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#ifndef MATRIX3D_HPP
#define MATRIX3D_HPP
#include <Matrix.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // setw(), setprecision(), fixed
#include <fstream> // ifstream
#include <sstream> // istringstream
#include <stdexcept> // runtime_error, out_of_range
#include <algorithm> // equal()
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
* The Matrix3D class is a specialisation of the Matrix
* class to make work with 3D matrices more easily.
* A text file format is defined to store such matrices. The specifications are as
* follows :
* Absolutely NO empty lines are allowed!
* The following lines should contain :
* 1st line : a slice header, ',,0' indicates that a slice of the 3rd dimension
* is beginning (this is a z slice).
* 2nd - Nth line : the firt slice, as a 2d matrix (the exemple below has dimensions 3x4).
* N+1th line : a slice header, ',,1' indicates that the 2nd slice is beginning.
* N+1th - ... : the second slice
* and so on...
* Example of a 3x4x2 3D matrix
* ---- start ----
* ,,0
* 1 2 3 4
* 5 6 7 8
* 8 9 10 11
* 12 13 14 15
* 16 17 18 19
* 20 21 22 23
* ----- end -----
* Constructing a matrix from an empty file (0 bytes or only an EOL char) returns a null
* matrix (0x0x0 dimensions). Writting a null matrix (that is with at least one null
* dimension creates an empty file.
template<class T>
class Matrix3D : public Matrix<T>
// constructors
Matrix3D() = default ;
* \brief Constructs a matrix with the given dimensions,
* filled with 0 values.
* \param dim1 the first dimension.
* \param dim2 the second dimension.
* \param dim3 the third dimension.
Matrix3D(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3) ;
* \brief Constructs a matrix with the given dimensions and
* initialize the values to the given value.
* \param dim1 the first dimension.
* \param dim2 the second dimension.
* \param dim3 the third dimension.
* \param value the value to initialize the matrix content
* with.
Matrix3D(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, T value) ;
* \brief Copy constructor
* \param other the matrix to copy the content from.
Matrix3D(const Matrix3D& other) ;
* \brief Constructs a matrix from a text file. A matrix contructed
* from an empty file (or a file containing only one EOL char) returns
* an empty matrix (null dimensions).
* \param file_address the address of the file containing the matrix.
* \throw std::runtime_error if anything happen while reading the
* file (format error, file not found, etc).
Matrix3D(const std::string& file_address) ;
* \brief Destructor.
virtual ~Matrix3D() = default ;
// methods overloaded from Matrix
using Matrix<T>::get ;
using Matrix<T>::set ;
// methods
* \brief Gets the element at the given coordinates.
* \param dim1 the first dimension coordinate.
* \param dim2 the second dimension coordinate.
* \param dim3 the third dimension coordinate.
* \throw std::out_of_range exception if the coordinates
* are out of range.
* \return the element.
T get(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3) const ;
* \brief Sets the element at the given coordinates
* to the given value.
* \param dim1 the first dimension coordinate.
* \param dim2 the second dimension coordinate.
* \param dim3 the third dimension coordinate.
* \param value the new value.
* \throw std::out_of_range exception if the coordinates
* are out of range.
void set(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, T value) ;
* \brief Produces a nice representation of the matrix on the given
* stream.
* \param stream the stream.
* \param precision the rounding precision.
* \param width the column width in number of characters.
* \param sep the character separator.
virtual void print(std::ostream& stream, size_t precision=4 ,size_t width=8, char sep=' ') const override ;
// operators
* \brief Returns a reference to the corrresponding
* element. This method does not perform any check on
* the coordinates.
* \param dim1 the first dimension coordinate.
* \param dim2 the second dimension coordinate.
* \param dim3 the third dimension coordinate.
* \return a reference to this element.
T& operator() (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3) ;
* \brief Returns a constant reference to the corrresponding
* element. This method does not perform any check on
* the coordinates.
* \param dim1 the first dimension coordinate.
* \param dim2 the second dimension coordinate.
* \param dim3 the third dimension coordinate.
* \return a constant reference to this element.
const T& operator() (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3) const ;
// methods
* \brief Checks whether a given string is a slice header
* (such as ",,0"), as found in files storing Matrix3D.
* \param str the string to check.
* \return whether the string is a slice header.
bool is_header(const std::string& str) const ;
} ;
// operators
* \brief Addition operator.
* \param m the matrix of interest
* \param value the value to add to each element.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix3D<T> operator + (Matrix3D<T> m, T value)
{ Matrix3D<T> other(m) ;
m += value ;
return m ;
* \brief Substraction operator
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \param value the value to substract to each element.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix3D<T> operator - (Matrix3D<T> m, T value)
{ Matrix3D<T> other(m) ;
m -= value ;
return m ;
* \brief Multiplication operator.
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \param value the value to multiply each elements by.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix3D<T> operator * (Matrix3D<T> m, T value)
{ Matrix3D<T> other(m) ;
m *= value ;
return m ;
* \brief Division operator.
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \param value the value to divide each elements by.
* \throw std::invalid_argument if value is 0.
* \return the resulting matrix.
template<class T>
const Matrix3D<T> operator / (Matrix3D<T> m, T value)
{ if(value == static_cast<T>(0))
{ throw std::invalid_argument("division by 0!") ; }
Matrix3D<T> other(m) ;
other /= value ;
return other ;
* \brief Sends a representation of the matrix to the stream.
* \param stream the stream of interest.
* \param m the matrix of interest.
