!> !> @file fit2d1d.f90 !> !> @brief !> !> @copyright !> Copyright (©) 2021 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) !> SPC (Swiss Plasma Center) !> !> SPClibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under !> the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free !> Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) !> any later version. !> !> SPClibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY !> WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS !> FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. !> !> You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License !> along with this program. If not, see . !> !> @author !> (in alphabetical order) !> @author Trach-Minh Tran !> PROGRAM main ! ! Fit 2d grid value function to a 2d spline of any order ! Interpolating on an grid (x_i,y_j) or a set of particle ! positions (x_p,y_p). ! USE bsplines ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx, ny, nidbas(2), mbes, dims(2) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nptx=100, npty=100 DOUBLE PRECISION :: pi, coefx(5), coefy(5) DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: xgrid(:),ygrid(:),fgrid(:,:),bcoefs(:,:) DOUBLE PRECISION :: dx, dy, xpt(nptx), ypt(npty) DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(nptx,npty) :: fcalc, fexact, errs DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(nptx*npty) :: xp, yp, fcalcp, fexactp, errsp TYPE(spline2d) :: splxy DOUBLE PRECISION :: mem INTEGER :: i, j ! NAMELIST /newrun/ nx, ny, nidbas, mbes, coefx, coefy !=========================================================================== ! 1.0 Prologue ! ! Read in data specific to run ! nx = 8 ! Number of intevals in x ny = 8 ! Number of intevals in y nidbas = (/3,3/) ! Degree of splines mbes = 2 coefx(1:5) = (/1.0d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0/) ! Mesh point distribution function coefy(1:5) = (/1.0d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0/) ! Mesh point distribution function ! READ(*,newrun) WRITE(*,newrun) ! ! Define grid on x axis ! pi = 4.0d0*ATAN(1.0d0) ALLOCATE(xgrid(0:nx), ygrid(0:ny), fgrid(0:nx,0:ny)) xgrid(0) = 0.0d0; xgrid(nx) = 1.0d0 CALL meshdist(coefx, xgrid, nx) ygrid(0) = 0.0d0; ygrid(ny) = 2.d0*pi CALL meshdist(coefy, ygrid, ny) fgrid = func(xgrid,ygrid) !=========================================================================== ! 2.0 Spline interpolation ! ! Setup the spline interpolation CALL set_splcoef(nidbas, xgrid, ygrid, splxy, (/.FALSE., .TRUE./)) ! ! Compute spline interpolation coefficients CALL get_dim(splxy, dims) ALLOCATE(bcoefs(dims(1),dims(2))) WRITE(*,'(a,2i4)') 'Dims of spline', dims ! CALL get_splcoef(splxy, fgrid, bcoefs) !=========================================================================== ! 2.0 Check interpolation ! dx=(xgrid(nx)-xgrid(0))/REAL(nptx-1) dy=(ygrid(ny)-ygrid(0))/REAL(npty-1) DO i=1,nptx xpt(i) = xgrid(0) + (i-1)*dx END DO DO i=1,npty ypt(i) = ygrid(0) + (i-1)*dy END DO fexact = func(xpt,ypt) CALL gridval(splxy, xpt, ypt, fcalc, (/0,0/), bcoefs) errs = fcalc-fexact WRITE(*,*) 'Using the GRIDVAL2D2D' WRITE(*,'(a,2(1pe12.3))') 'Min max or errors', MINVAL(errs), MAXVAL(errs) ! ! The 2d1d version WRITE(*,*) 'Using the GRIDVAL2D1D' CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(xp) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(yp) yp=2.0*pi*yp fexactp = func1(xp,yp) !!$ CALL gridval(splxy, xp, yp, fcalcp, (/0,0/), bcoefs) CALL gridval(splxy, xp, yp, fcalcp, (/0,0/)) errsp = fcalcp-fexactp WRITE(*,'(a,2(1pe12.3))') 'Min max or errors', MINVAL(errsp), MAXVAL(errsp) !=========================================================================== ! 9.0 Epilogue ! DEALLOCATE(bcoefs) DEALLOCATE(xgrid, ygrid, fgrid) CALL destroy_sp(splxy) ! CONTAINS FUNCTION func(x,y) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: x(:), y(:) DOUBLE PRECISION :: func(SIZE(x), SIZE(y)) DOUBLE PRECISION :: zy INTEGER :: j DO j=1,SIZE(y) zy = -mbes * SIN(mbes*y(j)) func(:,j) =(1-x(:)**2) * x(:)**mbes * zy END DO END FUNCTION func FUNCTION func1(x,y) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: x(:), y(:) DOUBLE PRECISION :: func1(SIZE(x)) DOUBLE PRECISION :: zy INTEGER :: j DO j=1,SIZE(x) zy = -mbes * SIN(mbes*y(j)) func1(j) =(1-x(j)**2) * x(j)**mbes * zy END DO END FUNCTION func1 ! FUNCTION norm2(x) ! ! Compute the 2-norm of array x ! DOUBLE PRECISION :: norm2 DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: x(:) DOUBLE PRECISION :: sum2 INTEGER :: i ! sum2 = 0.0d0 DO i=1,SIZE(x,1) sum2 = sum2 + x(i)**2 END DO norm2 = SQRT(sum2) END FUNCTION norm2 END PROGRAM main