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Fri, Sep 20, 09:13


package net.shrine.steward
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import courier.{Envelope, Text}
import net.shrine.authorization.steward.ResearcherToAudit
import net.shrine.log.Loggable
import net.shrine.steward.db.StewardDatabase
import spray.servlet.WebBoot
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import courier._
import java.util.Date
import net.shrine.config.{ConfigExtensions, DurationConfigParser}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
// this class is instantiated by the servlet initializer
// it needs to have a default constructor and implement
// the spray.servlet.WebBoot trait
class Boot extends WebBoot with Loggable {
info(s"StewardActors akka daemonic config is ${StewardConfigSource.config.getString("akka.daemonic")}")
val warmUp:Unit = StewardDatabase.warmUp()
// we need an ActorSystem to host our application in
val system = ActorSystem("StewardActors",StewardConfigSource.config)
// the service actor replies to incoming HttpRequests
val serviceActor = system.actorOf(Props[StewardServiceActor])
// if sending email alerts is on start a periodic polling of the database at a fixed time every day.
// if either the volume or time conditions are met, send an email to the data steward asking for an audit
val config = StewardConfigSource.config
val emailConfig = config.getConfig("shrine.steward.emailDataSteward")
if(emailConfig.getBoolean("sendAuditEmails")) {
try {
info(s"DSA will request audits from ${}")
system.scheduler.schedule(initialDelay = 0 milliseconds, //todo figure out how to handle the initial delay
interval = emailConfig.get("interval", DurationConfigParser.parseDuration),
receiver = system.actorOf(Props[AuditEmailerActor]),
catch {
case NonFatal(x) => warn("DSA will not email audit requests due to exception",x)
case x:ExceptionInInitializerError => warn("DSA will not email audit requests due to exception",x)
} //todo a new problem
//todo use this to figure out what if any initial delay should be. Maybe if the interval is >= 1 day then the delay will send the email so many hours passed either the previous or the next midnight
def previousMidnight: Long = {
import java.util.Calendar
val c = Calendar.getInstance()
val now = c.getTimeInMillis()
c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0)
c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0)
c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0)
c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
class AuditEmailerActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {case _ => AuditEmailer.audit()}
object AuditEmailer {
val config = StewardConfigSource.config
val mailer = ConfiguredMailer.createMailerFromConfig(config.getConfig(""))
val emailConfig = config.getConfig("shrine.steward.emailDataSteward")
val maxQueryCountBetweenAudits = emailConfig.getInt("maxQueryCountBetweenAudits")
val minTimeBetweenAudits = emailConfig.get("minTimeBetweenAudits",DurationConfigParser.parseDuration)
val researcherLineTemplate = emailConfig.getString("researcherLine")
val emailTemplate = emailConfig.getString("emailBody")
val emailSubject = emailConfig.getString("subject")
val from = emailConfig.get("from",new InternetAddress(_))
val to = emailConfig.get("to",new InternetAddress(_))
val stewardBaseUrl: Option[String] = config.getOption("stewardBaseUrl",_.getString)
def audit() = {
//gather a list of users to audit
val researchersToAudit: Seq[ResearcherToAudit] = StewardDatabase.db.selectResearchersToAudit(maxQueryCountBetweenAudits,
if (researchersToAudit.nonEmpty){
val auditLines = researchersToAudit.sortBy(_.count) { researcher =>
.replaceAll("LAST_AUDIT_DATE",new Date(researcher.leastRecentQueryDate).toString)
//build up the email body
val withLines = emailTemplate.replaceAll("AUDIT_LINES",auditLines)
val withBaseUrl = stewardBaseUrl.fold(withLines)(withLines.replaceAll("STEWARD_BASE_URL",_))
val emailBody = Text(withBaseUrl)
val envelope:Envelope = Envelope.from(from).to(to).subject(emailSubject).content(emailBody)
//send the email
val future = mailer(envelope)
//todo what happens if it can't send? maybe a Try block and drop a problem
val result: Unit = Await.result(future, 60.seconds)

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