To compile the ring.* source files: source /ssoft/spack/bin/ Then, either: module load intel intelmpi mpiicc -o ring_c ring.c mpiicpc -o ring_cxx ring.cxx mpiifort -o ring_f90 ring.f90 or: module load gcc mvapich2 mpicc -o ring_c ring.c mpicxx -o ring_cxx ring.cxx mpifort -o ring_f90 ring.f90 or: module load gcc openmpi mpicc -o ring_c ring.c mpicxx -o ring_cxx ring.cxx mpifort -o ring_f90 ring.f90 according to the desired compiler and MPI variant -- To run them on the front-end: ./ring_c and so on with ring_cxx and ring_f90 -- To run them in an interactive SLURM session: > salloc -n 4 salloc: Granted job allocation 43196 > source /ssoft/spack/bin/ > module load intel intelmpi # or # module load gcc mvapich2 # module load gcc openmpi > srun ./ring_c Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 20 initially Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 10 initially Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 30 initially Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 0 initially c03: rank 1 sends to 2 and receives from 0, my_var = 10 c03: rank 2 sends to 3 and receives from 1, my_var = 20 --- BARRIER! --- c03: rank 0 sends to 1 and receives from 3, my_var = 0 c03: rank 3 sends to 0 and receives from 2, my_var = 30 Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 0 finally --- BARRIER! --- Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 30 finally Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 20 finally Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 10 finally > -- To run them in batch mode: Set the EXECUTABLE to be run in, and then: > sbatch Submitted batch job 1028026 result on slurm-1028026.out file should look like this: STARTING AT ven. juil. 1 13:09:27 CEST 2016 Currently Loaded Modules: 1) intel/16.0.3 2) intelmpi/5.1.3 --> EXECUTABLE = ./ring_c --> ./ring_c depends on the following dynamic libraries: => (0x00007fff07bff000) => /ssoft/spack/external/intel/2016/compilers_and_libraries_2016.3.210/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/ (0x00007f8313a24000) => /ssoft/spack/external/intel/2016/compilers_and_libraries_2016.3.210/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/release_mt/ (0x00007f8313255000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003be3e00000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003be4200000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003be3a00000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003968600000) => /ssoft/spack/lafnetscha/opt/spack/x86_E5v1_IntelIB/gcc-4.4.7/gcc-4.9.3-2gys3tu6lq35ge6woeixfo4tfz5nnvzn/lib64/ (0x00007f831302f000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003be3600000) /lib64/ (0x0000003be3200000) Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 0 initially Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 10 initially Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 20 initially Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 30 initially --- BARRIER! --- b181: rank 1 sends to 2 and receives from 0, my_var = 10 b181: rank 2 sends to 3 and receives from 1, my_var = 20 b181: rank 3 sends to 0 and receives from 2, my_var = 30 b181: rank 0 sends to 1 and receives from 3, my_var = 0 --- BARRIER! --- Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 30 finally Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 0 finally Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 10 finally Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine b181, with my_var = 20 finally FINISHED at ven. juil. 1 13:09:29 CEST 2016