This folder contains following information:
“sampleData” contains an example image for segmentation.
“functions” folder contains all functions I use for segmentation.
“00_vertices” folder contains all preselected nodes of the mesh that are going to be used for automatic landmark detection.
“loadModel.m” load the model and all information that is necessary for segmentation.
“autoSegment.m” is the function that does the segmentation. You should provide the loaded image with some input options (information on the header of functions) and as output it will provide the surface mesh as a struct with the fields of .vertices (coordinates of the nodes) and .faces (connectivity information).
“doMeasurements.m” is the function that gets the segmented bone as input and as output provides the measurements in a struct.
To see how the model and images should be prepared, you can find a MATLAB script in the same folder “howToPrepareData.m” that represents how you can call different functions.
The files with the name of “tmp” are saved during process of segmentation and are replaced for every call to “autoSegment” function.
"Protocol Segmentation Scapula.docx" is a protocol (format word) which explains how to segmented a scapula from the beginning to the end. It is situated in the folder: "shoulder\methods\documentations\protocols"
“sampleData” contains an example image for segmentation.
“functions” folder contains all functions I use for segmentation.
“00_vertices” folder contains all preselected nodes of the mesh that are going to be used for automatic landmark detection.
“loadModel.m” load the model and all information that is necessary for segmentation.
“autoSegment.m” is the function that does the segmentation. You should provide the loaded image with some input options (information on the header of functions) and as output it will provide the surface mesh as a struct with the fields of .vertices (coordinates of the nodes) and .faces (connectivity information).
“doMeasurements.m” is the function that gets the segmented bone as input and as output provides the measurements in a struct.
To see how the model and images should be prepared, you can find a MATLAB script in the same folder “howToPrepareData.m” that represents how you can call different functions.
The files with the name of “tmp” are saved during process of segmentation and are replaced for every call to “autoSegment” function.
"Protocol Segmentation Scapula.docx" is a protocol (format word) which explains how to segmented a scapula from the beginning to the end. It is situated in the folder: "shoulder\methods\documentations\protocols"
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