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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <Matrix2D.hpp>
#include <Matrix3D.hpp>
#include <Matrix4D.hpp>
#include <ConsensusSequenceModelComputer.hpp>
#include <EMConsensusSequence.hpp>
#include <SequenceModelComputer.hpp>
#include <EMSequence.hpp>
#include <dna_utility.hpp>
#include <Statistics.hpp>
#include <sorting_utility.hpp>
#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp>
#include <KmersStatistics.hpp>
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const std::vector<T>& v)
{ for(const auto& x : v)
{ stream << x << " " ; }
return stream ;
template<class T, class U>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const std::unordered_map<T,U>& m)
{ for(const auto& bucket : m)
{ stream << bucket.first << " " << bucket.second << std::endl ; }
return stream ;
Matrix3D<double> compute_consensus_sequences(const Matrix2D<int>& seq,
const Matrix4D<double>& prob,
size_t class_k)
size_t n_seq = seq.get_nrow() ;
size_t l_seq = seq.get_ncol() ;
// size_t n_class = prob.get_dim()[1] ;
size_t n_shift = prob.get_dim()[2] ;
size_t n_flip = prob.get_dim()[3] ;
bool flip = n_flip == 2 ;
size_t l_model = l_seq - n_shift + 1 ;
Matrix3D<double> cons_seq(n_seq, l_model, 4, 0.) ;
// aggregate
for(size_t i=0; i<n_seq; i++)
{ std::cerr << "i " << i << std::endl ;
for(size_t s=0; s<n_shift; s++)
{ //std::cerr << "s " << s << std::endl ;
double tot = 0. ;
// aggregate
for(size_t j=0; j<l_model; j++)
{ // std::cerr << "j " << j << std::endl ;
// std::cerr << "seq(" << i << "," << s+j << ")" << std::endl ;
int base = seq(i,s+j) ;
// N should participate to A,C,G,T equivalently -> same as doing nothing
if(base == dna::char_to_int('N'))
{ continue ; }
int base_rv = 4 - base - 1 ;
// --------- forward ---------
// std::cerr << "cons_seq(" << i << "," << j << "," << base << ") += prob(" << i << "," << class_k << "," << 0 << std::endl ;
cons_seq(i,j,base) += prob(i,class_k,s,0) ;
tot += prob(i,class_k,s,0) ;
// --------- reverse ---------
{ // std::cerr << "cons_seq(" << i << "," << j << "," << base_rv << ") += prob(" << i << "," << class_k << "," << 1 << std::endl ;
cons_seq(i,j,base_rv) += prob(i,class_k,s,1) ;
tot += prob(i,class_k,s,1) ;
// normalize
for(size_t i=0; i<n_seq; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<l_model; j++)
{ double tot = 0. ;
for(size_t k=0; k<4; k++)
{ tot += cons_seq(i,j,k) ; }
for(size_t k=0; k<4; k++)
{ cons_seq(i,j,k) /= tot ; }
return cons_seq ;
Matrix2D<int> char_to_int(const Matrix2D<char>& seq)
size_t n_row = seq.get_nrow() ;
size_t n_col = seq.get_ncol() ;
Matrix2D<int> iseq(n_row, n_col, 0.) ;
for(size_t i=0; i<n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<n_col; j++)
{ iseq(i,j) = dna::char_to_int(seq(i,j)) ; }
return iseq ;
Matrix3D<double> sequence_to_consensus(const Matrix2D<int>& seq)
size_t n_row = seq.get_nrow() ;
size_t n_col = seq.get_ncol() ;
size_t n_dim3 = 4 ; // A, C, G, T
int base_n = dna::char_to_int('N') ;
Matrix3D<double> cseq(n_row, n_col, n_dim3, 1e-100) ;
double prob = 1. - 3*(1e-100) ; // p(base) - p(!base)
for(size_t i=0; i<n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<n_col; j++)
{ int base = seq(i,j) ;
// N
if(base == base_n)
{ cseq(i,j,0) = 0.25 ;
cseq(i,j,1) = 0.25 ;
cseq(i,j,2) = 0.25 ;
cseq(i,j,3) = 0.25 ;
// A C G T
{ cseq(i,j, base) = prob ; }
return cseq ;
double score_consensus_subseq(const Matrix3D<double>& cons_seq,
size_t row,
size_t start,
const Matrix2D<double>& model)
{ size_t ncol = cons_seq.get_dim()[1] ;
// size_t dim1 = cons_seq.get_dim()[0] ;
// size_t dim2 = cons_seq.get_dim()[1] ;
size_t dim3 = cons_seq.get_dim()[2] ;
if(start > ncol - model.get_nrow())
{ char msg[4096] ;
sprintf(msg, "Error! given start (%zu) is too high. Max value is %zu",
start, ncol - model.get_nrow()) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
else if(model.get_nrow() > ncol)
{ char msg[4096] ;
sprintf(msg, "Error! given model is longer than sequences (%zu / %zu)",
model.get_nrow(), ncol) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
else if(model.get_ncol() != 4)
{ char msg[4096] ;
sprintf(msg, "Error! given model 2nd dimension is not 4 (%zu)",
model.get_ncol()) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
else if(dim3 != 4)
{ char msg[4096] ;
sprintf(msg, "Error! given data 3rd dimension is not 4 (%zu)",
dim3) ;
throw std::invalid_argument(msg) ;
