# Sesame companion tool for easy file access This companion tool can be used together with the Sesame Unity project. The app can either be installed by using the executable at the root of this repository, or by building it yourself using node.js. All documentation can be found in the Unity project repository. ## Links Link to the Unity project: [https://c4science.ch/source/sesame-unity/](https://c4science.ch/source/sesame-unity/) Link to the Configurator project: [https://c4science.ch/source/sesame-configurator/](https://c4science.ch/source/sesame-configurator/) ## Requirements If you are using the companion app on a Windows system, there are no prerequirements. In order to access files on an Oculus Quest 2, the **Android Platform Tools** must be installed. They can be downloaded here: [developer.android.com](https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools). Please make sure to add the installation path to the PATH environment variable in case this is not done automatically. ## Build In order to build de app, node.js must be installed. Following commands can then be used. ``` npm install npm run make ``` The executable will be stored in the folder `out/make/[build target]`.