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Copyright (C) 2014 ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
import sys
import os
import generalUtilities
from applicationConfiguration import IsRunningIronPython
from generalUtilities import SUBMIT_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME
from generalUtilities import STATUS_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME
from generalUtilities import QUEUES_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME
from generalUtilities import GENERIC_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME
from generalUtilities import JOBID_INPUT_VARIABLE_NAME
from generalUtilities import QUEUES_INPUT_VARIABLE_NAME
def main(args, environment, enablePrints = False):
if len(args) == 0:
raise generalUtilities.NonZeroExitCodeException(1, "Expected a script argument as the type of method to parse: I.E. '-submit' or '-status'")
if len(args) > 2:
raise generalUtilities.NonZeroExitCodeException(1, "Too many arguments passed to script. Expected 1 or 2, but was " + len(args))
commandToParse = args[0].upper()
if(len(args) == 2):
parseMarker = args[1]
parseMarker = ""
if(commandToParse == "-SUBMIT"):
_parseSubmitCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
elif(commandToParse == "-STATUS"):
_parseStatusCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
elif(commandToParse == "-QUEUES"):
_parseQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
elif commandToParse == "-GENERIC":
generalUtilities.ParseGenericCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
elif commandToParse == "-ALLSTATUS":
_parseAllStatusCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
elif commandToParse == "-ALLQUEUES":
_parseAllQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
elif commandToParse == "-LOAD":
_parseLoadCommand(environment, parseMarker, generalUtilities.defineRsmVariable, enablePrints)
raise generalUtilities.NonZeroExitCodeException(1, "'" + args[0] + "' could not be parsed as a valid method to parse.")
return 0
def _parseSubmitCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
# Get the Standard Output
stdOut = generalUtilities.GetStdOutVariable(environment, disallowBlankStdOut=True)
# Check to see if the output has the parse marker, if it does, then split the string and set the stdout equal to the half after the Marker String
stdOut = generalUtilities.ReduceStdOutBasedOnParseMarker(stdOut, parseMarkerString)
# StdoutList is comprised of the lines of stdout from after the parse Marker
stdOutList = generalUtilities.CreateListByNewlineAndRemoveBlankLines(stdOut)
for line in stdOutList:
# sbatch: indicates that sbatch has some error...
if not (line.lstrip().startswith('Submitted')):
FailedToParseStdOut("Submit", stdOut, 5, enablePrints)
# The fourth item is *exactly* the jobid
result = line.lstrip().split()[3]
defineRsmVariableFunc(SUBMIT_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, result)
generalUtilities.FailedToParseStdOut("Submit", stdOut, 5, enablePrints)
def _parseStatusCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
# Get the Standard Output and Error
stdOut = generalUtilities.GetStdOutVariable(environment, disallowBlankStdOut=False)
stdErr = generalUtilities.GetStdErrVariable(environment)
# Check to see if the output has the parse marker, if it does, then split the string and set the stdout equal to the half after the Marker String
stdOut = generalUtilities.ReduceStdOutBasedOnParseMarker(stdOut, parseMarkerString)
# StdoutList is comprised of the lines of stdout from after the parse Marker
stdOutList = generalUtilities.CreateListByNewlineAndRemoveBlankLines(stdOut)
stdErrList = generalUtilities.CreateListByNewlineAndRemoveBlankLines(stdErr)
# If the output is empty, then this means the job is finished
if(len(stdOutList) == 0):
# If we get an error that we can not find the job ID anymore then we are finished.
if(any("Invalid job id" in line for line in stdErrList)):
# If the output isnt blank but is less than 2 lines, then there is some problem. Should be a 1 line header and an active job line at least..
if(len(stdOutList) < 2):
# The status is wrapped by one header lines, so they are removed here.
statusLine = stdOutList[1]
statusList = statusLine.split()
if(len(statusList) > 4):
status = statusList[4]
generalUtilities.FailedToParseStdOut("Status", stdOut, 5, enablePrints)
# SLURM has no "Failed" option that we parse?
if(status == 'R'):
defineRsmVariableFunc(STATUS_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Running')
elif(status == 'F'):
defineRsmVariableFunc(STATUS_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Failed')
elif(status == 'PD'):
defineRsmVariableFunc(STATUS_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Queued')
elif(status == 'CA'):
defineRsmVariableFunc(STATUS_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Cancelled')
elif(status == 'CD'):
defineRsmVariableFunc(STATUS_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Finished')
FailedToParseStdOut("Status", stdOut, 5, enablePrints)
def ValidateOutputFromQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
stdErr = generalUtilities.GetStdErrVariable(environment)
if(not generalUtilities.IsNoneOrWhitespace(stdErr)):
# if StdErr has some valid content then the command has failed. We will just ignore the command and go on sucessfully
return None
# Get the Standard Output and Error if it is blank or doesnt exist
stdOut = generalUtilities.GetStdOutVariable(environment, disallowBlankStdOut=True)
# Check to see if the output has the parse marker, if it does, then split the string and set the stdout equal to the half after the Marker String
stdOut = generalUtilities.ReduceStdOutBasedOnParseMarker(stdOut, parseMarkerString)
# StdoutList is comprised of the lines of stdout from after the parse Marker
stdOutList = generalUtilities.CreateListByNewlineAndRemoveBlankLines(stdOut)