* \return a reference to the stream.
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const Matrix3D<T>& m)
{ m.print(stream) ;
return stream ;
// method implementation
template<class T>
Matrix3D<T>::Matrix3D(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3)
: Matrix3D<T>(dim1, dim2, dim3, 0)
template<class T>
Matrix3D<T>::Matrix3D(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, T value)
: Matrix<T>({dim1, dim2, dim3}, value)
template<class T>
Matrix3D<T>::Matrix3D(const Matrix3D &other)
: Matrix<T>(other)
template<class T>
Matrix3D<T>::Matrix3D(const std::string &file_address)
this->_dim = {0,0,0} ;
this->_data = std::vector<T>() ;
this->_dim_size = this->_dim.size() ;
this->_data_size = this->_data.size() ;
this->_dim_prod = std::vector<size_t>(this->_dim_size, 0) ;
std::ifstream file(file_address, std::ifstream::in) ;
{ char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "error! cannot open %s", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
std::string buffer_str ;
std::vector<T> buffer_vec ;
T buffer_T ;
// read file
size_t n_line = 0, n_line_data = 0 ; // number of line and of data line read
size_t row_len = 0, col_len = 0 ; // length of row and column in nber of values
size_t row_len_cur = 0, col_len_cur = 0 ; // current number of values read in row and col
while(getline(file, buffer_str))
{ if(
{ file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "error! while reading %s", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
// check empty line
if(buffer_str.size() == 0)
{ // this file only contains one eol char and should be considered as empty,
// -> returns empty matrix not an error
if(n_line == 0 and file.peek() == EOF and file.eof())
{ break ; }
file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "format error! while reading %s (empty line)", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
// check whether it is the beginning of a slice
// 1st line in file should be one like this
{ // check that slice have a constant number of rows
if(this->_dim[2] == 1)
{ col_len = col_len_cur ;
// this->_dim[0] = row_len ;
// this->_dim[1] = col_len ;
else if(col_len_cur != col_len)
{ file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "format error! slice have variable dimensions 1 in %s", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
this->_dim[2]++ ;
col_len_cur = 0 ;
n_line++ ;
continue ;
// 1st line in file should be a header and entering
// this block is forbidden
if(n_line == 0)
{ file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "format error! first line is not a slice header in %s", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
// parse line
row_len_cur = 0 ;
buffer_vec.clear() ;
std::istringstream buffer_ss(buffer_str) ;
while(buffer_ss >> buffer_T)
{ buffer_vec.push_back(buffer_T) ;
row_len_cur++ ;
// check for an error which likely indicates that a value could not be
// casted into a type T (mixed data types in the file)
if( and not buffer_ss.eof())
{ file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "format error! could not read a line in %s (incompatible data types)", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
// check that number of column is constant
if(n_line_data == 0)
{ row_len = row_len_cur ; }
else if(row_len_cur != row_len)
{ file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "format error! slice have variable dimensions 2 in %s", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
// update matrix content
for(auto i : buffer_vec)
{ this->_data.push_back(i) ;
this->_data_size++ ;
col_len_cur++ ;
n_line_data++ ;
n_line++ ;
// update matrix dimensions
this->_dim[0] = row_len_cur ;
this->_dim[1] = col_len_cur ;
// check dimensions of last slice
if(col_len_cur != this->_dim[1])
{ file.close() ;
char msg[BUFFER_SIZE] ;
sprintf(msg, "format error! slice have variable dimensions in %s", file_address.c_str()) ;
throw std::runtime_error(msg) ;
file.close() ;
this->compute_dim_product() ;
template<class T>
T Matrix3D<T>::get(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3) const
{ try
{ return this->get({dim1, dim2, dim3}) ; }
catch(std::out_of_range& e)
{ throw e ; }
template<class T>
void Matrix3D<T>::set(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, T value)
{ try
{ return this->set({dim1, dim2, dim3}, value) ; }
catch(std::out_of_range& e)
{ throw e ; }
template<class T>
T& Matrix3D<T>::operator () (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3)
{ std::vector<size_t> coord = {dim2, dim1, dim3} ;
return this->_data[this->convert_to_offset(coord)] ;
template<class T>
void Matrix3D<T>::print(std::ostream& stream, size_t precision, size_t width, char sep) const
{ // if the matrix has at least one 0 dimension (no data), don't do anything
if(this->_dim[0]==0 or this->_dim[1]==0 or this->_dim[2]==0)
{ return ; }
stream.setf(std::ios::left) ;
stream << std::setprecision(precision) << std::fixed ;
std::vector<size_t> dim = this->get_dim() ;
size_t n = 0 ;
size_t n_tot = std::accumulate(dim.begin(), dim.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int>()) ;
for(size_t z=0; z<dim[2]; z++)
{ stream << ",," << z << std::endl ;
for(size_t x=0; x<dim[0]; x++)
{ for(size_t y=0; y<dim[1]; y++, n++)
{ stream << std::setw(width) << (*this)(x,y,z) << sep ; }
{ stream << std::endl ; }
template<class T>
const T& Matrix3D<T>::operator () (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3) const
{ std::vector<size_t> coord = {dim2, dim1, dim3} ;
return this->_data[this->convert_to_offset(coord)] ;
template<class T>
bool Matrix3D<T>::is_header(const std::string& str) const
{ if(str[0] == ',' and
str[1] == ',' and
str.find(',', 2) == std::string::npos)
{ return true ; }
return false ;
#endif // MATRIX3D_HPP

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