class T>
T& Matrix<T>::operator () (const std::vector<size_t>& coord)
{ std::vector<size_t> coord_new = this->swap_coord(coord) ;
return this->_data[this->convert_to_offset(coord_new)] ;
template<class T>
const T& Matrix<T>::operator () (const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const
{ std::vector<size_t> coord_new = this->swap_coord(coord) ;
return this->_data[this->convert_to_offset(coord_new)] ;
template<class T>
void Matrix<T>::compute_dim_product()
{ this->_dim_prod = std::vector<size_t>(this->_dim_size, 0) ;
this->_dim_prod[0] = 1 ;
if(this->_dim_size > 1)
{ this->_dim_prod[1] = this->_dim[0] ; }
if(this->_dim_size > 2)
{ for(size_t i=2; i<this->_dim_size; i++)
{ this->_dim_prod[i] = this->_dim_prod[i-1]*this->_dim[i-1] ; }
template<class T>
std::vector<size_t> Matrix<T>::swap_coord(const std::vector<size_t> &coord) const
{ std::vector<size_t> coord_new = coord ;
// reformat coord = (row,col,...) = (y,y,...) into coord = (col,row,...) = (x,y,...)
if(this->_dim_size > 1)
{ std::swap(coord_new[0], coord_new[1]) ; }
return coord_new ;
template<class T>
bool Matrix<T>::is_valid(size_t offset) const
{ if(offset > this->_data_size-1)
{ return false ; }
return true ;
template<class T>
bool Matrix<T>::is_valid(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const
{ if(coord.size() != this->_dim_size)
{ return false ; }
for(size_t i=0; i<coord.size(); i++)
{ if(coord[i] > this->_dim[i])
{ return false ; }
return true ;
template<class T>
size_t Matrix<T>::convert_to_offset(const std::vector<size_t>& coord) const
{ size_t offset = 0 ;
for(size_t i=0; i<this->_dim_size; i++)
{ offset += coord[i] * this->_dim_prod[i] ; }
return offset ;
template<class T>
std::vector<size_t> Matrix<T>::convert_to_coord(size_t offset) const
std::vector<size_t> coord(this->_dim_size, 0) ;
for(int i=this->_dim_size-1; i>=0; i--)
{ size_t c = offset / this->_dim_prod[i] ;
coord[i] = c ;
offset -= (this->_dim_prod[i]*c) ;
return coord ;
#endif // MATRIX_HPP

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