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package net.shrine.dashboard
import net.shrine.problem.ProblemDigest
import slick.driver.H2Driver.api._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Test creation, insertion, querying, and deletion of ProblemDigest values into an
* in-memory sqlite3 database. Demonstrates proof of concept mapping of ProblemDigest
* case class into a database.
class DashboardProblemDatabaseTest extends FlatSpec with BeforeAndAfter with ScalaFutures with Matchers {
implicit val timeout = 10.seconds
val connector = ProblemDatabaseConnector(DBUrls.H2Mem)
val problemDigests = Seq(
// Not actually sure what examples of ProblemDigests look like
ProblemDigest("MJPG", "01:01:01", "summary here", "description here" , <details>uh not sure</details>),
ProblemDigest("wewu", "01:02:01", "coffee spill", "coffee everywhere" , <details>He chose decaf</details>),
ProblemDigest("wuwu", "02:01:01", "squirrel" , "chewed all the cables", <details>Like ALL of them</details>),
ProblemDigest("code", "10:01:02", "such summary", "such description" , <details>Wow</details>))
before {
connector.runBlocking(connector.tableExists) shouldBe false
connector.runBlocking(connector.createIfNotExists >> connector.tableExists) shouldBe true
connector.runBlocking(connector.selectAll) shouldBe empty
after {
connector.runBlocking(connector.tableExists) shouldBe true
connector.runBlocking(connector.problems.schema.drop >> connector.tableExists) shouldBe false
"The Database" should "Connect without any problems" in {
// Insert the suppliers and ProblemDigests
connector.executeTransactionBlocking(connector.problems ++= problemDigests)
// Test that they are all in the table
var * = connector.runBlocking(connector.selectAll)
* should contain theSameElementsAs problemDigests
* should have length problemDigests.length
// Reset the table
connector.runBlocking(connector.resetTable >> connector.selectAll) shouldBe empty
// Run the test again
connector.executeTransactionBlocking(connector.problems += problemDigests.head,
connector.problems += problemDigests(1),
connector.problems += problemDigests(2),
connector.problems += problemDigests(3))
// Test that they are all in the table
* = connector.runBlocking(connector.selectAll)
* should contain theSameElementsAs problemDigests
* should have length problemDigests.length
// Test that the simple select and filter queries work
val filtered = connector.runBlocking(connector.problems.filter(_.codec === "code").map(_.description).result)
filtered should have length 1
filtered.head shouldBe problemDigests(3).description
// This also tests that our conversion from xml to strings works
val xml = connector.runBlocking(
xml should have length problemDigests.length
xml should contain theSameElementsAs

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