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package net.shrine.dashboard
import akka.event.Logging
import net.shrine.authentication.UserAuthenticator
import net.shrine.authorization.steward.OutboundUser
import net.shrine.config.ConfigExtensions
import net.shrine.crypto.{BouncyKeyStoreCollection, KeyStoreDescriptorParser, UtilHasher}
import net.shrine.dashboard.httpclient.HttpClientDirectives.{forwardUnmatchedPath, requestUriThenRoute}
import net.shrine.dashboard.jwtauth.ShrineJwtAuthenticator
import net.shrine.log.Loggable
import net.shrine.problem.{ProblemDigest, Problems}
import net.shrine.serialization.NodeSeqSerializer
import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource
import net.shrine.spray._
import net.shrine.status.protocol.{Config => StatusProtocolConfig}
import net.shrine.util.SingleHubModel
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.{parse => json4sParse}
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, Formats}
import shapeless.HNil
import spray.http.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, StatusCodes, Uri}
import spray.httpx.Json4sSupport
import spray.routing._
import spray.routing.directives.LogEntry
import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable
* Mixes the DashboardService trait with an Akka Actor to provide the actual service.
class DashboardServiceActor extends Actor with DashboardService {
// the HttpService trait defines only one abstract member, which
// connects the services environment to the enclosing actor or test
def actorRefFactory = context
// this actor only runs our route, but you could add
// other things here, like request stream processing
// or timeout handling
def receive = runRoute(route)
* A web service that provides the Dashboard endpoints. It is a trait to support testing independent of Akka.
trait DashboardService extends HttpService with Loggable {
val userAuthenticator = UserAuthenticator(ConfigSource.config)
//don't need to do anything special for unauthorized users, but they do need access to a static form.
lazy val route:Route = gruntWatchCorsSupport {
redirectToIndex ~ staticResources ~ makeTrouble ~ about ~ authenticatedInBrowser ~ authenticatedDashboard ~ post {
// Chicken and egg problem; Can't check status of certs validation between sites if you need valid certs to exchange messages
/** logs the request method, uri and response at info level */
def logEntryForRequestResponse(req: HttpRequest): Any => Option[LogEntry] = {
case res: HttpResponse => Some(LogEntry(s"\n Request: $req\n Response: $res", Logging.InfoLevel))
case _ => None // other kind of responses
/** logs just the request method, uri and response status at info level */
def logEntryForRequest(req: HttpRequest): Any => Option[LogEntry] = {
case res: HttpResponse => Some(LogEntry(s"\n Request: $req\n Response status: ${res.status}", Logging.InfoLevel))
case _ => None // other kind of responses
def authenticatedInBrowser: Route = pathPrefixTest("user"|"admin"|"toDashboard") {
logRequestResponse(logEntryForRequestResponse _) { //logging is controlled by Akka's config, slf4j, and log4j config
reportIfFailedToAuthenticate {
authenticate(userAuthenticator.basicUserAuthenticator) { user =>
pathPrefix("user") {
} ~
pathPrefix("admin") {
} ~
pathPrefix("toDashboard") {
val reportIfFailedToAuthenticate = routeRouteResponse {
case Rejected(List(AuthenticationFailedRejection(_,_))) =>
def authenticatedDashboard:Route = pathPrefix("fromDashboard") {
logRequestResponse(logEntryForRequestResponse _) { //logging is controlled by Akka's config, slf4j, and log4j config
get { //all remote dashboard calls are gets.
authenticate(ShrineJwtAuthenticator.authenticate) { user =>
info(s"Sucessfully authenticated user `$user`")
def makeTrouble = pathPrefix("makeTrouble") {
complete(throw new IllegalStateException("fake trouble"))
lazy val redirectToIndex = pathEnd {
redirect("shrine-dashboard/client/index.html", StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect) //todo pick up "shrine-dashboard" programatically
} ~
( path("index.html") | pathSingleSlash) {
redirect("client/index.html", StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
lazy val staticResources = pathPrefix("client") {
pathEnd {
redirect("client/index.html", StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
} ~
pathSingleSlash {
redirect("index.html", StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
} ~ {
lazy val about = pathPrefix("about") {
complete("Nothing here yet") //todo
def userRoute(user:User):Route = get {
pathPrefix("whoami") {
//todo check that this an admin.
def adminRoute(user:User):Route = get {
pathPrefix("happy") {
val happyBaseUrl: String = ConfigSource.config.getString("shrine.dashboard.happyBaseUrl")
} ~
pathPrefix("messWithHappyVersion") { //todo is this used?
