package net.shrine.messagequeueservice.protocol import net.shrine.util.Versions import org.json4s.ShortTypeHints import org.json4s.native.Serialization import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} /** * A json-friendly container for unpacking different messages of known types based on metadata. * * @author david * @since 9/7/17 */ //if you need to add fields to this case class they must be Options with default values of None to support serializing to and from JSON case class Envelope( contentsType:String, contents:String, shrineVersion:String = Versions.version) { def decode[T](decoder:String => T):Try[T] = Try{ decoder(contents) } def toJson:String = { Serialization.write(this)(Envelope.envelopeFormats) } def checkVersionExactMatch: Try[Envelope] = { if(shrineVersion == Versions.version) Success(this) else Failure(VersionMismatchException(shrineVersion)) } } case class VersionMismatchException(badVersion:String) extends Exception(s"Cannot use an Envelope with version $badVersion in ${Versions.version}") object Envelope { val envelopeFormats = Serialization.formats(ShortTypeHints(List(classOf[Envelope]))) def fromJson(jsonString:String):Try[Envelope] = Try{ implicit val formats = envelopeFormats[Envelope](jsonString) } }