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# *********************************************************************
# *
# * $Id: 26329 2017-01-11 14:04:39Z mvuilleu $
# *
#* High-level programming interface, common to all modules
#* - - - - - - - - - License information: - - - - - - - - -
#* Copyright (C) 2011 and beyond by Yoctopuce Sarl, Switzerland.
#* Yoctopuce Sarl (hereafter Licensor) grants to you a perpetual
#* non-exclusive license to use, modify, copy and integrate this
#* file into your software for the sole purpose of interfacing
#* with Yoctopuce products.
#* You may reproduce and distribute copies of this file in
#* source or object form, as long as the sole purpose of this
#* code is to interface with Yoctopuce products. You must retain
#* this notice in the distributed source file.
#* You should refer to Yoctopuce General Terms and Conditions
#* for additional information regarding your rights and
#* obligations.
from __future__ import division
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
import datetime
import ctypes
import platform
#import abc (not supported in 2.5.x)
import random
import sys
import os
import time
import array
import binascii
from ctypes import *
# PYTHON 2.x VS PYTHON 3.x compatibility check
def YByte2StringPython2x(binBuffer):
return binBuffer.decode("latin-1")
def YString2BytePython2x(strBuffer):
return strBuffer.encode("latin-1")
def YGetBytePython2x(binBuffer, idx):
item = binBuffer[idx]
if type(item) is int:
return item
return ord(item)
def YAddBytePython2x(binBuffer, b):
return binBuffer + chr(b)
def YRelTickCountPython2x(dt):
td = dt - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
return int(round((td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600 * 1000) + td.microseconds / 1000))
def YByte2StringPython3x(binBuffer):
return binBuffer.decode("latin-1")
def YString2BytePython3x(strBuffer):
return strBuffer.encode("latin-1")
def YGetBytePython3x(binBuffer, l):
return binBuffer[l]
def YAddBytePython3x(binBuffer, b):
return binBuffer + bytes([b])
def YRelTickCountPython3x(dt):
td = dt - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
return int(round(td.total_seconds() * 1000.0))
YByte2String = None
YString2Byte = None
YGetByte = None
YAddByte = None
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
YByte2String = YByte2StringPython2x
YString2Byte = YString2BytePython2x
YGetByte = YGetBytePython2x
YAddByte = YAddBytePython2x
YRelTickCount = YRelTickCountPython2x
YByte2String = YByte2StringPython3x
YString2Byte = YString2BytePython3x
YGetByte = YGetBytePython3x
YAddByte = YAddBytePython3x
YRelTickCount = YRelTickCountPython3x
# Ugly global var for Python 2 compatibility
yLogFct = None
yDeviceLogFct = None
yArrivalFct = None
yRemovalFct = None
yChangeFct = None
yHubDiscoveryCallback = None
# This class is used to mimic "ByReference" parameter in function calls
class YRefParam:
def __init__(self, initialValue=None):
self.value = initialValue
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
class YAPI_Exception(Exception):
def __init__(self, errType, errMsg):
super(YAPI_Exception, self).__init__(errMsg)
self.errorType = errType
#noinspection PyClassHasNoInit,PyProtectedMember
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class YAPI:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class YPCHAR(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("buffer", ctypes.c_char_p)]
class JsonError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
#noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
def __init__(self, name, datatype): = name
self.recordtype = datatype
self.svalue = ""
self.ivalue = 0
self.bvalue = False
self.members = []
self.items = []
def memberscount(self):
return len(self.members)
def itemscount(self):
return len(self.items)
class TJsonParser:
#noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
class Tjstate:
def __init__(self, jsonData, withHttpHeader=True):
self.httpcode = 0 = None
if withHttpHeader:
httpheader = "HTTP/1.1 "
okHeader = "OK\r\n"
CR = "\r\n"
if jsonData[0: len(okHeader)] == okHeader:
self.httpcode = 200
if jsonData[0: len(httpheader)] != httpheader:
errmsgRef = ("data should start with " + httpheader)
raise YAPI.JsonError(errmsgRef)
p1 = jsonData.find(" ", len(httpheader) - 1)
p2 = jsonData.find(" ", p1 + 1)
self.httpcode = int(jsonData[p1: p2])
if self.httpcode != 200:
#json data is a structure
p1 = jsonData.find(CR + CR + "{")
if p1 < 0:
p1 = jsonData.find(CR + CR + "[") # json data is an array
if p1 < 0:
errmsgRef = "data does not contain JSON data"
raise YAPI.JsonError(errmsgRef)
p1 += 4
jsonData = jsonData[p1: len(jsonData)]
start_struct = jsonData.find("{") # json data is a structure
start_array = jsonData.find("[") # json data is an array
if start_array < 0 and start_struct < 0:
errmsgRef = "data does not contain JSON data"
raise YAPI.JsonError(errmsgRef) = self._Parse(jsonData)
def convertToString(self, p, showNamePrefix):
if p is None:
p =
if != "" and showNamePrefix:
outbuffer = '"' + + "\":"
outbuffer = ""
outbuffer = outbuffer + '"' + p.svalue + '"'
outbuffer += str(p.ivalue)
if p.bvalue:
outbuffer += "TRUE"
outbuffer += "FALSE"
outbuffer += '{'
for i in range(len(p.members)):
if i > 0:
outbuffer += ','
outbuffer += self.convertToString(p.members[i], True)
outbuffer += '}'
outbuffer += '['
for i in range(len(p.items)):
if i > 0:
outbuffer += ','
outbuffer += self.convertToString(p.items[i], False)
outbuffer += ']'
return outbuffer
def __del__(self):
def GetRootNode(self):
class refidx:
def __init__(self):
self.i = 0
def _Parse(self, st):
idx = self.refidx()
st = "\"root\" : " + st + " "
return self._ParseEx(self.Tjstate.JWAITFORNAME, "", st, idx)
def _ParseError(st, i, errmsgRef):
ststart = i - 10
stend = i + 10
if ststart < 0:
ststart = 0
if stend > len(st):
stend = len(st) - 1
errmsgRef = errmsgRef + " near " + st[ststart:i] + "*" + st[i: stend]
raise YAPI.JsonError(errmsgRef)
def _createStructRecord(name):
def _createArrayRecord(name):
def _createStrRecord(name, value):
res.svalue = value
return res
def _createIntRecord(name, value):
res.ivalue = value
return res
def _createBoolRecord(name, value):
res.bvalue = value
return res
def _add2StructRecord(container, element):
if container.recordtype != YAPI.TJSONRECORDTYPE.JSON_STRUCT:
raise YAPI.JsonError("container is not a struct type")
def _add2ArrayRecord(container, element):
if container.recordtype != YAPI.TJSONRECORDTYPE.JSON_ARRAY:
raise YAPI.JsonError("container is not a struct type")
def _Skipgarbage(st, idx):
sti = st[idx.i]
while idx.i < len(st) and (sti == '\n' or sti == '\r' or sti == ' '):
idx.i += 1
if idx.i < len(st):
sti = st[idx.i]
return sti
def _ParseEx(self, initialstate, defaultname, st, idx):
svalue = ""
name = defaultname
state = initialstate
isign = 1
ivalue = 0
while idx.i < len(st):
sti = st[idx.i]
if state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORNAME:
if sti == "\"":
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORENDOFNAME
elif sti != " " and sti != "\n":
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: was expecting \"")
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORENDOFNAME:
if sti == "\"":
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORCOLON
elif ord(sti) >= 32:
name = name + sti
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: was expecting an identifier compliant char")
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORCOLON:
if sti == ":":
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORDATA
elif sti != " " and sti != "\n":
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: was expecting \"")
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORDATA:
if sti == "{":
res = self._createStructRecord(name)
elif sti == "[":
res = self._createArrayRecord(name)
elif sti == "\"":
svalue = ""
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORSTRINGVALUE
elif "0" <= sti <= "9":
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORINTVALUE
ivalue = ord(sti) - 48
isign = 1
elif sti == "-":
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORINTVALUE
ivalue = 0
isign = -1
elif sti == "t" or sti == "f" or sti == "T" or sti == "F":
svalue = sti.upper()
state = self.Tjstate.JWAITFORBOOLVALUE
elif sti != " " and sti != "\n":
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: was expecting \",0..9,t or f")
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORSTRINGVALUE:
if sti == "\\" and idx.i + 1 < len(st):
idx.i += 1
svalue = svalue + st[idx.i]
elif sti == "\"":
state = self.Tjstate.JSCOMPLETED
res = self._createStrRecord(name, svalue)
elif ord(sti) < 32:
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: was expecting string value")
svalue = svalue + sti
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORINTVALUE:
if "0" <= sti <= "9":
ivalue = (ivalue * 10) + ord(sti) - 48
res = self._createIntRecord(name, isign * ivalue)
state = self.Tjstate.JSCOMPLETED
idx.i -= 1
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORBOOLVALUE:
if sti < "A" or sti > "Z":
if svalue != "TRUE" and svalue != "FALSE":
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "unexpected value, was expecting \"true\" or \"false\"")
if svalue == "TRUE":
res = self._createBoolRecord(name, True)
res = self._createBoolRecord(name, False)
state = self.Tjstate.JSCOMPLETED
idx.i -= 1
svalue = svalue + sti.upper()
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORNEXTSTRUCTMEMBER:
sti = self._Skipgarbage(st, idx)
if idx.i < len(st):
if sti == "}":
idx.i += 1
return res
value = self._ParseEx(self.Tjstate.JWAITFORNAME, "", st, idx)
self._add2StructRecord(res, value)
sti = self._Skipgarbage(st, idx)
if idx.i < len(st):
if sti == "}" and idx.i < len(st):
idx.i -= 1
elif sti != " " and sti != "\n" and sti != ",":
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: vas expecting , or }")
elif state == self.Tjstate.JWAITFORNEXTARRAYITEM:
sti = self._Skipgarbage(st, idx)
if idx.i < len(st):
if sti == "]":
idx.i += 1
return res
value = self._ParseEx(self.Tjstate.JWAITFORDATA, str(len(res.items)), st, idx)
self._add2ArrayRecord(res, value)
sti = self._Skipgarbage(st, idx)
if idx.i < len(st):
if sti == "]" and idx.i < len(st):
idx.i -= 1
elif sti != " " and sti != "\n" and sti != ",":
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "invalid char: vas expecting , or ]")
elif state == self.Tjstate.JSCOMPLETED:
return res
idx.i += 1
self._ParseError(st, idx.i, "unexpected end of data")
return None
def _DumpStructureRec(self, p, deep):
indent = ""
for i in range(0, deep * 2):
indent += " "
line = indent + + ":"
line = line + " str = " + p.svalue
line = line + " int = " + str(p.ivalue)
if p.bvalue:
line += " bool = TRUE"
line += " bool = FALSE"
print (line + " struct")
for i in range(0, len(p.members)):
self._DumpStructureRec(p.members[i], deep + 1)
print(line + " array")
for i in range(0, len(p.items)):
self._DumpStructureRec(p.items[i], deep + 1)
def _freestructure(self):
def DumpStructure(self):
self._DumpStructureRec(, 0)
def GetNbChild(parent):
return len(parent.items)
def GetAllChilds(self, parent):
res = []
p = parent
if p is None:
p =
for i in range(0, len(p.members)):
res.append(self.convertToString(p.members[i], False))
for i in range(0, len(p.items)):
res.append(self.convertToString(p.items[i], False))
return res
def GetChildNode(self, parent, nodename):
p = parent
if p is None:
p =
for i in range(0, len(p.members)):
if p.members[i].name == nodename:
return p.members[i]
index = int(nodename)
if index >= len(p.items):
raise YAPI.JsonError("index out of bounds " + nodename + ">=" + str(p.Value.itemcount))
return p.items[index]
return None
# Switch to turn off exceptions and use return codes instead, for source-code compatibility
# with languages without exception support like C
ExceptionsDisabled = False
_apiInitialized = False
_ydllLoaded = False
# Default cache validity (in [ms]) before reloading data from device. This saves a lots of traffic.
# Note that a value under 2 ms makes little sense since a USB bus itself has a 2ms round-trip period
DefaultCacheValidity = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=5)
INVALID_DOUBLE = -1.79769313486231E+308
INVALID_INT = -2147483648
INVALID_LONG = -9223372036854775807
# yInitAPI argument
# Size of the data (can be non null terminated)
#Temporary storage, > YOCTO_PUBVAL_SIZE
yUnknowSize = 1024
C_INTSIZE = 4 # we assume an int size is 4 byte
_PlugEvents = []
_DataEvents = []
_CalibHandlers = {}
# private extern static void DllCallTest(ref yDeviceSt data);
#_DllCallTest = yApiCLib.DllCallTest
#_DllCallTest.restypes = ctypes.c_int
#_DllCallTest.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
_yApiCLibFile = ""
_yApiCLibFileFallback = ""
_yApiCLib = None
def SelectArchitecture(arch):
Select the architecture or the library to be loaded to access to USB.
By default, the Python library automatically detects the appropriate
library to use. However, for Linux ARM, it not possible to reliably
distinguish between a Hard Float (armhf) and a Soft Float (armel)
install. For in this case, it is therefore recommended to manually
select the proper architecture by calling SelectArchitecture()
before any other call to the library.
@param arch : A string containing the architecture to use.
Possibles value are: "armhf","armel",
"i386","x86_64","32bit", "64bit"
@return nothing.
On failure, throws an exception.
libpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
system = platform.system()
if libpath == '':
libpath = '.'
if system == 'Windows':
if arch == '32bit':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "\\cdll\\yapi.dll"
elif arch == '64bit':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "\\cdll\\yapi64.dll"
raise NotImplementedError(
"unsupported windows architecture (" + arch + "), contact")
elif system == 'Linux':
if arch == "armhf":
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
elif arch == "armel":
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
elif arch == 'i386':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
elif arch == 'x86_64':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
raise NotImplementedError(
"unsupported linux architecture (" + arch + "), contact")
# Mac OS X
elif system == 'Darwin':
if arch == 'x86_64':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/libyapi.dylib"
raise NotImplementedError(
"unsupported Mac OS architecture (" + arch + "), contact")
# UNKNOWN, contact Yoctopuce support :-)
raise NotImplementedError("unsupported platform " + system + ", contact")
def yloadYapiCDLL():
if YAPI._yApiCLibFile == "":
libpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
system = platform.system()
arch = platform.architecture()[0]
machine = platform.machine()
if libpath == '':
libpath = '.'
if system == 'Windows':
if arch == '32bit':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "\\cdll\\yapi.dll"
elif arch == '64bit':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "\\cdll\\yapi64.dll"
raise NotImplementedError(
"unsupported windows architecture (" + arch + "), contact")
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
if machine.find("arm") >= 0:
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback = libpath + "/cdll/"
elif machine.find("mips") >= 0:
byteorder_str = sys.byteorder
if byteorder_str.lower() == 'little':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback = ""
elif machine == 'x86_32' or (machine[0] == 'i' and machine[-2:] == '86'):
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback = libpath + "/cdll/" # just in case
elif machine == 'x86_64':
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/"
YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback = libpath + "/cdll/" # just in case
raise NotImplementedError(
"unsupported linux machine (" + machine + "), contact")
# Mac OS X
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32:
YAPI._yApiCLibFile = libpath + "/cdll/libyapi.dylib"
raise NotImplementedError("Only Intel 64 bits installation are supported for Mac OS X.")
# UNKNOWN, contact Yoctopuce support :-)
raise NotImplementedError("unsupported platform " + system +
", contact")
if not os.path.exists(YAPI._yApiCLibFile):
raise ImportError(
"YAPI shared library is missing (" + YAPI._yApiCLibFile +
"), make sure it is available and accessible.")
# try to load main librray
libloaded = False
#noinspection PyBroadException
YAPI._yApiCLib = ctypes.CDLL(YAPI._yApiCLibFile)
libloaded = True
except Exception as ex:
raise ImportError(
"Unable to import YAPI shared library (" + YAPI._yApiCLibFile +
"): " + str(ex))
# try to load fallback library
if not libloaded and YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback != '':
#noinspection PyBroadException
YAPI._yApiCLib = ctypes.CDLL(YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback)
libloaded = True
except Exception as ex:
raise ImportError(
"Cannot load " + YAPI._yApiCLibFileFallback + " nor " + YAPI._yApiCLibFile + " : " + str(ex))
if not libloaded:
raise ImportError(
"Unable to import YAPI shared library (" + YAPI._yApiCLibFile +
"), make sure it is available and accessible.")
