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* @projectDescription Tool for interacting with standard Communicator objects within the web client (controller code).
* @inherits i2b2
* @namespace i2b2.ExampComm
* @author Nick Benik, Griffin Weber MD PhD
* @version 1.3
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* updated 3-3-09: Initial Launch [Nick Benik]
i2b2.ExampComm.Init = function(loadedDiv) {
// this function is called after the HTML is loaded into the viewer DIV
var selTrgt = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-objList")[0];
for (var mname in i2b2) {
if (i2b2[mname].ajax) {
if (Object.getClass(i2b2[mname].ajax) == "i2b2Base_communicator") {
var t = "i2b2." + mname + ".ajax";
var n = new Option(t, t);
selTrgt.options[selTrgt.length] = n;
// populate function call list for defaultly selected communicator
if (selTrgt.length > -1) {
i2b2.ExampComm.model.commObj = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-objList")[0].value;
// manage YUI tabs
var cfgObj = {activeIndex : 0};
this.yuiTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("ExampComm-TABS", cfgObj);
this.yuiTabs.on('activeTabChange', function(ev) {
//Tabs have changed
if (ev.newValue.get('id')=="ExampComm-TAB1") {
i2b2.ExampComm.buildMsg = function(){
var tag_values = {};
var self = i2b2.ExampComm.model;
var vals = {};
var noesc = [];
var cc = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV.taglist DIV.tagrow");
for (var i = 0; i < cc.length; i++) {
var tname = cc[i].select('.fieldname')[0].innerHTML;
var tval = cc[i].select('textarea')[0].value;
if (i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tname] && !i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tname].escaped) {
tval = i2b2.h.Unescape(tval);
i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tname].value = tval;
vals[tname] = tval;
if (i == 0) {
// no input grid variables were processed...
$$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV.ExampComm-MainContent DIV.results-msgs")[0].hide();
$$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV.ExampComm-MainContent DIV.results-directions")[0].show();
// apply message values to message template
i2b2.h.EscapeTemplateVars(vals, noesc);
var syntax = /(^|.|\r|\n)(\{{{\s*(\w+)\s*}}})/; //matches symbols like '{{{ field }}}'
var t = new Template(self.msg, syntax);
var sMessage = t.evaluate(vals);
self.SendMsg = i2b2.h.Escape(sMessage);
// display in GUI
$$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV.ExampComm-MainContent DIV.results-directions")[0].hide();
$$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV.ExampComm-MainContent DIV.results-msgs")[0].show();
var msgPREs = $$("DIV#ExampComm-TABS DIV.results-msgs TABLE PRE");
msgPREs[0].innerHTML = self.SendMsg;
msgPREs[1].innerHTML = "Waiting for response...";
// build callback handler to be executed when the Communicator results are returned (ASYNC method)
var scoped_callback = new i2b2_scopedCallback;
scoped_callback.scope = msgPREs[1];
scoped_callback.callback = function(cbResults){
this.innerHTML = i2b2.h.Escape(cbResults.msgResponse);
// fire the request
var commObjRef = eval("("+self.commObj+")");
commObjRef[self.commFunc]("PLUGIN:CommunicatorTool", vals, scoped_callback);
i2b2.ExampComm.Unload = function() {
// this function is called before the plugin is unloaded by the framework
return true;
i2b2.ExampComm.addCommObj = function(){
var cn = prompt("Please enter the namespace of the Standard Communicator object within the web client.","i2b2.PLUGINCODE.ajax");
if (!cn) { return; }
try {
if (i2b2.h.isBadObjPath(cn)) {
alert("Sorry, an error occurred while trying to access the object. Recheck the object's location within the framework's namespace and try again.");
var co = eval("("+cn+")");
if (Object.getClass(co) == "i2b2Base_communicator") {
// we should really be checking to see if the object is already listed
var selTrgt = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-objList")[0];
var n = new Option(cn, cn);
selTrgt.options[selTrgt.length] = n;
} else {
alert("The object was found but is not a standard Communicator object created by i2b2.hive.communicatorFactory()");
} catch (e) {
alert("Sorry, an general error has occurred.");
i2b2.ExampComm.loadCalls = function(commNamespace){
var selTrgt = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-funcList")[0];
// delete function call list
while (selTrgt.firstChild) {
// populate list
try {
if (i2b2.h.isBadObjPath(commNamespace)) {
alert("Sorry, an error occurred while trying to access the object. Recheck the object's location within the framework's namespace and try again.");
var co = eval("("+commNamespace+")");
if (Object.getClass(co) == "i2b2Base_communicator") {
