// ==UserScript== // @name DarkSNow // @description This style is for the ServiceNow platform and will re-style the user interface with a dark theme. // @author Jonathan Stocchetti // @match https://support.epfl.ch/* // @run-at document-start // @version 0.1 // ==/UserScript== (function() {var css = [ "/* Color Conversion values ", " #343d47 -> #9cb7d5", " white background -> #141920 (was 303a46)", " e6f1fd -> 06111d", " 485563 -> 90aac6", "*/", "iframe {", " border-color: #111;", "}", "body {", " background-color: #141920;", " color: #90aac6 !important;", "}", "", "body, iframe, table, input, ", "body.section_header_body_no_scroll,", "TD.bannerLeft,", "TD.bannerCenter,", "TD.bannerRight, ", "TR#banner_row,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] .nav-wrapper,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] .drag_section_header,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] BODY.non_standard_lists, .form-control,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.label,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.label_right,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.label_left,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.foreign,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] DIV.popup {", " background-color: #141920 !important;", "}", ".input-group-checkbox input.checkbox ~ label.checkbox-label:before, .input-group-checkbox input.checkbox ~ label.radio-label:before, .input-group-checkbox input.radio ~ label.checkbox-label:before, .input-group-checkbox input.radio ~ label.radio-label:before, .input-group-radio input.checkbox ~ label.checkbox-label:before, .input-group-radio input.checkbox ~ label.radio-label:before, .input-group-radio input.radio ~ label.checkbox-label:before,", ".input-group-radio input.radio ~ label.radio-label:before {", " background-color: #141920;", "}", "", ".nav_edge,", ".nav_edge_inner,", ".edge_bottom_chevron {", "/* was background: #e6e8ea; */", " background: #06080a !important;", "}", "HTML[data-doctype=true] LABEL.nav_menu {", " background: #06080a;", "}", "", ".navbar-default {", " background-color: #06080a;", " border-color: #14171b;", "}", "", ".modal-content {", " background-color: #06080a;", "}", ".CodeMirror {", " background-color: #ddd;", "}", "/* Text Color */", "HTML[data-doctype=true] BODY,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] tr.list_even td, HTML[data-doctype=true] tr.list_odd td, HTML[data-doctype=true] .drag_section_header, HTML[data-doctype=true] SELECT:not([readonly=\"readonly\"]),", "HTML[data-doctype=true] LABEL.nav_menu,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] A.menu,", ".form-control,", "p.header,", "input.ui-widget-content,", ".process-breadcrumb > li > a, .process-breadcrumb > li > a:visited, .process-breadcrumb > li > a:hover,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.label, HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.label_right, HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.label_left, HTML[data-doctype=true] TD.foreign {", " color: #ddd;", "}", "", "/* Field Message and info boxes */", "HTML[data-doctype=true] .annotation[data-annotation-type=\"Info Box Blue\"] div,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] .annotation[data-annotation-type=\"Section Details\"] div,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] 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".table.table-striped.table-detail-row > tbody > tr:nth-child(4n + 2) > td,", ".table.table-striped.table-detail-row > tbody > tr:nth-child(4n + 2) > th {", "background-color: #060606;", "}", "/* line 92, sass/custom/_tables.scss */", ".table.table-striped.table-detail-row > tbody > tr:nth-child(4n + 3) > td, .table.table-striped.table-detail-row > tbody > tr:nth-child(4n + 3) > th,", ".table.table-striped.table-detail-row > tbody > tr:nth-child(4n + 4) > td,", ".table.table-striped.table-detail-row > tbody > tr:nth-child(4n + 4) > th {", "background-color: #000000;", "}", "", "/***************** Main Frame**************************/", "a[style*=\"color: black\"] {", " color: #eee !important;", "}", "", "/***************** Record Producers *******************/", "TR.io_label TD {", " background-color: #06111d !important;", "}", "", "", "/***************** Popups *****************************/", "tr.list_odd img.list_popup.list_decoration {", "background-color: #141920;", "}", 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"SPAN.breadcrumb_separator, A.breadcrumb_separator {", " color: #278efc;", "}", "", "A.web {", " color: #278efc;", "}", "A.web:hover {", " color: blue;", "}", "", "/* Related Links */", "HTML[data-doctype=true] td.related_links,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] H2.form_header {", " color: #9cb7d5;", "}", "", "/**************** Fields ******************/", "/* Disabled Fields */", ".form-control[disabled],", ".form-control[readonly],", "fieldset[disabled] .form-control,", "HTML[data-doctype=true] .msie9 input[type=\"text\"]:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .msie9 SELECT:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .msie10 input[type=\"text\"]:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .msie10 SELECT:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .msie11 input[type=\"text\"]:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .msie11 SELECT:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .windows.chrome input[type=\"text\"]:disabled, HTML[data-doctype=true] .windows.chrome SELECT:disabled {", " /* was color: #485563; */", " color: #b8c5d3;", " background-color: #16181a;", "}", "", "/* Text boxes */", "textarea,", "textarea.sn-string-textarea,", "input[type=\"submit\"],", "select {", " background-color: #272d35;", " color: #b8c5d3;", "}", "", "/* Labels */", ".is-filled .required-marker:before {", "color: #bdc0c4;", "}", ".is-prefilled .required-marker:before {", "color: #bdc0c4;", "}", "", ".has-success .control-label, .has-warning .control-label, .has-error .control-label, .is-required .control-label, .is-filled .control-label {", "color: #9cb7d5;", "}", "", "/* Activity History */", "div.activity_field {", " background-color: #06111d !important;", "}", "", "HTML[data-doctype=true] .email-formatter {", " background-color: #06111d;", "}", "", "body:not([class]) {", " background-color: #ddd;", "}", "", "/* Date Picker */", ".calText.calDayColumnHeader {", " background-color: #222;", "}", ".calTodayText {", " background-color: #111;", "}", "", "/* Tags */", "HTML[data-doctype=true] ul.tagit {", " background-color: #90aac6;", "}", "", "/**************** Catalog ******************/", "h2 {", " color: #9cb7d5;", "}", "", "/**************** Lists ******************/", ".list_nav {", " background: #141920;", "}", "", ".list_nav.list_nav_top {", " background: #141920;", "}", "", ".aggregate_value {", " background-color: #141920;", "}", "HTML[data-doctype=true] TR.list_header th, HTML[data-doctype=true] TR.list_header.hierarchical th.hierarchical, HTML[data-doctype=true] TR.list_header td {", " background-color: #90aac6;", "}", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_row,", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_row td,", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_row td img,", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_row td div,", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_row_detail td,", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_hierarchical_hdr,", ".highlight_enabled .list_div tr.list_hierarchical_hdr td.list_hierarchical_hdr {", " background-color: #141920;", "}", "", "", "/**************** Buttons & Menus ******************/", 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