# private extern static int _yapiInitAPI(int mode, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiInitAPI = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiInitAPI
YAPI._yapiInitAPI.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiInitAPI.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static void _yapiFreeAPI();
YAPI._yapiFreeAPI = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiFreeAPI
YAPI._yapiFreeAPI.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiFreeAPI.argtypes = []
YAPI._yapiSetTraceFile = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiSetTraceFile
YAPI._yapiSetTraceFile.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiSetTraceFile.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static void _yapiRegisterLogFunction(IntPtr fct);
YAPI._yapiRegisterLogFunction = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterLogFunction
YAPI._yapiRegisterLogFunction.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterLogFunction.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static void _yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback(IntPtr fct);
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static void _yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(IntPtr fct);
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static void _yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback(IntPtr fct);
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static void _yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback(IntPtr fct);
YAPI._yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static void _yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback(IntPtr fct);
YAPI._yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static int _yapiLockDeviceCallBack(StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiLockDeviceCallBack = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiLockDeviceCallBack
YAPI._yapiLockDeviceCallBack.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiLockDeviceCallBack.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack(StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack
YAPI._yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiLockFunctionCallBack(StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiLockFunctionCallBack = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiLockFunctionCallBack
YAPI._yapiLockFunctionCallBack.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiLockFunctionCallBack.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack(StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack
YAPI._yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiRegisterHub(StringBuilder rootUrl, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiRegisterHub = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterHub
YAPI._yapiRegisterHub.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterHub.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiPreregisterHub(StringBuilder rootUrl, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiPreregisterHub = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiPreregisterHub
YAPI._yapiPreregisterHub.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiPreregisterHub.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static void _yapiUnregisterHub(StringBuilder rootUrl);
YAPI._yapiUnregisterHub = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiUnregisterHub
YAPI._yapiUnregisterHub.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiUnregisterHub.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiUpdateDeviceList(uint force, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiUpdateDeviceList = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiUpdateDeviceList
YAPI._yapiUpdateDeviceList.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiUpdateDeviceList.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiHandleEvents(StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiHandleEvents = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHandleEvents
YAPI._yapiHandleEvents.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHandleEvents.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static u64 _yapiGetTickCount();
YAPI._yapiGetTickCount = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetTickCount
YAPI._yapiGetTickCount.restypes = ctypes.c_ulonglong
YAPI._yapiGetTickCount.argtypes = []
# private extern static int _yapiCheckLogicalName(StringBuilder name);
YAPI._yapiCheckLogicalName = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiCheckLogicalName
YAPI._yapiCheckLogicalName.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiCheckLogicalName.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static u16 _yapiGetAPIVersion(ref IntPtr version, ref IntPtr date);
YAPI._yapiGetAPIVersion = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetAPIVersion
YAPI._yapiGetAPIVersion.restypes = ctypes.c_ushort
YAPI._yapiGetAPIVersion.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
# private extern static YDEV_DESCR _yapiGetDevice(StringBuilder device_str, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetDevice = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetDevice
YAPI._yapiGetDevice.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetDevice.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiGetAllDevices(IntPtr buffer,
# int maxsize, ref int neededsize,
# StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetAllDevices = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetAllDevices
YAPI._yapiGetAllDevices.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetAllDevices.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiGetDeviceInfo(YDEV_DESCR d, ref yDeviceSt infos, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetDeviceInfo = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetDeviceInfo
YAPI._yapiGetDeviceInfo.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetDeviceInfo.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static YFUN_DESCR _yapiGetFunction(StringBuilder class_str,
# StringBuilder function_str,
# StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetFunction = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetFunction
YAPI._yapiGetFunction.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetFunction.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiGetFunctionsByClass(StringBuilder class_str,
# YFUN_DESCR precFuncDesc,
# IntPtr buffer,
# int maxsize,
# ref int neededsize, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByClass = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetFunctionsByClass
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByClass.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByClass.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int,
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiGetFunctionsByDevice(YDEV_DESCR device, YFUN_DESCR precFuncDesc,
# IntPtr buffer, int maxsize, ref int neededsize, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByDevice = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetFunctionsByDevice
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByDevice.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByDevice.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int,
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# internal extern static int _yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(YFUN_DESCR fundesc, ref YDEV_DESCR devdesc,
# StringBuilder serial, StringBuilder funcId, StringBuilder baseType, StringBuilder funcName, StringBuilder funcVal,
# StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetFunctionInfoEx
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p,
ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiGetErrorString(int errorcode, StringBuilder buffer,
# int maxsize, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
#YAPI._yapiGetErrorString = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetErrorString
#YAPI._yapiGetErrorString.restypes = ctypes.c_int
#YAPI._yapiGetErrorString.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int , ctypes.c_char_p , ctypes.c_int , ctypes.c_char_p]
#YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncStart(YIOHDL *iohdl, const char *device,
# const char *request, char **reply, int *replysize, char *errmsg);
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStart = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequestSyncStart
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStart.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStart.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p,
POINTER(POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
#YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx(YIOHDL *iohdl, const char *device,
# const char *request, int requestsize, char **reply, int *replysize, char *errmsg);
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int,
POINTER(POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
#YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone(YIOHDL *iohdl, char *errmsg);
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
#YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsync(const char *device, const char *request,
# yapiRequestAsyncCallback callback, void *context, char *errmsg);
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsync = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequestAsync
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsync.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsync.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p,
# private extern static int _yapiHTTPRequest(StringBuilder device, StringBuilder url,
# StringBuilder buffer, int buffsize, ref int fullsize, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequest = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequest
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequest.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequest.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int,
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiGetDevicePath(int devdesc, StringBuilder rootdevice, StringBuilder path,
# int pathsize, ref int neededsize, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiGetDevicePath = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetDevicePath
YAPI._yapiGetDevicePath.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetDevicePath.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int,
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
# private extern static int _yapiSleep(int duration_ms, StringBuilder errmsgRef);
YAPI._yapiSleep = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiSleep
YAPI._yapiSleep.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiSleep.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
YAPI._yapiTriggerHubDiscovery = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiTriggerHubDiscovery
YAPI._yapiTriggerHubDiscovery.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiTriggerHubDiscovery.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceLogCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiRegisterDeviceLogCallback
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceLogCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiRegisterDeviceLogCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
YAPI._yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback
YAPI._yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int]
##--- (generated code: YFunction dlldef)
YAPI._yapiGetAllJsonKeys = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetAllJsonKeys
YAPI._yapiGetAllJsonKeys.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetAllJsonKeys.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiCheckFirmware = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiCheckFirmware
YAPI._yapiCheckFirmware.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiCheckFirmware.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiGetBootloaders = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetBootloaders
YAPI._yapiGetBootloaders.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetBootloaders.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiUpdateFirmwareEx = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiUpdateFirmwareEx
YAPI._yapiUpdateFirmwareEx.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiUpdateFirmwareEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartOutOfBand = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartOutOfBand
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartOutOfBand.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartOutOfBand.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, POINTER(POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsyncOutOfBand = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiHTTPRequestAsyncOutOfBand
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsyncOutOfBand.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsyncOutOfBand.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiTestHub = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiTestHub
YAPI._yapiTestHub.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiTestHub.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiJsonGetPath = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiJsonGetPath
YAPI._yapiJsonGetPath.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiJsonGetPath.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, POINTER(POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiJsonDecodeString = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiJsonDecodeString
YAPI._yapiJsonDecodeString.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiJsonDecodeString.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiGetSubdevices = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetSubdevices
YAPI._yapiGetSubdevices.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetSubdevices.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
YAPI._yapiFreeMem = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiFreeMem
YAPI._yapiFreeMem.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiFreeMem.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
YAPI._yapiGetDevicePathEx = YAPI._yApiCLib.yapiGetDevicePathEx
YAPI._yapiGetDevicePathEx.restypes = ctypes.c_int
YAPI._yapiGetDevicePathEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
#--- (end of generated code: YFunction dlldef)
YAPI._ydllLoaded = True
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class yDeviceSt(ctypes.Structure):
_pack_ = 1
#noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,
# PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker
_fields_ = [("vendorid", ctypes.c_uint16),
("deviceid", ctypes.c_uint16),
("devrelease", ctypes.c_uint16),
("nbinbterfaces", ctypes.c_uint16),
("manufacturer", ctypes.c_char * 20), # YAPI.YOCTO_MANUFACTURER_LEN),
("productname", ctypes.c_char * 28), # YAPI.YOCTO_PRODUCTNAME_LEN),
("serial", ctypes.c_char * 20), # YAPI.YAPI.YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN),
("logicalname", ctypes.c_char * 20), # YAPI.YOCTO_LOGICAL_LEN),
("firmware", ctypes.c_char * 22), # YAPI.YOCTO_FIRMWARE_LEN),
("beacon", ctypes.c_int8)]
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class YIOHDL(ctypes.Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [("raw", ctypes.c_byte)]
#noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
#noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
class _Event:
def __init__(self):
self.ev = self.YAPI_NOP
self.module = None
self.fun_descr = 0
self.value = ""
self.timestamp = 0.0 = None
self.serial = None
self.url = None
def setArrival(self, module):
self.ev = self.ARRIVAL
self.module = module
def setRemoval(self, module):
self.ev = self.REMOVAL
self.module = module
def setChange(self, module):
self.ev = self.CHANGE
self.module = module
def setFunVal(self, fun_descr, value):
self.ev = self.FUN_VALUE
self.fun_descr = fun_descr
self.value = value
def setTimedReport(self, fun_descr, timestamp, report):
self.ev = self.FUN_TIMEDREPORT
self.fun_descr = fun_descr
self.timestamp = timestamp = report
def setHubDiscovery(self, serial, url):
self.ev = self.HUB_DISCOVERY
self.serial = serial
self.url = url
def invokePlug(self):
global yArrivalFct
global yRemovalFct
global yChangeFct
global yHubDiscoveryCallback
if self.ev == self.ARRIVAL:
if yArrivalFct is not None:
#noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
elif self.ev == self.REMOVAL:
if yRemovalFct is not None:
#noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
elif self.ev == self.CHANGE:
if yChangeFct is not None:
#noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
elif self.ev == self.HUB_DISCOVERY:
if yHubDiscoveryCallback is not None:
yHubDiscoveryCallback(self.serial, self.url)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def invokeData(self):
if self.ev == self.FUN_VALUE:
for i in range(len(YFunction._FunctionCallbacks)):
if YFunction._FunctionCallbacks[i].get_functionDescriptor() == self.fun_descr:
elif self.ev == self.FUN_TIMEDREPORT:
if[0] <= 2:
for i in range(len(YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList)):
if YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList[i].get_functionDescriptor() == self.fun_descr:
sensor = YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList[i]
##--- (generated code: YFunction return codes)
# Yoctopuce error codes, used by default as function return value
SUCCESS = 0 # everything worked all right
NOT_INITIALIZED = -1 # call yInitAPI() first !
INVALID_ARGUMENT = -2 # one of the arguments passed to the function is invalid
NOT_SUPPORTED = -3 # the operation attempted is (currently) not supported
DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = -4 # the requested device is not reachable
VERSION_MISMATCH = -5 # the device firmware is incompatible with this API version
DEVICE_BUSY = -6 # the device is busy with another task and cannot answer
TIMEOUT = -7 # the device took too long to provide an answer
IO_ERROR = -8 # there was an I/O problem while talking to the device
NO_MORE_DATA = -9 # there is no more data to read from
EXHAUSTED = -10 # you have run out of a limited resource, check the documentation
DOUBLE_ACCES = -11 # you have two process that try to access to the same device
UNAUTHORIZED = -12 # unauthorized access to password-protected device
RTC_NOT_READY = -13 # real-time clock has not been initialized (or time was lost)
FILE_NOT_FOUND = -14 # the file is not found
#--- (end of generated code: YFunction return codes)
class YAPI_Exception(YAPI_Exception):
YDevice_devCache = []
# - Types used for internal yapi callbacks
_yapiLogFunc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int)
_yapiDeviceUpdateFunc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int)
_yapiFunctionUpdateFunc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p)
_yapiTimedReportFunc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_double, POINTER(c_ubyte), ctypes.c_int)
_yapiHubDiscoveryCallback = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p)
_yapiDeviceLogCallback = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p)
def YISERR(retcode):
if retcode < 0:
return True
return False
#noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
class blockingCallbackCtx:
res = 0
response = ""
errmsgRef = ""
#noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def YblockingCallback(device, context, returnval, result, errmsgRef):
context.res = returnval
context.response = result
context.errmsgRef = errmsgRef
def GetTickCount():
Returns the current value of a monotone millisecond-based time counter.
This counter can be used to compute delays in relation with
Yoctopuce devices, which also uses the millisecond as timebase.
@return a long integer corresponding to the millisecond counter.
#### for python, since some implementations don't support 64bits integers
#### GetTickCount returns a datetime object instead of a u64
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def SetTraceFile(filename):
fname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(filename.encode("ASCII"))
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def Sleep(ms_duration, errmsgRef=None):
Pauses the execution flow for a specified duration.
This function implements a passive waiting loop, meaning that it does not
consume CPU cycles significantly. The processor is left available for
other threads and processes. During the pause, the library nevertheless
reads from time to time information from the Yoctopuce modules by
calling yHandleEvents(), in order to stay up-to-date.
This function may signal an error in case there is a communication problem
while contacting a module.
@param ms_duration : an integer corresponding to the duration of the pause,
in milliseconds.
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
if type(ms_duration) == type(int()):
ms_duration = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=ms_duration)
timeout = YAPI.GetTickCount() + ms_duration
ok = True
while ok:
res = YAPI.HandleEvents(errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
if YAPI.GetTickCount() < timeout:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiSleep(2, errBuffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
ok = YAPI.GetTickCount() < timeout
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
def CheckLogicalName(name):
Checks if a given string is valid as logical name for a module or a function.
A valid logical name has a maximum of 19 characters, all among
A..Z, a..z, 0..9, _, and -.
If you try to configure a logical name with an incorrect string,
the invalid characters are ignored.
@param name : a string containing the name to check.
@return true if the name is valid, false otherwise.
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
if not YAPI._yapiCheckLogicalName(name.encode("ASCII")):
return False
return True
def yapiLockFunctionCallBack(errmsgRef=None):
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiLockFunctionCallBack(errBuffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
def yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack(errmsgRef=None):
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack(errBuffer)
if not errmsgRef is None:
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
def _getCalibrationHandler(calType):
key = str(calType)
if key in YAPI._CalibHandlers:
return YAPI._CalibHandlers[key]
return None
def _setArrayLength(a, length):
if len(a) > length:
del a[length:]
while len(a) < length:
decExp = [1.0e-6, 1.0e-5, 1.0e-4, 1.0e-3, 1.0e-2, 1.0e-1, 1.0, 1.0e1, 1.0e2, 1.0e3, 1.0e4, 1.0e5, 1.0e6, 1.0e7,
1.0e8, 1.0e9]
# Convert Yoctopuce 16-bit decimal floats to standard double-precision floats
def _decimalToDouble(val):
negate = False
mantis = val & 2047
if mantis == 0:
return 0.0
if val > 32767:
negate = True
val = 65536 - val
if val < 0:
negate = True
val = -val
exp = val >> 11
res = (mantis) * YAPI.decExp[exp]
if negate:
return -res
return res
# Convert standard double-precision floats to Yoctopuce 16-bit decimal floats
def _doubleToDecimal(val):
negate = False
if val == 0.0:
return 0
if val < 0:
negate = True
val = -val
comp = val / 1999.0
decpow = 0
while comp > YAPI.decExp[decpow] and decpow < 15:
decpow += 1
mant = val / YAPI.decExp[decpow]
if decpow == 15 and mant > 2047.0:
res = (15 << 11) + 2047 # overflow
res = (decpow << 11) + round(mant)
if negate:
return -res
return res
def _decodeWords(sdat):
p = 0
udat = []
while p < len(sdat):
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
if c == '*':
val = 0
elif c == 'X':
val = 0xffff
elif c == 'Y':
val = 0x7fff
elif c >= 'a':
srcpos = int(len(udat) - 1 - (ord(c) - ord('a')))
if srcpos < 0:
val = 0
val = udat[srcpos]
if p + 2 > len(sdat):
return udat
val = (ord(c) - ord('0'))
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
val += (ord(c) - ord('0')) << 5
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
if c == 'z':
c = "\\"
val += (ord(c) - ord('0')) << 10
return udat
def _decodeFloats(sdat):
p = 0
idat = []
while p < len(sdat):
val = 0
sign = 1
dec = 0
decInc = 0
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
while c != '-' and (c < '0' or c > '9'):
if p >= len(sdat):
return idat
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
if c == '-':
if p >= len(sdat):
return idat
sign = -sign
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
while ('0' <= c <= '9') or c == '.':
if c == '.':
decInc = 1
elif dec < 3:
val = val * 10 + ord(c) - ord('0')
dec += decInc
if p < len(sdat):
c = sdat[p]
p += 1
c = 0
if dec < 3:
if dec == 0:
val *= 1000
elif dec == 1:
val *= 100
elif dec == 2:
val *= 10
idat.append(sign * val)
return idat
def _atoi(val):
val = val.strip()
p = 0
if p < len(val) and (val[p] == '-' or val[p] == '+'):
p += 1
while p < len(val) and val[p].isdigit():
p += 1
if p == 0:
return 0
return int(val[: p])
def _bytesToHexStr(bindata):
return binascii.hexlify(bindata).upper()
def _hexStrToBin(hex_str):
return binascii.unhexlify(YString2Byte(hex_str))
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def HandleEvents(errmsgRef=None):
Maintains the device-to-library communication channel.
If your program includes significant loops, you may want to include
a call to this function to make sure that the library takes care of
the information pushed by the modules on the communication channels.
This is not strictly necessary, but it may improve the reactivity
of the library for the following commands.
This function may signal an error in case there is a communication problem
while contacting a module.
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiHandleEvents(errBuffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsgRef is not None:
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
while len(YAPI._DataEvents) > 0:
if not (len(YAPI._DataEvents)):
ev = YAPI._DataEvents.pop(0)
def yapiUpdateDeviceList(force, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiUpdateDeviceList(force, errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def apiGetFunctionsByDevice(devdesc, precFuncDesc, dbuffer, maxsize, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
neededsize = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByDevice(devdesc, precFuncDesc, dbuffer,
maxsize, ctypes.byref(neededsize), errmsg_buffer)
neededsizeRef.value = neededsize.value
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def DisableExceptions():
Disables the use of exceptions to report runtime errors.
When exceptions are disabled, every function returns a specific
error value which depends on its type and which is documented in
this reference manual.
YAPI.ExceptionsDisabled = True
def EnableExceptions():
Re-enables the use of exceptions for runtime error handling.
Be aware than when exceptions are enabled, every function that fails
triggers an exception. If the exception is not caught by the user code,
it either fires the debugger or aborts (i.e. crash) the program.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
YAPI.ExceptionsDisabled = False
# - Internal callback registered into YAPI
#noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def native_yLogFunction(log, loglen):
global yLogFct
if yLogFct is not None:
#noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
return 0
def RegisterLogFunction(logfun):
Registers a log callback function. This callback will be called each time
the API have something to say. Quite useful to debug the API.
@param logfun : a procedure taking a string parameter, or None
to unregister a previously registered callback.
global yLogFct
yLogFct = logfun
def emptyDeviceSt():
infos = YAPI.yDeviceSt()
infos.vendorid = 0
infos.deviceid = 0
infos.devrelease = 0
infos.nbinbterfaces = 0
infos.manufacturer = "".encode("ASCII")
infos.productname = "".encode("ASCII")
infos.serial = "".encode("ASCII")
infos.logicalname = "".encode("ASCII")
infos.firmware = "".encode("ASCII")
infos.beacon = 0
return infos
def yapiGetDeviceInfo(d, infos, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetDeviceInfo(d, ctypes.byref(infos), errmsg_buffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def native_yDeviceArrivalCallback(d):
infos = YAPI.emptyDeviceSt()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
if YAPI.yapiGetDeviceInfo(d, infos, errmsgRef) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
modul = YModule.FindModule(YByte2String(infos.serial) + ".module")
ev = YAPI._Event()
if yArrivalFct is not None:
def native_HubDiscoveryCallback(serial_ptr, url_ptr):
serial = YByte2String(serial_ptr)
url = YByte2String(url_ptr)
ev = YAPI._Event()
ev.setHubDiscovery(serial, url)
def native_DeviceLogCallback(d, line):
infos = YAPI.emptyDeviceSt()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
if YAPI.yapiGetDeviceInfo(d, infos, errmsgRef) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
modul = YModule.FindModule(YByte2String(infos.serial) + ".module")
callback = modul.get_logCallback()
if callback is not None:
callback(modul, YByte2String(line))
return 0
def yapiLockDeviceCallBack(errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiLockDeviceCallBack(errmsg_buffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack(errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack(errmsg_buffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def RegisterDeviceArrivalCallback(arrivalCallback):
Register a callback function, to be called each time
a device is plugged. This callback will be invoked while yUpdateDeviceList
is running. You will have to call this function on a regular basis.
@param arrivalCallback : a procedure taking a YModule parameter, or None
to unregister a previously registered callback.
global yArrivalFct
yArrivalFct = arrivalCallback
if arrivalCallback is not None:
error = YRefParam()
mod = YModule.FirstModule()
while mod is not None:
if mod.isOnline():
mod = mod.nextModule()
return 0
def RegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(removalCallback):
Register a callback function, to be called each time
a device is unplugged. This callback will be invoked while yUpdateDeviceList
is running. You will have to call this function on a regular basis.
@param removalCallback : a procedure taking a YModule parameter, or None
to unregister a previously registered callback.
global yRemovalFct
yRemovalFct = removalCallback
def RegisterHubDiscoveryCallback(hubDiscoveryCallback):
Register a callback function, to be called each time an Network Hub send
an SSDP message. The callback has two string parameter, the first one
contain the serial number of the hub and the second contain the URL of the
network hub (this URL can be passed to RegisterHub). This callback will be invoked
while yUpdateDeviceList is running. You will have to call this function on a regular basis.
@param hubDiscoveryCallback : a procedure taking two string parameter, or None
to unregister a previously registered callback.
global yHubDiscoveryCallback
yHubDiscoveryCallback = hubDiscoveryCallback
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
return 0
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def native_yDeviceChangeCallback(d):
global yChangeFct
infos = YAPI.emptyDeviceSt()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
if yChangeFct is None:
if YAPI.yapiGetDeviceInfo(d, infos, errmsgRef) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
modul = YModule.FindModule(YByte2String(infos.serial) + ".module")
ev = YAPI._Event()
return 0
def RegisterDeviceChangeCallback(callback):
global yChangeFct
yChangeFct = callback
def queuesCleanUp():
del YAPI._PlugEvents[:]
del YAPI._DataEvents[:]
def native_yFunctionUpdateCallback(f, data):
if data is None:
ev = YAPI._Event()
ev.setFunVal(f, YByte2String(data))
return 0
def native_yTimedReportCallback(f, timestamp, data, dataLen):
report = []
for i in range(dataLen):
ev = YAPI._Event()
ev.setTimedReport(f, timestamp, report)
return 0
def RegisterCalibrationHandler(calibType, callback):
key = str(calibType)
YAPI._CalibHandlers[key] = callback
#noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def LinearCalibrationHandler(rawValue, calibType, params, rawValues, refValues):
x = rawValues[0]
adj = refValues[0] - x
i = 0
npt = calibType % 10
if npt > len(rawValues):
npt = len(rawValues)
if npt > len(refValues):
npt = len(refValues)
npt = len(refValues)
while rawValue > rawValues[i] and i + 1 < npt:
i += 1
x2 = x
adj2 = adj
x = rawValues[i]
adj = refValues[i] - x
if rawValue < x and x > x2:
adj = adj2 + (adj - adj2) * (rawValue - x2) / (x - x2)
return rawValue + adj
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def native_yDeviceRemovalCallback(d):
global yRemovalFct
infos = YAPI.emptyDeviceSt()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
if yRemovalFct is None:
infos.deviceid = 0
if YAPI.yapiGetDeviceInfo(d, infos, errmsgRef) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
modul = YModule.FindModule(YByte2String(infos.serial) + ".module")
ev = YAPI._Event()
return 0
def apiGetAPIVersion(versionRef, dateRef):
pversion = YAPI.YPCHAR()
pdate = YAPI.YPCHAR()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetAPIVersion(ctypes.byref(pversion), ctypes.byref(pdate))
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
versionRef.value = YByte2String(pversion.buffer)
dateRef.value = YByte2String(pdate.buffer)
return res
def GetAPIVersion():
Returns the version identifier for the Yoctopuce library in use.
