package net.shrine.adapter import java.sql.SQLException import java.util.Date import net.shrine.adapter.dao.BotDetectedException import net.shrine.log.Loggable import net.shrine.problem.{AbstractProblem, LoggingProblemHandler, Problem, ProblemNotYetEncoded, ProblemSources} import net.shrine.protocol.{AuthenticationInfo, BaseShrineResponse, BroadcastMessage, ErrorResponse, ShrineRequest} import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * @author Bill Simons * @since 4/8/11 * @see * @see *

* NOTICE: This software comes with NO guarantees whatsoever and is * licensed as Lgpl Open Source * @see */ abstract class Adapter extends Loggable { //noinspection RedundantBlock final def perform(message: BroadcastMessage): BaseShrineResponse = { def problemToErrorResponse(problem:Problem):ErrorResponse = { //TODO: Is this needed? LoggingProblemHandler.handleProblem(problem) ErrorResponse(problem) } val shrineResponse = try { processRequest(message) } catch { case e: AdapterLockoutException => problemToErrorResponse(AdapterLockout(message.request.authn,e)) case e: BotDetectedException => problemToErrorResponse(BotDetected(e)) case e @ CrcInvocationException(invokedCrcUrl, request, cause) => problemToErrorResponse(CrcCouldNotBeInvoked(invokedCrcUrl,request,e)) case e: AdapterMappingException => problemToErrorResponse(AdapterMappingProblem(e)) case e: SQLException => problemToErrorResponse(AdapterDatabaseProblem(e)) case NonFatal(e) => { val summary = if(message == null) "Unknown problem in Adapter.perform with null BroadcastMessage" else s"Unexpected exception in Adapter" problemToErrorResponse(ProblemNotYetEncoded(summary,e)) } } shrineResponse } protected[adapter] def processRequest(message: BroadcastMessage): BaseShrineResponse //NOOP, may be overridden by subclasses def shutdown(): Unit = () } case class AdapterLockout(authn:AuthenticationInfo,x:AdapterLockoutException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Adapter) { override val throwable = Some(x) override val summary: String = s"User '${authn.domain}:${authn.username}' locked out." override val description:String = s"User '${authn.domain}:${authn.username}' has run too many queries that produce the same result at ${x.url} ." } case class CrcCouldNotBeInvoked(crcUrl:String,request:ShrineRequest,x:CrcInvocationException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Adapter) { override val throwable = Some(x) override val summary: String = s"Error communicating with I2B2 CRC." override val description: String = s"Error invoking the CRC at '$crcUrl' with a ${request.getClass.getSimpleName} due to ${throwable.get}." override val detailsXml =

Request is {request} {throwableDetail.getOrElse("")}
} case class AdapterMappingProblem(x:AdapterMappingException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Adapter) { override val throwable = Some(x) override val summary: String = "Could not map query term(s)." override val description = s"The Shrine Adapter on ${} cannot map this query to its local terms." override val detailsXml =
Query Defitiontion is {x.runQueryRequest.queryDefinition} RunQueryRequest is ${x.runQueryRequest.elideAuthenticationInfo} {throwableDetail.getOrElse("")}
} case class AdapterDatabaseProblem(x:SQLException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Adapter) { override val throwable = Some(x) override val summary: String = "Problem using the Adapter database." override val description = "The Shrine Adapter encountered a problem using a database." } case class BotDetected(bdx:BotDetectedException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Adapter) { override val throwable = Some(bdx) override val summary: String = s"A user has run so many queries in a period of time that the adapter suspects a bot." override val description: String = s"${bdx.domain}:${bdx.username} has run ${bdx.detectedCount} queries since ${new Date(bdx.sinceMs)}, more than the limit of ${bdx.limit} allowed in this time frame." }