shrine { adapter { create = true audit { collectAdapterAudit = true database { dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/adapterAuditDB" //or leave out for tests slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } createTablesOnStart = false //for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally } } } }