package net.shrine.hornetqclient import java.util.UUID import <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD import net.shrine.config.ConfigExtensions import net.shrine.hornetqmom.{MessageSerializer, QueueSerializer} ======= import net.shrine.hornetqmom.{MessageContainer, QueueSerializer} >>>>>>> fixed conflicts ======= import net.shrine.hornetqmom.MessageContainer >>>>>>> implemented Dave's review comments import net.shrine.log.Loggable import net.shrine.messagequeueservice.{Message, MessageQueueService, Queue} import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.Serialization import import spray.http.{HttpEntity, HttpMethods, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, StatusCode, StatusCodes} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} /** * A simple HornetQMomWebClient that uses HornetQMomWebApi to createQueue, * deleteQueue, sendMessage, receiveMessage, getQueues, and sendReceipt * * @author yifan * @since 8/10/17 */ object HornetQMomWebClient extends MessageQueueService with Loggable { // we need an ActorSystem to host our application in implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("momServer", ConfigSource.config) val webClientTimeOutSecond: Duration = ConfigSource.config.get("shrine.messagequeue.hornetq.webClientTimeOutSecond", Duration(_)) // TODO in SHRINE-2167: Extract and share a SHRINE actor system // the service actor replies to incoming HttpRequests // implicit val serviceActor: ActorRef = startServiceActor() // def startActorSystem(): ActorSystem = try { // val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("momServer", ConfigSource.config) // info(s"Starting ActorSystem: ${} for HornetQMomWebClient at time: ${actorSystem.startTime}") // actorSystem // } catch { // case NonFatal(x) => { // debug(s"NonFatalException thrown while starting ActorSystem for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}") // throw x // } // case x: ExceptionInInitializerError => { // debug(s"ExceptionInInitializerError thrown while starting ActorSystem for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}") // throw x // } // } // // def startServiceActor(): ActorRef = try { // // the service actor replies to incoming HttpRequests // val actor: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[HornetQMomWebClientServiceActor]) // info(s"Starting ServiceActor: ${actor.toString()} for HornetQMomWebClient") // actor // } // catch { // case NonFatal(x) => { // debug(s"NonFatalException thrown while starting ServiceActor for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}") // throw x // } // case x: ExceptionInInitializerError => { // debug(s"ExceptionInInitializerError thrown while starting ServiceActor for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}") // throw x // } // } val momUrl: String = ConfigSource.config.getString("shrine.messagequeue.hornetq.serverUrl") override def createQueueIfAbsent(queueName: String): Try[Queue] = { val proposedQueue: Queue = Queue(queueName) val createQueueUrl = momUrl + s"/createQueue/${}" val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, createQueueUrl) for { response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOutSecond)) queue: Queue <- queueFromResponse(response) } yield queue } def queueFromResponse(response: HttpResponse):Try[Queue] = Try { if(response.status == StatusCodes.Created) { val queueString = response.entity.asString implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) read[Queue](queueString)(formats, manifest[Queue]) } else { if((response.status == StatusCodes.NotFound) || (response.status == StatusCodes.RequestTimeout))throw new CouldNotCreateQueueButOKToRetryException(response.status,response.entity.asString) else throw new IllegalStateException(s"Response status is ${response.status}, not Created. Cannot make a queue from this response: ${response.entity.asString}") //todo more specific custom exception SHRINE-2213 } }.transform({ s => Success(s) },{throwable => throwable match { case NonFatal(x) => error(s"Unable to create a Queue from '${response.entity.asString}' due to exception",throwable) //todo probably want to wrap more information into a new Throwable here SHRINE-2213 case _ => } Failure(throwable) }) override def deleteQueue(queueName: String): Try[Unit] = { val proposedQueue: Queue = Queue(queueName) val deleteQueueUrl = momUrl + s"/deleteQueue/${}" val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, deleteQueueUrl) Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOutSecond)) // StatusCodes.OK } override def queues: Try[Seq[Queue]] = { val getQueuesUrl = momUrl + s"/getQueues" val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, getQueuesUrl) for { response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOutSecond)) allQueues: Seq[Queue] <- Try { val allQueues: String = response.entity.asString implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) read[Seq[Queue]](allQueues)(formats, manifest[Seq[Queue]]) } } yield allQueues } override def send(contents: String, to: Queue): Try[Unit] = { debug(s"send to $to '$contents'") val sendMessageUrl = momUrl + s"/sendMessage/${}" val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest( method = HttpMethods.PUT, uri = sendMessageUrl, entity = HttpEntity(contents) //todo set contents as XML or json SHRINE-2215 ) for { response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOutSecond)) } yield response } //todo test receiving no message SHRINE-2213 override def receive(from: Queue, timeout: Duration): Try[Option[Message]] = { val seconds = timeout.toSeconds val receiveMessageUrl = momUrl + s"/receiveMessage/${}?timeOutSeconds=$seconds" val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, receiveMessageUrl) for { response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOutSecond)) messageResponse: Option[Message] <- messageOptionFromResponse(response) } yield messageResponse } def messageOptionFromResponse(response: HttpResponse):Try[Option[Message]] = Try { if(response.status == StatusCodes.NotFound) None else if (response.status == StatusCodes.OK) Some { val responseString = response.entity.asString MessageContainer.fromJson(responseString) } else { throw new IllegalStateException(s"Response status is ${response.status}, not OK or NotFound. Cannot make a Message from this response: ${response.entity.asString}") } }.transform({ s => val hornetQMessage = => HornetQClientMessage(UUID.fromString(, msg.contents)) Success(hornetQMessage) },{throwable => throwable match { case NonFatal(x) => error(s"Unable to create a Message from '${response.entity.asString}' due to exception",throwable) //todo probably want to report a Problem here SHRINE-2216 case _ => } Failure(throwable) }) case class HornetQClientMessage private(messageID: UUID, messageContent: String) extends Message { override def complete(): Try[Unit] = { val entity: HttpEntity = HttpEntity(messageID.toString) val completeMessageUrl: String = s"$momUrl/acknowledge" val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, completeMessageUrl).withEntity(entity) for { response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request)).transform({r => info(s"Message ${this.messageID} completed with ${r.status}") Success(r) }, { throwable => debug(s"Message ${this.messageID} failed in its complete process due to ${throwable.getMessage}") Failure(throwable) }) } yield response } } } case class CouldNotCreateQueueButOKToRetryException(status:StatusCode,contents:String) extends Exception(s"Could not create a queue due to status code $status with message '$contents'") // TODO in SHRINE-2167: Extract and share a SHRINE actor system //class HornetQMomWebClientServiceActor extends Actor with MetaDataService { // // // the HttpService trait defines only one abstract member, which // // connects the services environment to the enclosing actor or test // def actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory = context // // // this actor only runs our route, but you could add // // other things here, like request stream processing // // or timeout handling // def receive: Receive = runRoute(route) // // override implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = // // override def system: ActorSystem = context.system //}