package net.shrine.dashboard import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config import net.shrine.config.ConfigExtensions import net.shrine.problem.ProblemDigest import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, TestableDataSourceCreator} import slick.dbio.SuccessAction import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import slick.jdbc.meta.MTable import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.xml.XML import /** * Handles all interaction with the problem database. Abstracts away * the need for a * @author ty * @since 07/16 */ case class ProblemDatabaseConnector() { import Problems.slickProfile.api._ val problems = Problems val db = problems.db val IO = problems.IOActions val Queries = problems.Queries /** * Executes a series of IO actions as a single transactions */ def executeTransaction(actions: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]*): Future[Unit] = {*).transactionally) } /** * Executes a series of IO actions as a single transaction, synchronous */ def executeTransactionBlocking(actions: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]*)(implicit timeout: Duration): Unit = { try { Await.ready(this.executeTransaction(actions: _*), timeout) } catch { // TODO: Handle this better case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, x) } } /** * Straight copy of */ def run[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _]): Future[R] = { } /** * Synchronized copy of */ def runBlocking[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _])(implicit timeout: Duration): R = { try { Await.result(, timeout) } catch { case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, x) } } /** * Inserts a problem into the database * @param problem the ProblemDigest */ def insertProblem(problem: ProblemDigest): Unit = { run(IO.problems += problem) } } /** * Problems schema object, defines the PROBLEMS table schema and related queries */ object Problems { val config:Config = DashboardConfigSource.config.getConfig("shrine.dashboard.database") val slickProfileClassName = config.getString("slickProfileClassName") // TODO: Can we not pay this 2 second cost here? val slickProfile:JdbcProfile = DashboardConfigSource.objectForName(slickProfileClassName) import slickProfile.api._ val dataSource: DataSource = TestableDataSourceCreator.dataSource(config) lazy val db = { val db = Database.forDataSource(dataSource) if (config.getBoolean("createTablesOnStart")) Await.ready(, FiniteDuration(3, SECONDS)) db } /** * The Problems Table. This is the table schema. */ //TODO: ADD EPOCH VALUE class ProblemsT(tag: Tag) extends Table[ProblemDigest](tag, Queries.tableName) { def codec = column[String]("codec") def stampText = column[String]("stampText") def summary = column[String]("summary") def description = column[String]("description") def xml = column[String]("detailsXml") def epoch= column[Long]("epoch") // projection between table row and problem digest def * = (codec, stampText, summary, description, xml, epoch) <> (rowToProblem, problemToRow) def idx = index("idx_epoch", epoch, unique=false) /** * Converts a table row into a ProblemDigest. * @param args the table row, represented as a five-tuple string * @return the corresponding ProblemDigest */ def rowToProblem(args: (String, String, String, String, String, Long)): ProblemDigest = args match { case (codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml, epoch) => ProblemDigest(codec, stampText, summary, description, XML.loadString(detailsXml), epoch) } /** * Converts a ProblemDigest into an Option of a table row. For now there is no failure * condition, ie a ProblemDigest can always be a table row, but this is a place for * possible future error handling * @param problem the ProblemDigest to convert * @return an Option of a table row. */ def problemToRow(problem: ProblemDigest): Option[(String, String, String, String, String, Long)] = problem match { case ProblemDigest(codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml, epoch) => Some((codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml.toString, epoch)) } } /** * Queries related to the Problems table. */ object Queries extends TableQuery(new ProblemsT(_)) { /** * The table name */ val tableName = "PROBLEMS" /** * Equivalent to Select * from Problems; */ val selectAll = this /** * Selects all the details xml sorted by the problem's time stamp. */ val selectDetails = /** * Selects the last N problems, after the offset */ def lastNProblems(n: Int, offset: Int = 0) = this.sortBy(_.epoch.desc).drop(offset).take(n) } /** * DBIO Actions. These are pre-defined IO actions that may be useful. * Using it to centralize the location of DBIOs. */ object IOActions { val problems = Queries val tableExists = MTable.getTables(problems.tableName).map(_.nonEmpty) val createIfNotExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) SuccessAction(NoOperation) else problems.schema.create) val dropIfExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) problems.schema.drop else SuccessAction(NoOperation)) val resetTable = createIfNotExists >> problems.selectAll.delete val selectAll = problems.result def sizeAndProblemDigest(n: Int, offset: Int = 0) = for { length <- problems.length.result allProblems <- problems.lastNProblems(n, offset).result } yield (allProblems, length) } } // For SuccessAction, just a no_op. case object NoOperation