double ll = 0 ;
for(size_t j_seq=from, j_mod=0; j_seq<to; j_seq++, j_mod++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<dim3; k++)
{ std::cerr << ll
<< " *= "
<< "("
<< model(j_mod,k)
<< " * "
<< cons_seq(row,j_seq,k)
<< ")"
<< std::endl ;
ll *= model(j_mod,k) * cons_seq(row,j_seq,k) ;
size_t from = start ;
size_t to = from + model.get_nrow() ; // will score [from, to)
double ll = 0. ;
for(size_t j_seq=start, j_mod=0; j_seq<to; j_seq++, j_mod++)
{ double sum = 0. ;
for(size_t k=0; k<dim3; k++)
{ std::cerr << sum
<< "+= ("
<< cons_seq(row, j_seq, k)
<< " * "
<< model(j_mod, k)
<< ")"
<< std::endl ;
sum += (cons_seq(row, j_seq, k) * model(j_mod, k)) ;
std::cerr << sum << std::endl ;
std::cerr << "---------------" << std::endl ;
ll += log(sum) ;
return ll ;
Matrix2D<double> test_consensus(const std::string& file,
size_t n_class,
size_t n_iter,
size_t n_shift,
bool flip,
bool bckg_class,
const std::string& seed,
size_t n_thread)
{ size_t n_flip = flip + 1 ;
Matrix2D<int> seq(file) ;
// Matrix2D<int> seq(char_to_int(Matrix2D<char>(file))) ;
Matrix3D<double> cseq = sequence_to_consensus(seq) ;
// partition
EMConsensusSequence em(cseq,
n_thread) ;
em.classify() ;
// get post prob
Matrix4D<double> prob = em.get_post_prob() ;
// compute models
ConsensusSequenceModelComputer mc(std::move(cseq),
n_thread) ;
Matrix2D<double> model = mc.get_model() ;
// compute the class prob
size_t n_row = prob.get_dim()[0] ;
std::vector<double> class_prob(n_class, 0.) ;
double p_tot = 0. ;
for(size_t i=0; i<n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<n_shift; k++)
{ for(size_t l=0; l<n_flip; l++)
{ class_prob[j] += prob(i,j,k,l) ;
p_tot += prob(i,j,k,l) ;
for(auto& prob : class_prob)
{ prob /= p_tot ; }
// create a matrix containing the class prob in the 1st
// column and the model in the remaining columns
Matrix2D<double> model_final(model.get_nrow(),
model.get_ncol() + 1) ;
size_t i_class = 0 ;
for(size_t i=0; i<model_final.get_nrow(); i++)
{ if((i != 0) and (i % 4 == 0))
{ i_class++ ; }
model_final(i,0) = class_prob[i_class] ;
// fill the remaining with the model parameters
for(size_t i=0; i<model.get_nrow(); i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<model.get_ncol(); j++)
{ model_final(i,j+1) = model(i,j) ; }
return model_final ;
Matrix2D<double> test_sequence(const std::string& file,
size_t n_class,
size_t n_iter,
size_t n_shift,
bool flip,
bool bckg_class,
const std::string& seed,
size_t n_thread)
{ size_t n_flip = flip + 1 ;
Matrix2D<int> seq(file) ;
// Matrix2D<int> seq(char_to_int(Matrix2D<char>(file))) ;
// partition
EMSequence em(seq,
n_thread) ;
em.classify() ;
// get post prob
Matrix4D<double> prob = em.get_post_prob() ;
// compute models
SequenceModelComputer mc(std::move(seq),
n_thread) ;
Matrix2D<double> model = mc.get_model() ;
// compute the class prob
size_t n_row = prob.get_dim()[0] ;
std::vector<double> class_prob(n_class, 0.) ;
double p_tot = 0. ;
for(size_t i=0; i<n_row; i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<n_class; j++)
{ for(size_t k=0; k<n_shift; k++)
{ for(size_t l=0; l<n_flip; l++)
{ class_prob[j] += prob(i,j,k,l) ;
p_tot += prob(i,j,k,l) ;
for(auto& prob : class_prob)
{ prob /= p_tot ; }
// create a matrix containing the class prob in the 1st
// column and the model in the remaining columns
Matrix2D<double> model_final(model.get_nrow(),
model.get_ncol() + 1) ;
size_t i_class = 0 ;
for(size_t i=0; i<model_final.get_nrow(); i++)
{ if((i != 0) and (i % 4 == 0))
{ i_class++ ; }
model_final(i,0) = class_prob[i_class] ;
// fill the remaining with the model parameters
for(size_t i=0; i<model.get_nrow(); i++)
{ for(size_t j=0; j<model.get_ncol(); j++)
{ model_final(i,j+1) = model(i,j) ; }
return model_final ;
int main()
std::string file = "/local/groux/scATAC-seq/data/"
"10xgenomics_PBMC_5k_motifs/sp1_motifs_10e-7_sequences.mat" ;
sequence_to_consensus(Matrix2D<int>(file)).save("sp1_motifs_10e-7_consensussequences.mat3D") ;
size_t n_class = 2 ;
size_t n_iter = 50 ;
size_t n_shift = 1 ;
bool flip = true ;
bool bckg_class = false ;
std::string seed = "" ;
size_t n_thread = 1 ;
Matrix2D<double> model_final = test_consensus(file,
n_thread) ;
Matrix2D<double> model_final = test_sequence(file,
n_thread) ;
Matrix2D<double> model_final = test_aggregate(file) ;
// std::cout << model_final << std::endl ;

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