# If the output is less than 2 lines, then there is some problem.
if(len(stdOutList) < 3):
generalUtilities.FailedToParseStdOut("Queues", stdOut, 0, enablePrints)
return None
return stdOutList
def _parseAllQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
stdOutList = ValidateOutputFromQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints)
if stdOutList == None:
queueList = []
# Dont look at the first line, its a header...
for line in stdOutList[1:]:
# We need to strip any leading spaces and then split by spaces and get the first item, it will be the queue name *only*
defineRsmVariableFunc(GENERIC_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, str(queueList))
def _parseQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
stdOutList = ValidateOutputFromQueuesCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints)
if stdOutList == None:
# Get the name of the queue that we are using
queueName = environment.get(QUEUES_INPUT_VARIABLE_NAME)
if(queueName == None):
raise generalUtilities.NonZeroExitCodeException(2, "NonExistant QUEUE Input Variable: '" + QUEUES_INPUT_VARIABLE_NAME + "'")
# Dont look at the first line, its a header...
for line in stdOutList[1:]:
# We need to strip any leading spaces and then split by spaces and get the first item, it will be the queue name *only*
if(queueName in line.lstrip().split()[0]):
def _parseAllStatusCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
# Get the Standard Output and Error
stdOut = generalUtilities.GetStdOutVariable(environment, disallowBlankStdOut=False)
# Check to see if the output has the parse marker, if it does, then split the string and set the stdout equal to the half after the Marker String
stdOut = generalUtilities.ReduceStdOutBasedOnParseMarker(stdOut, parseMarkerString)
# StdoutList is comprised of the lines of stdout from after the parse Marker
stdOutList = generalUtilities.CreateListByNewlineAndRemoveBlankLines(stdOut)
if len(stdOutList) == 0:
statusDict = {}
statusDict['-1'] = ['UNKNOWN']
defineRsmVariableFunc(GENERIC_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, str(statusDict))
# Must be some weird output that is unparsible...
if len(stdOutList) < 3:
generalUtilities.FailedToParseStdOut("getAllStatus", stdOut, 5, enablePrints)
statusDict = {}
status = ""
cores = "-1"
queue = ""
username = ""
jobname = ""
for line in stdOutList[2:]:
statusList = line.split()
if(len(statusList) > 4):
statusChar = statusList[4]
# SLURM has no "Failed" option that we parse?
if(statusChar == 'R'):
status = 'RUNNING'
elif(statusChar == 'F'):
status = 'FAILED'
elif(statusChar == 'PD'):
status = 'PENDING'
# Only add data to the dictionary if the line can be sucessfully parsed.
# Skip cores for now
queue = statusList[1].strip()
username = statusList[3].strip()
jobname = statusList[2].strip()
statusDict[statusList[0].strip()] = [status, cores, queue, username, jobname]
defineRsmVariableFunc(GENERIC_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, str(statusDict))
def _parseLoadCommand(environment, parseMarkerString, defineRsmVariableFunc, enablePrints):
# Get the Standard Output
stdOut = generalUtilities.GetStdOutVariable(environment, True)
# Check to see if the output has the parse marker, if it does, then split the string and set the stdout equal to the half after the Marker String
stdOut = generalUtilities.ReduceStdOutBasedOnParseMarker(stdOut, parseMarkerString)
# StdoutList is comprised of the lines of stdout from after the parse Marker
stdOutList = generalUtilities.CreateListByNewlineAndRemoveBlankLines(stdOut)
if len(stdOutList) < 2:
generalUtilities.FailedToParseStdOut("getLoad", stdOut, 5, enablePrints)
loadDict = {}
machineName = None
hostParameter = False
for line in stdOutList:
# Skip the note at the bottom of the list
if line.startswith(" "):
hostParameter = True
hostParameter = False
machineName = line
state = None
freeCores = None
totalCores = None
if hostParameter:
# If we see a node in a broken state, then we dont need to bother with the other parameters. We will return 0,0
if state != None and ("offline" in state or "down" in state or "unknown" in state):
loadDict[machineName] = [ 0, 0 ]
# If all the important parameters are found, then update the dictionary.
if state != None and freeCores != None and totalCores != None:
if not machineName in loadDict:
busyPercent = int((totalCores - freeCores) * 100 / totalCores)
loadDict[machineName] = [ busyPercent, totalCores ]
# if the loadDictionary already has this item, just skip lines until we get to the next host.
splitLine = line.strip().split()
if len(splitLine) < 3:
print "Invalid machineName parameter found on machineName " + machineName + "\n" + line
if splitLine[0].startswith("state"):
state = splitLine[2]
elif splitLine[0].startswith("resources_available.ncpus"):
freeCores = int(splitLine[2])
elif splitLine[0].startswith("pcpus"):
totalCores = int(splitLine[2])
defineRsmVariableFunc(GENERIC_OUTPUT_VARIABLE_NAME, str(loadDict))
if IsRunningIronPython:
exitCode = main(ipyArgv, ipyEnviron)
if __name__ == '__main__':
exitCode = main(sys.argv[1:], os.environ)
except generalUtilities.NonZeroExitCodeException as e:
generalUtilities.customPrint("RSM_HPC_ERROR=" + e.message, True)

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