!> !> @file gyro.f90 !> !> @brief !> !> @copyright !> Copyright (©) 2021 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) !> SPC (Swiss Plasma Center) !> !> SPClibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under !> the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free !> Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) !> any later version. !> !> SPClibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY !> WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS !> FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. !> !> You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License !> along with this program. If not, see . !> !> @authors !> (in alphabetical order) !> @author Trach-Minh Tran !> PROGRAM main ! ! Gyro-average using splines. ! F(x)=cos(x) => \bar F(x,rho) = J_0(rho) cos(x) ! USE bsplines USE futils ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nx=10, nidbas=3, dim=nx+nidbas, npt=100, & & nrho=21, nnq=5 DOUBLE PRECISION :: xgrid(0:nx), fgrid(0:nx), coefs(dim) DOUBLE PRECISION :: xpt(npt), fcalc(npt), fexact(npt) DOUBLE PRECISION :: averf(0:nx), averfexact(0:nx) DOUBLE PRECISION, POINTER :: splines(:,:) TYPE(spline1d) :: spl DOUBLE PRECISION :: pi, twopi, dx, lperiod, dth DOUBLE PRECISION :: drho, rho(nrho), erraver(nrho,nnq) INTEGER :: i, j, nq(nnq) DOUBLE PRECISION :: dbesj0 ! CHARACTER(len=128) :: file='gyro.h5' INTEGER :: fid ! INTERFACE SUBROUTINE gyro(spl, xgrid, coefs, rho, nq, averf) USE bsplines TYPE(spline1d) :: spl DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: xgrid(0:), coefs(:), rho INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nq DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(out) :: averf(0:) END SUBROUTINE gyro END INTERFACE ! pi = 4.0d0*ATAN(1.0d0) twopi = 2.0d0*pi ! ! Create hdf5 file CALL creatf(file, fid, 'gyro Result File') CALL attach(fid, '/', 'NX', nx) CALL attach(fid, '/', 'NIDBAS', nidbas) ! ! Grid and function values dx = twopi/nx xgrid(0) = 0.0d0 DO i=1,nx xgrid(i) = xgrid(0) + i*dx END DO lperiod = xgrid(nx)-xgrid(0) fgrid = func(xgrid) ! ! Spline interpolation CALL set_splcoef(nidbas, xgrid, spl, period=.TRUE.) CALL get_splcoef(spl, fgrid, coefs) WRITE(*,'(a)') 'Spline coefficients' WRITE(*,'(i5,f12.4)') (i-1, coefs(i), i=1,dim) ! ! Error of interpolation CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(xpt) xpt = twopi*xpt CALL gridval(spl, xpt, fcalc, 0, coefs) fexact = func(xpt) !!$ WRITE(*,'(a)') 'Interpolated and exact f' !!$ WRITE(*,'(3(1pe12.3))') (xpt(i), fcalc(i), fexact(i), i=1,npt) WRITE(*,'(a,1pe12.3)') 'Interpolation error', norm2(fcalc-fexact) CALL putarr(fid, '/X', xpt) CALL putarr(fid, '/FEXACT', fexact, 'Exact values') CALL putarr(fid, '/FCALC', fcalc, 'Interpolated values') ! ! Gyro-averaged of F at grid points xgrid(0:nx-1) drho = 5.0d0/nrho DO i=1,nrho rho(i) = i*drho DO j=1,nnq nq(j) = 2**(j+1) CALL gyro(spl, xgrid, coefs, rho(i), nq(j), averf) averfexact = dbesj0(rho(i))*COS(xgrid) erraver(i,j) = norm2(averfexact-averf) END DO END DO ! WRITE(*,'(a,f8.3,i5)') 'averaged f at rho, nq =', rho(nrho), nq(nnq) WRITE(*,'(3(1pe12.3))') (xgrid(i),averf(i),averfexact(i), i=0,nx) CALL putarr(fid, '/XGRID', xgrid) CALL putarr(fid, '/AVERF', averf, 'Averaged F') CALL putarr(fid, '/AVERFEXACT', averfexact, 'Averaged F exact') ! CALL putarr(fid, '/RHO', rho) CALL putarr(fid, '/NQ', nq) CALL putarr(fid, '/ERRAVER', erraver) ! ! Clean up CALL destroy_sp(spl) CALL closef(fid) CONTAINS FUNCTION func(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: x(:) DOUBLE PRECISION :: func(SIZE(x)) func = COS(x) END FUNCTION func FUNCTION norm2(x) DOUBLE PRECISION :: norm2 DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: x(:) norm2 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(x,x)) END FUNCTION norm2 END PROGRAM main ! SUBROUTINE gyro(spl, xgrid, coefs, rho, nq, averf) ! ! Gyro-average using spline SPL and NQ point quadratire for ! theta-integration. ! USE bsplines IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(spline1d) :: spl DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(in) :: xgrid(0:), coefs(:), rho INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nq DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(out) :: averf(0:) ! DOUBLE PRECISION :: th(nq), wth(nq), xq(nq) DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: avermat(:,:) DOUBLE PRECISION :: pi, twopi, lperiod, dth DOUBLE PRECISION, POINTER :: splines(:,:) INTEGER :: i, j, iq, nx, dim ! pi = 4.0d0*ATAN(1.0d0) twopi = 2.0d0*pi ! ! Quadrature in theta dth = twopi/nq th(1) = -pi + dth/2.0d0 DO iq=2,nq th(iq) = th(iq-1)+dth END DO wth = dth ! ! Gyro-averaging matrix CALL get_dim(spl, dim, nx) lperiod = xgrid(nx)-xgrid(0) ALLOCATE(avermat(0:nx,dim)) DO i=0,nx xq = xgrid(i) + rho*COS(th) xq = xgrid(0) + MODULO(xq-xgrid(0), lperiod) CALL allsplines(spl, xq, splines) DO j=1,dim avermat(i,j) = DOT_PRODUCT(wth, splines(:,j))/twopi END DO END DO ! ! Gyro-averaged of F at grid points xgrid(0:nx) averf = MATMUL(avermat, coefs) ! DEALLOCATE(avermat) END SUBROUTINE gyro