How to use these examples
Submit the job with the command:
sbatch job.fluent.slurm
Input files:
fluent-test.cas fluent-test.jou
Output files:
- fluent-test.cas (its content changes)
- fluent-test.dat
- The input file (here fluent-test.jou) contains the appropriate Fluent text commands (TUI).
- The case file (here fluent-test.cas) should have been created through interactive run of Fluent on a PC or on the front-end of the cluster.
- job.fluent.slurm -> 1 node / 16 processors
- job2.fluent.slurm -> 2 nodes / 32 processors
Problems resolutions
Here is a little workaround in case you are experiencing some common errors.
First example - job.fluent.slurm
The result of the job gives an error such as:
/var/spool/slurmd/job4274455/slurm_script: line 29: fluent: command not found
- You don't belong to the ansys-users group.
Please ask to be added to this group
- You do belong to this group. In that case, try this command:
newgrp ansys-users
and relaunch this batch script.
Second example - job2.fluent.slurm
You are trying to use the second example, but you have an error such as:
Host key verification failed.
Error: It seems ssh is trying to verify authenticity of [node's hostname]. Please resolve it and try again!
From your home directory, change directory to .ssh
Type the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
You'll get a id_rsa and files.
Add the content of the into authorized_keys file.
touch authorized_keys
Then, create a config file:
vi config
and add the following:
Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no
Author: Jean-Luc Desbiolles (2015-10-27)
Update: Jean-Claude De Giorgi (2020-05-11)