The version is a string in the form "Major.Minor.Build",
for instance "1.01.5535". For languages using an external
DLL (for instance C#, VisualBasic or Delphi), the character string
includes as well the DLL version, for instance
"1.01.5535 (1.01.5439)".
If you want to verify in your code that the library version is
compatible with the version that you have used during development,
verify that the major number is strictly equal and that the minor
number is greater or equal. The build number is not relevant
with respect to the library compatibility.
@return a character string describing the library version.
version = YRefParam()
date = YRefParam()
#load yapi functions form dynamic library
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
YAPI.apiGetAPIVersion(version, date)
#noinspection PyTypeChecker
return YAPI.YOCTO_API_VERSION_STR + "." + YAPI.YOCTO_API_BUILD_NO + " (" + version.value + ")"
def InitAPI(mode, errmsg=None):
Initializes the Yoctopuce programming library explicitly.
It is not strictly needed to call yInitAPI(), as the library is
automatically initialized when calling yRegisterHub() for the
first time.
When YAPI.DETECT_NONE is used as detection mode,
you must explicitly use yRegisterHub() to point the API to the
VirtualHub on which your devices are connected before trying to access them.
@param mode : an integer corresponding to the type of automatic
device detection to use. Possible values are
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
if YAPI._apiInitialized:
#load yapi functions form dynamic library
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
version = YRefParam()
date = YRefParam()
if YAPI.apiGetAPIVersion(version, date) != YAPI.YOCTO_API_VERSION_BCD:
if errmsg is not None:
errmsg.value \
= YAPI._yApiCLibFile + " does does not match the version of the Libary (Libary=" + \
#noinspection PyTypeChecker
errmsg.value += " yapi.dll=" + version.value + ")"
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiInitAPI(mode, errmsg_buffer)
if errmsg is not None:
errmsg.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
for i in range(21):
YAPI.RegisterCalibrationHandler(i, YAPI.LinearCalibrationHandler)
YAPI.RegisterCalibrationHandler(YAPI.YOCTO_CALIB_TYPE_OFS, YAPI.LinearCalibrationHandler)
YAPI._apiInitialized = True
return res
def FreeAPI():
Frees dynamically allocated memory blocks used by the Yoctopuce library.
It is generally not required to call this function, unless you
want to free all dynamically allocated memory blocks in order to
track a memory leak for instance.
You should not call any other library function after calling
yFreeAPI(), or your program will crash.
if YAPI._apiInitialized:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
YAPI._apiInitialized = False
def RegisterHub(url, errmsg=None):
Setup the Yoctopuce library to use modules connected on a given machine. The
parameter will determine how the API will work. Use the following values:
<b>usb</b>: When the usb keyword is used, the API will work with
devices connected directly to the USB bus. Some programming languages such a Javascript,
PHP, and Java don't provide direct access to USB hardware, so usb will
not work with these. In this case, use a VirtualHub or a networked YoctoHub (see below).
<b><i>x.x.x.x</i></b> or <b><i>hostname</i></b>: The API will use the devices connected to the
host with the given IP address or hostname. That host can be a regular computer
running a VirtualHub, or a networked YoctoHub such as YoctoHub-Ethernet or
YoctoHub-Wireless. If you want to use the VirtualHub running on you local
computer, use the IP address
<b>callback</b>: that keyword make the API run in "<i>HTTP Callback</i>" mode.
This a special mode allowing to take control of Yoctopuce devices
through a NAT filter when using a VirtualHub or a networked YoctoHub. You only
need to configure your hub to call your server script on a regular basis.
This mode is currently available for PHP and Node.JS only.
Be aware that only one application can use direct USB access at a
given time on a machine. Multiple access would cause conflicts
while trying to access the USB modules. In particular, this means
that you must stop the VirtualHub software before starting
an application that uses direct USB access. The workaround
for this limitation is to setup the library to use the VirtualHub
rather than direct USB access.
If access control has been activated on the hub, virtual or not, you want to
reach, the URL parameter should look like:
You can call <i>RegisterHub</i> several times to connect to several machines.
@param url : a string containing either "usb","callback" or the
root URL of the hub to monitor
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN + 1)
if not YAPI._apiInitialized:
res = YAPI.InitAPI(0, errmsg)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(url.encode("ASCII"))
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiRegisterHub(p, errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsg is not None:
errmsg.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def PreregisterHub(url, errmsgRef=None):
Fault-tolerant alternative to RegisterHub(). This function has the same
purpose and same arguments as RegisterHub(), but does not trigger
an error when the selected hub is not available at the time of the function call.
This makes it possible to register a network hub independently of the current
connectivity, and to try to contact it only when a device is actively needed.
@param url : a string containing either "usb","callback" or the
root URL of the hub to monitor
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
if not YAPI._apiInitialized:
res = YAPI.InitAPI(0, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiPreregisterHub(ctypes.create_string_buffer(url.encode("ASCII")), errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def UnregisterHub(url):
Setup the Yoctopuce library to no more use modules connected on a previously
registered machine with RegisterHub.
@param url : a string containing either "usb" or the
root URL of the hub to monitor
if not YAPI._apiInitialized:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def TestHub(url, mstimeout, errmsgRef=None):
Test if the hub is reachable. This method do not register the hub, it only test if the
hub is usable. The url parameter follow the same convention as the RegisterHub
method. This method is useful to verify the authentication parameters for a hub. It
is possible to force this method to return after mstimeout milliseconds.
@param url : a string containing either "usb","callback" or the
root URL of the hub to monitor
@param mstimeout : the number of millisecond available to test the connection.
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure returns a negative error code.
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiTestHub(ctypes.create_string_buffer(url.encode("ASCII")), mstimeout, errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def UpdateDeviceList(errmsg=None):
Triggers a (re)detection of connected Yoctopuce modules.
The library searches the machines or USB ports previously registered using
yRegisterHub(), and invokes any user-defined callback function
in case a change in the list of connected devices is detected.
This function can be called as frequently as desired to refresh the device list
and to make the application aware of hot-plug events.
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
if not YAPI._apiInitialized:
res = YAPI.InitAPI(0, errmsg)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
res = YAPI.yapiUpdateDeviceList(0, errmsg)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiHandleEvents(errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsg is not None:
#noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
errmsg.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
while len(YAPI._PlugEvents) > 0:
p = YAPI._PlugEvents.pop(0)
def TriggerHubDiscovery(errmsg=None):
Force a hub discovery, if a callback as been registered with yRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback it
will be called for each net work hub that will respond to the discovery.
@param errmsg : a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN + 1)
if not YAPI._apiInitialized:
res = YAPI.InitAPI(0, errmsg)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
res = YAPI._yapiTriggerHubDiscovery(errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsg is not None:
errmsg.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def yapiGetFunctionInfo(fundesc, devdescRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef=None):
serialBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN)
funcIdBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
funcNameBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_LOGICAL_LEN)
funcValBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_PUBVAL_LEN)
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
p = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundesc, ctypes.byref(p), serialBuffer, funcIdBuffer, None,
funcNameBuffer, funcValBuffer, errBuffer)
devdescRef.value = p.value
serialRef.value = YByte2String(serialBuffer.value)
funcIdRef.value = YByte2String(funcIdBuffer.value)
funcNameRef.value = YByte2String(funcNameBuffer.value)
funcValRef.value = YByte2String(funcValBuffer.value)
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
def yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundesc, devdescRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseTypeRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef=None):
serialBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN)
funcIdBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
baseTypeBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
funcNameBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_LOGICAL_LEN)
funcValBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_PUBVAL_LEN)
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
p = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundesc, ctypes.byref(p), serialBuffer, funcIdBuffer, baseTypeBuffer,
funcNameBuffer, funcValBuffer, errBuffer)
devdescRef.value = p.value
serialRef.value = YByte2String(serialBuffer.value)
funcIdRef.value = YByte2String(funcIdBuffer.value)
baseTypeRef.value = YByte2String(baseTypeBuffer.value)
funcNameRef.value = YByte2String(funcNameBuffer.value)
funcValRef.value = YByte2String(funcValBuffer.value)
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
return res
def yapiGetDeviceByFunction(fundesc, errmsgRef=None):
errBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundesc, ctypes.byref(devdesc), None, None, None, None, None, errBuffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errBuffer.value)
if res < 0:
return res
return devdesc.value
def yapiUpdateDeviceList(force, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiUpdateDeviceList(force, errmsg_buffer)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def yapiGetDevice(device_str, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(device_str.encode("ASCII"))
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetDevice(p, errmsg_buffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def yapiGetFunction(class_str, function_str, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunction(ctypes.create_string_buffer(class_str.encode("ASCII")),
ctypes.create_string_buffer(function_str.encode("ASCII")), errmsg_buffer)
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def apiGetFunctionsByClass(class_str, precFuncDesc, dbuffer, maxsize, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
cneededsize = ctypes.c_int()
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByClass(ctypes.create_string_buffer(class_str.encode("ASCII")), precFuncDesc,
dbuffer, maxsize, ctypes.byref(cneededsize), errmsg_buffer)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
neededsizeRef.value = cneededsize.value
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def apiGetFunctionsByDevice(devdesc, precFuncDesc, dbuffer, maxsize, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef=None):
errmsg_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
cneededsize = ctypes.c_int()
if not YAPI._ydllLoaded:
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionsByDevice(devdesc, precFuncDesc, dbuffer, maxsize, ctypes.byref(cneededsize),
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
neededsizeRef.value = cneededsize.value
if errmsgRef is not None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errmsg_buffer.value)
return res
def pymodule_initialization():
def pymodule_cleanup():
del YAPI.YDevice_devCache[:]
del YAPI._PlugEvents[:]
del YAPI._DataEvents[:]
#--- (generated code: YFirmwareUpdate class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YFirmwareUpdate(object):
The YFirmwareUpdate class let you control the firmware update of a Yoctopuce
module. This class should not be instantiate directly, instead the method
updateFirmware should be called to get an instance of YFirmwareUpdate.
#--- (end of generated code: YFirmwareUpdate class start)
#--- (generated code: YFirmwareUpdate definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YFirmwareUpdate definitions)
def __init__(self, serial, path, settings):
#--- (generated code: YFirmwareUpdate attributes)
self._serial = ''
self._settings = ''
self._firmwarepath = ''
self._progress_msg = ''
self._progress_c = 0
self._progress = 0
self._restore_step = 0
self._force = 0
#--- (end of generated code: YFirmwareUpdate attributes)
self._serial = serial
self._settings = settings
self._firmwarepath = path
#--- (generated code: YFirmwareUpdate implementation)
def _processMore(self, newupdate):
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
# m
# res
# serial
# firmwarepath
# settings
# prod_prefix
# force
if self._progress_c < 100:
serial = self._serial
firmwarepath = self._firmwarepath
settings = YByte2String(self._settings)
if self._force:
force = 1
force = 0
res = YAPI._yapiUpdateFirmwareEx(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(firmwarepath)), ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(settings)), force, newupdate, errmsg)
if res < 0:
self._progress = res
self._progress_msg = YByte2String(errmsg.value)
return res
self._progress_c = res
self._progress = int((self._progress_c * 9) / (10))
self._progress_msg = YByte2String(errmsg.value)
if (len(self._settings) != 0):
self._progress_msg = "restoring settings"
m = YModule.FindModule(self._serial + ".module")
if not (m.isOnline()):
return self._progress
if self._progress < 95:
prod_prefix = (m.get_productName())[0: 0 + 8]
if prod_prefix == "YoctoHub":
self._progress = self._progress + 1
return self._progress
self._progress = 95
if self._progress < 100:
self._settings = bytearray(0)
self._progress = 100
self._progress_msg = "success"
self._progress = 100
self._progress_msg = "success"
return self._progress
def GetAllBootLoaders():
Returns a list of all the modules in "firmware update" mode. Only devices
connected over USB are listed. For devices connected to a YoctoHub, you
must connect yourself to the YoctoHub web interface.
@return an array of strings containing the serial numbers of devices in "firmware update" mode.
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
smallbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
# bigbuff
# buffsize
fullsize = ctypes.c_int()
# yapi_res
# bootloader_list
bootladers = []
fullsize.value = 0
yapi_res = YAPI._yapiGetBootloaders(smallbuff, 1024, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if yapi_res < 0:
return bootladers
if fullsize.value <= 1024:
bootloader_list = YByte2String(smallbuff.value)
buffsize = fullsize.value
bigbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffsize)
yapi_res = YAPI._yapiGetBootloaders(bigbuff, buffsize, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if yapi_res < 0:
bigbuff = None
return bootladers
bootloader_list = YByte2String(bigbuff.value)
bigbuff = None
if not (bootloader_list == ""):
bootladers = (bootloader_list).split(',')
return bootladers
def CheckFirmware(serial, path, minrelease):
Test if the byn file is valid for this module. It is possible to pass a directory instead of a file.
In that case, this method returns the path of the most recent appropriate byn file. This method will
ignore any firmware older than minrelease.
@param serial : the serial number of the module to update
@param path : the path of a byn file or a directory that contains byn files
@param minrelease : a positive integer
@return : the path of the byn file to use, or an empty string if no byn files matches the requirement
On failure, returns a string that starts with "error:".
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
smallbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
# bigbuff
# buffsize
fullsize = ctypes.c_int()
# res
# firmware_path
# release
fullsize.value = 0
release = str(minrelease)
res = YAPI._yapiCheckFirmware(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(release)), ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(path)), smallbuff, 1024, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if res < 0:
firmware_path = "error:" + YByte2String(errmsg.value)
return "error:" + YByte2String(errmsg.value)
if fullsize.value <= 1024:
firmware_path = YByte2String(smallbuff.value)
buffsize = fullsize.value
bigbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffsize)
res = YAPI._yapiCheckFirmware(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(release)), ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(path)), bigbuff, buffsize, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if res < 0:
firmware_path = "error:" + YByte2String(errmsg.value)
firmware_path = YByte2String(bigbuff.value)
bigbuff = None
return firmware_path
def get_progress(self):
Returns the progress of the firmware update, on a scale from 0 to 100. When the object is
instantiated, the progress is zero. The value is updated during the firmware update process until
the value of 100 is reached. The 100 value means that the firmware update was completed
successfully. If an error occurs during the firmware update, a negative value is returned, and the
error message can be retrieved with get_progressMessage.
@return an integer in the range 0 to 100 (percentage of completion)
or a negative error code in case of failure.
if self._progress >= 0:
return self._progress
def get_progressMessage(self):
Returns the last progress message of the firmware update process. If an error occurs during the
firmware update process, the error message is returned
@return a string with the latest progress message, or the error message.
return self._progress_msg
def startUpdate(self):
Starts the firmware update process. This method starts the firmware update process in background. This method
returns immediately. You can monitor the progress of the firmware update with the get_progress()
and get_progressMessage() methods.
@return an integer in the range 0 to 100 (percentage of completion),
or a negative error code in case of failure.
On failure returns a negative error code.
# err
# leng
err = YByte2String(self._settings)
leng = len(err)
if ( leng >= 6) and ("error:" == (err)[0: 0 + 6]):
self._progress = -1
self._progress_msg = (err)[6: 6 + leng - 6]
self._progress = 0
self._progress_c = 0
return self._progress
#--- (end of generated code: YFirmwareUpdate implementation)
#--- (generated code: FirmwareUpdate functions)
#--- (end of generated code: FirmwareUpdate functions)
#--- (generated code: YDataStream class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YDataStream(object):
YDataStream objects represent bare recorded measure sequences,
exactly as found within the data logger present on Yoctopuce
In most cases, it is not necessary to use YDataStream objects
directly, as the YDataSet objects (returned by the
get_recordedData() method from sensors and the
get_dataSets() method from the data logger) provide
a more convenient interface.
#--- (end of generated code: YDataStream class start)
#--- (generated code: YDataStream definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YDataStream definitions)
def __init__(self, parent, dataset=None, encoded=None):
#--- (generated code: YDataStream attributes)
self._parent = None
self._runNo = 0
self._utcStamp = 0
self._nCols = 0
self._nRows = 0
self._duration = 0
self._columnNames = []
self._functionId = ''
self._isClosed = 0
self._isAvg = 0
self._isScal = 0
self._isScal32 = 0
self._decimals = 0
self._offset = 0
self._scale = 0
self._samplesPerHour = 0
self._minVal = 0
self._avgVal = 0
self._maxVal = 0
self._decexp = 0
self._caltyp = 0
self._calpar = []
self._calraw = []
self._calref = []
self._values = []
#--- (end of generated code: YDataStream attributes)
self._calhdl = None
self._parent = parent
if dataset is not None:
self._initFromDataSet(dataset, encoded)
#--- (generated code: YDataStream implementation)
def _initFromDataSet(self, dataset, encoded):
# val
# i
# maxpos
# iRaw
# iRef
# fRaw
# fRef
# duration_float
iCalib = []
# // decode sequence header to extract data
self._runNo = encoded[0] + (((encoded[1]) << (16)))
self._utcStamp = encoded[2] + (((encoded[3]) << (16)))
val = encoded[4]
self._isAvg = (((val) & (0x100)) == 0)
self._samplesPerHour = ((val) & (0xff))
if ((val) & (0x100)) != 0:
self._samplesPerHour = self._samplesPerHour * 3600
if ((val) & (0x200)) != 0:
self._samplesPerHour = self._samplesPerHour * 60
val = encoded[5]
if val > 32767:
val = val - 65536
self._decimals = val
self._offset = val
self._scale = encoded[6]
self._isScal = (self._scale != 0)
self._isScal32 = (len(encoded) >= 14)
val = encoded[7]
self._isClosed = (val != 0xffff)
if val == 0xffff:
val = 0
self._nRows = val
duration_float = self._nRows * 3600 / self._samplesPerHour
self._duration = round(duration_float)
# // precompute decoding parameters
self._decexp = 1.0
if self._scale == 0:
i = 0
while i < self._decimals:
self._decexp = self._decexp * 10.0
i = i + 1
iCalib = dataset._get_calibration()
self._caltyp = iCalib[0]
if self._caltyp != 0:
self._calhdl = YAPI._getCalibrationHandler(self._caltyp)
maxpos = len(iCalib)
del self._calpar[:]
del self._calraw[:]
del self._calref[:]
if self._isScal32:
i = 1
while i < maxpos:
i = i + 1
i = 1
while i + 1 < maxpos:
fRaw = iCalib[i]
fRaw = fRaw / 1000.0
fRef = iCalib[i + 1]
fRef = fRef / 1000.0
i = i + 2
i = 1
while i + 1 < maxpos:
iRaw = iCalib[i]
iRef = iCalib[i + 1]
if self._isScal:
fRaw = iRaw
fRaw = (fRaw - self._offset) / self._scale
fRef = iRef
fRef = (fRef - self._offset) / self._scale
i = i + 2
# // preload column names for backward-compatibility
self._functionId = dataset.get_functionId()
if self._isAvg:
del self._columnNames[:]
self._columnNames.append("" + self._functionId + "_min")
self._columnNames.append("" + self._functionId + "_avg")
self._columnNames.append("" + self._functionId + "_max")
self._nCols = 3
del self._columnNames[:]
self._nCols = 1
# // decode min/avg/max values for the sequence
if self._nRows > 0:
if self._isScal32:
self._avgVal = self._decodeAvg(encoded[8] + (((((encoded[9]) ^ (0x8000))) << (16))), 1)
self._minVal = self._decodeVal(encoded[10] + (((encoded[11]) << (16))))
self._maxVal = self._decodeVal(encoded[12] + (((encoded[13]) << (16))))
self._minVal = self._decodeVal(encoded[8])
self._maxVal = self._decodeVal(encoded[9])
self._avgVal = self._decodeAvg(encoded[10] + (((encoded[11]) << (16))), self._nRows)
return 0
def _parseStream(self, sdata):
# idx
udat = []
dat = []
if len(sdata) == 0:
self._nRows = 0
# // may throw an exception
udat = YAPI._decodeWords(self._parent._json_get_string(sdata))
del self._values[:]
idx = 0
if self._isAvg:
while idx + 3 < len(udat):
del dat[:]
if self._isScal32:
dat.append(self._decodeVal(udat[idx + 2] + (((udat[idx + 3]) << (16)))))
dat.append(self._decodeAvg(udat[idx] + (((((udat[idx + 1]) ^ (0x8000))) << (16))), 1))
dat.append(self._decodeVal(udat[idx + 4] + (((udat[idx + 5]) << (16)))))
idx = idx + 6
dat.append(self._decodeAvg(udat[idx + 2] + (((udat[idx + 3]) << (16))), 1))
dat.append(self._decodeVal(udat[idx + 1]))
idx = idx + 4
if self._isScal and not (self._isScal32):
while idx < len(udat):
del dat[:]
idx = idx + 1
while idx + 1 < len(udat):
del dat[:]
dat.append(self._decodeAvg(udat[idx] + (((((udat[idx + 1]) ^ (0x8000))) << (16))), 1))
idx = idx + 2
self._nRows = len(self._values)
def _get_url(self):
# url
url = "logger.json?id=" + self._functionId + "&run=" + str(int(self._runNo)) + "&utc=" + str(int(self._utcStamp))
return url
def loadStream(self):
# // may throw an exception
return self._parseStream(self._parent._download(self._get_url()))
def _decodeVal(self, w):
# val
val = w
if self._isScal32:
val = val / 1000.0
if self._isScal:
val = (val - self._offset) / self._scale
val = YAPI._decimalToDouble(w)
if self._caltyp != 0:
if self._calhdl is not None:
val = self._calhdl(val, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
return val
def _decodeAvg(self, dw, count):
# val
val = dw
if self._isScal32:
val = val / 1000.0
if self._isScal:
val = (val / (100 * count) - self._offset) / self._scale
val = val / (count * self._decexp)
if self._caltyp != 0:
if self._calhdl is not None:
val = self._calhdl(val, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
return val
def isClosed(self):
return self._isClosed
def get_runIndex(self):
Returns the run index of the data stream. A run can be made of
multiple datastreams, for different time intervals.
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the run index.
return self._runNo
def get_startTime(self):
Returns the relative start time of the data stream, measured in seconds.
For recent firmwares, the value is relative to the present time,
which means the value is always negative.
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000, value is
relative to the start of the time the device was powered on, and
is always positive.
If you need an absolute UTC timestamp, use get_startTimeUTC().
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the number of seconds
between the start of the run and the beginning of this data
return self._utcStamp - int(time.time())
def get_startTimeUTC(self):
Returns the start time of the data stream, relative to the Jan 1, 1970.
If the UTC time was not set in the datalogger at the time of the recording
of this data stream, this method returns 0.
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the number of seconds
between the Jan 1, 1970 and the beginning of this data
stream (i.e. Unix time representation of the absolute time).
return self._utcStamp
def get_dataSamplesIntervalMs(self):
Returns the number of milliseconds between two consecutive
rows of this data stream. By default, the data logger records one row
per second, but the recording frequency can be changed for
each device function
@return an unsigned number corresponding to a number of milliseconds.
return int((3600000) / (self._samplesPerHour))
def get_dataSamplesInterval(self):
return 3600.0 / self._samplesPerHour
def get_rowCount(self):
Returns the number of data rows present in this stream.
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000,
this method fetches the whole data stream from the device
if not yet done, which can cause a little delay.
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the number of rows.
On failure, throws an exception or returns zero.
if (self._nRows != 0) and self._isClosed:
return self._nRows
return self._nRows
def get_columnCount(self):
Returns the number of data columns present in this stream.
The meaning of the values present in each column can be obtained
using the method get_columnNames().
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000,
this method fetches the whole data stream from the device
if not yet done, which can cause a little delay.
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the number of columns.
On failure, throws an exception or returns zero.
if self._nCols != 0:
return self._nCols
return self._nCols
def get_columnNames(self):
Returns the title (or meaning) of each data column present in this stream.
In most case, the title of the data column is the hardware identifier
of the sensor that produced the data. For streams recorded at a lower
recording rate, the dataLogger stores the min, average and max value
during each measure interval into three columns with suffixes _min,
_avg and _max respectively.
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000,
this method fetches the whole data stream from the device
if not yet done, which can cause a little delay.
@return a list containing as many strings as there are columns in the
data stream.
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty array.
if len(self._columnNames) != 0:
return self._columnNames
return self._columnNames
def get_minValue(self):
Returns the smallest measure observed within this stream.
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000,
this method will always return YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
@return a floating-point number corresponding to the smallest value,
or YDataStream.DATA_INVALID if the stream is not yet complete (still recording).
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
return self._minVal
def get_averageValue(self):
Returns the average of all measures observed within this stream.
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000,
this method will always return YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
@return a floating-point number corresponding to the average value,
or YDataStream.DATA_INVALID if the stream is not yet complete (still recording).
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
return self._avgVal
def get_maxValue(self):
Returns the largest measure observed within this stream.
If the device uses a firmware older than version 13000,
this method will always return YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
@return a floating-point number corresponding to the largest value,
or YDataStream.DATA_INVALID if the stream is not yet complete (still recording).
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
return self._maxVal
def get_duration(self):
Returns the approximate duration of this stream, in seconds.
@return the number of seconds covered by this stream.
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataStream.DURATION_INVALID.
if self._isClosed:
return self._duration
return int(time.time()) - self._utcStamp
def get_dataRows(self):
Returns the whole data set contained in the stream, as a bidimensional
table of numbers.
The meaning of the values present in each column can be obtained
using the method get_columnNames().
This method fetches the whole data stream from the device,
if not yet done.
@return a list containing as many elements as there are rows in the
data stream. Each row itself is a list of floating-point
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty array.
if (len(self._values) == 0) or not (self._isClosed):
return self._values
def get_data(self, row, col):
Returns a single measure from the data stream, specified by its
row and column index.
The meaning of the values present in each column can be obtained
using the method get_columnNames().
This method fetches the whole data stream from the device,
if not yet done.
@param row : row index
@param col : column index
@return a floating-point number
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataStream.DATA_INVALID.
if (len(self._values) == 0) or not (self._isClosed):
if row >= len(self._values):
return YDataStream.DATA_INVALID
if col >= len(self._values[row]):
return YDataStream.DATA_INVALID
return self._values[row][col]
#--- (end of generated code: YDataStream implementation)
#--- (generated code: DataStream functions)
#--- (end of generated code: DataStream functions)
#--- (generated code: YMeasure class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YMeasure(object):
YMeasure objects are used within the API to represent
a value measured at a specified time. These objects are
used in particular in conjunction with the YDataSet class.
#--- (end of generated code: YMeasure class start)
#--- (generated code: YMeasure definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YMeasure definitions)
def __init__(self, start, end, minVal, avgVal, maxVal):
#--- (generated code: YMeasure attributes)
self._start = 0
self._end = 0
self._minVal = 0
self._avgVal = 0
self._maxVal = 0
#--- (end of generated code: YMeasure attributes)
self._start = start
self._end = end
self._minVal = minVal
self._avgVal = avgVal
self._maxVal = maxVal
rounded = int(start * 10 + 0.5)
self._start_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(rounded / 10.0)
rounded = int(end * 10 + 0.5)
self._end_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(rounded / 10.0)
def get_startTimeUTC_asDatetime(self):
return self._start_datetime
def get_endTimeUTC_asDatetime(self):
return self._end_datetime
#--- (generated code: YMeasure implementation)
def get_startTimeUTC(self):
Returns the start time of the measure, relative to the Jan 1, 1970 UTC
(Unix timestamp). When the recording rate is higher then 1 sample
per second, the timestamp may have a fractional part.
@return an floating point number corresponding to the number of seconds
between the Jan 1, 1970 UTC and the beginning of this measure.
return self._start
def get_endTimeUTC(self):
Returns the end time of the measure, relative to the Jan 1, 1970 UTC
(Unix timestamp). When the recording rate is higher than 1 sample
per second, the timestamp may have a fractional part.
@return an floating point number corresponding to the number of seconds
between the Jan 1, 1970 UTC and the end of this measure.
return self._end
def get_minValue(self):
Returns the smallest value observed during the time interval
covered by this measure.
@return a floating-point number corresponding to the smallest value observed.
return self._minVal
def get_averageValue(self):
Returns the average value observed during the time interval
covered by this measure.
@return a floating-point number corresponding to the average value observed.
return self._avgVal
def get_maxValue(self):
Returns the largest value observed during the time interval
covered by this measure.
@return a floating-point number corresponding to the largest value observed.
return self._maxVal
#--- (end of generated code: YMeasure implementation)
#--- (generated code: Measure functions)
#--- (end of generated code: Measure functions)
#--- (generated code: YDataSet class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YDataSet(object):
YDataSet objects make it possible to retrieve a set of recorded measures
for a given sensor and a specified time interval. They can be used
to load data points with a progress report. When the YDataSet object is
instantiated by the get_recordedData() function, no data is
yet loaded from the module. It is only when the loadMore()
method is called over and over than data will be effectively loaded
from the dataLogger.
A preview of available measures is available using the function
get_preview() as soon as loadMore() has been called
once. Measures themselves are available using function get_measures()
when loaded by subsequent calls to loadMore().
This class can only be used on devices that use a recent firmware,
as YDataSet objects are not supported by firmwares older than version 13000.
#--- (end of generated code: YDataSet class start)
#--- (generated code: YDataSet definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YDataSet definitions)
def __init__(self, parent, functionId=None, unit=None, starttime=None, endTime=None):
#--- (generated code: YDataSet attributes)
self._parent = None
self._hardwareId = ''
self._functionId = ''
self._unit = ''
self._startTime = 0
self._endTime = 0
self._progress = 0
self._calib = []
self._streams = []
self._summary = None
self._preview = []
self._measures = []
#--- (end of generated code: YDataSet attributes)
self._summary = YMeasure(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if unit is None:
self._initFromParams(parent, functionId, unit, starttime, endTime)
def _initFromParams(self, parent, functionId, unit, startTime, endTime):
self._parent = parent
self._functionId = functionId
self._unit = unit
self._startTime = startTime
self._endTime = endTime
self._progress = -1
def _initFromJson(self, parent):
self._parent = parent
self._startTime = 0
self._endTime = 0
def _parse(self, json):
j = YAPI.TJsonParser(json, False)
except YAPI.JsonError:
#( exception handling working in both in 2.x and 3.x)
summaryMinVal = float('inf')
summaryMaxVal = float('-inf')
summaryTotalTime = 0
summaryTotalAvg = 0
streamStartTime = 0x7fffffff
streamEndTime = 0
startTime = 0x7fffffff
endTime = 0
node = j.GetRootNode()
for member in node.members:
if == "id":
self._functionId = member.svalue
elif == "unit":
self._unit = member.svalue
elif == "calib":
self._calib = YAPI._decodeFloats(member.svalue)
self._calib[0] = round(self._calib[0] / 1000)
elif == "cal":
if len(self._calib) == 0:
self._calib = YAPI._decodeWords(member.svalue)
elif == "streams":
self._streams = []
self._preview = []
self._measures = []
streams_node = j.GetChildNode(node, "streams")
for streams_json in streams_node.items:
stream = self._parent._findDataStream(self, streams_json.svalue)
streamStartTime = stream.get_startTimeUTC() - stream.get_dataSamplesIntervalMs() / 1000
streamEndTime = stream.get_startTimeUTC() + stream.get_duration()
if self._startTime > 0 and streamEndTime <= self._startTime:
# this stream is too early, drop it
elif 0 < self._endTime < stream.get_startTimeUTC():
# this stream is too late, drop it
if startTime > streamStartTime:
startTime = streamStartTime
if endTime < streamEndTime:
endtime = streamEndTime
if (stream.isClosed() and stream.get_startTimeUTC() >= self._startTime and
(self._endTime == 0 or streamEndTime <= self._endTime)):
if summaryMinVal > stream.get_minValue():
summaryMinVal = stream.get_minValue()
if summaryMaxVal < stream.get_maxValue():
summaryMaxVal = stream.get_maxValue()
summaryTotalAvg += stream.get_averageValue() * stream.get_duration()
summaryTotalTime += stream.get_duration()
rec = YMeasure(stream.get_startTimeUTC(),
if (len(self._streams) > 0) and (summaryTotalTime > 0):
# update time boundaries with actual data
if self._startTime < startTime:
self._startTime = startTime
if self._endTime == 0 or self._endTime > endTime:
self._endTime = endTime
self._summary = YMeasure(self._startTime, self._endTime,
summaryMinVal, summaryTotalAvg / summaryTotalTime, summaryMaxVal)
self._progress = 0
return self.get_progress()
#--- (generated code: YDataSet implementation)
def _get_calibration(self):
return self._calib
def processMore(self, progress, data):
# stream
dataRows = []
# strdata
# tim
# itv
# nCols
# minCol
# avgCol
# maxCol
# // may throw an exception
if progress != self._progress:
return self._progress
if self._progress < 0:
strdata = YByte2String(data)
if strdata == "{}":
self._parent._throw(YAPI.VERSION_MISMATCH, "device firmware is too old")
return self._parse(strdata)
stream = self._streams[self._progress]
dataRows = stream.get_dataRows()
self._progress = self._progress + 1
if len(dataRows) == 0:
return self.get_progress()
tim = stream.get_startTimeUTC()
itv = stream.get_dataSamplesInterval()
if tim < itv:
tim = itv
nCols = len(dataRows[0])
minCol = 0
if nCols > 2:
avgCol = 1
avgCol = 0
if nCols > 2:
maxCol = 2
maxCol = 0
for y in dataRows:
if (tim >= self._startTime) and ((self._endTime == 0) or (tim <= self._endTime)):
self._measures.append(YMeasure(tim - itv, tim, y[minCol], y[avgCol], y[maxCol]))
tim = tim + itv
tim = round(tim * 1000) / 1000.0
return self.get_progress()
def get_privateDataStreams(self):
return self._streams
def get_hardwareId(self):
Returns the unique hardware identifier of the function who performed the measures,
in the form SERIAL.FUNCTIONID. The unique hardware identifier is composed of the
device serial number and of the hardware identifier of the function
(for example THRMCPL1-123456.temperature1)
@return a string that uniquely identifies the function (ex: THRMCPL1-123456.temperature1)
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataSet.HARDWAREID_INVALID.
# mo
if not (self._hardwareId == ""):
return self._hardwareId
mo = self._parent.get_module()
self._hardwareId = "" + mo.get_serialNumber() + "." + self.get_functionId()
return self._hardwareId
def get_functionId(self):
Returns the hardware identifier of the function that performed the measure,
without reference to the module. For example temperature1.
@return a string that identifies the function (ex: temperature1)
return self._functionId
def get_unit(self):
Returns the measuring unit for the measured value.
@return a string that represents a physical unit.
On failure, throws an exception or returns YDataSet.UNIT_INVALID.
return self._unit
def get_startTimeUTC(self):
Returns the start time of the dataset, relative to the Jan 1, 1970.
When the YDataSet is created, the start time is the value passed
in parameter to the get_dataSet() function. After the
very first call to loadMore(), the start time is updated
to reflect the timestamp of the first measure actually found in the
dataLogger within the specified range.
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the number of seconds
between the Jan 1, 1970 and the beginning of this data
set (i.e. Unix time representation of the absolute time).
return self._startTime
def get_endTimeUTC(self):
Returns the end time of the dataset, relative to the Jan 1, 1970.
When the YDataSet is created, the end time is the value passed
in parameter to the get_dataSet() function. After the
very first call to loadMore(), the end time is updated
to reflect the timestamp of the last measure actually found in the
dataLogger within the specified range.
@return an unsigned number corresponding to the number of seconds
between the Jan 1, 1970 and the end of this data
set (i.e. Unix time representation of the absolute time).
return self._endTime
def get_progress(self):
Returns the progress of the downloads of the measures from the data logger,
on a scale from 0 to 100. When the object is instantiated by get_dataSet,
the progress is zero. Each time loadMore() is invoked, the progress
is updated, to reach the value 100 only once all measures have been loaded.
@return an integer in the range 0 to 100 (percentage of completion).
if self._progress < 0:
return 0
# // index not yet loaded
if self._progress >= len(self._streams):
return 100
return int((1 + (1 + self._progress) * 98) / ((1 + len(self._streams))))
def loadMore(self):
Loads the the next block of measures from the dataLogger, and updates
the progress indicator.
@return an integer in the range 0 to 100 (percentage of completion),
or a negative error code in case of failure.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
# url
# stream
if self._progress < 0:
url = "logger.json?id=" + self._functionId
if self._progress >= len(self._streams):
return 100
stream = self._streams[self._progress]
url = stream._get_url()
return self.processMore(self._progress, self._parent._download(url))
def get_summary(self):
Returns an YMeasure object which summarizes the whole
DataSet. In includes the following information:
- the start of a time interval
- the end of a time interval
- the minimal value observed during the time interval
- the average value observed during the time interval
- the maximal value observed during the time interval
This summary is available as soon as loadMore() has
been called for the first time.
@return an YMeasure object
return self._summary
def get_preview(self):
Returns a condensed version of the measures that can
retrieved in this YDataSet, as a list of YMeasure
objects. Each item includes:
- the start of a time interval
- the end of a time interval
- the minimal value observed during the time interval
- the average value observed during the time interval
- the maximal value observed during the time interval
This preview is available as soon as loadMore() has
been called for the first time.
@return a table of records, where each record depicts the
measured values during a time interval
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty array.
return self._preview
def get_measuresAt(self, measure):
Returns the detailed set of measures for the time interval corresponding
to a given condensed measures previously returned by get_preview().
The result is provided as a list of YMeasure objects.
@param measure : condensed measure from the list previously returned by
@return a table of records, where each record depicts the
measured values during a time interval
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty array.
# startUtc
# stream
dataRows = []
measures = []
# tim
# itv
# nCols
# minCol
# avgCol
# maxCol
# // may throw an exception
startUtc = round(measure.get_startTimeUTC())
stream = None
for y in self._streams:
if y.get_startTimeUTC() == startUtc:
stream = y
if stream is None:
return measures
dataRows = stream.get_dataRows()
if len(dataRows) == 0:
return measures
tim = stream.get_startTimeUTC()
itv = stream.get_dataSamplesInterval()
if tim < itv:
tim = itv
nCols = len(dataRows[0])
minCol = 0
if nCols > 2:
avgCol = 1
avgCol = 0
if nCols > 2:
maxCol = 2
maxCol = 0
for y in dataRows:
if (tim >= self._startTime) and ((self._endTime == 0) or (tim <= self._endTime)):
measures.append(YMeasure(tim - itv, tim, y[minCol], y[avgCol], y[maxCol]))
tim = tim + itv
return measures
def get_measures(self):
Returns all measured values currently available for this DataSet,
as a list of YMeasure objects. Each item includes:
- the start of the measure time interval
- the end of the measure time interval
- the minimal value observed during the time interval
- the average value observed during the time interval
- the maximal value observed during the time interval
Before calling this method, you should call loadMore()
to load data from the device. You may have to call loadMore()
several time until all rows are loaded, but you can start
looking at available data rows before the load is complete.