// read all the AJAX calls registered to the object
for (var fn in co._commData) {
var n = new Option(fn, fn);
selTrgt.options[selTrgt.length] = n;
} else {
alert("The object was found but is not a standard Communicator object created by i2b2.hive.communicatorFactory()");
} catch (e) {
alert("Sorry, an general error has occurred.");
i2b2.ExampComm.getTemplateVars = function(){
try {
var co = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-objList")[0].value;
var cc = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-funcList")[0].value;
if (co.length < 1 || cc.length < 1) {
return false;
var commObj = eval("(" + co + ")");
var commMsg = commObj._commData[cc];
var syntax = /(^|.|\r|\n)(\{{{\s*(\w+)\s*}}})/; //matches symbols like '{{{ field }}}'
var tags = [];
commMsg.msg.scan(syntax, function(match){ tags.push(match[3])});
tags = tags.uniq();
var ret = {
tags: tags,
noEscape: commMsg.dont_escape_params,
msg: commMsg.msg
// proxy server data
ret.proxy_info = ''
var sUrl = i2b2[commObj.ParentCell].cfg.cellURL;
sUrl = i2b2.h.Escape(sUrl);
var t = new Template(commMsg.url, syntax);
sUrl = t.evaluate({URL: sUrl});
ret.funcURL = sUrl;
var sProxy_Url = i2b2.h.getProxy();
if (sProxy_Url) {
ret.proxy_info = '<proxy>\n <redirect_url>' + sUrl + '</redirect_url>\n </proxy>\n';
} else {
sProxy_Url = sUrl;
ret.proxyURL = sProxy_Url;
return ret;
catch (e) {
return false;
i2b2.ExampComm.createTemplateGrid = function(){
var co = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-objList")[0].value;
var cc = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv SELECT#ExampComm-funcList")[0].value;
var domContainer = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV.taglist")[0];
var xTemplate = $('ExampComm-tagrowTEMPLATE');
var xTags = i2b2.ExampComm.getTemplateVars();
// save in global model
i2b2.ExampComm.model.commObj = co;
i2b2.ExampComm.model.commFunc = cc;
i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags = {};
i2b2.ExampComm.model.msg = xTags.msg;
// clear existing input grid
while (domContainer.firstChild) {
for (var i = 0; i < xTags.tags.length; i++) {
var tagname = xTags.tags[i];
i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tagname] = {};
// clone the record DIV and add it to the display list
var rec = xTemplate.cloneNode(true); ="";
// change the fieldname
var part =, '.fieldname')[0];
part.innerHTML = tagname;
// is the field escaped
var part =,'.escaped')[0];
if (xTags.noEscape.indexOf(tagname) != -1) {
part.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tagname].escaped = false;
} else {
i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tagname].escaped = true;
// populate the default values of common tags
var tag_val = '';
switch (tagname) {
case "proxy_info":
tag_val = xTags.proxy_info;
case "sec_user":
tag_val = i2b2.h.getUser();
case "sec_pass_node":
case "sec_pass":
tag_val = i2b2.h.getPass();
case "sec_domain":
tag_val = i2b2.h.getDomain();
case "sec_project":
tag_val = i2b2.h.getProject();
case "header_msg_id":
tag_val = i2b2.h.GenerateAlphaNumId(20);
case "result_wait_time":
tag_val = 180;
case "header_msg_datetime":
tag_val = i2b2.h.GenerateISO8601DateTime();
var part =, 'TEXTAREA')[0];
part.value = tag_val;
i2b2.ExampComm.model.tags[tagname].value = tag_val;
// remove the break line if we are the last row
if (i == xTags.tags.length - 1) {
part ='.bline')[0]; = "none";
// attach the record into our DOM tree
i2b2.ExampComm.getResults = function() {
// Refresh the display with info of the SDX record that was DragDropped
if (i2b2.ExampComm.model.dirtyResultsData) {
var dropRecord = i2b2.ExampComm.model.currentRec;
$$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV#ExampComm-TABS DIV.results-directions")[0].hide();
$$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV#ExampComm-TABS DIV.results-finished")[0].show();
var sdxDisplay = $$("DIV#ExampComm-mainDiv DIV#ExampComm-InfoSDX")[0];, '.sdxDisplayName')[0].innerHTML = dropRecord.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName;, '.sdxType')[0].innerHTML = dropRecord.sdxInfo.sdxType;, '.sdxControlCell')[0].innerHTML = dropRecord.sdxInfo.sdxControlCell;, '.sdxKeyName')[0].innerHTML = dropRecord.sdxInfo.sdxKeyName;, '.sdxKeyValue')[0].innerHTML = dropRecord.sdxInfo.sdxKeyValue;
// we must escape the xml text or the browser will attempt to interpret it as HTML
var xmlDisplay = i2b2.h.Xml2String(dropRecord.origData.xmlOrig);
xmlDisplay = '<pre>'+i2b2.h.Escape(xmlDisplay)+'</pre>';, '.originalXML')[0].innerHTML = xmlDisplay;
// optimization - only requery when the input data is changed
i2b2.ExampComm.model.dirtyResultsData = false;

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