val happyBaseUrl: String = ConfigSource.config.getString("shrine.dashboard.happyBaseUrl")
def pullClasspathFromConfig(httpResponse:HttpResponse,uri:Uri):Route = {
ctx => {
val result = httpResponse.entity.asString
ctx.complete(s"Got '$result' from $uri")
} ~
pathPrefix("ping") { complete("pong") }~
pathPrefix("status") { statusRoute(user) }
//Manually test this by running a curl command
//curl -k -w "\n%{response_code}\n" -u dave:kablam "https://shrine-dev1.catalyst:6443/shrine-dashboard/toDashboard/shrine-dev2.catalyst/ping"
* Forward a request from this dashboard to a remote dashboard
def toDashboardRoute(user:User):Route = get {
pathPrefix(Segment) { dnsName =>
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
val urlToParse: String = KeyStoreInfo.keyStoreDescriptor.trustModel match {
case SingleHubModel(false) => ConfigSource.config.getString("shrine.queryEntryPoint.broadcasterServiceEndpoint.url")
case _ => ConfigSource.config.getObject("shrine.hub.downstreamNodes").values.head.unwrapped.toString
val remoteDashboardPort = urlToParse.split(':')(2).split('/')(0) // TODO: Do ports vary between sites?
val remoteDashboardProtocol = urlToParse.split("://")(0)
val remoteDashboardPathPrefix = "shrine-dashboard/fromDashboard" // I don't think this needs to be configurable
val baseUrl = s"$remoteDashboardProtocol://$dnsName:$remoteDashboardPort/$remoteDashboardPathPrefix"
forwardUnmatchedPath(baseUrl,Some(ShrineJwtAuthenticator.createOAuthCredentials(user, dnsName)))
def statusRoute(user:User):Route = get {
val( adapter , hub , i2b2 , keystore , optionalParts , qep , summary ) =
("adapter", "hub", "i2b2", "keystore", "optionalParts", "qep", "summary")
pathPrefix("classpath") { getClasspath }~
pathPrefix("config") { getConfig }~
pathPrefix("problems") { getProblems }~
pathPrefix(adapter) { getFromSubService(adapter) }~
pathPrefix(hub) { getFromSubService(hub) }~
pathPrefix(i2b2) { getFromSubService(i2b2) }~
pathPrefix(keystore) { getFromSubService(keystore) }~
pathPrefix(optionalParts) { getFromSubService(optionalParts) }~
pathPrefix(qep) { getFromSubService(qep) }~
pathPrefix(summary) { getFromSubService(summary) }
val statusBaseUrl = ConfigSource.config.getString("shrine.dashboard.statusBaseUrl")
// TODO: Move this over to Status API?
lazy val verifySignature:Route = {
formField("sha256".as[String].?) { sha256: Option[String] =>
val response = => KeyStoreInfo.hasher.handleSig(s))
implicit val format = ShaResponse.json4sFormats
response match {
case None => complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest)
case Some(sh@ShaResponse(ShaResponse.badFormat, _)) => complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest -> sh)
case Some(sh@ShaResponse(_, false)) => complete(StatusCodes.NotFound -> sh)
case Some(sh@ShaResponse(_, true)) => complete(StatusCodes.OK -> sh)
lazy val getConfig:Route = {
def completeConfigRoute(httpResponse:HttpResponse,uri:Uri):Route = {
ctx => {
val config = ParsedConfig(httpResponse.entity.asString)
requestUriThenRoute(statusBaseUrl + "/config", completeConfigRoute)
lazy val getClasspath:Route = {
def pullClasspathFromConfig(httpResponse:HttpResponse,uri:Uri):Route = {
ctx => {
val result = httpResponse.entity.asString
val shrineConfig = ShrineConfig(ParsedConfig(result))
requestUriThenRoute(statusBaseUrl + "/config",pullClasspathFromConfig)
def getFromSubService(key: String):Route = {
// table based view, can see N problems at a time. Front end sends how many problems that they want
// to skip, and it will take N the 'nearest N' ie with n = 20, 0-19 -> 20, 20-39 -> 20-40
lazy val getProblems:Route = {
def floorMod(x: Int, y: Int) = {
x - (x % y)
val db = Problems.DatabaseConnector
// Intellij loudly complains if you use parameters instead of chained parameter calls.
