<p align="center">
<a href=""> <img height="257" width="114" src=""> </a> <p align="center">The streaming build system</p>
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What is gulp?
- Automation - gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.
- Platform-agnostic - Integrations are built into all major IDEs and people are using gulp with PHP, .NET, Node.js, Java, and other platforms.
- Strong Ecosystem - Use npm modules to do anything you want + over 2000 curated plugins for streaming file transformations
- Simple - By providing only a minimal API surface, gulp is easy to learn and simple to use
For a Getting started guide, API docs, recipes, making a plugin, etc. check out or docs!
- Need something reliable? Check out the documentation for the current release!
- Want to help us test the latest and greatest? Check out the documentation for the next release!
Sample gulpfile.js
This file will give you a taste of what gulp does.
js var gulp = require('gulp'); var coffee = require('gulp-coffee'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); var del = require('del'); var paths = { scripts: ['client/js/**/*.coffee', '!client/external/**/*.coffee'], images: 'client/img/**/*' }; // Not all tasks need to use streams // A gulpfile is just another node program and you can use any package available on npm gulp.task('clean', function() { // You can use multiple globbing patterns as you would with `gulp.src` return del(['build']); }); gulp.task('scripts', ['clean'], function() { // Minify and copy all JavaScript (except vendor scripts) // with sourcemaps all the way down return gulp.src(paths.scripts) .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(coffee()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(concat('all.min.js')) .pipe(sourcemaps.write()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/js')); }); // Copy all static images gulp.task('images', ['clean'], function() { return gulp.src(paths.images) // Pass in options to the task .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 5})) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/img')); }); // Rerun the task when a file changes gulp.task('watch', function() {, ['scripts']);, ['images']); }); // The default task (called when you run `gulp` from cli) gulp.task('default', ['watch', 'scripts', 'images']);
Incremental Builds
We recommend these plugins:
- gulp-changed - only pass through changed files
- gulp-cached - in-memory file cache, not for operation on sets of files
- gulp-remember - pairs nicely with gulp-cached
- gulp-newer - pass through newer source files only, supports many:1 source:dest
Want to contribute?
Anyone can help make this project better - check out our Contributing guide!
[downloads-image]: [npm-url]: [npm-image]:
[travis-url]: [travis-image]:
[coveralls-url]: [coveralls-image]:
[gitter-url]: [gitter-image]: