To compile the ring.* source files:
module load intel intelmpi
mpiicc -o ring_c ring.c
mpiicpc -o ring_cxx ring.cxx
mpiifort -o ring_f90 ring.f90
To run them on the front-end:
and so on with ring_cxx and ring_f90
To run them in an interactive SLURM session:
> salloc -n 4
salloc: Granted job allocation 43196
> module load intel intelmpi
> srun ./ring_c
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 20 initially
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 10 initially
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 30 initially
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 0 initially
c03: rank 1 sends to 2 and receives from 0, my_var = 10
c03: rank 2 sends to 3 and receives from 1, my_var = 20
--- BARRIER! ---
c03: rank 0 sends to 1 and receives from 3, my_var = 0
c03: rank 3 sends to 0 and receives from 2, my_var = 30
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 0 finally
--- BARRIER! ---
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 30 finally
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 20 finally
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 10 finally
To run them in batch mode:
Set the EXECUTABLE to be run in, and then:
> sbatch
Submitted batch job 43314
result on slurm out file should look like this:
STARTING AT Sun Jun 14 18:54:33 CEST 2015
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) intel/ 2) intelmpi/5.0.1
--> EXECUTABLE = ./ring_c
--> ./ring_c depends on the following dynamic libraries: => (0x00007fffb69ff000) => /ssoft/intelmpi/5.0.1/RH6/all/x86_E5v2/impi/ (0x00007f52fb72b000) => /ssoft/intelmpi/5.0.1/RH6/all/x86_E5v2/impi/ (0x00007f52faffa000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003d3ae00000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003538800000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003deaa00000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003d3be00000) => /lib64/ (0x000000337e400000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003d3b200000)
/lib64/ (0x0000003d3aa00000)
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 0 initially
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 10 initially
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 20 initially
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 30 initially
--- BARRIER! ---
b093: rank 0 sends to 1 and receives from 3, my_var = 0
b093: rank 1 sends to 2 and receives from 0, my_var = 10
b093: rank 2 sends to 3 and receives from 1, my_var = 20
b093: rank 3 sends to 0 and receives from 2, my_var = 30
--- BARRIER! ---
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 30 finally
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 0 finally
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 10 finally
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 20 finally
FINISHED at Sun Jun 14 18:54:35 CEST 2015
module load intel intelmpi
mpiicc -o ring_c ring.c
mpiicpc -o ring_cxx ring.cxx
mpiifort -o ring_f90 ring.f90
To run them on the front-end:
and so on with ring_cxx and ring_f90
To run them in an interactive SLURM session:
> salloc -n 4
salloc: Granted job allocation 43196
> module load intel intelmpi
> srun ./ring_c
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 20 initially
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 10 initially
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 30 initially
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 0 initially
c03: rank 1 sends to 2 and receives from 0, my_var = 10
c03: rank 2 sends to 3 and receives from 1, my_var = 20
--- BARRIER! ---
c03: rank 0 sends to 1 and receives from 3, my_var = 0
c03: rank 3 sends to 0 and receives from 2, my_var = 30
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 0 finally
--- BARRIER! ---
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 30 finally
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 20 finally
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine c03, with my_var = 10 finally
To run them in batch mode:
Set the EXECUTABLE to be run in, and then:
> sbatch
Submitted batch job 43314
result on slurm out file should look like this:
STARTING AT Sun Jun 14 18:54:33 CEST 2015
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) intel/ 2) intelmpi/5.0.1
--> EXECUTABLE = ./ring_c
--> ./ring_c depends on the following dynamic libraries: => (0x00007fffb69ff000) => /ssoft/intelmpi/5.0.1/RH6/all/x86_E5v2/impi/ (0x00007f52fb72b000) => /ssoft/intelmpi/5.0.1/RH6/all/x86_E5v2/impi/ (0x00007f52faffa000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003d3ae00000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003538800000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003deaa00000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003d3be00000) => /lib64/ (0x000000337e400000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003d3b200000)
/lib64/ (0x0000003d3aa00000)
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 0 initially
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 10 initially
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 20 initially
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 30 initially
--- BARRIER! ---
b093: rank 0 sends to 1 and receives from 3, my_var = 0
b093: rank 1 sends to 2 and receives from 0, my_var = 10
b093: rank 2 sends to 3 and receives from 1, my_var = 20
b093: rank 3 sends to 0 and receives from 2, my_var = 30
--- BARRIER! ---
Hello, my rank is 0 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 30 finally
Hello, my rank is 1 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 0 finally
Hello, my rank is 2 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 10 finally
Hello, my rank is 3 among 4 tasks on machine b093, with my_var = 20 finally
FINISHED at Sun Jun 14 18:54:35 CEST 2015
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