package net.shrine.dashboard.httpclient import import net.shrine.log.Loggable import spray.can.Http import import{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import spray.http.{HttpEntity, StatusCodes, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Uri} import spray.routing.{RequestContext, Route} import akka.pattern.ask import scala.concurrent.{TimeoutException, Await, Future, blocking} import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt import scala.language.postfixOps import import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * From with extra bits from . * Replace when Spray has its own version. * * @author david * @since 9/14/15 */ trait HttpClientDirectives extends Loggable { /** * Proxy the request to the specified base uri appended with the unmatched path. * */ def forwardUnmatchedPath(baseUri: Uri)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Route = { def completeWithEntityAsString(httpResponse:HttpResponse,uri:Uri):Route = { ctx => { ctx.complete(httpResponse.entity.asString) } } requestWithUnmatchedPath(baseUri,completeWithEntityAsString) } /** * Make the request to the specified base uri appended with the unmatched path, then use the returned entity (as a string) to complete the route. * */ def requestWithUnmatchedPath(baseUri:Uri, route:(HttpResponse,Uri) => Route)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Route = { ctx => { val resourceUri = baseUri.withPath(baseUri.path.++(ctx.unmatchedPath)) requestUriThenRoute(resourceUri,route)(system)(ctx) } } /** * proxy the request to the specified uri with the unmatched path, then use the returned entity (as a string) to complete the route. * */ def requestUriThenRoute(resourceUri:Uri, route:(HttpResponse,Uri) => Route)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Route = { ctx => { val httpResponse = httpResponseForUri(resourceUri,ctx) handleCommonErrorsOrRoute(route)(httpResponse,resourceUri)(ctx) } } private def httpResponseForUri(resourceUri:Uri,ctx: RequestContext)(implicit system: ActorSystem):HttpResponse = { if(resourceUri.scheme == "classpath") ClasspathResourceHttpClient.loadFromResource(resourceUri.path.toString()) else HttpClient.webApiCall(HttpRequest(ctx.request.method,resourceUri)) } def handleCommonErrorsOrRoute(route:(HttpResponse,Uri) => Route)(httpResponse: HttpResponse,uri:Uri): Route = { ctx => { if(httpResponse.status != StatusCodes.OK) { //todo create and report a problem val ctxCopy: RequestContext = ctx.withHttpResponseMapped(_.copy(status = httpResponse.status)) ctxCopy.complete(s"$uri replied with $httpResponse") } else route(httpResponse,uri)(ctx) } } } object HttpClientDirectives extends HttpClientDirectives /** * A simple HttpClient to use inside the HttpDirectives */ object HttpClient extends Loggable { def webApiCall(request:HttpRequest)(implicit system: ActorSystem): HttpResponse = { val transport: ActorRef = IO(Http)(system) debug(s"Requesting $request") blocking { val future:Future[HttpResponse] = for { response <- transport.ask(request)(10 seconds).mapTo[HttpResponse] } yield response try { Await.result(future, 10 seconds) } catch { case x:TimeoutException => HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.RequestTimeout,entity = HttpEntity(s"${request.uri} timed out after 10 seconds. ${x.getMessage}")) //todo is there a better message? What comes up in real life? case NonFatal(x) => { info(s"${request.uri} failed with ${x.getMessage}",x) HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.InternalServerError,entity = HttpEntity(s"${request.uri} failed with ${x.getMessage}")) } } } } } /** * For testing, get an HttpResponse for a classpath resource */ object ClasspathResourceHttpClient extends Loggable { def loadFromResource(resourceName:String):HttpResponse = { blocking { val cleanResourceName = if (resourceName.startsWith ("/") ) resourceName.drop(1) else resourceName val classLoader = getClass.getClassLoader try { val is: InputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream (cleanResourceName) val string:String = (is).mkString HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(string)) } catch{ case NonFatal(x) => { info(s"Could not load $resourceName",x) HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.NotFound,entity = HttpEntity(s"Could not load $resourceName due to ${x.getMessage}")) } } } } }