<li ng-class="{'active': c.tabIndex === 18}" ng-click="c.getData(18)"><a href="#">Health impact of dietary related chronic diseases on HIV positive patients</a></li>
<li ng-class="{'active': c.tabIndex === 19}" ng-click="c.getData(19)"><a href="#">Identifying correlations between congenital anomalies and increased risk for chronic health conditions</a></li>
<li ng-class="{'active': c.tabIndex === 20}" ng-click="c.getData(20)"><a href="#">Comparing impact of medications for patients with multiple chronic health conditions</a></li>
<li ng-class="{'active': c.tabIndex === 21}" ng-click="c.getData(21)"><a href="#">Identifying Correlations between congenital anomalies and complications of labor and birth.</a></li>