The oldest measures are always loaded first, and the most
recent measures will be loaded last. As a result, timestamps
are normally sorted in ascending order within the measure table,
unless there was an unexpected adjustment of the datalogger UTC
@return a table of records, where each record depicts the
measured value for a given time interval
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty array.
return self._measures
#--- (end of generated code: YDataSet implementation)
#--- (generated code: DataSet functions)
#--- (end of generated code: DataSet functions)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## YDevice
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YDevice:
def __init__(self, devdesc):
self._devdescr = devdesc
self._cacheStamp = datetime.datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1)
self._cacheJson = None
self._functions = []
self._rootdevice = ""
self._subpath = ""
self._subpathinit = False
def __del__(self):
if self._cacheJson is not None:
del self._cacheJson
self._cacheJson = None
def getDevice(devdescr):
for idx in range(len(YAPI.YDevice_devCache)):
if YAPI.YDevice_devCache[idx]._devdescr == devdescr:
return YAPI.YDevice_devCache[idx]
dev = YDevice(devdescr)
return dev
def PlugDevice(devdescr):
for idx in range(len(YAPI.YDevice_devCache)):
if YAPI.YDevice_devCache[idx]._devdescr == devdescr:
YAPI.YDevice_devCache[idx]._cacheStamp = datetime.datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1)
YAPI.YDevice_devCache[idx]._subpathinit = False
def _HTTPRequestPrepare(self, request):
errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
root = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN)
if not self._subpathinit:
neededsize = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetDevicePath(self._devdescr, root, None, 0, ctypes.byref(neededsize), errbuf)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res, YByte2String(errbuf.value)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
b = ctypes.create_string_buffer(neededsize.value)
tmp = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetDevicePath(self._devdescr, root, b, neededsize.value, ctypes.byref(tmp), errbuf)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res, YByte2String(errbuf.value)
self._rootdevice = YByte2String(root.value)
self._subpath = YByte2String(b.value)
self._subpathinit = True
# request can be a purely binary buffer or a text string
if isinstance(request, bytearray):
request = bytes(request)
elif not isinstance(request, bytes):
request = YString2Byte(request)
# first / is expected within very first characters of the query
p = 0
while p < 10 and YGetByte(request, p) != 47: # chr(47) = '/'
p += 1
newrequest = request[0:p] + self._subpath.encode("ASCII") + request[p + 1:]
return YAPI.SUCCESS, newrequest
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnusedLocal
def HTTPRequestAsync(self, request, callback, context, errmsgRef=None):
errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
#invalidate cache
self._cacheStamp = YAPI.GetTickCount()
(res, newrequest) = self._HTTPRequestPrepare(request)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = newrequest
return res
res = YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestAsync(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._rootdevice.encode("ASCII")),
ctypes.create_string_buffer(newrequest), None, None, errbuf)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errbuf.value)
return res
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnresolvedReferences
def HTTPRequest(self, request, bufferRef, errmsgRef=None):
(res, newrequest) = self._HTTPRequestPrepare(request)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = newrequest
return res
iohdl = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YIOHDL_SIZE)
errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
root_c = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._rootdevice.encode("ASCII"))
newrequest_c = ctypes.create_string_buffer(newrequest)
reply_c = POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)()
neededsize_c = ctypes.c_int(0)
res = YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx(iohdl, root_c, newrequest_c, len(newrequest), ctypes.byref(reply_c),
ctypes.byref(neededsize_c), errbuf)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errbuf.value)
return res
reply_size = neededsize_c.value
bb = YString2Byte("")
#(xrange not supported in 2.5.x)
for i in range(reply_size):
bb = YAddByte(bb, reply_c[i])
bufferRef.value = bb
res = YAPI._yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone(iohdl, errbuf)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errbuf.value)
return res
def requestAPI(self, apiresRef, errmsgRef=None):
suberrmsg = YRefParam()
#Check if we have a valid cache value
if self._cacheStamp > YAPI.GetTickCount():
apiresRef.value = self._cacheJson
res = self.HTTPRequest("GET /api.json \r\n\r\n", suberrmsg, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
# make sure a device scan does not solve the issue
res = YAPI.yapiUpdateDeviceList(1, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
res = self.HTTPRequest("GET /api.json \r\n\r\n", suberrmsg, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
j = YAPI.TJsonParser(YByte2String(suberrmsg.value))
except YAPI.JsonError:
#( exception handling working in both in 2.x and 3.x)
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = "unexpected JSON structure: " + e.msg
if j.httpcode != 200:
errmsg = "Unexpected HTTP return code:%s" % j.httpcode
# store result in cache
self._cacheJson = j
apiresRef.value = j
self._cacheStamp = YAPI.GetTickCount() + YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity
def clearCache(self):
self._cacheJson = None
self._cacheStamp = datetime.datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1)
#noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker
def getFunctions(self, functionsRef, errmsgRef=None):
neededsize = YRefParam()
if not len(self._functions):
res = YAPI.apiGetFunctionsByDevice(self._devdescr, 0, None, 64, neededsize, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
count = int(neededsize.value / YAPI.C_INTSIZE)
#noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
p = (ctypes.c_int * count)()
res = YAPI.apiGetFunctionsByDevice(self._devdescr, 0, p, 64, neededsize, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
for i in range(count):
functionsRef.value = self._functions
## - keeps a reference to our callbacks, to protect them from GC
## (may
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yLogFunctionAnchor = YAPI._yapiLogFunc(YAPI.native_yLogFunction)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yFunctionUpdateAnchor = YAPI._yapiFunctionUpdateFunc(YAPI.native_yFunctionUpdateCallback)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yTimedReportAnchor = YAPI._yapiTimedReportFunc(YAPI.native_yTimedReportCallback)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yDeviceArrivalAnchor = YAPI._yapiDeviceUpdateFunc(YAPI.native_yDeviceArrivalCallback)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yDeviceRemovalAnchor = YAPI._yapiDeviceUpdateFunc(YAPI.native_yDeviceRemovalCallback)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yDeviceChangeAnchor = YAPI._yapiDeviceUpdateFunc(YAPI.native_yDeviceChangeCallback)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yHubDiscoveryAnchor = YAPI._yapiHubDiscoveryCallback(YAPI.native_HubDiscoveryCallback)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
native_yDeviceLogAnchor = YAPI._yapiDeviceLogCallback(YAPI.native_DeviceLogCallback)
#--- (generated code: YFunction class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YFunction(object):
This is the parent class for all public objects representing device functions documented in
the high-level programming API. This abstract class does all the real job, but without
knowledge of the specific function attributes.
Instantiating a child class of YFunction does not cause any communication.
The instance simply keeps track of its function identifier, and will dynamically bind
to a matching device at the time it is really being used to read or set an attribute.
In order to allow true hot-plug replacement of one device by another, the binding stay
dynamic through the life of the object.
The YFunction class implements a generic high-level cache for the attribute values of
the specified function, pre-parsed from the REST API string.
#--- (end of generated code: YFunction class start)
_cache = {}
_FunctionCallbacks = []
_TimedReportCallbackList = []
_CalibHandlers = {}
#--- (generated code: YFunction definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YFunction definitions)
def __init__(self, func):
self._className = 'Function'
self._func = func
self._lastErrorType = YAPI.SUCCESS
self._lastErrorMsg = ""
self._userData = None
self._genCallback = None
self._dataStreams = dict()
#--- (generated code: YFunction attributes)
self._callback = None
self._logicalName = YFunction.LOGICALNAME_INVALID
self._advertisedValue = YFunction.ADVERTISEDVALUE_INVALID
self._valueCallbackFunction = None
self._cacheExpiration = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
self._serial = ''
self._funId = ''
self._hwId = ''
#--- (end of generated code: YFunction attributes)
def _FindFromCache(class_name, func):
key = class_name + "_" + func
if key in YFunction._cache:
return YFunction._cache[key]
return None
def _AddToCache(class_name, func, obj):
YFunction._cache[class_name + "_" + func] = obj
def _ClearCache():
def _UpdateValueCallbackList(func, add):
if add:
if func not in YFunction._FunctionCallbacks:
if func in YFunction._FunctionCallbacks:
index = YFunction._FunctionCallbacks.index(func)
del YFunction._FunctionCallbacks[index]
def _UpdateTimedReportCallbackList(func, add):
if add:
if func not in YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList:
if func in YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList:
index = YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList.index(func)
del YFunction._TimedReportCallbackList[index]
def _throw(self, errType, errorMessage):
self._lastErrorType = errType
self._lastErrorMsg = errorMessage
if not YAPI.ExceptionsDisabled:
raise YAPI.YAPI_Exception(errType, "YoctoApi error : " + errorMessage)
# Method used to resolve our name to our unique function descriptor (may trigger a hub scan)
def _getDescriptor(self, fundescrRef, errmsgRef=None):
tmp_fundescr = YAPI.yapiGetFunction(self._className, self._func, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(tmp_fundescr):
res = YAPI.yapiUpdateDeviceList(1, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
tmp_fundescr = YAPI.yapiGetFunction(self._className, self._func, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(tmp_fundescr):
return tmp_fundescr
self._fundescr = tmp_fundescr
fundescrRef.value = tmp_fundescr
# Return a pointer to our device caching object (may trigger a hub scan)
def _getDevice(self, devRef, errmsgRef=None):
fundescrRef = YRefParam()
# Resolve function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescrRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
# Get device descriptor
devdescr = YAPI.yapiGetDeviceByFunction(fundescrRef.value, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(devdescr):
return devdescr
# Get device object
devRef.value = YDevice.getDevice(devdescr)
# Return the next known function of current class listed in the yellow pages
def _nextFunction(self, hwidRef):
fundescrRef = YRefParam()
devdescrRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
neededsizeRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
n_element = 1
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescrRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
maxsize = n_element * YAPI.C_INTSIZE
#noinspection PyCallingNonCallable,PyTypeChecker
p = (ctypes.c_int * n_element)()
res = YAPI.apiGetFunctionsByClass(self._className, fundescrRef.value, p, maxsize, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
#noinspection PyTypeChecker
count = neededsizeRef.value / YAPI.C_INTSIZE
if not count:
hwidRef.value = ""
res = YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfo(p[0], devdescrRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
hwidRef.value = serialRef.value + "." + funcIdRef.value
def _escapeAttr(changeval):
uchangeval = ""
ofs = 0
nb_bytes = len(changeval)
while ofs < nb_bytes:
c = changeval[ofs]
if c <= ' ' or \
(c > 'z' and c != '~') or c == '"' or c == '%' or c == '&' or c == '+' or \
c == '<' or c == '=' or c == '>' or c == '\\' or c == '^' or c == '`':
c_ord = ord(c)
if ((c_ord == 0xc2 or c_ord == 0xc3) and (ofs + 1 < nb_bytes) and (
ord(changeval[ofs + 1]) & 0xc0) == 0x80):
# UTF8-encoded ISO-8859-1 character: translate to plain ISO-8859-1
c_ord = (c_ord & 1) * 0x40
ofs += 1
c_ord += ord(changeval[ofs])
uchangeval += "%" + ('%02X' % c_ord)
uchangeval += c
ofs += 1
return uchangeval
def _buildSetRequest(self, changeattr, changeval, requestRef, errmsgRef=None):
fundescRef = YRefParam()
funcid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
errbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
# Resolve the function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescRef.value, ctypes.byref(devdesc), None, funcid, None, None, None, errbuff)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
if not errmsgRef is None:
errmsgRef.value = YByte2String(errbuff.value)
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
requestRef.value = "GET /api/" + YByte2String(funcid.value) + "/"
if changeattr != "":
requestRef.value += changeattr + "?" + changeattr + "=" + self._escapeAttr(changeval)
requestRef.value += "&. \r\n\r\n"
def _parse(self, j):
return -1
for member in j.members:
return 0
# Set an attribute in the function, and parse the resulting new function state
def _setAttr(self, attrname, newvalue):
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
requestRef = YRefParam()
devRef = YRefParam()
# Execute http request
res = self._buildSetRequest(attrname, newvalue, requestRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
# Get device Object
res = self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
res = devRef.value.HTTPRequestAsync(requestRef.value, None, None, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
# make sure a device scan does not solve the issue
res = YAPI.yapiUpdateDeviceList(1, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
res = devRef.value.HTTPRequestAsync(requestRef.value, None, None, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
if self._cacheExpiration != datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0):
self._cacheExpiration = YAPI.GetTickCount()
def _request(self, request):
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
httpbuffer = YRefParam()
devRef = YRefParam()
# Get device Object
res = self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, request)
return b""
res = devRef.value.HTTPRequest(request, httpbuffer, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
# make sure a device scan does not solve the issue
res = YAPI.yapiUpdateDeviceList(1, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return b""
res = devRef.value.HTTPRequest(request, httpbuffer, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return b""
if len(httpbuffer.value) >= 4:
check = httpbuffer.value[0:4].decode("latin1")
if check == "OK\r\n":
return httpbuffer.value
if len(httpbuffer.value) >= 17:
check = httpbuffer.value[0:17].decode("latin1")
if check == "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n":
return httpbuffer.value
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "http request failed")
return b""
def _upload(self, path, content):
body = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + path + "\"; filename=\"api\"\r\n"
body += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"
body += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n"
if isinstance(content, bytearray):
content = bytes(content)
elif not isinstance(content, bytes):
if isinstance(content, array.array):
content = content.tostring()
content = content.encode("latin1")
body = body.encode("ASCII") + content
boundary = "Zz%06xzZ" % (random.randint(0, 0xffffff))
request = "POST /upload.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
request += "Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=" + boundary + "\r\n"
request += "\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n"
request = request.encode("ASCII") + body + str("\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n").encode("ASCII")
tmpbuffer = self._request(request)
if len(tmpbuffer) == 0:
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "http request failed")
def _download(self, url):
request = "GET /" + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
result_buffer = self._request(request)
found = 0
while found <= len(result_buffer) - 4:
if YGetByte(result_buffer, found) == 13 \
and YGetByte(result_buffer, found + 1) == 10 \
and YGetByte(result_buffer, found + 2) == 13 \
and YGetByte(result_buffer, found + 3) == 10:
found += 1
if found > len(result_buffer) - 4:
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "http request failed")
return ''
return result_buffer[found + 4:]
def _json_get_key(self, json, key):
json_str = YByte2String(json)
j = YAPI.TJsonParser(json_str, False)
except YAPI.JsonError:
#( exception handling working in both in 2.x and 3.x
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "unexpected JSON structure: " + e.msg)
node = j.GetChildNode(None, key)
return node.svalue
def _json_get_array(self, json):
json_str = YByte2String(json)
j = YAPI.TJsonParser(json_str, False)
except YAPI.JsonError:
#( exception handling working in both in 2.x and 3.x
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "unexpected JSON structure: " + e.msg)
return []
return j.GetAllChilds(None)
def _json_get_string(self, json):
json_str = YByte2String(json)
j = YAPI.TJsonParser('[' + json_str + ']', False)
except YAPI.JsonError:
#( exception handling working in both in 2.x and 3.x
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "unexpected JSON structure: " + e.msg)
return ''
node = j.GetRootNode()
return node.items[0].svalue
def _get_json_path(self, json, path):
errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
path_data = ctypes.create_string_buffer(path)
json_data = ctypes.create_string_buffer(json)
reply_c = POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)()
res = YAPI._yapiJsonGetPath(path_data, json_data, len(json), ctypes.byref(reply_c), errbuf)
if res > 0:
bb = YString2Byte("")
#(xrange not supported in 2.5.x)
for i in range(res):
bb = YAddByte(bb, reply_c[i])
return YByte2String(bb)
return ""
def _decode_json_string(self, json):
if isinstance(json, str):
json = YString2Byte(json)
json_data = ctypes.create_string_buffer(json)
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(json))
res = YAPI._yapiJsonDecodeString(json_data, buffer)
return YByte2String(buffer.value)
# Method used to cache DataStream objects (new DataLogger)
def _findDataStream(self, dataset, definition):
key = dataset.get_functionId() + ":" + definition
if key in self._dataStreams:
return self._dataStreams[definition]
newDataStream = YDataStream(self, dataset, YAPI._decodeWords(definition))
self._dataStreams[key] = newDataStream
return newDataStream
# Method used to clear cache of DataStream object (undocumented)
def _clearDataStreamCache(self):
#--- (generated code: YFunction implementation)
def _parseAttr(self, member):
if == "logicalName":
self._logicalName = member.svalue
return 1
if == "advertisedValue":
self._advertisedValue = member.svalue
return 1
return 0
def get_logicalName(self):
Returns the logical name of the function.
@return a string corresponding to the logical name of the function
On failure, throws an exception or returns YFunction.LOGICALNAME_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._logicalName
def set_logicalName(self, newval):
Changes the logical name of the function. You can use yCheckLogicalName()
prior to this call to make sure that your parameter is valid.
Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modification must be kept.
@param newval : a string corresponding to the logical name of the function
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
if not YAPI.CheckLogicalName(newval):
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid name :" + newval)
rest_val = newval
return self._setAttr("logicalName", rest_val)
def get_advertisedValue(self):
Returns a short string representing the current state of the function.
@return a string corresponding to a short string representing the current state of the function
On failure, throws an exception or returns YFunction.ADVERTISEDVALUE_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._advertisedValue
def set_advertisedValue(self, newval):
rest_val = newval
return self._setAttr("advertisedValue", rest_val)
def FindFunction(func):
Retrieves a function for a given identifier.
The identifier can be specified using several formats:
This function does not require that the function is online at the time
it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
Use the method YFunction.isOnline() to test if the function is
indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
a function by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
then by logical name.
@param func : a string that uniquely characterizes the function
@return a YFunction object allowing you to drive the function.
# obj
obj = YFunction._FindFromCache("Function", func)
if obj is None:
obj = YFunction(func)
YFunction._AddToCache("Function", func, obj)
return obj
def registerValueCallback(self, callback):
Registers the callback function that is invoked on every change of advertised value.
The callback is invoked only during the execution of ySleep or yHandleEvents.
This provides control over the time when the callback is triggered. For good responsiveness, remember to call
one of these two functions periodically. To unregister a callback, pass a None pointer as argument.
@param callback : the callback function to call, or a None pointer. The callback function should take two
arguments: the function object of which the value has changed, and the character string describing
the new advertised value.
# val
if callback is not None:
YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(self, True)
YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(self, False)
self._valueCallbackFunction = callback
# // Immediately invoke value callback with current value
if callback is not None and self.isOnline():
val = self._advertisedValue
if not (val == ""):
return 0
def _invokeValueCallback(self, value):
if self._valueCallbackFunction is not None:
self._valueCallbackFunction(self, value)
return 0
def muteValueCallbacks(self):
Disable the propagation of every new advertised value to the parent hub.
You can use this function to save bandwidth and CPU on computers with limited
resources, or to prevent unwanted invocations of the HTTP callback.
Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modification must be kept.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self.set_advertisedValue("SILENT")
def unmuteValueCallbacks(self):
Re-enable the propagation of every new advertised value to the parent hub.
This function reverts the effect of a previous call to muteValueCallbacks().
Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modification must be kept.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self.set_advertisedValue("")
def loadAttribute(self, attrName):
Returns the current value of a single function attribute, as a text string, as quickly as
possible but without using the cached value.
@param attrName : le nom de l'attribut désiré
@return une chaîne de caractères représentant la valeur actuelle de l'attribut.
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty string.
# url
# attrVal
url = "api/" + self.get_functionId() + "/" + attrName
attrVal = self._download(url)
return YByte2String(attrVal)
def _parserHelper(self):
# // By default, nothing to do
return 0
def nextFunction(self):
comment from .yc definition
hwidRef = YRefParam()
if YAPI.YISERR(self._nextFunction(hwidRef)):
return None
if hwidRef.value == "":
return None
return YFunction.FindFunction(hwidRef.value)
#--- (end of generated code: YFunction implementation)
def get_hardwareId(self):
Returns the unique hardware identifier of the function in the form SERIAL.FUNCTIONID.
The unique hardware identifier is composed of the device serial
number and of the hardware identifier of the function (for example RELAYLO1-123456.relay1).
@return a string that uniquely identifies the function (ex: RELAYLO1-123456.relay1)
On failure, throws an exception or returns YFunction.HARDWAREID_INVALID.
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
fundescRef = YRefParam()
snum = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
funcid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
errbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
# Resolve the function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescRef.value, ctypes.byref(devdesc), snum, funcid, None, None, None, errbuff)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return YByte2String(snum.value) + "." + YByte2String(funcid.value)
def get_functionId(self):
Returns the hardware identifier of the function, without reference to the module. For example
@return a string that identifies the function (ex: relay1)
On failure, throws an exception or returns YFunction.FUNCTIONID_INVALID.
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
fundescRef = YRefParam()
funcid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
errbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
# Resolve the function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
res = YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescRef.value, ctypes.byref(devdesc), None, funcid, None, None, None, errbuff)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return YByte2String(funcid.value)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnresolvedReferences
def get_friendlyName(self):
Returns a global identifier of the function in the format MODULE_NAME&#46;FUNCTION_NAME.
The returned string uses the logical names of the module and of the function if they are defined,
otherwise the serial number of the module and the hardware identifier of the function
(for example: MyCustomName.relay1)
@return a string that uniquely identifies the function using logical names
(ex: MyCustomName.relay1)
On failure, throws an exception or returns YFunction.FRIENDLYNAME_INVALID.
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
fundescRef = YRefParam()
fname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
snum = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
funcid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
errbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
# Resolve the function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescRef, errmsgRef)
if not YAPI.YISERR(res) and not YAPI.YISERR(
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescRef.value, ctypes.byref(devdesc), snum, funcid, None, fname, None, errbuff)):
if YByte2String(fname.value) != "":
funcid = fname
dname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
moddescr = YAPI.yapiGetFunction("Module", YByte2String(snum.value), errmsgRef)
if not YAPI.YISERR(moddescr) and not YAPI.YISERR(
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(moddescr, ctypes.byref(devdesc), None, None, None, dname, None, errbuff)):
if YByte2String(dname.value) != "":
return "%s.%s" % (YByte2String(dname.value), YByte2String(funcid.value))
return "%s.%s" % (YByte2String(snum.value), YByte2String(funcid.value))
self._throw(YAPI.DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, errmsgRef.value)
def describe(self):
Returns a short text that describes unambiguously the instance of the function in the form
More precisely,
TYPE is the type of the function,
NAME it the name used for the first access to the function,
SERIAL is the serial number of the module if the module is connected or "unresolved", and
FUNCTIONID is the hardware identifier of the function if the module is connected.
For example, this method returns Relay(MyCustomName.relay1)=RELAYLO1-123456.relay1 if the
module is already connected or Relay(BadCustomeName.relay1)=unresolved if the module has
not yet been connected. This method does not trigger any USB or TCP transaction and can therefore be used in
a debugger.
@return a string that describes the function
(ex: Relay(MyCustomName.relay1)=RELAYLO1-123456.relay1)
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
fundescRef = YRefParam()
snum = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
funcid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
errbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
# Resolve the function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescRef, errmsgRef)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
if not YAPI.YISERR(res) and not YAPI.YISERR(
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescRef.value, ctypes.byref(devdesc), snum, funcid, None, None, None, errbuff)):
return self._className + "(" + self._func + ")=" + YByte2String(snum.value) + "." + YByte2String(
return self._className + "(" + self._func + ")=unresolved"
def __str__(self):
return self.describe()
def get_errorType(self):
Returns the numerical error code of the latest error with the function.
This method is mostly useful when using the Yoctopuce library with
exceptions disabled.
@return a number corresponding to the code of the latest error that occurred while
using the function object
return self._lastErrorType
def errorType(self):
return self._lastErrorType
def errType(self):
return self._lastErrorType
def get_errorMessage(self):
Returns the error message of the latest error with the function.
This method is mostly useful when using the Yoctopuce library with
exceptions disabled.
@return a string corresponding to the latest error message that occured while
using the function object
return self._lastErrorMsg
def errorMessage(self):
return self._lastErrorMsg
def errMessage(self):
return self._lastErrorMsg
def isOnline(self):
Checks if the function is currently reachable, without raising any error.
If there is a cached value for the function in cache, that has not yet
expired, the device is considered reachable.
No exception is raised if there is an error while trying to contact the
device hosting the function.
@return true if the function can be reached, and false otherwise
devRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
apiresRef = YRefParam()
# A valid value in cache means that the device is online
if self._cacheExpiration > YAPI.GetTickCount():
return True
#Check that the function is available, without throwing exceptions
if YAPI.YISERR(self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)):
return False
# Try to execute a function request to be positively sure that the device is ready
if YAPI.YISERR(devRef.value.requestAPI(apiresRef, errmsgRef)):
return False
return True
def load(self, msValidity):
Preloads the function cache with a specified validity duration.
By default, whenever accessing a device, all function attributes
are kept in cache for the standard duration (5 ms). This method can be
used to temporarily mark the cache as valid for a longer period, in order
to reduce network traffic for instance.
@param msValidity : an integer corresponding to the validity attributed to the
loaded function parameters, in milliseconds
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
devRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
apiresRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
devdescRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
# Resolve our reference to our device, load REST API
res = self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
res = devRef.value.requestAPI(apiresRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
# Get our function Id
fundescr = YAPI.yapiGetFunction(self._className, self._func, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(fundescr):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return fundescr
res = YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfo(fundescr, devdescRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
if type(msValidity) == type(int()):
msValidity = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=msValidity)
self._cacheExpiration = YAPI.GetTickCount() + msValidity
self._serial = str(serialRef.value)
self._funId = str(funcIdRef.value)
self._hwId = self._serial + '.' + self._funId
node = apiresRef.value.GetChildNode(None, funcIdRef.value)
if node is None:
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "unexpected JSON structure: missing function " + str(funcIdRef.value))
def clearCache(self):
Invalidates the cache. Invalidates the cache of the function attributes. Forces the
next call to get_xxx() or loadxxx() to use values that come from the device.
devRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
apiresRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
devdescRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
# Resolve our reference to our device, load REST API
res = self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._cacheExpiration = YAPI.GetTickCount()
def get_module(self):
Gets the YModule object for the device on which the function is located.
If the function cannot be located on any module, the returned instance of
YModule is not shown as on-line.
@return an instance of YModule
devdescrRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValueRef = YRefParam()
fundescr = YAPI.yapiGetFunction(self._className, self._func, errmsgRef)
if not YAPI.YISERR(fundescr):
YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfo(fundescr, devdescrRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValueRef,
return YModule.FindModule(serialRef.value + ".module")
# return a true YModule object even if it is not a module valid for communicating
return YModule.FindModule("module_of_" + self._className + "_" + self._func)
def module(self):
return self.get_module()
def get_functionDescriptor(self):
Returns a unique identifier of type YFUN_DESCR corresponding to the function.
This identifier can be used to test if two instances of YFunction reference the same
physical function on the same physical device.
@return an identifier of type YFUN_DESCR.
If the function has never been contacted, the returned value is YFunction.FUNCTIONDESCRIPTOR_INVALID.
return self._fundescr
def functionDescriptor(self):
return self.get_functionDescriptor()
def get_userData(self):
Returns the value of the userData attribute, as previously stored using method
This attribute is never touched directly by the API, and is at disposal of the caller to
store a context.
@return the object stored previously by the caller.
return self._userData
def userData(self):
return self.get_userData()
def set_userData(self, data):
Stores a user context provided as argument in the userData attribute of the function.
This attribute is never touched by the API, and is at disposal of the caller to store a context.
@param data : any kind of object to be stored
self._userData = data
def setUserData(self, data):
#--- (generated code: Function functions)
def FirstFunction():
comment from .yc definition
devRef = YRefParam()
neededsizeRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
#noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyCallingNonCallable
p = (ctypes.c_int * 1)()
err = YAPI.apiGetFunctionsByClass("Function", 0, p, size, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(err) or not neededsizeRef.value:
return None
YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfo(p[0], devRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)):
return None
return YFunction.FindFunction(serialRef.value + "." + funcIdRef.value)
#--- (end of generated code: Function functions)
#--- (generated code: YModule class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YModule(YFunction):
This interface is identical for all Yoctopuce USB modules.
It can be used to control the module global parameters, and
to enumerate the functions provided by each module.
#--- (end of generated code: YModule class start)
#--- (generated code: YModule definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YModule definitions)
def __init__(self, func):
super(YModule, self).__init__(func)
self._className = "Module"
#--- (generated code: YModule attributes)
self._callback = None
self._productName = YModule.PRODUCTNAME_INVALID
self._serialNumber = YModule.SERIALNUMBER_INVALID
self._productId = YModule.PRODUCTID_INVALID
self._productRelease = YModule.PRODUCTRELEASE_INVALID
self._firmwareRelease = YModule.FIRMWARERELEASE_INVALID
self._persistentSettings = YModule.PERSISTENTSETTINGS_INVALID
self._luminosity = YModule.LUMINOSITY_INVALID
self._beacon = YModule.BEACON_INVALID
self._upTime = YModule.UPTIME_INVALID
self._usbCurrent = YModule.USBCURRENT_INVALID
self._rebootCountdown = YModule.REBOOTCOUNTDOWN_INVALID
self._userVar = YModule.USERVAR_INVALID
self._logCallback = None
#--- (end of generated code: YModule attributes)
#--- (generated code: YModule implementation)
def _parseAttr(self, member):
if == "productName":
self._productName = member.svalue
return 1
if == "serialNumber":
self._serialNumber = member.svalue
return 1
if == "productId":
self._productId = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "productRelease":
self._productRelease = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "firmwareRelease":
self._firmwareRelease = member.svalue
return 1
if == "persistentSettings":
self._persistentSettings = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "luminosity":
self._luminosity = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "beacon":
self._beacon = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "upTime":
self._upTime = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "usbCurrent":
self._usbCurrent = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "rebootCountdown":
self._rebootCountdown = member.ivalue
return 1
if == "userVar":
self._userVar = member.ivalue
return 1
super(YModule, self)._parseAttr(member)
def get_productName(self):
Returns the commercial name of the module, as set by the factory.
@return a string corresponding to the commercial name of the module, as set by the factory
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.PRODUCTNAME_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0):
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._productName
def get_serialNumber(self):
Returns the serial number of the module, as set by the factory.
@return a string corresponding to the serial number of the module, as set by the factory
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.SERIALNUMBER_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0):
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._serialNumber
def get_productId(self):
Returns the USB device identifier of the module.
@return an integer corresponding to the USB device identifier of the module
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.PRODUCTID_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0):
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._productId
def get_productRelease(self):
Returns the hardware release version of the module.
@return an integer corresponding to the hardware release version of the module
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.PRODUCTRELEASE_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._productRelease
def get_firmwareRelease(self):
Returns the version of the firmware embedded in the module.
@return a string corresponding to the version of the firmware embedded in the module
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.FIRMWARERELEASE_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._firmwareRelease
def get_persistentSettings(self):
Returns the current state of persistent module settings.
YModule.PERSISTENTSETTINGS_MODIFIED corresponding to the current state of persistent module settings
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.PERSISTENTSETTINGS_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._persistentSettings
def set_persistentSettings(self, newval):
rest_val = str(newval)
return self._setAttr("persistentSettings", rest_val)
def get_luminosity(self):
Returns the luminosity of the module informative leds (from 0 to 100).
@return an integer corresponding to the luminosity of the module informative leds (from 0 to 100)
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.LUMINOSITY_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._luminosity
def set_luminosity(self, newval):
Changes the luminosity of the module informative leds. The parameter is a
value between 0 and 100.
Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modification must be kept.
@param newval : an integer corresponding to the luminosity of the module informative leds
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = str(newval)
return self._setAttr("luminosity", rest_val)
def get_beacon(self):
Returns the state of the localization beacon.
@return either YModule.BEACON_OFF or YModule.BEACON_ON, according to the state of the localization beacon
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.BEACON_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._beacon
def set_beacon(self, newval):
Turns on or off the module localization beacon.
@param newval : either YModule.BEACON_OFF or YModule.BEACON_ON
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = "1" if newval > 0 else "0"
return self._setAttr("beacon", rest_val)
def get_upTime(self):
Returns the number of milliseconds spent since the module was powered on.
@return an integer corresponding to the number of milliseconds spent since the module was powered on
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.UPTIME_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._upTime
def get_usbCurrent(self):
Returns the current consumed by the module on the USB bus, in milli-amps.
@return an integer corresponding to the current consumed by the module on the USB bus, in milli-amps
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.USBCURRENT_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._usbCurrent
def get_rebootCountdown(self):
Returns the remaining number of seconds before the module restarts, or zero when no
reboot has been scheduled.
@return an integer corresponding to the remaining number of seconds before the module restarts, or zero when no
reboot has been scheduled
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.REBOOTCOUNTDOWN_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._rebootCountdown
def set_rebootCountdown(self, newval):
rest_val = str(newval)
return self._setAttr("rebootCountdown", rest_val)
def get_userVar(self):
Returns the value previously stored in this attribute.
On startup and after a device reboot, the value is always reset to zero.
@return an integer corresponding to the value previously stored in this attribute
On failure, throws an exception or returns YModule.USERVAR_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._userVar
def set_userVar(self, newval):
Returns the value previously stored in this attribute.
On startup and after a device reboot, the value is always reset to zero.
@param newval : an integer
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = str(newval)
return self._setAttr("userVar", rest_val)
def FindModule(func):
Allows you to find a module from its serial number or from its logical name.
This function does not require that the module is online at the time
it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
Use the method YModule.isOnline() to test if the module is
indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
a module by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
then by logical name.
@param func : a string containing either the serial number or
the logical name of the desired module
@return a YModule object allowing you to drive the module
or get additional information on the module.
# obj
obj = YFunction._FindFromCache("Module", func)
if obj is None:
obj = YModule(func)
YFunction._AddToCache("Module", func, obj)
return obj
def saveToFlash(self):
Saves current settings in the nonvolatile memory of the module.
Warning: the number of allowed save operations during a module life is
limited (about 100000 cycles). Do not call this function within a loop.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self.set_persistentSettings(YModule.PERSISTENTSETTINGS_SAVED)
def revertFromFlash(self):
Reloads the settings stored in the nonvolatile memory, as
when the module is powered on.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self.set_persistentSettings(YModule.PERSISTENTSETTINGS_LOADED)
def reboot(self, secBeforeReboot):
Schedules a simple module reboot after the given number of seconds.
@param secBeforeReboot : number of seconds before rebooting
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self.set_rebootCountdown(secBeforeReboot)
def triggerFirmwareUpdate(self, secBeforeReboot):
Schedules a module reboot into special firmware update mode.
@param secBeforeReboot : number of seconds before rebooting
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self.set_rebootCountdown(-secBeforeReboot)
def checkFirmware(self, path, onlynew):
Tests whether the byn file is valid for this module. This method is useful to test if the module
needs to be updated.
It is possible to pass a directory as argument instead of a file. In this case, this method returns
the path of the most recent
appropriate .byn file. If the parameter onlynew is true, the function discards firmwares that are older or
equal to the installed firmware.
@param path : the path of a byn file or a directory that contains byn files
@param onlynew : returns only files that are strictly newer
@return the path of the byn file to use or a empty string if no byn files matches the requirement
On failure, throws an exception or returns a string that start with "error:".
# serial
# release
# tmp_res
if onlynew:
release = YAPI._atoi(self.get_firmwareRelease())
release = 0
# //may throw an exception
serial = self.get_serialNumber()
tmp_res = YFirmwareUpdate.CheckFirmware(serial,path, release)
if tmp_res.find("error:") == 0:
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, tmp_res)
return tmp_res
def updateFirmwareEx(self, path, force):
Prepares a firmware update of the module. This method returns a YFirmwareUpdate object which
handles the firmware update process.
@param path : the path of the .byn file to use.
@param force : true to force the firmware update even if some prerequisites appear not to be met
@return a YFirmwareUpdate object or None on error.
# serial
# settings
# // may throw an exception
serial = self.get_serialNumber()
settings = self.get_allSettings()
if len(settings) == 0:
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "Unable to get device settings")
settings = YString2Byte("error:Unable to get device settings")
return YFirmwareUpdate(serial, path, settings, force)
def updateFirmware(self, path):
Prepares a firmware update of the module. This method returns a YFirmwareUpdate object which
handles the firmware update process.
@param path : the path of the .byn file to use.
@return a YFirmwareUpdate object or None on error.
# // may throw an exception
return self.updateFirmwareEx(path, False)
def get_allSettings(self):
Returns all the settings and uploaded files of the module. Useful to backup all the
logical names, calibrations parameters, and uploaded files of a device.
@return a binary buffer with all the settings.
On failure, throws an exception or returns an binary object of size 0.
# settings
# json
# res
# sep
# name
# item
# t_type
# id
# url
# file_data
# file_data_bin
# temp_data_bin
# ext_settings
filelist = []
templist = []
# // may throw an exception
settings = self._download("api.json")
if len(settings) == 0:
return settings
ext_settings = ", \"extras\":["
templist = self.get_functionIds("Temperature")
sep = ""
for y in templist:
if YAPI._atoi(self.get_firmwareRelease()) > 9000:
url = "api/" + y + "/sensorType"
t_type = YByte2String(self._download(url))
if t_type == "RES_NTC":
id = (y)[11: 11 + len(y) - 11]
temp_data_bin = self._download("extra.json?page=" + id)
if len(temp_data_bin) == 0:
return temp_data_bin
item = "" + sep + "{\"fid\":\"" + y + "\", \"json\":" + YByte2String(temp_data_bin) + "}\n"
ext_settings = ext_settings + item
sep = ","
ext_settings = ext_settings + "],\n\"files\":["
if self.hasFunction("files"):
json = self._download("files.json?a=dir&f=")
if len(json) == 0:
return json
filelist = self._json_get_array(json)
sep = ""
for y in filelist:
name = self._json_get_key(YString2Byte(y), "name")
if (len(name) > 0) and not (name == "startupConf.json"):
file_data_bin = self._download(self._escapeAttr(name))
file_data = YAPI._bytesToHexStr(file_data_bin)
item = "" + sep + "{\"name\":\"" + name + "\", \"data\":\"" + file_data + "\"}\n"
ext_settings = ext_settings + item
sep = ","
res = YString2Byte("{ \"api\":" + YByte2String(settings) + ext_settings + "]}")
return res
def loadThermistorExtra(self, funcId, jsonExtra):
values = []
# url
# curr
# currTemp
# ofs
# size
url = "api/" + funcId + ".json?command=Z"
# // may throw an exception
# // add records in growing resistance value
values = self._json_get_array(YString2Byte(jsonExtra))
ofs = 0
size = len(values)
while ofs + 1 < size:
curr = values[ofs]
currTemp = values[ofs + 1]
url = "api/" + funcId + "/.json?command=m" + curr + ":" + currTemp
ofs = ofs + 2
def set_extraSettings(self, jsonExtra):
extras = []
# functionId
# data
extras = self._json_get_array(YString2Byte(jsonExtra))
for y in extras:
functionId = self._get_json_path(y, "fid")
functionId = self._decode_json_string(functionId)
data = self._get_json_path(y, "json")
if self.hasFunction(functionId):
self.loadThermistorExtra(functionId, data)
def set_allSettingsAndFiles(self, settings):
Restores all the settings and uploaded files to the module.
This method is useful to restore all the logical names and calibrations parameters,
uploaded files etc. of a device from a backup.
Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modifications must be kept.
@param settings : a binary buffer with all the settings.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
# down
# json
# json_api
# json_files
# json_extra
json = YByte2String(settings)
json_api = self._get_json_path(json, "api")
if json_api == "":
return self.set_allSettings(settings)
json_extra = self._get_json_path(json, "extras")
if not (json_extra == ""):
if self.hasFunction("files"):
files = []
# res
# name
# data
down = self._download("files.json?a=format")
res = self._get_json_path(YByte2String(down), "res")
res = self._decode_json_string(res)
if not (res == "ok"):
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "format failed")
json_files = self._get_json_path(json, "files")
files = self._json_get_array(YString2Byte(json_files))
for y in files:
name = self._get_json_path(y, "name")
name = self._decode_json_string(name)
data = self._get_json_path(y, "data")
data = self._decode_json_string(data)
self._upload(name, YAPI._hexStrToBin(data))
def hasFunction(self, funcId):
Tests if the device includes a specific function. This method takes a function identifier
and returns a boolean.
@param funcId : the requested function identifier
@return true if the device has the function identifier
# count
# i
# fid
# // may throw an exception
count = self.functionCount()
i = 0
while i < count:
fid = self.functionId(i)
if fid == funcId:
return True
i = i + 1
return False
def get_functionIds(self, funType):
Retrieve all hardware identifier that match the type passed in argument.
@param funType : The type of function (Relay, LightSensor, Voltage,...)
@return an array of strings.
# count
# i
# ftype
res = []
# // may throw an exception
count = self.functionCount()
i = 0
while i < count:
ftype = self.functionType(i)
if ftype == funType:
ftype = self.functionBaseType(i)
if ftype == funType:
i = i + 1
return res
def _flattenJsonStruct(self, jsoncomplex):
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
smallbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
# bigbuff
# buffsize
fullsize = ctypes.c_int()
# res
# jsonflat
# jsoncomplexstr
fullsize.value = 0
jsoncomplexstr = YByte2String(jsoncomplex)
res = YAPI._yapiGetAllJsonKeys(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(jsoncomplexstr)), smallbuff, 1024, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if res < 0:
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, YByte2String(errmsg.value))
jsonflat = "error:" + YByte2String(errmsg.value)
return YString2Byte(jsonflat)
if fullsize.value <= 1024:
jsonflat = YByte2String(smallbuff.value)
fullsize.value = fullsize.value * 2
buffsize = fullsize.value
bigbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffsize)
res = YAPI._yapiGetAllJsonKeys(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(jsoncomplexstr)), bigbuff, buffsize, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if res < 0:
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, YByte2String(errmsg.value))
jsonflat = "error:" + YByte2String(errmsg.value)
jsonflat = YByte2String(bigbuff.value)
bigbuff = None
return YString2Byte(jsonflat)
def calibVersion(self, cparams):
if cparams == "0,":
return 3
if cparams.find(",") >= 0:
if cparams.find(" ") > 0:
return 3
return 1
if cparams == "" or cparams == "0":
return 1
if (len(cparams) < 2) or (cparams.find(".") >= 0):
return 0
return 2
def calibScale(self, unit_name, sensorType):
if unit_name == "g" or unit_name == "gauss" or unit_name == "W":
return 1000
if unit_name == "C":
if sensorType == "":
return 16
if YAPI._atoi(sensorType) < 8:
return 16
return 100
if unit_name == "m" or unit_name == "deg":
return 10
return 1
def calibOffset(self, unit_name):
if unit_name == "% RH" or unit_name == "mbar" or unit_name == "lx":
return 0
return 32767
def calibConvert(self, param, currentFuncValue, unit_name, sensorType):
# paramVer
# funVer
# funScale
# funOffset
# paramScale
# paramOffset
words = []
words_str = []
calibData = []
iCalib = []
# calibType
# i
# maxSize
# ratio
# nPoints
# wordVal
# // Initial guess for parameter encoding
paramVer = self.calibVersion(param)
funVer = self.calibVersion(currentFuncValue)
funScale = self.calibScale(unit_name, sensorType)
funOffset = self.calibOffset(unit_name)
paramScale = funScale
paramOffset = funOffset
if funVer < 3:
if funVer == 2:
words = YAPI._decodeWords(currentFuncValue)
if (words[0] == 1366) and (words[1] == 12500):
funScale = 1
funOffset = 0
funScale = words[1]
funOffset = words[0]
if funVer == 1:
if currentFuncValue == "" or (YAPI._atoi(currentFuncValue) > 10):
funScale = 0
del calibData[:]
calibType = 0
if paramVer < 3:
if paramVer == 2:
words = YAPI._decodeWords(param)
if (words[0] == 1366) and (words[1] == 12500):
paramScale = 1
paramOffset = 0
paramScale = words[1]
paramOffset = words[0]
if (len(words) >= 3) and (words[2] > 0):
maxSize = 3 + 2 * ((words[2]) % (10))
if maxSize > len(words):
maxSize = len(words)
i = 3
while i < maxSize:
i = i + 1
if paramVer == 1:
words_str = (param).split(',')
for y in words_str:
if param == "" or (words[0] > 10):
paramScale = 0
if (len(words) > 0) and (words[0] > 0):
maxSize = 1 + 2 * ((words[0]) % (10))
if maxSize > len(words):
maxSize = len(words)
i = 1
while i < maxSize:
i = i + 1
if paramVer == 0:
ratio = float(param)
if ratio > 0:
calibData.append(round(65535 / ratio))
i = 0
while i < len(calibData):
if paramScale > 0:
calibData[i] = (calibData[i] - paramOffset) / paramScale
calibData[i] = YAPI._decimalToDouble(round(calibData[i]))
i = i + 1
iCalib = YAPI._decodeFloats(param)
calibType = round(iCalib[0] / 1000.0)
if calibType >= 30:
calibType = calibType - 30
i = 1
while i < len(iCalib):
calibData.append(iCalib[i] / 1000.0)
i = i + 1
if funVer >= 3:
if len(calibData) == 0:
param = "0,"
param = str(30 + calibType)
i = 0
while i < len(calibData):
if ((i) & (1)) > 0:
param = param + ":"
param = param + " "
param = param + str(round(calibData[i] * 1000.0 / 1000.0))
i = i + 1
param = param + ","
if funVer >= 1:
nPoints = int((len(calibData)) / (2))
param = str(nPoints)
i = 0
while i < 2 * nPoints:
if funScale == 0:
wordVal = YAPI._doubleToDecimal(round(calibData[i]))
wordVal = calibData[i] * funScale + funOffset
param = param + "," + str(round(wordVal))
i = i + 1
if len(calibData) == 4:
param = str(round(1000 * (calibData[3] - calibData[1]) / calibData[2] - calibData[0]))
return param
def set_allSettings(self, settings):
Restores all the settings of the device. Useful to restore all the logical names and calibrations parameters
of a module from a backup.Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modifications must be kept.
@param settings : a binary buffer with all the settings.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS when the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
restoreLast = []
# old_json_flat
old_dslist = []
old_jpath = []
old_jpath_len = []
old_val_arr = []
# actualSettings
new_dslist = []
new_jpath = []
new_jpath_len = []
new_val_arr = []
# cpos
# eqpos
# leng
# i
# j
# njpath
# jpath
# fun
# attr
# value
# url
# tmp
# new_calib
# sensorType
# unit_name
# newval
# oldval
# old_calib
# each_str
# do_update
# found
tmp = YByte2String(settings)
tmp = self._get_json_path(tmp, "api")
if not (tmp == ""):
settings = YString2Byte(tmp)
oldval = ""
newval = ""
old_json_flat = self._flattenJsonStruct(settings)
old_dslist = self._json_get_array(old_json_flat)
for y in old_dslist:
each_str = self._json_get_string(YString2Byte(y))
leng = len(each_str)
eqpos = each_str.find("=")
if (eqpos < 0) or (leng == 0):
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid settings")
jpath = (each_str)[0: 0 + eqpos]
eqpos = eqpos + 1
value = (each_str)[eqpos: eqpos + leng - eqpos]
# // may throw an exception
actualSettings = self._download("api.json")
actualSettings = self._flattenJsonStruct(actualSettings)
new_dslist = self._json_get_array(actualSettings)
for y in new_dslist:
each_str = self._json_get_string(YString2Byte(y))
leng = len(each_str)
eqpos = each_str.find("=")
if (eqpos < 0) or (leng == 0):
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid settings")
jpath = (each_str)[0: 0 + eqpos]
eqpos = eqpos + 1
value = (each_str)[eqpos: eqpos + leng - eqpos]
i = 0
while i < len(new_jpath):
njpath = new_jpath[i]
leng = len(njpath)
cpos = njpath.find("/")
if (cpos < 0) or (leng == 0):
fun = (njpath)[0: 0 + cpos]
cpos = cpos + 1
attr = (njpath)[cpos: cpos + leng - cpos]
do_update = True
if fun == "services":
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "firmwareRelease"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "usbCurrent"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "upTime"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "persistentSettings"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "adminPassword"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "userPassword"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "rebootCountdown"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "advertisedValue"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "poeCurrent"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "readiness"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "ipAddress"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "subnetMask"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "router"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "linkQuality"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "ssid"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "channel"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "security"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "message"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "currentValue"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "currentRawValue"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "currentRunIndex"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "pulseTimer"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "lastTimePressed"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "lastTimeReleased"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "filesCount"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "freeSpace"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "timeUTC"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "rtcTime"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "unixTime"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "dateTime"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "rawValue"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "lastMsg"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "delayedPulseTimer"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "rxCount"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "txCount"):
do_update = False
if (do_update) and (attr == "msgCount"):
do_update = False
if do_update:
do_update = False
newval = new_val_arr[i]
j = 0
found = False
while (j < len(old_jpath)) and not (found):
if (new_jpath_len[i] == old_jpath_len[j]) and (new_jpath[i] == old_jpath[j]):
found = True
oldval = old_val_arr[j]
if not (newval == oldval):
do_update = True
j = j + 1
if do_update:
if attr == "calibrationParam":
old_calib = ""
unit_name = ""
sensorType = ""
new_calib = newval
j = 0
found = False
while (j < len(old_jpath)) and not (found):
if (new_jpath_len[i] == old_jpath_len[j]) and (new_jpath[i] == old_jpath[j]):
found = True
old_calib = old_val_arr[j]
j = j + 1
tmp = fun + "/unit"
j = 0
found = False
while (j < len(new_jpath)) and not (found):
if tmp == new_jpath[j]:
found = True
unit_name = new_val_arr[j]
j = j + 1
tmp = fun + "/sensorType"
j = 0
found = False
while (j < len(new_jpath)) and not (found):
if tmp == new_jpath[j]:
found = True
sensorType = new_val_arr[j]
j = j + 1
newval = self.calibConvert(old_calib, new_val_arr[i], unit_name, sensorType)
url = "api/" + fun + ".json?" + attr + "=" + self._escapeAttr(newval)
url = "api/" + fun + ".json?" + attr + "=" + self._escapeAttr(oldval)
if attr == "resolution":
i = i + 1
for y in restoreLast:
def download(self, pathname):
Downloads the specified built-in file and returns a binary buffer with its content.
@param pathname : name of the new file to load
@return a binary buffer with the file content
On failure, throws an exception or returns YAPI.INVALID_STRING.
return self._download(pathname)
def get_icon2d(self):
Returns the icon of the module. The icon is a PNG image and does not
exceeds 1536 bytes.
@return a binary buffer with module icon, in png format.
On failure, throws an exception or returns YAPI.INVALID_STRING.
# // may throw an exception
return self._download("icon2d.png")
def get_lastLogs(self):
Returns a string with last logs of the module. This method return only
logs that are still in the module.
@return a string with last logs of the module.
On failure, throws an exception or returns YAPI.INVALID_STRING.
# content
# // may throw an exception
content = self._download("logs.txt")
return YByte2String(content)
def log(self, text):
Adds a text message to the device logs. This function is useful in
particular to trace the execution of HTTP callbacks. If a newline
is desired after the message, it must be included in the string.
@param text : the string to append to the logs.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
return self._upload("logs.txt", YString2Byte(text))
def get_subDevices(self):
Returns a list of all the modules that are plugged into the current module.
This method only makes sense when called for a YoctoHub/VirtualHub.
Otherwise, an empty array will be returned.
@return an array of strings containing the sub modules.
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
smallbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
# bigbuff
# buffsize
fullsize = ctypes.c_int()
# yapi_res
# subdevice_list
subdevices = []
# serial
# // may throw an exception
serial = self.get_serialNumber()
fullsize.value = 0
yapi_res = YAPI._yapiGetSubdevices(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), smallbuff, 1024, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if yapi_res < 0:
return subdevices
if fullsize.value <= 1024:
subdevice_list = YByte2String(smallbuff.value)
buffsize = fullsize.value
bigbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffsize)
yapi_res = YAPI._yapiGetSubdevices(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), bigbuff, buffsize, ctypes.byref(fullsize), errmsg)
if yapi_res < 0:
bigbuff = None
return subdevices
subdevice_list = YByte2String(bigbuff.value)
bigbuff = None
if not (subdevice_list == ""):
subdevices = (subdevice_list).split(',')
return subdevices
def get_parentHub(self):
Returns the serial number of the YoctoHub on which this module is connected.
If the module is connected by USB, or if the module is the root YoctoHub, an
empty string is returned.
@return a string with the serial number of the YoctoHub or an empty string
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
hubserial = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN)
pathsize = ctypes.c_int()
# yapi_res
# serial
# // may throw an exception
serial = self.get_serialNumber()
# // retrieve device object
pathsize.value = 0
yapi_res = YAPI._yapiGetDevicePathEx(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), hubserial, None, 0, ctypes.byref(pathsize), errmsg)
if yapi_res < 0:
return ""
return YByte2String(hubserial.value)
def get_url(self):
Returns the URL used to access the module. If the module is connected by USB, the
string 'usb' is returned.
@return a string with the URL of the module.
errmsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
path = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
pathsize = ctypes.c_int()
# yapi_res
# serial
# // may throw an exception
serial = self.get_serialNumber()
# // retrieve device object
pathsize.value = 0
yapi_res = YAPI._yapiGetDevicePathEx(ctypes.create_string_buffer(YString2Byte(serial)), None, path, 1024, ctypes.byref(pathsize), errmsg)
if yapi_res < 0:
return ""
return YByte2String(path.value)
def nextModule(self):
Continues the module enumeration started using yFirstModule().
@return a pointer to a YModule object, corresponding to
the next module found, or a None pointer
if there are no more modules to enumerate.
hwidRef = YRefParam()
if YAPI.YISERR(self._nextFunction(hwidRef)):
return None
if hwidRef.value == "":
return None
return YModule.FindModule(hwidRef.value)
#--- (end of generated code: YModule implementation)
def get_friendlyName(self):
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
fundescRef = YRefParam()
fname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
snum = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
funcid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
errbuff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_ERRMSG_LEN)
devdesc = ctypes.c_int()
# Resolve the function name
res = self._getDescriptor(fundescRef, errmsgRef)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
if not YAPI.YISERR(res) and not YAPI.YISERR(
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescRef.value, ctypes.byref(devdesc), snum, funcid, None, fname, None, errbuff)):
dname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(YAPI.YOCTO_FUNCTION_LEN)
moddescr = YAPI.yapiGetFunction("Module", YByte2String(snum.value), errmsgRef)
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReference,PyUnresolvedReferences
if not YAPI.YISERR(moddescr) and not YAPI.YISERR(
YAPI._yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(moddescr, ctypes.byref(devdesc), None, None, None, dname, None, errbuff)):
if YByte2String(dname.value) != "":
return "%s" % (YByte2String(dname.value))
return "%s" % (YByte2String(snum.value))
self._throw(YAPI.DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, errmsgRef.value)
def setImmutableAttributes(self, infosRef):
self._serialNumber = YByte2String(infosRef.serial)
self._productName = YByte2String(infosRef.productname)
self._productId = int(infosRef.deviceid)
self._cacheExpiration = YAPI.GetTickCount()
# Return the properties of the nth function of our device
def _getFunction(self, idx, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseType, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef):
functionsRef = YRefParam()
devRef = YRefParam()
devdescrRef = YRefParam()
# retrieve device object
res = self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
# get reference to all functions from the device
res = devRef.value.getFunctions(functionsRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
# get latest function info from yellow pages
fundescr = int(functionsRef.value[idx])
res = YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfoEx(fundescr, devdescrRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseType,
funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
return res
def functionCount(self):
Returns the number of functions (beside the "module" interface) available on the module.
@return the number of functions on the module
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
functionsRef = YRefParam()
devRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
res = self._getDevice(devRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
res = devRef.value.getFunctions(functionsRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return res
return len(functionsRef.value)
def functionId(self, functionIndex):
Retrieves the hardware identifier of the <i>n</i>th function on the module.
@param functionIndex : the index of the function for which the information is desired, starting at
0 for the first function.
@return a string corresponding to the unambiguous hardware identifier of the requested module function
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty string.
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
baseTypeRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
res = self._getFunction(functionIndex, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseTypeRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return funcIdRef.value
def functionType(self, functionIndex):
Retrieves the type of the <i>n</i>th function on the module.
@param functionIndex : the index of the function for which the information is desired, starting at
0 for the first function.
@return a the type of the function
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty string.
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
baseTypeRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
res = self._getFunction(functionIndex, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseTypeRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
funid = funcIdRef.value
i = 0
for c in funid:
if '0' <= c <= '9':
i += 1
res = funid[1:i]
return funid[0].upper() + res
def functionBaseType(self, functionIndex):
Retrieves the base type of the <i>n</i>th function on the module.
@param functionIndex : the index of the function for which the information is desired, starting at
0 for the first function.
@return a the base type of the function
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty string.
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
baseTypeRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
res = self._getFunction(functionIndex, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseTypeRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
return baseTypeRef.value
def functionName(self, functionIndex):
Retrieves the logical name of the <i>n</i>th function on the module.
@param functionIndex : the index of the function for which the information is desired, starting at
0 for the first function.
@return a string corresponding to the logical name of the requested module function
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty string.
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
baseTypeRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
res = self._getFunction(functionIndex, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseTypeRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return funcNameRef.value
def functionValue(self, functionIndex):
Retrieves the advertised value of the <i>n</i>th function on the module.
@param functionIndex : the index of the function for which the information is desired, starting at
0 for the first function.
@return a short string (up to 6 characters) corresponding to the advertised value of the requested
module function
On failure, throws an exception or returns an empty string.
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
baseTypeRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
res = self._getFunction(functionIndex, serialRef, funcIdRef, baseTypeRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(res):
self._throw(res, errmsgRef.value)
return funcValRef.value
def registerLogCallback(self, callback):
Registers a device log callback function. This callback will be called each time
that a module sends a new log message. Mostly useful to debug a Yoctopuce module.
@param callback : the callback function to call, or a None pointer. The callback function should take two
arguments: the module object that emitted the log message, and the character string containing the log.
self._logCallback = callback
if self._logCallback is None:
YAPI._yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._serialNumber.encode("ASCII")), 0)
YAPI._yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._serialNumber.encode("ASCII")), 1)
def get_logCallback(self):
return self._logCallback
#--- (generated code: Module functions)
def FirstModule():
Starts the enumeration of modules currently accessible.
Use the method YModule.nextModule() to iterate on the
next modules.
@return a pointer to a YModule object, corresponding to
the first module currently online, or a None pointer
if there are none.
devRef = YRefParam()
neededsizeRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
#noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyCallingNonCallable
p = (ctypes.c_int * 1)()
err = YAPI.apiGetFunctionsByClass("Module", 0, p, size, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(err) or not neededsizeRef.value:
return None
YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfo(p[0], devRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)):
return None
return YModule.FindModule(serialRef.value + "." + funcIdRef.value)
#--- (end of generated code: Module functions)
#--- (generated code: YSensor class start)
#noinspection PyProtectedMember
class YSensor(YFunction):
The YSensor class is the parent class for all Yoctopuce sensors. It can be
used to read the current value and unit of any sensor, read the min/max
value, configure autonomous recording frequency and access recorded data.
It also provide a function to register a callback invoked each time the
observed value changes, or at a predefined interval. Using this class rather
than a specific subclass makes it possible to create generic applications
that work with any Yoctopuce sensor, even those that do not yet exist.
Note: The YAnButton class is the only analog input which does not inherit
from YSensor.
#--- (end of generated code: YSensor class start)
#--- (generated code: YSensor return codes)
#--- (end of generated code: YSensor return codes)
#--- (generated code: YSensor definitions)
#--- (end of generated code: YSensor definitions)
def __init__(self, func):
super(YSensor, self).__init__(func)
self._className = "Sensor"
#--- (generated code: YSensor attributes)
self._callback = None
self._unit = YSensor.UNIT_INVALID
self._currentValue = YSensor.CURRENTVALUE_INVALID
self._lowestValue = YSensor.LOWESTVALUE_INVALID
self._highestValue = YSensor.HIGHESTVALUE_INVALID
self._currentRawValue = YSensor.CURRENTRAWVALUE_INVALID
self._logFrequency = YSensor.LOGFREQUENCY_INVALID
self._reportFrequency = YSensor.REPORTFREQUENCY_INVALID
self._calibrationParam = YSensor.CALIBRATIONPARAM_INVALID
self._resolution = YSensor.RESOLUTION_INVALID
self._sensorState = YSensor.SENSORSTATE_INVALID
self._timedReportCallbackSensor = None
self._prevTimedReport = 0
self._iresol = 0
self._offset = 0
self._scale = 0
self._decexp = 0
self._isScal = 0
self._isScal32 = 0
self._caltyp = 0
self._calpar = []
self._calraw = []
self._calref = []
self._calhdl = None
#--- (end of generated code: YSensor attributes)
#--- (generated code: YSensor implementation)
def _parseAttr(self, member):
if == "unit":
self._unit = member.svalue
return 1
if == "currentValue":
self._currentValue = round(member.ivalue * 1000.0 / 65536.0) / 1000.0
return 1
if == "lowestValue":
self._lowestValue = round(member.ivalue * 1000.0 / 65536.0) / 1000.0
return 1
if == "highestValue":
self._highestValue = round(member.ivalue * 1000.0 / 65536.0) / 1000.0
return 1
if == "currentRawValue":
self._currentRawValue = round(member.ivalue * 1000.0 / 65536.0) / 1000.0
return 1
if == "logFrequency":
self._logFrequency = member.svalue
return 1
if == "reportFrequency":
self._reportFrequency = member.svalue
return 1
if == "calibrationParam":
self._calibrationParam = member.svalue
return 1
if == "resolution":
self._resolution = round(member.ivalue * 1000.0 / 65536.0) / 1000.0
return 1
if == "sensorState":
self._sensorState = member.ivalue
return 1
super(YSensor, self)._parseAttr(member)
def get_unit(self):
Returns the measuring unit for the measure.
