connect middleware for adding any script to the response, this is a forked version of connect-livereload.
This is a slightly modified version of connect-livereload all the credits go to the author.
For further documentation refer to the author's repo connect-livereload.
bash npm install connect-inject --save-dev
git git clone
this middleware can be used to inject any sort of content into the webpage e.g. [Livereload, Weinre etc]
snippet: string | Array
snippet now accepts either string or an array which will be inserted at the bottom of the page by default.
connect/express example
javascript app.use(require('connect-inject')({ snippet: "<script>alert('hello world');</script>" }));
Options are not mandatory: app.use(require('connect-inject')()); The Options have to be provided when the middleware is loaded:
app.use(require('connect-inject')({ snippet: "<script>alert('hello world');</script>", ignore: ['.js', '.svg'] }));
These are the available options with the following defaults:
javascript // these files will be ignored ignore: ['.js', '.css', '.svg', '.ico', '.woff', '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'], // this function is used to determine if the content of `res.write` or `res.end` is html. html: function (str) { return /<[:_-\w\s\!\/\=\"\']+>/i.test(str); }, // rules are provided to find the place where the snippet should be inserted. // the main problem is that on the server side it can be tricky to determine if a string will be valid html on the client. // the function `fn` of the first `match` is executed like this `body.replace(rule.match, rule.fn);` // the function `fn` has got the arguments `fn(w, s)` where `w` is the matches string and `s` is the snippet. rules: [{ match: /<\/body>/, fn: prepend }, { match: /<\/html>/, fn: prepend }, { match: /<\!DOCTYPE.+>/, fn: append }], // snippet taks a string argument which can be anything you want, and will be appended (by default) before </body> tag snippet: "<script>alert('hello world');</script>"
grunt example
The following example is from an actual Gruntfile that uses grunt-contrib-connect
javascript connect: { options: { port: 3000, hostname: 'localhost' }, dev: { options: { middleware: function (connect) { return [ require('connect-inject')({ snippet: "<script>alert('hello world');</script>"}), mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'), mountFolder(connect, 'app') ]; } } } }
For use as middleware in grunt simply add the following to the top of your array of middleware.
javascript require('connect-inject')(),
You can pass in options to this call if you do not want the defaults.
dev is simply the name of the server being used with the task grunt connect:dev. The other items in the middleware array are all functions that either are of the form function (req, res, next) like checkForDownload or return that like mountFolder(connect, 'something').
This is a slightly modified version of connect-livereload all the credits go to the author.