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
parameter("offset".as[Int].?(0)) {(offsetPreMod:Int) => {
parameter("n".as[Int].?(20)) {(nPreMax:Int) =>
parameter("epoch".as[Long].?) {(epoch:Option[Long]) =>
val n = Math.max(0, nPreMax)
val moddedOffset = floorMod(Math.max(0, offsetPreMod), n)
val query = for {
result <- db.IO.sizeAndProblemDigest(n, moddedOffset)
} yield (result._2, floorMod(Math.max(0, moddedOffset), n), n, result._1)
val query2 = for {
dateOffset <- db.IO.findIndexOfDate(epoch.getOrElse(0))
moddedOffset = floorMod(dateOffset, n)
result <- db.IO.sizeAndProblemDigest(n, moddedOffset)
} yield (result._2, moddedOffset, n, result._1)
val queryReal = if (epoch.isEmpty) query else query2
val tupled = db.runBlocking(queryReal)
val response: ProblemResponse = ProblemResponse(tupled._1, tupled._2, tupled._3, tupled._4)
implicit val formats = response.json4sMarshaller
case class ProblemResponse(size: Int, offset: Int, n: Int, problems: Seq[ProblemDigest]) extends Json4sSupport {
override implicit def json4sFormats: Formats = DefaultFormats + new NodeSeqSerializer
object KeyStoreInfo {
val config = ConfigSource.config
val keyStoreDescriptor = KeyStoreDescriptorParser(
val certCollection = BouncyKeyStoreCollection.fromFileRecoverWithClassPath(keyStoreDescriptor)
val hasher = UtilHasher(certCollection)
* Centralized parsing logic for map of shrine.conf
* the class literal `T.class` in Java.
//todo most of this info should come directly from the status service in Shrine, not from reading the config
case class ParsedConfig(configMap:Map[String, String]){
private val trueVal = "true"
private val rootKey = "shrine"
def isHub =
getOrElse(rootKey + ".hub.create", "")
.toLowerCase == trueVal
def stewardEnabled =
.contains(rootKey + ".queryEntryPoint.shrineSteward")
def shouldQuerySelf =
getOrElse(rootKey + ".hub.shouldQuerySelf", "")
.toLowerCase == trueVal
def fromJsonString(jsonString:String): String = jsonString.split("\"").mkString("")
def get(key:String): Option[String] = configMap.get(key).map(fromJsonString)
def getOrElse(key:String, elseVal:String = ""): String = get(key).getOrElse(elseVal)
object ParsedConfig {
def apply(jsonString:String):ParsedConfig = {
implicit def json4sFormats: Formats = DefaultFormats
case class DownstreamNode(name:String, url:String)
object DownstreamNode {
def create(configMap:Map[String,String]):Iterable[DownstreamNode] = {
for ((k, v) <- configMap.filterKeys(_.toLowerCase.startsWith
yield DownstreamNode(k.split('.').last,v.split("\"").mkString(""))
//todo replace with the actual config, scrubbed of passwords
case class ShrineConfig(isHub:Boolean,
hiveCredentials: HiveCredentials,
adapter: Adapter,
configMap:Map[String, String]
) extends DefaultJsonSupport
object ShrineConfig extends DefaultJsonSupport {
def apply(config:ParsedConfig):ShrineConfig = {
val hub = Hub(config)
val isHub = config.isHub
val pmEndpoint = Endpoint("pm",config)
val ontEndpoint = Endpoint("ont",config)
val hiveCredentials = HiveCredentials(config)
val adapter = Adapter(config)
val queryEntryPoint = QEP(config)
val networkStatusQuery = config.configMap("shrine.networkStatusQuery")
ShrineConfig(isHub, hub, pmEndpoint, ontEndpoint, hiveCredentials, adapter, queryEntryPoint, networkStatusQuery, config.configMap)
case class Endpoint(acceptAllCerts:Boolean, url:String, timeoutSeconds:Int)
object Endpoint{
def apply(endpointType:String,parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):Endpoint = {
val prefix = "shrine." + endpointType.toLowerCase + "Endpoint."
val acceptAllCerts = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(prefix + "acceptAllCerts", "") == "true"
val url = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(prefix + "url","")
val timeoutSeconds = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(prefix + "timeout.seconds", "0").toInt
Endpoint(acceptAllCerts, url, timeoutSeconds)
case class HiveCredentials(domain:String,
object HiveCredentials{
def apply(parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):HiveCredentials = {
val key = "shrine.hiveCredentials."