@return a string corresponding to the measuring unit for the measure
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.UNIT_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return YSensor.UNIT_INVALID
return self._unit
def get_currentValue(self):
Returns the current value of the measure, in the specified unit, as a floating point number.
@return a floating point number corresponding to the current value of the measure, in the specified
unit, as a floating point number
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.CURRENTVALUE_INVALID.
# res
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
res = self._applyCalibration(self._currentRawValue)
res = self._currentValue
res = res * self._iresol
return round(res) / self._iresol
def set_lowestValue(self, newval):
Changes the recorded minimal value observed.
@param newval : a floating point number corresponding to the recorded minimal value observed
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = str(int(round(newval * 65536.0, 1)))
return self._setAttr("lowestValue", rest_val)
def get_lowestValue(self):
Returns the minimal value observed for the measure since the device was started.
@return a floating point number corresponding to the minimal value observed for the measure since
the device was started
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.LOWESTVALUE_INVALID.
# res
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
res = self._lowestValue * self._iresol
return round(res) / self._iresol
def set_highestValue(self, newval):
Changes the recorded maximal value observed.
@param newval : a floating point number corresponding to the recorded maximal value observed
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = str(int(round(newval * 65536.0, 1)))
return self._setAttr("highestValue", rest_val)
def get_highestValue(self):
Returns the maximal value observed for the measure since the device was started.
@return a floating point number corresponding to the maximal value observed for the measure since
the device was started
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.HIGHESTVALUE_INVALID.
# res
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
res = self._highestValue * self._iresol
return round(res) / self._iresol
def get_currentRawValue(self):
Returns the uncalibrated, unrounded raw value returned by the sensor, in the specified unit, as a
floating point number.
@return a floating point number corresponding to the uncalibrated, unrounded raw value returned by
the sensor, in the specified unit, as a floating point number
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.CURRENTRAWVALUE_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._currentRawValue
def get_logFrequency(self):
Returns the datalogger recording frequency for this function, or "OFF"
when measures are not stored in the data logger flash memory.
@return a string corresponding to the datalogger recording frequency for this function, or "OFF"
when measures are not stored in the data logger flash memory
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.LOGFREQUENCY_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._logFrequency
def set_logFrequency(self, newval):
Changes the datalogger recording frequency for this function.
The frequency can be specified as samples per second,
as sample per minute (for instance "15/m") or in samples per
hour (eg. "4/h"). To disable recording for this function, use
the value "OFF".
@param newval : a string corresponding to the datalogger recording frequency for this function
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = newval
return self._setAttr("logFrequency", rest_val)
def get_reportFrequency(self):
Returns the timed value notification frequency, or "OFF" if timed
value notifications are disabled for this function.
@return a string corresponding to the timed value notification frequency, or "OFF" if timed
value notifications are disabled for this function
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.REPORTFREQUENCY_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._reportFrequency
def set_reportFrequency(self, newval):
Changes the timed value notification frequency for this function.
The frequency can be specified as samples per second,
as sample per minute (for instance "15/m") or in samples per
hour (eg. "4/h"). To disable timed value notifications for this
function, use the value "OFF".
@param newval : a string corresponding to the timed value notification frequency for this function
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = newval
return self._setAttr("reportFrequency", rest_val)
def get_calibrationParam(self):
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._calibrationParam
def set_calibrationParam(self, newval):
rest_val = newval
return self._setAttr("calibrationParam", rest_val)
def set_resolution(self, newval):
Changes the resolution of the measured physical values. The resolution corresponds to the numerical precision
when displaying value. It does not change the precision of the measure itself.
@param newval : a floating point number corresponding to the resolution of the measured physical values
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
rest_val = str(int(round(newval * 65536.0, 1)))
return self._setAttr("resolution", rest_val)
def get_resolution(self):
Returns the resolution of the measured values. The resolution corresponds to the numerical precision
of the measures, which is not always the same as the actual precision of the sensor.
@return a floating point number corresponding to the resolution of the measured values
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.RESOLUTION_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._resolution
def get_sensorState(self):
Returns the sensor health state code, which is zero when there is an up-to-date measure
available or a positive code if the sensor is not able to provide a measure right now.
@return an integer corresponding to the sensor health state code, which is zero when there is an
up-to-date measure
available or a positive code if the sensor is not able to provide a measure right now
On failure, throws an exception or returns YSensor.SENSORSTATE_INVALID.
if self._cacheExpiration <= YAPI.GetTickCount():
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
return self._sensorState
def FindSensor(func):
Retrieves a sensor for a given identifier.
The identifier can be specified using several formats:
This function does not require that the sensor is online at the time
it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
Use the method YSensor.isOnline() to test if the sensor is
indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
a sensor by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
then by logical name.
@param func : a string that uniquely characterizes the sensor
@return a YSensor object allowing you to drive the sensor.
# obj
obj = YFunction._FindFromCache("Sensor", func)
if obj is None:
obj = YSensor(func)
YFunction._AddToCache("Sensor", func, obj)
return obj
def _parserHelper(self):
# position
# maxpos
iCalib = []
# iRaw
# iRef
# fRaw
# fRef
self._caltyp = -1
self._scale = -1
self._isScal32 = False
del self._calpar[:]
del self._calraw[:]
del self._calref[:]
# // Store inverted resolution, to provide better rounding
if self._resolution > 0:
self._iresol = round(1.0 / self._resolution)
self._iresol = 10000
self._resolution = 0.0001
# // Old format: supported when there is no calibration
if self._calibrationParam == "" or self._calibrationParam == "0":
self._caltyp = 0
return 0
if self._calibrationParam.find(",") >= 0:
iCalib = YAPI._decodeFloats(self._calibrationParam)
self._caltyp = int((iCalib[0]) / (1000))
if self._caltyp > 0:
if self._caltyp < YAPI.YOCTO_CALIB_TYPE_OFS:
self._caltyp = -1
return 0
self._calhdl = YAPI._getCalibrationHandler(self._caltyp)
if not (self._calhdl is not None):
self._caltyp = -1
return 0
self._isScal = True
self._isScal32 = True
self._offset = 0
self._scale = 1000
maxpos = len(iCalib)
del self._calpar[:]
position = 1
while position < maxpos:
position = position + 1
del self._calraw[:]
del self._calref[:]
position = 1
while position + 1 < maxpos:
fRaw = iCalib[position]
fRaw = fRaw / 1000.0
fRef = iCalib[position + 1]
fRef = fRef / 1000.0
position = position + 2
iCalib = YAPI._decodeWords(self._calibrationParam)
if len(iCalib) < 2:
self._caltyp = -1
return 0
self._isScal = (iCalib[1] > 0)
if self._isScal:
self._offset = iCalib[0]
if self._offset > 32767:
self._offset = self._offset - 65536
self._scale = iCalib[1]
self._decexp = 0
self._offset = 0
self._scale = 1
self._decexp = 1.0
position = iCalib[0]
while position > 0:
self._decexp = self._decexp * 10
position = position - 1
if len(iCalib) == 2:
self._caltyp = 0
return 0
self._caltyp = iCalib[2]
self._calhdl = YAPI._getCalibrationHandler(self._caltyp)
if self._caltyp <= 10:
maxpos = self._caltyp
if self._caltyp <= 20:
maxpos = self._caltyp - 10
maxpos = 5
maxpos = 3 + 2 * maxpos
if maxpos > len(iCalib):
maxpos = len(iCalib)
del self._calpar[:]
del self._calraw[:]
del self._calref[:]
position = 3
while position + 1 < maxpos:
iRaw = iCalib[position]
iRef = iCalib[position + 1]
if self._isScal:
fRaw = iRaw
fRaw = (fRaw - self._offset) / self._scale
fRef = iRef
fRef = (fRef - self._offset) / self._scale
position = position + 2
return 0
def isSensorReady(self):
Checks if the sensor is currently able to provide an up-to-date measure.
Returns false if the device is unreachable, or if the sensor does not have
a current measure to transmit. No exception is raised if there is an error
while trying to contact the device hosting $THEFUNCTION$.
@return true if the sensor can provide an up-to-date measure, and false otherwise
if not (self.isOnline()):
return False
if not (self._sensorState == 0):
return False
return True
def startDataLogger(self):
Starts the data logger on the device. Note that the data logger
will only save the measures on this sensor if the logFrequency
is not set to "OFF".
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
# res
# // may throw an exception
res = self._download("api/dataLogger/recording?recording=1")
if not (len(res)>0):
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "unable to start datalogger")
def stopDataLogger(self):
Stops the datalogger on the device.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
# res
# // may throw an exception
res = self._download("api/dataLogger/recording?recording=0")
if not (len(res)>0):
self._throw(YAPI.IO_ERROR, "unable to stop datalogger")
def get_recordedData(self, startTime, endTime):
Retrieves a DataSet object holding historical data for this
sensor, for a specified time interval. The measures will be
retrieved from the data logger, which must have been turned
on at the desired time. See the documentation of the DataSet
class for information on how to get an overview of the
recorded data, and how to load progressively a large set
of measures from the data logger.
This function only works if the device uses a recent firmware,
as DataSet objects are not supported by firmwares older than
version 13000.
@param startTime : the start of the desired measure time interval,
as a Unix timestamp, i.e. the number of seconds since
January 1, 1970 UTC. The special value 0 can be used
to include any meaasure, without initial limit.
@param endTime : the end of the desired measure time interval,
as a Unix timestamp, i.e. the number of seconds since
January 1, 1970 UTC. The special value 0 can be used
to include any meaasure, without ending limit.
@return an instance of YDataSet, providing access to historical
data. Past measures can be loaded progressively
using methods from the YDataSet object.
# funcid
# funit
# // may throw an exception
funcid = self.get_functionId()
funit = self.get_unit()
return YDataSet(self, funcid, funit, startTime, endTime)
def registerTimedReportCallback(self, callback):
Registers the callback function that is invoked on every periodic timed notification.
The callback is invoked only during the execution of ySleep or yHandleEvents.
This provides control over the time when the callback is triggered. For good responsiveness, remember to call
one of these two functions periodically. To unregister a callback, pass a None pointer as argument.
@param callback : the callback function to call, or a None pointer. The callback function should take two
arguments: the function object of which the value has changed, and an YMeasure object describing
the new advertised value.
# sensor
sensor = self
if callback is not None:
YFunction._UpdateTimedReportCallbackList(sensor, True)
YFunction._UpdateTimedReportCallbackList(sensor, False)
self._timedReportCallbackSensor = callback
return 0
def _invokeTimedReportCallback(self, value):
if self._timedReportCallbackSensor is not None:
self._timedReportCallbackSensor(self, value)
return 0
def calibrateFromPoints(self, rawValues, refValues):
Configures error correction data points, in particular to compensate for
a possible perturbation of the measure caused by an enclosure. It is possible
to configure up to five correction points. Correction points must be provided
in ascending order, and be in the range of the sensor. The device will automatically
perform a linear interpolation of the error correction between specified
points. Remember to call the saveToFlash() method of the module if the
modification must be kept.
For more information on advanced capabilities to refine the calibration of
sensors, please contact
@param rawValues : array of floating point numbers, corresponding to the raw
values returned by the sensor for the correction points.
@param refValues : array of floating point numbers, corresponding to the corrected
values for the correction points.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
# rest_val
# // may throw an exception
rest_val = self._encodeCalibrationPoints(rawValues, refValues)
return self._setAttr("calibrationParam", rest_val)
def loadCalibrationPoints(self, rawValues, refValues):
Retrieves error correction data points previously entered using the method
@param rawValues : array of floating point numbers, that will be filled by the
function with the raw sensor values for the correction points.
@param refValues : array of floating point numbers, that will be filled by the
function with the desired values for the correction points.
@return YAPI.SUCCESS if the call succeeds.
On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
del rawValues[:]
del refValues[:]
# // Load function parameters if not yet loaded
if self._scale == 0:
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
if self._caltyp < 0:
self._throw(YAPI.NOT_SUPPORTED, "Calibration parameters format mismatch. Please upgrade your library or firmware.")
del rawValues[:]
del refValues[:]
for y in self._calraw:
for y in self._calref:
def _encodeCalibrationPoints(self, rawValues, refValues):
# res
# npt
# idx
# iRaw
# iRef
npt = len(rawValues)
if npt != len(refValues):
self._throw(YAPI.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid calibration parameters (size mismatch)")
# // Shortcut when building empty calibration parameters
if npt == 0:
return "0"
# // Load function parameters if not yet loaded
if self._scale == 0:
if self.load(YAPI.DefaultCacheValidity) != YAPI.SUCCESS:
# // Detect old firmware
if (self._caltyp < 0) or (self._scale < 0):
self._throw(YAPI.NOT_SUPPORTED, "Calibration parameters format mismatch. Please upgrade your library or firmware.")
return "0"
if self._isScal32:
res = "" + str(int(YAPI.YOCTO_CALIB_TYPE_OFS))
idx = 0
while idx < npt:
res = "" + res + "," + str(rawValues[idx]) + "," + str(refValues[idx])
idx = idx + 1
if self._isScal:
res = "" + str(int(npt))
idx = 0
while idx < npt:
iRaw = round(rawValues[idx] * self._scale + self._offset)
iRef = round(refValues[idx] * self._scale + self._offset)
res = "" + res + "," + str(int(iRaw)) + "," + str(int(iRef))
idx = idx + 1
res = "" + str(int(10 + npt))
idx = 0
while idx < npt:
iRaw = YAPI._doubleToDecimal(rawValues[idx])
iRef = YAPI._doubleToDecimal(refValues[idx])
res = "" + res + "," + str(int(iRaw)) + "," + str(int(iRef))
idx = idx + 1
return res
def _applyCalibration(self, rawValue):
if rawValue == YSensor.CURRENTVALUE_INVALID:
if self._caltyp == 0:
return rawValue
if self._caltyp < 0:
if not (self._calhdl is not None):
return self._calhdl(rawValue, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
def _decodeTimedReport(self, timestamp, report):
# i
# byteVal
# poww
# minRaw
# avgRaw
# maxRaw
# sublen
# difRaw
# startTime
# endTime
# minVal
# avgVal
# maxVal
startTime = self._prevTimedReport
endTime = timestamp
self._prevTimedReport = endTime
if startTime == 0:
startTime = endTime
if report[0] == 2:
if len(report) <= 5:
poww = 1
avgRaw = 0
byteVal = 0
i = 1
while i < len(report):
byteVal = report[i]
avgRaw = avgRaw + poww * byteVal
poww = poww * 0x100
i = i + 1
if ((byteVal) & (0x80)) != 0:
avgRaw = avgRaw - poww
avgVal = avgRaw / 1000.0
if self._caltyp != 0:
if self._calhdl is not None:
avgVal = self._calhdl(avgVal, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
minVal = avgVal
maxVal = avgVal
sublen = 1 + ((report[1]) & (3))
poww = 1
avgRaw = 0
byteVal = 0
i = 2
while (sublen > 0) and (i < len(report)):
byteVal = report[i]
avgRaw = avgRaw + poww * byteVal
poww = poww * 0x100
i = i + 1
sublen = sublen - 1
if ((byteVal) & (0x80)) != 0:
avgRaw = avgRaw - poww
sublen = 1 + ((((report[1]) >> (2))) & (3))
poww = 1
difRaw = 0
while (sublen > 0) and (i < len(report)):
byteVal = report[i]
difRaw = difRaw + poww * byteVal
poww = poww * 0x100
i = i + 1
sublen = sublen - 1
minRaw = avgRaw - difRaw
sublen = 1 + ((((report[1]) >> (4))) & (3))
poww = 1
difRaw = 0
while (sublen > 0) and (i < len(report)):
byteVal = report[i]
difRaw = difRaw + poww * byteVal
poww = poww * 0x100
i = i + 1
sublen = sublen - 1
maxRaw = avgRaw + difRaw
avgVal = avgRaw / 1000.0
minVal = minRaw / 1000.0
maxVal = maxRaw / 1000.0
if self._caltyp != 0:
if self._calhdl is not None:
avgVal = self._calhdl(avgVal, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
minVal = self._calhdl(minVal, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
maxVal = self._calhdl(maxVal, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
if report[0] == 0:
poww = 1
avgRaw = 0
byteVal = 0
i = 1
while i < len(report):
byteVal = report[i]
avgRaw = avgRaw + poww * byteVal
poww = poww * 0x100
i = i + 1
if self._isScal:
avgVal = self._decodeVal(avgRaw)
if ((byteVal) & (0x80)) != 0:
avgRaw = avgRaw - poww
avgVal = self._decodeAvg(avgRaw)
minVal = avgVal
maxVal = avgVal
minRaw = report[1] + 0x100 * report[2]
maxRaw = report[3] + 0x100 * report[4]
avgRaw = report[5] + 0x100 * report[6] + 0x10000 * report[7]
byteVal = report[8]
if ((byteVal) & (0x80)) == 0:
avgRaw = avgRaw + 0x1000000 * byteVal
avgRaw = avgRaw - 0x1000000 * (0x100 - byteVal)
minVal = self._decodeVal(minRaw)
avgVal = self._decodeAvg(avgRaw)
maxVal = self._decodeVal(maxRaw)
return YMeasure(startTime, endTime, minVal, avgVal, maxVal)
def _decodeVal(self, w):
# val
val = w
if self._isScal:
val = (val - self._offset) / self._scale
val = YAPI._decimalToDouble(w)
if self._caltyp != 0:
if self._calhdl is not None:
val = self._calhdl(val, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
return val
def _decodeAvg(self, dw):
# val
val = dw
if self._isScal:
val = (val / 100 - self._offset) / self._scale
val = val / self._decexp
if self._caltyp != 0:
if self._calhdl is not None:
val = self._calhdl(val, self._caltyp, self._calpar, self._calraw, self._calref)
return val
def nextSensor(self):
Continues the enumeration of sensors started using yFirstSensor().
@return a pointer to a YSensor object, corresponding to
a sensor currently online, or a None pointer
if there are no more sensors to enumerate.
hwidRef = YRefParam()
if YAPI.YISERR(self._nextFunction(hwidRef)):
return None
if hwidRef.value == "":
return None
return YSensor.FindSensor(hwidRef.value)
#--- (end of generated code: YSensor implementation)
#--- (generated code: Sensor functions)
def FirstSensor():
Starts the enumeration of sensors currently accessible.
Use the method YSensor.nextSensor() to iterate on
next sensors.
@return a pointer to a YSensor object, corresponding to
the first sensor currently online, or a None pointer
if there are none.
devRef = YRefParam()
neededsizeRef = YRefParam()
serialRef = YRefParam()
funcIdRef = YRefParam()
funcNameRef = YRefParam()
funcValRef = YRefParam()
errmsgRef = YRefParam()
#noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyCallingNonCallable
p = (ctypes.c_int * 1)()
err = YAPI.apiGetFunctionsByClass("Sensor", 0, p, size, neededsizeRef, errmsgRef)
if YAPI.YISERR(err) or not neededsizeRef.value:
return None
YAPI.yapiGetFunctionInfo(p[0], devRef, serialRef, funcIdRef, funcNameRef, funcValRef, errmsgRef)):
return None
return YSensor.FindSensor(serialRef.value + "." + funcIdRef.value)
#--- (end of generated code: Sensor functions)

Event Timeline