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Thu, Nov 28, 23:36

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
# add ../../Sources to the PYTHONPATH
sys.path.append(os.path.join("..", "..", "Sources"))
from yocto_api import *
from yocto_digitalio import *
def usage():
scriptname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print(scriptname + ' <serial_number>')
print(scriptname + ' <logical_name>')
print(scriptname + ' any')
print(scriptname + ' any')
def die(msg):
sys.exit(msg + ' (check USB cable)')
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
target = sys.argv[1].upper()
# Setup the API to use local USB devices
errmsg = YRefParam()
if YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
sys.exit("init error" + errmsg.value)
if target == 'ANY':
# retreive any Relay then find its serial #
io = YDigitalIO.FirstDigitalIO()
if io is None:
die('No module connected')
m = io.get_module()
target = m.get_serialNumber()
print('using ' + target)
io = YDigitalIO.FindDigitalIO(target + '.digitalIO')
if not (io.isOnline()):
die('device not connected')
# lets configure the channels direction
# bits 0..3 as output
# bits 4..7 as input
io.set_portPolarity(0) # polarity set to regular
io.set_portOpenDrain(0) # No open drain
print("Channels 0..3 are configured as outputs and channels 4..7")
print("are configured as inputs, you can connect some inputs to ")
print("ouputs and see what happens")
outputdata = 0
while io.isOnline():
inputdata = io.get_portState() # read port values
line = "" # display part state value as binary
for i in range(0, 8):
if (inputdata & (128 >> i)) > 0:
line += '1'
line += '0'
print(" port value = " + line)
outputdata = (outputdata + 1) % 16 # cycle ouput 0..15
io.set_portState(outputdata) # We could have used set_bitState as well
YAPI.Sleep(1000, errmsg)
print("Module disconnected")

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