val domain = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "domain","")
val username = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "username","")
val password = "REDACTED"
val crcProjectId = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "crcProjectId","")
val ontProjectId = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "ontProjectId","")
HiveCredentials(domain, username, password, crcProjectId, ontProjectId)
// -- hub only -- //
//todo delete when the Dashboard front end can use the status service's hub method
case class Hub(shouldQuerySelf:Boolean,
object Hub{
def apply(parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):Hub = {
val shouldQuerySelf = parsedConfig.shouldQuerySelf
val create = parsedConfig.isHub
val downstreamNodes = DownstreamNode.create(parsedConfig.configMap)
Hub(shouldQuerySelf, create, downstreamNodes)
// -- adapter info -- //
case class Adapter(crcEndpointUrl:String, setSizeObfuscation:Boolean, adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold:Int,
object Adapter{
def apply(parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):Adapter = {
val key = "shrine.adapter."
val crcEndpointUrl = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "crcEndpoint.url","")
val setSizeObfuscation = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "setSizeObfuscation","").toLowerCase == "true"
val adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold", "0").toInt
val adapterMappingsFileName = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "adapterMappingsFileName","")
Adapter(crcEndpointUrl, setSizeObfuscation, adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold, adapterMappingsFileName)
case class Steward(qepUserName:String, stewardBaseUrl:String)
object Steward {
def apply (parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):Steward = {
val key = "shrine.queryEntryPoint.shrineSteward."
val qepUserName = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "qepUserName","")
val stewardBaseUrl = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "stewardBaseUrl","")
Steward(qepUserName, stewardBaseUrl)
// -- if needed -- //
case class TimeoutInfo (timeUnit:String, description:String)
case class DatabaseInfo(createTablesOnStart:Boolean, dataSourceFrom:String,
jndiDataSourceName:String, slickProfileClassName:String)
case class Audit(database:DatabaseInfo, collectQepAudit:Boolean)
object Audit{
def apply(parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):Audit = {
val key = "shrine.queryEntryPoint.audit."
val createTablesOnStart = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "database.createTablesOnStart","") == "true"
val dataSourceFrom = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "database.dataSourceFrom","")
val jndiDataSourceName = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "database.jndiDataSourceName","")
val slickProfileClassName = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "database.slickProfileClassName","")
val collectQepAudit = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "collectQepAudit","") == "true"
val database = DatabaseInfo(createTablesOnStart, dataSourceFrom, jndiDataSourceName, slickProfileClassName)
Audit(database, collectQepAudit)
case class QEP(
object QEP{
val key = "shrine.queryEntryPoint."
def apply(parsedConfig:ParsedConfig):QEP = QEP(
maxQueryWaitTimeMinutes = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "maxQueryWaitTime.minutes", "0").toInt,
create = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "create","") == "true",
attachSigningCert = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "attachSigningCert","") == "true",
authorizationType = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "authorizationType",""),
includeAggregateResults = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "includeAggregateResults","") == "true",
authenticationType = parsedConfig.configMap.getOrElse(key + "authenticationType", ""),
audit = Audit(parsedConfig),
shrineSteward = Steward(parsedConfig),
broadcasterServiceEndpointUrl = parsedConfig.configMap.get(key + "broadcasterServiceEndpoint.url")
//adapted from
object gruntWatchCorsSupport extends Directive0 with RouteConcatenation {
import spray.http.AllOrigins
import spray.http.HttpHeaders.{`Access-Control-Allow-Headers`, `Access-Control-Allow-Methods`, `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, `Access-Control-Max-Age`}
import spray.http.HttpMethods.{GET, OPTIONS, POST}
import spray.routing.directives.MethodDirectives.options
import spray.routing.directives.RespondWithDirectives.respondWithHeaders
import spray.routing.directives.RouteDirectives.complete
private val allowOriginHeader = `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`(AllOrigins)
private val optionsCorsHeaders = List(
`Access-Control-Allow-Headers`("Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Host, Referer, User-Agent, Authorization"),
`Access-Control-Max-Age`(1728000)) //20 days
val gruntWatch:Boolean = ConfigSource.config.getBoolean("shrine.dashboard.gruntWatch")
override def happly(f: (HNil) => Route): Route = {
if(gruntWatch) {
options {
respondWithHeaders(`Access-Control-Allow-Methods`(OPTIONS, GET, POST) :: allowOriginHeader :: optionsCorsHeaders){
} ~ f(HNil)
else f(HNil)

Event Timeline